OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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Can any of the long time posters here recall Dana's or Hanna's Flipagram account addresses-Ive looked back in the threads some and way too much to go through-I should have written them down but cant recall now what they were exactly!Id like to go back and watch that last Baby shower video on Dana's again-If someone remembers the thread or wrote them down would be great and thanks-
I can understand LE being quiet about alot of things building a case. I get that. I want to ask the group here a question.
How is releasing autopsy reports going to jeopardize the case?
I have thought about this with the issue coming up in court. I found a page that lists state by state. Looks to me that photos and a few other things are excluded, but if I read this right, the report is indeed public record.

Can any of the long time posters here recall Dana's or Hanna's Flipagram account addresses-Ive looked back in the threads some and way too much to go through-I should have written them down but cant recall now what they were exactly!Id like to go back and watch that last Baby shower video on Dana's again-If someone remembers the thread or wrote them down would be great and thanks-

Here's DRs, sad to watch but at the same time it's nice to see LM and others smile. I hope I am allowed to post this link.

Yes,very sad.Any of you have any thoughts about that one odd video in the batch? Makes me wonder...

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I can understand LE being quiet about alot of things building a case. I get that. I want to ask the group here a question.
How is releasing autopsy reports going to jeopardize the case?
I have thought about this with the issue coming up in court. I found a page that lists state by state. Looks to me that photos and a few other things are excluded, but if I read this right, the report is indeed public record.


From the section pertaining to Ohio

Coroner's report, including detailed descriptions and conclusions, are public records. The law exempts:

● preliminary notes and findings,

● photos,

● suicide notes,

● medical and psychiatric records,

● confidential law enforcement investigatory records, and

● lab reports generated from an analysis of physical evidence.

The coroner must release the report, including the otherwise exempt material (“full and complete records”), at the written request of various surviving family members or next of kin.

A reporter may submit a written request to view the coroner's preliminary investigative notes and findings, suicide notes, and photos. The request must state that granting it would serve the public's best interest. The coroner must grant the request; the reporter cannot copy the information or photos.

An insurer may submit a written request to the coroner to obtain a copy of the full and complete records of the coroner with respect to a deceased person.


There seems to be good reason for serving the public interest. The public has a right to know the investigation is being thoroughly conducted, that communities are safe. The AG's office will likely have to make their case in court as to why the redactions are necessary to protect the investigation. Ohio state government has a longstanding reputation of being somewhat secretive. Lawsuits, FOIA requests, etc. by the news media and interest groups are quite common.
Yes,very sad.Any of you have any thoughts about that one odd video in the batch? Makes me wonder...

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Which one? They're mostly fun or loving tributes to family, friends, co-workers, etc. She seemed like a loving and sentimental person.
The "Adore" one with the work buddy solo..yes,agreed,she was.

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I just feel they knew the killers and that they'd been in the homes before. That explains the dna, hair, dogs, etc. Silencers are not that silent, especially in an enclosed space like a trailer. Night vision goggles are not hard to come by. A pro would not have had to have shot a sleeping teenage mom five times, in the head. KR is really the one that stands out that they knew their assailants. Shot one time, I don't think he saw that coming, at all. I believe he welcomed them inside. They weren't really angry w/him, but felt he had to go. He was shot by all indications in his bed, w/a gun within reach under his pillow, in an unlocked trailer, with a dog that didn't care for strangers. Yet they waltzed right in and shot him in the head. That took no special skills at all. He'd had video cameras up, a dog, and a gun, and yet they did him no good. It doesn't necessarily have to be family, but, they have crossed the line somewhere, with someone. Whoever it was they were a bit sloppy with their shooting. If they were a true pro they would have taken the appropriate type of weapon for the job and shot the sleepers in what is called the T-zone or at the base of the neck. Shooting them 3-5-13 times doesn't speak pro to me. Someone without a conscience, few friends, very smart, and who was very, very, angry withe this family is more what I see. But, I could be very, very, wrong.

Most experts who've been willing to talk about the murders have said that the killers likely had some assistance from someone who knew the family, knew their routines, details of homes, security, etc. It doesn't mean that person was present when the killings took place. It's been speculated here many times before that whoever gave them inside information may not have been aware of the actual purpose behind getting it.

JMO, I'm not sure of how much weight to put into the number of times certain victims were shot. Killers were working quickly, in the dark, probably using automatic weapons. Overkill may have meant they weren't sure if they hit their target. In the case of CRSr, it seems likely he was fighting them and that some of his wounds were defensive. Same with GR. Killers had a lot to do in a short period of time and had to do it without attracting attention or giving victims the opportunity to escape, warn others or make a phone call. They accomplished that, hence experts saying the were probably experienced at this kind of thing.

