OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #57

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AC is answering to a motion, but can't tell which one. Volume is too low to hear the judge.

They agree to something by the end of this year December 2020.

Defense is still wanting transcripts by Dec 31.

AC says they have already provided a summary of those calls they will use.

Providing 2 new lab reports today to defense, some other items will provide in next 30 days.

Some expert reports certified given to defense.

Motion re bond hearing. State will provide no evidence. Will have Agent Scheider testify about recordings?

Defense calling Ryan Scheider to stand, he's sworn in. Defense asked he remove his mask. Asking if he was special agent at time of murder, what he did. He took over as lead. Mike someone was lead for first 6 months or so, then he took over as lead.

All evidence did not go through him, only info about it. Said child custody was motive, Wagners were suspects. Ballistic, shoeprint evidence, recorded conversations, text messages, forged documents.

They're just fishing for evidence info before the trial.

Three caliber firearms 22 40 and 30? cal. Defendant fond of Glock firearms, had one 40 cal rifle linked to evidence at murder scene. Heard from his uncle. There's a Glock on GW4's list. List extracted from Jake's telephone. Didn't find the actual Glock firearm.

22 cal shell casings matched crime scene and those found property of GW. Same firearm, scientist at BCI told him, also an independent firearms examiner.
GW owned the property where the shell casings were found. Didn't find the weapon.

Shoe prints, scientist identified brand. Found video of GW's mother buying them. Match verified by outside lab and BCI. Have palm print evidence against Jake Wagner on photo of him holding the murder weapon. Photo of the 22 used in murders. No DNA evidence against George 4.

Forged document - defendant signed a forged document for custody of his son.
It was signed just prior to the murders. Document was forged for custody of Bulvine.

Three documents forged signed, but forged as if earlier than 2016, in 2014 and 2015. Grandmother said she did not notarize those documents, had not seen them, but was asked to lie.

Device of Google search evidence belonged to Jake, but Angela used it most. Laptop produced document that George signed that were forged.

Text messages - sometimes Facebook Messenger (I was right on this). Agents were trying to make contact with Jake while they were at Peterson Rd. George was on the property and texted his father telling him not to come down to the property.

Recorded statements - 8,000 recordings, also interviews. Several interviews - Jake interviewed with officers, he has interviewed Angela, two other agents interviewed George in AK. George states there were child custody issues with Rhodens, admits he lives in property. Family says they were all at Peterson Rd property that night. He would have heard if anyone left. Denies shoes were purchased for him, but Angela said they were bought for her sons.

Collected cell phones, didn't collect one from George. Any GPS, etc. They know where his phone was. It was on Peterson Rd. during murders (of course). George did make statements to third parties. She was present when family were together formulating a retaliation plan. About Dec 2018.

More to follow
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Scheiderer testimony

Did he have info that Wagners were coming back to Ohio. Nothing from them, had info they were trying to buy property in MO, mortgage fraud, so they moved to OH.

Interview in MT, done when Border Patrol contacted them. Were notified when they left, then notified by Border Patrol when they crossed.

Someone sent a message with weapon and suppressor something about this is a family emergency. Referring to a remote recording device with George Wagner. Overall, over 100 days of recordings of GW. He made incriminating statements about activities. One in response to a text Ryan sent him. Sent him photo of weapon identical to the murder weapon. Sparked a text from GW to the rest of the family emergency. They all began texting and calling each other. GW made numerous comments about harming Ryan, DeWine, make them pay, smash their face in.

Yes, he believes statements/texts George sent were incriminating.

JMO all sounds very incriminating.

AC clarifies 8,000 calls referred to those with pertinent information. Also told his brother he should have gotten rid of his phone. That phone had a list of all the guns they used in the murders. Wagners were very suspicious of being wiretapped. They mentioned it and told each other to wait until they got home to discuss things.

During first period in 2017, they made those comments. In 2018 said they were worried their phones, truck and home were bugged. Referred to as counter-surveillance. Re fingerprints - were any that matched anyone other than the victims - no there weren't. Agree there were a lot of preparation for this murders. Started around Feb 16. They all were very close, lived together. Finances intermingled. Said something about George III not living there except the night of the murders. All lived together most of the time, always worked together. Truck driving, mechanic work. When arrested, they were in a tandem truck driving team.
Scheiderer testimony

Did he have info that Wagners were coming back to Ohio. Nothing from them, had info they were trying to buy property in MO, mortgage fraud, so they moved to OH.

