OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#43

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I'm a new member to WS but have been following the Rhoden/Gilley case on WS for a very long time, though. So many threads so far and so many yet to come! Been thinking about JW being so adamant that he not be shown in restraints by the media. I wonder if he's wanting to avoid the possibility of his little girl seeing him in handcuffs. Hopefully her caretakers are shielding her from all of this, but she could easily just walk past a television when the news is on or happen to see a picture in a newspaper. That would be so hard for her and so confusing, wondering why her daddy is in jail, etc. I would think she's old enough to understand what handcuffs are. JMO, just curious if anyone else thought the same thing.
Putting out the timeline to include all known events is very very helpful. Thank you for this.

My thoughts on this scenario. Pure supposition. Pls delete if improper.

I don’t believe GW4 purposely told LE anything. But I do think he gave the info away.

If finding of silencer parts
(if found in a well on property previously owned by JW on Peterson Road)
happened to coincide with GW4 return to Ohio, perhaps GW4 was being closely observed or monitored ( through *various methods) by LE during that return to Ohio. Perhaps GW4 made a casual trip over to Peterson Road to stroll through the property to see if the well had been discovered or disturbed. Thus giving away the location.

*Speculating on the various methods, did he drive? Maybe GPS on Vehicle - its been done before.
Drone observation
Cameras on Peterson Road property
Follow pings of GW4 cell phone
Old fashioned basic following GW4 by a few LE
Add to this list if you think it’s possible he was observed in some way

I can’t believe LE did not seize upon a chance to keep a member of the Wagner Family under laser focus, close observation upon a return to the area. I also can’t believe GE4 would be able to resist the urge to check the location of the most valuable piece of evidence to ease his guilty mind.

Yes I have something to add to this list.
Junk had said that in murder Cases he likes to see 1.) Forensic evidence at the scene linking to a killer. 2.) A witness 3.) A confession.

He said there was none of this in this case. (Rhoden/Gilley Case)

In the fall of 2016, investigators stopped looking at the Manleys and started talking about it being locals.

At this point I'm theorizing that the Wagners were on their radar. And for LE to search their properties like they did do, LE would need Probable Cause to get a Search Warrent.

When LE has suspects but there is no evidence tying them to the crime scenes, and no witnesses and no confessions, what LE likes to do is find an informant who will wear a wire and get the suspects to incriminate themselves.

Without an informant, or working along WITH an informant,
LE can and will GET A PROBABLE CAUSE WARRANT and wiretap a suspect's home and work place, but they also wiretap suspect's cars.

....LE had enough Probable Cause to get Search Warrents and so I think it's likely there was enough Probable Cause for them to get WIRETAPS....

I think it is likely that LE had the Wagners wired up...ie...their cars, their house in Alaska, their house in Scioto County, and their work place which was at Fred's farm, which is a place they gathered and talked (according to a confidential source which could be from a person or could be from a wiretap.)

This Case was hard to solve and I think wiretaps were one of the pieces used to help solve it.......My 2 Cents......

Probable cause warrant

Image: flexyourrights.org
The term “probable cause” refers to the right that a police officer has to make an arrest, search a person or his property, or obtain a warrant. Probable cause requires that facts and evidence presented in a case are of the type that would lead any reasonable person to believe that the suspect had committed a crime.
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@IQuestion.....You said this in one of your posts and I find it interesting, it caught my attention:
The finding of the silencer parts, just happened to
coincide with GW4 coming back to Ohio for a Change of Visitation hearing for his son. I believe he came alone and he was the one who told LE where the items could be found in order to save his "own bottom."
How would this help him?
What gain is there for him to turn over evidence that got them all arrested?


Cool cats and IQ, just thinking....GW's FB shows a post from AW 10/6 wishing him a happy birthday and saying they will be glad to see him "in the morning" 10/7.
No chance. Sorry. Miracles do happen but not until he's sentenced to death. Then maybe he'll have regrets other than being caught.

He was the most vocal about taking revenge on Reader, DeWine, Special Agent Shider, and anyone else who would go against them.

That sounds like someone who is thinking about committing MORE murder, not someone who had an attack of conscience.

Welcome to Websleuths! Thankx! I needed to see that Bible Verse.