There are links here in these threads to articles about various criminal gangs in the area who have their own trained paramilitary groups (see links to Cornbread Mafia). They may not have been from Mexican cartels, but they easily could have been from various organized crime groups known to operate in the region.

But the chances of these highly organized killers being family or some inexperienced local teens or young adults with a grudge is pretty unlikely in a crime of this scale. There's also the similar MO for other drug related killings in the area that are still unsolved.
The "Adore" one with the work buddy solo..yes,agreed,she was.

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Yeah, that one was kind of different, but could be that was the only kind of photos her work buddy posted online or shared. Some people like to take those kinds of photos of themselves. To each their own, I guess. Not sure how it would relate to the massacre of DR's family, though.
Someone help me out with this Flipagram, please.

The one of her friend... and another one of Dana titled "just me"... seems to have the same red blanket behind each of them.

Am I seeing things?? Reaching too far?
One other thing that I was thinking about. There was an open window at CR1's and at FR's. We don't know about DR's windows. We know that it has been said that KR didn't have a working interior lock, and used an outside padlock for when he wasn't home. What if the open windows were "dressing" and the interior broken lock at KR's was "dressing". The assailant(s) broke the interior lock before leaving. These would be attempts to make it look like the assailant(s) had went in through window(s) and an unlocked door. When, in reality, they may have had keys, or were actually let inside, at some of the homes. They've said that there was no indication of forced entry at any of the homes and the assailants had made an effort at concealment. Just a couple thoughts.
Most experts who've been willing to talk about the murders have said that the killers likely had some assistance from someone who knew the family, knew their routines, details of homes, security, etc. It doesn't mean that person was present when the killings took place. It's been speculated here many times before that whoever gave them inside information may not have been aware of the actual purpose behind getting it.

JMO, I'm not sure of how much weight to put into the number of times certain victims were shot. Killers were working quickly, in the dark, probably using automatic weapons. Overkill may have meant they weren't sure if they hit their target. In the case of CRSr, it seems likely he was fighting them and that some of his wounds were defensive. Same with GR. Killers had a lot to do in a short period of time and had to do it without attracting attention or giving victims the opportunity to escape, warn others or make a phone call. They accomplished that, hence experts saying the were probably experienced at this kind of thing.

There are links here in these threads to articles about various criminal gangs in the area who have their own trained paramilitary groups (see links to Cornbread Mafia). They may not have been from Mexican cartels, but they easily could have been from various organized crime groups known to operate in the region.

But the chances of these highly organized killers being family or some inexperienced local teens or young adults with a grudge is pretty unlikely in a crime of this scale. There's also the similar MO for other drug related killings in the area that are still unsolved.

I don't think that it is inexperienced local teens or very young adults. They'd have likely talked by now. However, I don't find it out of the realm of possibility for someone local who they've crossed, to be able to pull this off. In local, I mean within a few county radius of who they were dealing with. Family or not. They've ticked someone off really bad.
Well, I like your theory but I see some holes in it. First an automatic weapon. I don't care who you are. but with an automatic weapon there would not of been such tight shots in the head. Second, getting past the dogs would have been problematic also. Family members did this and you don't need an automatic weapon to do it. Any handgun would have been sufficient. I wholeheartedly believe that it was just family members that did this. Remember that I believe HR was shot 5 times in the head, which two members had 5 to the head and another 4 to the head.
There are only about 3-4 different floor plans in a mobile home. All the bedrooms are down the hall or all but one are down the hall and one on the other end. If there were cameras mounted by the front door, there would be a monitor inside.

If we go by DS, KR had a network of cameras that the assailants took with them. If this is true, he'd have had some type of trail cams wouldn't he? The reason to take the cameras themselves would be because they recorded info to the cameras themselves. Why else track down the actual cameras, in the dark, while wasting more time. If they were CCTV cameras, just take the device inside. Also, if it was a CCTV set up, and if it was on, KR was obviously not concerned about whoever had been around his property prior to that night, or that night.

Of course this same article said that there were 2000 pot plants at one location, and that pot plants were found at three of four locations. I think that part has been found to be blown up a bit now that we're further down the pike.

Someone help me out with this Flipagram, please.

The one of her friend... and another one of Dana titled "just me"... seems to have the same red blanket behind each of them.

