OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #52

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Do you know this for fact? Are you a ob/gyne? I would think that medical call would be specific to each individual birth and it's possible complications. The call being made by their physician.
If it is common sense, please link your source.
My DIL was prescribed OXY after she had a C section. Of course she had told her Dr. she had no intentions of breast feeding. So was my grand DIL who did not have a C section but did have some injuries from the birth that I will not go into on here. Again she informed her Dr she would not be breastfeeding.

We have no idea what kind of birth Hanna had. We have no idea if she was breastfeeding.

But I agree with Loomis, it is my personal feeling Hanna was not taking opiates. I think she was the last to be killed so Jake could be sure and tell her how much of her family he had already killed to cause her as much pain as he could before he killed her. He may have purposely shot her first in a place he knew would not kill her instantly to prolong her pain and his pleasure.

Hi all! Long time lurker here, I’ve been following this case from the time it first broke. I was up nursing my twins who were born shortly before HR gave birth when I saw the news story first break. I’m sure it’s a case by case situation but I definitely was given opioids when I had my twins. When my best friend had both her kids she was given them as well. She delivered naturally and I had a c-section. Maybe our area is more lenient with them. I’m roughly a couple hours away from Pike County.

Editing to add: I was even nursing. I questioned my doctor about taking oxy and nursing and was told that it is fine. ‍♀️
Hi all! Long time lurker here, I’ve been following this case from the time it first broke. I was up nursing my twins who were born shortly before HR gave birth when I saw the news story first break. I’m sure it’s a case by case situation but I definitely was given opioids when I had my twins. When my best friend had both her kids she was given them as well. She delivered naturally and I had a c-section. Maybe our area is more lenient with them. I’m roughly a couple hours away from Pike County.

Editing to add: I was even nursing. I questioned my doctor about taking oxy and nursing and was told that it is fine. ‍♀️
Thanks for your input.
I was given opiates after all of my births. I also was a strictly breastfeeding mom. It was only for the first day of two with my first two, with the 3rd, it was almost two weeks. I have no idea what caused her foam cap, but I know that opiates after birth are not abnormal.
Wow, I actually trained as a midwife and I have never heard of opiates given for a relatively normal childbirth. Demerol during yes but never after. The only situation I can think of that it even might be an option is when the pubic bone separates. When I had my two c sections it was advil only. I'm in the NYC area and the hospitals I worked in were in NYC. Maybe there's a regional element. In any case, I still don't think that's what caused the foam.
Wow, I actually trained as a midwife and I have never heard of opiates given for a relatively normal childbirth. Demerol during yes but never after. The only situation I can think of that it even might be an option is when the pubic bone separates. When I had my two c sections it was advil only. I'm in the NYC area and the hospitals I worked in were in NYC. Maybe there's a regional element. In any case, I still don't think that's what caused the foam.

In a "relatively normal childbirth" there is usually no need for opiates or medication of any kind. Working L & D for any length of time will show you there is almost never a relatively normal childbirth. They push every intervention possible. Break the water, give a pit drip, push for an epidural, push for a section. They want the Pt in bed and quiet and then ship them to postpartum asap. Working with a midwife is a totally different situation. The goal with a midwife is as few interventions as possible, including pain meds, and let the body do what it was made to do. I've done it both ways. Working with a midwife was my easiest birth. My third child resulted in 33 stitches and surgery to remove an egg sized hematoma. There was nothing relatively normal about my hospital births. Therefore, opiates were necessary, even with no bone separation. There are numerous issues that require pain meds that can arise.

Even during a C section, that's not Advil in your IV. It's opiates given, plus an epidural. Then they want you up moving as soon as the epidural wears off enough. The opiate doesn't just dissipate at that moment. It lingers giving pain relief for many more hours.

That said, I agree that any pain meds she was or was not on had nothing to do with a foam cap. I think simply, she didn't die immediately.
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Do you know this for fact? Are you a ob/gyne? I would think that medical call would be specific to each individual birth and it's possible complications. The call being made by their physician.
If it is common sense, please link your source.

Common sense, what kind of excruciating pain after delivery would call for opioids? You link YOUR source. HR had no complications. JMO due to no link had any complications due to delivery.
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Common sense, what kind of excruciating pain after delivery would call for opioids? You link YOUR source. HR had no complications.
I am not stating any type of fact, you are.
Please share your qualifications or cite a valid link to make such a statement.
Perhaps you should consider applying to be a verified expert.
I am not stating any type of fact, you are.
Please share your qualifications or cite a valid link to make such a statement.
Perhaps you should consider applying to be a verified expert.

Just my opinion. Satisfied? Perhaps you should register as a local. LE? JMO again.
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All this has nothing to do with the murders but then again not much happening tonight. I have never seen IV opiates for a c-section. I was a midwife in NYC hospitals, not home birth situations we were around for some very complicated stuff and I don't consider pit, c-sections and epidurals complications. I'm sorry to hear about your hematoma fortunately I never had a patient experience that.
From what I have read in Forums and news media, I was under the impression DR was found in bed with a pillow over her face. I have never seen a mention that FR was beaten. It was said by BJM that CRsr looked like he was beaten in her 911 call.
If FR was shot first, HHG could very well have woken up terrified. I have read that CRjr was between his bed and the wall shot two times in the top of his head, so he very likely was hiding. Of course these are just my opinions and thoughts. Your thoughts and opinions may be different and that is fine. We have few facts to reach opinions.
I remember reading in an article so long ago that when JM opened DR's door he saw her legs sticking outward from her doorway into the hall. Anyone else remember this and what article it was? TIA
Common sense, what kind of excruciating pain after delivery would call for opioids? You link YOUR source. HR had no complications. JMO due to no link had any complications due to delivery.

It was known by family that she did have a hematoma following birth. I don't have a link anymore. I'm not saying she had any opiates. I think the foam cap was just a sign of her death. She may have been shot in the chest prior to her brain death.
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