OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #19

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Just curious, why do you think they won't be tried in Pike County?
I believe every person over the age of 13 knows as much as we know, and probably considerably more. So when there is an arrest, I doubt if anybody in Pike county could honestly say they could be totally unbiased. Like most places, especially smaller towns, have a murder, everybody is talking about it especially after a suspect is arrested. Everybody seems to be on one side of the fence or the other, not sitting there waiting for more info.
Back in the 80's, there was a murder in our home town. I had known the guy they arrested for nine years, did not know the person he killed. When my husband got home and I told him about it, he knew both of them, and said they shouldn't have arrested E.M., they should have given him a medal. The case did go to trial, and it was proven to be self defense.
I would like to think that there are some fair and open minded people living in Pike County. In fact, I know there are.
If the perps are local I think they'll want the trial in Pike County.
I can understand why you might think that way, and even why somebody going on trial might feel that way, thinking people know them, (or, me) and know ( or think) I couldn't be guilty. But the court has to be satisfied that everybody chosen to sit on the jury will be totally unbiased. Something this serious, prosecution doesn't want anybody on the jury who is or ever was friends of the defendant, because they couldn't be totally objective. On the other hand, if they weren't very well liked, they don't want a jury who is ready to hang them from the tallest tree on the town square before testimony even begins!
I would like to think that there are some fair and open minded people living in Pike County. In fact, I know there are.

With that said, how open minded can one be when someone breaks into another's home, and shoots them in the head, some beside sleeping infants, and a toddler in the next room? I mean if the evidence is there it's pretty open and shut. They're murderers and deserve to never see the light of day again. There's no self defense approach to this. At least not w/ anyone other than a remote possibility CR1 and GR. However, near here, a guy walked out of a store, got his gun out of his car, in broad daylight, and walked up to the vehicle of another guy, shot him as he was pulling up, he was unarmed, witnesses everywhere, in the middle of town. The man nearly died. Shooter plead not guilty b/c he said he was afraid of him. Got off scott free. Money talks.
And some of you wonder why there are no verified insiders on this case? :facepalm:
IMHO, if they get to the point of a trial, they will try to keep it in Pike Co. if at all possible because of finances. This case has already cost this county a lot of money they could ill afford.
And some of you wonder why there are no verified insiders on this case? :facepalm:

Yes, I still wonder. It isn't like they have to be identified by name to everyone.
With that said, how open minded can one be when someone breaks into another's home, and shoots them in the head, some beside sleeping infants, and a toddler in the next room? I mean if the evidence is there it's pretty open and shut. They're murderers and deserve to never see the light of day again. There's no self defense approach to this. At least not w/ anyone other than a remote possibility CR1 and GR. However, near here, a guy walked out of a store, got his gun out of his car, in broad daylight, and walked up to the vehicle of another guy, shot him as he was pulling up, he was unarmed, witnesses everywhere, in the middle of town. The man nearly died. Shooter plead not guilty b/c he said he was afraid of him. Got off scott free. Money talks.
Yeah, I lived in Texas for 27 years before moving to Kan. My thoughts in Tex, especially smaller towns,(20,000 or less), money talks and people walk.
Yeah, I lived in Texas for 27 years before moving to Kan. My thoughts in Tex, especially smaller towns,(20,000 or less), money talks and people walk.

They don't want any chances of this going into a misstrial. Most high profile cases are held in a larger city. For the media, and public, because a small town can't handle all the "spectators" that would show up for it. And if this is "ever" solved, it will be big. Remember the OJ trial? Although these aren't celebs, this was a whole family wiped out and there are children involved and alot of people relate to this middle american crime.
Hi, The_OG. Are you there?

What are your thoughts on the latest info published on this case?
- KR2 statement on missing gun?
- Reader statement on multiple perp and custody of children ?

I like your ideas.

Cheers JK
They don't want any chances of this going into a misstrial. Most high profile cases are held in a larger city. For the media, and public, because a small town can't handle all the "spectators" that would show up for it. And if this is "ever" solved, it will be big. Remember the OJ trial? Although these aren't celebs, this was a whole family wiped out and there are children involved and alot of people relate to this middle american crime.