Am I seeing things?? Reaching too far?

Possible. Both vids are in Feb. 2016, both vids involve pearls too. Song choices interesting.
I haven't kept up with this in and wondering if they ever determined who the father of hannahs newborn was? also were the children ever relatives?
I cant imagine losing so many at once and in such a way
Special equipment needed would be silencers, anything that allows you to find your way through a dark house and shoot a victim in total darkness without waking them up. Special skills to avoid leaving anything like DNA, hair, clothing fibers, prints. Two or more helpers to assist with shootings and another to drive and watch for cars, possibly monitor police scanner. Add in the skills to do all of this quickly killing 8 people in 4 different homes. These killer's got in and out fast, did the work, removed cameras, probably cell phones, and anything else that could hinder the investigation. As multiple LE experts said later, this was a professional job. I'll take their word on that. If it were a couple of local hunters or WW2 vets, they would have been caught by now, most likely the next day.

As for those here who think the Rhoden murders are not unusual, happen all the time, anyone could have done it, can you offer some links to other mass killings of 5 or 6 or 7 family members in multiple homes in one night in Pike County due to hillbilly justice or some common feud? I haven't been there, but that sounds pretty extreme.

Any of that can be bought off the internet. For that matter you can buy any tactical equipment you want from a police supply store. It is not that expensive either. Just walk in and pick it up and pay, no questions asked. Kevlar vests also. You have to wait a while on those since they have to measure you for them and then make them to fit you.

I personally know people who would be able to get in and out of a home quickly. My nephew is a career Army Ranger. He has been to Iraq and Afghanistan six times. He was shot the last time he was there. He could do it. So could others with his training. Not that he would, but just saying. You would not know what he is by looking at him either. He looks like the boy next door.

Don't you watch the news? There are teenagers who could get into your house and take everything that is not nailed down while you are sleeping in your bed. That happens very frequently in cities. It is called home invasion. The first you know about it is when you wake up and try to turn on a TV that is no longer there.

Once again I don't see any special equipment that you can't buy from your local police supply store or any special skills that the average neighborhood burglar doesn't have. But I am done with this conversation. We will agree to disagree.
Someone help me out with this Flipagram, please.

The one of her friend... and another one of Dana titled "just me"... seems to have the same red blanket behind each of them.

Am I seeing things?? Reaching too far?
Not sure if the blankets are the same,but I had commented earlier on the odd selfies of the one friend~~and it appears Dana's set of selfies includes the same pearls and some bareness??
So are we making to much of this? I'm just wondering about a possibly "different" or experimental relationship in the year before the murders. DR and CRSr were apart awhile,she calls her relationship status "complicated" on FB...? Was there anything going on that would make anyone angry enough to KILL?

Just rambling here...I do,however,analyze photographs as part of my job. Forgive me if it's a huge stretch.

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I just feel they knew the killers and that they'd been in the homes before. That explains the dna, hair, dogs, etc. Silencers are not that silent, especially in an enclosed space like a trailer. Night vision goggles are not hard to come by. A pro would not have had to have shot a sleeping teenage mom five times, in the head. KR is really the one that stands out that they knew their assailants. Shot one time, I don't think he saw that coming, at all. I believe he welcomed them inside. They weren't really angry w/him, but felt he had to go. He was shot by all indications in his bed, w/a gun within reach under his pillow, in an unlocked trailer, with a dog that didn't care for strangers. Yet they waltzed right in and shot him in the head. That took no special skills at all. He'd had video cameras up, a dog, and a gun, and yet they did him no good. It doesn't necessarily have to be family, but, they have crossed the line somewhere, with someone. Whoever it was they were a bit sloppy with their shooting. If they were a true pro they would have taken the appropriate type of weapon for the job and shot the sleepers in what is called the T-zone or at the base of the neck. Shooting them 3-5-13 times doesn't speak pro to me. Someone without a conscience, few friends, very smart, and who was very, very, angry withe this family is more what I see. But, I could be very, very, wrong.

I agree with you. I think with those four separate crimes in four different places yet in a close radius, it is local talent maybe working for one guy who who doesn't have a lot of tolerance when it comes to his drug business. Too many things about those four murder scenes are too similar to be coincidence. I feel it is someone who has help with each but likes his killing done a certain way. A few bullets in the head while they are asleep in bed.

I think there is one big guy running the show who orders the killings when someone crosses him. The Rhodens were a message. That's why CR1's whole family had to go. To put the fear in others who might be thinking about crossing the boss.
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