Interview in MT, done when Border Patrol contacted them. Were notified when they left, then notified by Border Patrol when they crossed.

Someone sent a message with weapon and suppressor something about this is a family emergency. Referring to a remote recording device with George Wagner. Overall, over 100 days of recordings of GW. He made incriminating statements about activities. One in response to a text Ryan sent him. Sent him photo of weapon identical to the murder weapon. Sparked a text from GW to the rest of the family emergency. They all began texting and calling each other. GW made numerous comments about harming Ryan, DeWine, make them pay, smash their face in.

Yes, he believes statements/texts George sent were incriminating.

JMO all sounds very incriminating.

AC clarifies 8,000 calls referred to those with pertinent information. Also told his brother he should have gotten rid of his phone. That phone had a list of all the guns they used in the murders. Wagners were very suspicious of being wiretapped. They mentioned it and told each other to wait until they got home to discuss things.

During first period in 2017, they made those comments. In 2018 said they were worried their phones, truck and home were bugged. Referred to as counter-surveillance. Re fingerprints - were any that matched anyone other than the victims - no there weren't. Agree there were a lot of preparation for this murders. Started around Feb 16. They all were very close, lived together. Finances intermingled. Said something about George III not living there except the night of the murders. All lived together most of the time, always worked together. Truck driving, mechanic work. When arrested, they were in a tandem truck driving team.
Wow thank you @Betty P
AC redirect of Scheiderer (cont.)

A witness who resided there for a time said they all made decisions together. They would take votes on what they did. George was married with Tabitha. Still lived with family when married.

Tabitha left the relationship, was forced to give up all control of her son to George. Fled the residence, she got into an argument, Angela said she was going to kill Tabitha. She ran out, hid on the property and eventually got away.

Wagners co-mingled their money. Shared accounts, credit cards, etc. Hanna Mae was underage when she conceived. Jake was 19. Why did Hanna Mae leave - Jake was violent. She made people aware of it. Made a comment about the Wagner family. After she left Jake, started seeing someone else, conceived second child - Charlie Gilley. Did Hanna tell Jake she was pregnant - told him and Angela and said it was Charlie's child. Jake wanted Hanna to put his (Jake's) name on the birth certificate, not tell Charlie. Wanted her to go to AK with the family.

In months leading up to homicide, she made it clear to Jake they were not getting back together. Jake met with attorney to get custody. Hanna didn't want that. Seized a computer from the Wags at the MT border, was analyzed. Discovered documents google-searched for Texas probate docs, printed out, April 2016. April 3, 2016, printed on bottom of page of document. Recovered physical documents, they were the originals. One of them was a declaration reportedly made by Hanna Mae with her signature. Tested and found it was not her signature, was forged. Notarized allegedly by Rita Newcomb, but in this case she did not sign or notarize the documents.

Documents were back dated. Did not exist on those previous dates, as if signed by Hanna Mae in Christmas day of 2013. Last time she would have been there. But it was forged and back dated. Docs stated if either brother met an untimely death, their children would go to Angela, not to their birth mothers.

AC hands him a copy of the documents, declarations of guardianship. Printed April 3, 2016.
Sorry interrupted by phone.

Discussing a BCI lab report. Evidence confirmed by outside lab expert. Two different sized shoes at scene 1 Chris Sr. were 2 sizes of the Walmart shoes.

Search warrant at Peterson Rd residence the day the new owner took possession. Also SW on State rt 41. Were looking at 2 pickup trucks, 3 trailers that belonged to the Wagner family. Found a receipt in a tub marked "important things", same place as forged custody docs. Walmart receipt for Waverly, OH Walmart April 7, 2016. Purchase of 2 athletic brand shoes. Same make and model shoes. 10 1/2 and 11, same as found inside the crime scene. When Angela was interviewed at MT border, family were separated. Angela made statement that she purchased those shoes for Jake and George.
Asked if those shoes were recovered, they didn't. She said she threw the shoes away the same day she bought them. Jake and George said they never saw them.