I'm wondering, is at always open to spectators in a trial such as this? If not, I'm willing to bet this trial will be closed off from the public. If it is always open, they'd need a pretty big court room, I'd think.
Yes, I still wonder. It isn't like they have to be identified by name to everyone.

What do you mean by insiders? Locals close to the case or law enforcement?
I'm wondering, is at always open to spectators in a trial such as this? If not, I'm willing to bet this trial will be closed off from the public. If it is always open, they'd need a pretty big court room, I'd think.
I think it depends on the case itself, whether or not the trial is open to the public. I am thinking, not certain, that most are open to the public, and there is more scrutinizing on whether cameras are allowed. Hopefully somebody here knows more about it than I do!
I think it depends on the case itself, whether or not the trial is open to the public. I am thinking, not certain, that most are open to the public, and there is more scrutinizing on whether cameras are allowed. Hopefully somebody here knows more about it than I do!

Well, moo, I bet if they can, they will close it from public at least. Keeps people like me out of there! I'd probably sob loudly, and gasp a lot!
What do you mean by insiders? Locals close to the case or law enforcement?

We have some locals on here, they've posted in the past. However, I believe they are keeping quiet. I also won't mention their names as they may not appreciate that! It's scary just as an outsider posting here. You never know about what people can hack into.
What do you mean by insiders? Locals close to the case or law enforcement?

I was primarily referring to locals. After they are verified they can post info without providing MSM links. (If I understand correctly; I have never been verified.)

I can't imagine local LE would be posting here, but LE from other areas could. Personally, I give more weight to experienced LE, but I prefer to be sure it isn't some kid sitting in mom's basement. MOO
Well, moo, I bet if they can, they will close it from public at least. Keeps people like me out of there! I'd probably sob loudly, and gasp a lot!

Since we have 8 victims in this case, I sorta hope it will be closed in order to make enough room for the victims' family and friends.
I can understand why you might think that way, and even why somebody going on trial might feel that way, thinking people know them, (or, me) and know ( or think) I couldn't be guilty. But the court has to be satisfied that everybody chosen to sit on the jury will be totally unbiased. Something this serious, prosecution doesn't want anybody on the jury who is or ever was friends of the defendant, because they couldn't be totally objective. On the other hand, if they weren't very well liked, they don't want a jury who is ready to hang them from the tallest tree on the town square before testimony even begins!

I didn't mean in regard to the jury. If a trial is moved out of the area, that causes all kinds of expenses and complications for everyone involved. Including any family members or supporters of the alleged killers.
I was primarily referring to locals. After they are verified they can post info without providing MSM links. (If I understand correctly; I have never been verified.)

I can't imagine local LE would be posting here, but LE from other areas could. Personally, I give more weight to experienced LE, but I prefer to be sure it isn't some kid sitting in mom's basement. MOO

I agree. So many people get such a kick out of pretending to be in the know, when they aren't. I could tell you all I'm Chuck Norris, but that doesn't mean much to anyone that's been around the block a time or two.
I could understand concerns if they were going to move the trial 300 miles away, but I doubt that will happen. Furthermore, due to jobs, small kiddo's, and other everyday responsibilities, probably not too many will be able to attend. And I feel certain family members would prefer riding together, as opposed to taking separate cars. And this case having so many victims, the trial may last four or five weeks, if not longer. Nobody could afford to take off that much time from work, or even if they are farmers, they can't put everything on hold for the length of the trial. Life just doesn't work that way. And I feel like a good portion of family would choose not to be there, since I imagine the testimonies will be graphic and very upsetting. I know for a fact if it was my family I would want to be there. However, I realize how emotional I can get over fairly minor things, and I could not sit there and listen to things I would never be able to forget. I would probably be so affected by all the graphic testimony, I would have to leave, and might even have to be helped out because I would be such an emotional wreck. I am sure there are plenty of relatives who might be affected the same way.
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