OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #7

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Do people who know about this - whatever the video of pot being removed - is it indoor cultivation or outside??
They had two different ops, one indoor op and two outdoor ops.
Up until earlier after I read DS account of KR living in a camper I assumed he lived in the mobile home next to the big red garage. So was the camper further back in behind there or to the left or right of the red garage? I can't see it on the google map. Can someone tell me where it is in relation to this photo, please?

View attachment 93501

That picture is DR trailer. KR didn't live on Union Hill. That picture is 3122 UNion Hill
i really believe the main problem for the killers was not dogs or guns. the problem was getting into the residences without making undue noise and quickly.
RE: Was the Sheriff lying about dealing with this family?
Of the 81 Rhoden cases in Pike County clerk of courts web database- 26 are cases involving victims. Of those, 20 are traffic cases from Ohio state highway patrol. Of the 6 remaining cases, all are criminal cases brought by the sheriffs's department. One case in 2013, a full 2 years before he took over as sheriff, the rest are 2008 or earlier.
Of the remaining cases involving a Rhoden who wasn't a victim, zero cases since he became Sheriff have involved his department.
It's entirely possible he has never dealt with a case involving a Rhoden in his career.

IIRC, some of those traffic were drug related.

His department dealt with them, they weren't asking about the Sheriff specifically, but the department.
I don't disagree that the marijuana grow op more than likely plays a part in this tragedy. However, we have had more discussion about "the dogs" and "pot" than we have anything else (at least IMO anyways) and I realize that is probably because we really don't have much else to talk about as so little has been released, which is understandable.

Also, I live in the Midwest and we too have some people who live in the same types of conditions in very rural areas, many who don't as they have large farming operations, etc and/or work at other jobs in nearby bigger cities etc. Many families who are related to one another who live within very short distances of each other because we are a huge agricultural state and many of these farms have been in the family for years. There are also grow ops that have been busted and there is also meth labs that have been busted and I'm sure numerous ones (IMO) that exist that are unknown or continue on for whatever reason (s).

Many of us are armed who have permits to carry, many carry who do not have permits, many sleep with guns within reach especially in the rural areas because we too, depending on what county and what part of the county you are located in, can have slow response time from law enforcement after calling 911. Lots of wildlife to hunt and hunting seasons, main ones being deer and wild turkey - everything from bow season to shotgun season etc.

Many of us also grew up with outhouses before septic systems came about.

We have motorcycle clubs and so-called motorcycle gangs in the larger cities and yada yada.

My point being, things like this just don't happen in southest Ohio, Kentucky etc. It is everywhere. JMO

Agree to a point. I don't think we have as deep of a family clan culture in the Midwest as has been described in the Appalachian area.
Yep. He has a clipboard and keeps track of things. He took me down there one day to show me how it all works. I must say it was very interesting. As in something I might have written a report on in school. The one drawback IMO is that the whole house smelled like the weed. That's why I chuckled at all of the relatives who were saying they had no idea about any drugs. That is IF they were growing them in any of the houses. Moo.

EXACTLY. And, I've pulled into people's driveways and smelled the weed getting out of my car because of the ventilation systems. These are FAR less quantity than the Rhoden's were producing. While it may have been in an out building, and likely was, when those plants are budding, it's going to smell around it. LM, maybe didn't know, maybe he never went to these locations, BJM, she had to of known if she was going to CRsr's daily, and based on his outbuilding and living alone, I assume he had the 200 indoors, JUST MY ASSUMPTION.

Again, I see WHY BJM would say she knew nothing, and even other members if they did, like DS and LM, but let's also remember they reported this to MSM, what they told the police could be totally different. I wouldn't want to admit to MSM that I knew anything about it, especially if it turns up it had something to do with it. JMO.
And maybe that was the whole point. To blow the whole RHODEN operation up. They killers could have their own operation. Plus with the Rhodens gone, clients of theirs would have to go somewhere else. That would be one point that I can see.

Another point could be that whoever got in trouble or is being investigated at the Beaver Creek property might have wanted the focus off of themselves or had something to gain with the Rhodens gone.