Looks like clear color photos of Angela buying those shoes. Also looking at Wagner's Ford Excursion, it was in Angela's name. Identifying spot in Frankie and Hannah's room where they found shells in a photo. Photo of shell casing, found inside same bedroom between them where they were laying.

Now looking at 3122 Union Hill Rd, floor plan. One shell casing was recovered fired 22 rifle underneath the crib in Hanna Mae's bedroom. He couldn't look at the photo of where the shell casing was found for very long. Photo of baby's crib.

Same weapon fired those shell casings.

SW at 260 Peterson Rd residence. Recovered to shell casings there. Same weapon fired all those shell casings at Peterson Rd and at crime scenes. A photo of Jake with the weapon. Walther Colt. Says Colt 1911, manufactured by Walther. Weapon has distinct impression with firing pin on casing. Found 2 that matched above ground, second and third searches found many more. Some on surface, others underground. All matched.

Had list of weapons owned by each family members on record. On list, it shows Jake owning the Colt 1911 and another (can't recall ) owned by George. Photo of Jake holding the weapon. Had palm prints on photo that matched Jake Wagner, also a tattoo of ring that matched Jake. Also confirmed by other sources.

Recordings of George talking about a MKS rifle weapon, finding parts for it, etc. Purchased at Bass Pro Shops, used Jake's rewards card. George was described as a Glock man? by Chris Newcomb. He had helped George buy a Glock from someone, met at a rest area.

What steps were they taking in Feb 2016. They began purchasing murder kit. Buying items for the suppressor that they built. Purchased at various locations, online, in cash, etc. Got records for all of them. Adapter was for the 1911 gun. Invoice from Tactical Innovations, Inc. Jake Wagner, thread adapter with thread protectors. Dated 2/26/2016. Suppressor was made by Maglite flashlight. Bought more than one knock offs of Maglite. Purchasing parts for 22 caliber long and 40 cal gun. Found Google search for "salvent catcher" supposedly used to clean the gun. Drill hole in the end and it becomes a suppressor. (We've seen these videos here).

Search of well or cistern on 260 Peterson Rd farm. Inside large red barn at the farm. Initial search found a rifle casing inside the well, using metal detector. Shell casing consistent with the 30 cal weapon used in the murders (no casing to compare to). It appeared to have been burnt. Nothing they could find in first search, but metal detector hit on it. Called in dive team from Franklin Co. In murky water, shallow water basin. Recovered several items, including Maglite tube, with serial number. Manufactured Jan 2016 based on serial number. Submitted to ATF. They confirmed it was a suppressor and it had been fired at least one time. Contained same parts that Wags had been buying, specifically baffles. Saw (Wags) them purchasing 10 of those at a local auto parts store, with cash.

Also purchased magazines, masks, bug detector, counter surveillance device. Did not recover SKS or 4o Glock, some other guns or shoes. Saw them purchase brass catcher for AR 15. Bait nets? Can turn bait nets into brass catchers. They bought 2 bait nets and brass catcher one day, ammo and magazine another. Purchased masks. George said he had purchased a Captain America mask. (please burn in H... George). They didn't celebrate Halloween, its against their religion. On recordings, Jake mocked other people's religion (couldn't hear who).

George and Jake dyed their hair just prior to and after the murders. Also began locking the gate to their farm. Chris Newcomb also verified they had dyed their hair.
More info this hearing than I've heard in the whole case.
It seems like GW IV lawyer is pointing everything away from George IV.
Who purchased that, who did that, who paid for that? Directing everything to Angels, Jake and Billy.
Not so much Billy tho. Or George IV. I'll bet he or Billy (or both) would turn on Jake and Mommy for

Jake had been bugging Hanna in weeks before to give him custody. Facebook Messenger message to Patricia, mother of George's ex wife. Patricia was telling Hanna, keep fighting for your child, don't let happen to you what happened to Tabitha. She said she would never sign documents, they would have to kill her first.