I'm just wondering...why is it believed by some that GW4 didn't leave Alaska with the others in Spring 2018?
Yes I have something to add to this list.
Junk had said that in murder Cases he likes to see 1.) Forensic evidence at the scene linking to a killer. 2.) A witness 3.) A confession.

He said there was none of this in this case. (Rhoden/Gilley Case)

In the fall of 2016, investigators stopped looking at the Manleys and started talking about it being locals.

This Case was hard to solve and I think wiretaps were one of the pieces used to help solve it.......My 2 Cents......

The case was hard but once LE knew who did it, they never took their focus off. Remember AW selling the excursion in fall of 2016? It is speculated that the blood like stains found in the excursion was blood of the victims.

During this same time period in October 2016 dewine said they had enough evidence to prosecute now if they wanted to. But they kept building their case in order to get all 4 perps.

LE done an amazing job investigating this case and maintaining its integrity IMO
Cool cats and IQ, just thinking....GW's FB shows a post from AW 10/6 wishing him a happy birthday and saying they will be glad to see him "in the morning" 10/7.

I'm just wondering...why is it believed by some that GW4 didn't leave Alaska with the others in Spring 2018?
I doubt he stayed behind. That was a close family
I'm a new member to WS but have been following the Rhoden/Gilley case on WS for a very long time, though. So many threads so far and so many yet to come! Been thinking about JW being so adamant that he not be shown in restraints by the media. I wonder if he's wanting to avoid the possibility of his little girl seeing him in handcuffs. Hopefully her caretakers are shielding her from all of this, but she could easily just walk past a television when the news is on or happen to see a picture in a newspaper. That would be so hard for her and so confusing, wondering why her daddy is in jail, etc. I would think she's old enough to understand what handcuffs are. JMO, just curious if anyone else thought the same thing.

Welcome IType! Good theories.
The case was hard but once LE knew who did it, they never took their focus off. Remember AW selling the excursion in fall of 2016? It is speculated that the blood like stains found in the excursion was blood of the victims.

During this same time period in October 2016 dewine said they had enough physical evidence to prosecute now if they wanted to. But they kept building their case in order to get all 4 perps.

LE done an amazing job investigating this case and maintaining its integrity IMO

Thankx! I forgot about that, that DeWine said in 2016---that early in the case--- that there was enough physical evidence to prosecute the case. I found the link where he states this......

DeWine Provides Update on the Rhoden Family Murders
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Because a well-known poster (forgot who) on here had said they saw GW4's Facebook posts that showed he was still in Alaska after his family left.

I think some of the posts were Angie saying they missed him.

Also, he had to be back that Oct. because TB his ex had, around that time, filed with the Pike County Court for amended custody.

This Petition was dropped after his arrest.

His same FB is still up, from when they moved to AK to Oct 6 when his mom posted Happy Birthday.

So whoever the well known poster was...was incorrect. There is nothing on his FB that even indicated he stayed in AK and no posts from AW saying she missed him. Anyone can see on FB. All JMO with FB posts to back it up. TY
His same FB is still up, from when they moved to AK to Oct 6 when his mom posted Happy Birthday.

So whoever the well known poster was...was incorrect. There is nothing on his FB that even indicated he stayed in AK and no posts from AW saying she missed him. Anyone can see on FB. All JMO with FB posts to back it up. TY

Thank you for checking into that! I have to go along with you then, in asking, why do people think GW4 stayed in Alaska?

Again Thankx for checking that!
Checking in
Thank you for checking into that! I have to go along with you then, in asking, why do people think GW4 stayed in Alaska?

Again Thankx for checking that!

I thought so b/c he still had his location as AK, and that AW's comment read, to me, that they hadn't seen him in awhile, and he may be arriving early; "Happy Birthday! We can't wait to see you in the morning!" vs.; Happy Birthday! See you tomorrow! Just my take. Hard to read folks tone and inflection on the internet though.

From your link;

Tracy has been in Pike County law enforcement for approximately 20 years. He was laid off at the sheriff’s office, along with about another 9 or 10 other people, last October.

Brian Reader was terminated over attendance records and sick time, according to Pike County Commissioner Blaine Beekman. “I think this is an issue with his work record and attendance,” Beekman told FOX19 NOW last month.

Uhm, w/20 years of experience, and all, was he not even considered for the B.Reader's position? Politics? Perhaps?
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