Private conversation between Hanna and Patricia. A screenshot of the Messenger conversation was found on the Wagner's laptop that was taken in MT. Someone had hacked Patricia's account. Dec 10, 2015. Wagners saw it the same day it was posted.

George's defense now questioning

Some purchases of killing kit supplies/ suppressors were made by Jake's account. Not sure if Jake made them or someone else with access to Jake's account. Cash purchases linked to Wagners through use of Jake's rewards card. George's AR 15, discussion heard on recording device, said he was purchasing a scope for it. Purchased thread adapters, Jake's info. Bug detector purchased on an account belonging to Jake.

Facebook Messenger messages were in regard to both Jake and George 4's children.

Defense making statement about Jake and Angela being more involved, more motive, etc. 100 days of no suspicion (of George 4) nothing points in the direction of George Wagner. He's arguing there's no case against George Wagner. He's leaving out a lot of details and evidence of George's involvement.

Move for bond for George4.

AC calls them insular and cult-like. Co-mingled money, etc. Have to stop here, sorry.
Shoe testimony. Walmart photo showing AW buying shoes Wagners claimed they never wore.
WATCH LIVE: Eldest Wagner son charged in Pike County massacre to appear in court for motion hearing

Angie was asked by LE where the shoes are and she said she threw them out the day she bought them. Said she bought them for GW4 and Jake but they did not like them.

Then GW4 and Jake were asked about the shoes and they said they never saw them and this is one example of their inconsistency and lies.

I saw the photo of Angie in Walmart.

Shoe print evidence shows the shoes were new, no worn tread. Consistent with being newly purchased in April 2016 before the murders.

Female witness heard them discussing revenge. BCI also has taped phone conversations and or texts of GW4 saying he is going to smash Scheiderer's face in. Also BCI had wiretaps in place.

Tons and tons of new information is coming out from Scheiderer being examined on the stand.

The Wagner's tried to do a fraudulent mortgage in Missouri and GW4 was interviewed in Montana. This is what they were doing before getting to AK
it sounds like but I don't have the exact dates for this.
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@Betty P Re the testimony for the items purchased in Feb and March for the "Murder Kit": The list is so vast, the W's must have used an entire room to store it all.

Definitely. We've seen the lists. A lot of evidence, though some were cash purchases. LE were still able to tie them to Jake or the others.
Angie was asked by LE where the shoes are and she said she threw them out the day she bought them. Said she bought them for GW4 and Jake but they did not like them.

Then GW4 and Jake were asked about the shoes and they said they never saw them and this is one example of their inconsistency and lies.

I saw the photo of Angie in Walmart.

Shoe print evidence shows the shoes were new, no worn tread. Consistent with being newly purchased in April 2016 before the murders.

Good thing BCI separated them before they could coordinate their stories. I don't think they realize they would be linked to the shoe prints.

Also interesting about buying the Captain America mask, but later claiming they didn't celebrate Halloween because of their religion.

Jake had been bugging Hanna in weeks before to give him custody. Facebook Messenger message to Patricia, mother of George's ex wife. Patricia was telling Hanna, keep fighting for your child, don't let happen to you what happened to Tabitha. She said she would never sign documents, they would have to kill her first.

Private conversation between Hanna and Patricia. A screenshot of the Messenger conversation was found on the Wagner's laptop that was taken in MT. Someone had hacked Patricia's account. Dec 10, 2015. Wagners saw it the same day it was posted.

George's defense now questioning

Some purchases of killing kit supplies/ suppressors were made by Jake's account. Not sure if Jake made them or someone else with access to Jake's account. Cash purchases linked to Wagners through use of Jake's rewards card. George's AR 15, discussion heard on recording device, said he was purchasing a scope for it. Purchased thread adapters, Jake's info. Bug detector purchased on an account belonging to Jake.

Facebook Messenger messages were in regard to both Jake and George 4's children.

Defense making statement about Jake and Angela being more involved, more motive, etc. 100 days of no suspicion (of George 4) nothing points in the direction of George Wagner. He's arguing there's no case against George Wagner. He's leaving out a lot of details and evidence of George's involvement.

Move for bond for George4.

AC calls them insular and cult-like. Co-mingled money, etc. Have to stop here, sorry.
Thank you so much for all this!
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