Someone DEFINITELY thought they had something to gain, yes.
posts regarding gun control and the rest of the world's opinion of America in relation to gun control have been removed.

Let's do discuss what the sheriff said because there are some IMO misconceptions about that.

Let's recall that the sheriff made statements about people arming themselves. So let's discuss context.

On Sunday, April 24, 2016 during a press conference the sheriff made a statement about arming selves. To further add context, news had just broken about the three grow operations and it seemed clear the family was specifically targeted.

His statement was

"If you are fearful, arm yourself."

to add further context

Reader said he didn't believe safety was an issue for others, but he said "If you are fearful, arm yourself." If you feel you need to protect yourself or family, do so and contact the local law enforcement to come and respond to it"

presser April 24, 2016

Yep, one thing I like about Sheriff Reader is he's honest. He said there's over 30,000 people in the county and he can't get to a call instantly, (paraphrasing), but he wanted them to know there's a possibility they could be targeted and to protect yourself till he can get there.

My local police department posted this photo on their Facebook page. I thought it might be appropriate considering the discussion of 4/20
RE: Was the Sheriff lying about dealing with this family?
Of the 81 Rhoden cases in Pike County clerk of courts web database- 26 are cases involving victims. Of those, 20 are traffic cases from Ohio state highway patrol. Of the 6 remaining cases, all are criminal cases brought by the sheriffs's department. One case in 2013, a full 2 years before he took over as sheriff, the rest are 2008 or earlier.
Of the remaining cases involving a Rhoden who wasn't a victim, zero cases since he became Sheriff have involved his department.
It's entirely possible he has never dealt with a case involving a Rhoden in his career.

The sheriff seemed pretty straight forward IMO. I don't think he was lying. JMO
Okay, photos currently numbered 22 & 23 in the (currently) 42 photo slideshow at this link are aerial photos of what I presume is the travel trailer location where Kenneth was located.

I've tried to post the two photos directly, but am experiencing my usual technical difficulties.


Does anyone have address/coordinates to the Left Fork location that are accurate for google maps?
Let me ask a question. The AG called this a 'sophisticated operation" and a "pre-planned execution".

If you were planning this murder, what steps would you take that would cause it to be considered 'sophisticated'.

These are just the ones I thought of off of the top of my head and are pure speculation on my part, not facts in the case or anything.

1) Came prepared to deal with the dogs, either through use of pepper spray or meat.
2) Used bleach to splatter the scene
3) Picked up shell casings.
4) wore gloves
5) broomed out tire tracks
6) removed cameras

Feel free to add to the list.
I still think we have some looking at this crime as if it happened in their neighborhood.

Not only is life very different in the country, there is also the difference in the Appalachian culture.

This makes a difference in why or how with many things. There are PLENTY of people on this thread familiar with the rural way of life and even some familiar with the Appalachian culture and the actual area where this happened.

Some things might not make sense to some of you at first sight because this is all foreign to you, completely understandable.. But ask, don't assume please. It is all an important part of this crime.
If he was normally out working on cars at 5:30 am, it sure sounds like his TOD was before that, doesn't it?
I know once my husband gets started working on them there is plenty proof in the event he was interrupted. IMO KR never made it out of his camper/trailer that morning.

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I agree. Plus wasn't it said in an article that he was found dead in his bed with one gunshot wound to the head? Wouldn't that tell us he was still asleep when he was murdered?
Exactly lol

I wouldn't drive my car with no tags, down the street with no pot in it.

I just go so lost - how could a family system get arrested 28 times (wahtever the numver) for no tags no reg - it aint that hard to do, aint that expensive, and last a year or two. Its a heck of a lot cheaper to do it . There has got to be a reason why the whole group keeps getting arrested for driving around in vehicles with no tag no registrati

Just not that difficult an issue to solve , unless they are all different vehicles open for any notions

IMO pretty easy to see what is going on........................
I'd be surprised if her only job on a major grow op was to "feed the animals."
I suspect that she was there to help out with the grow op. I agree that it sounded like someone was with her.
Maybe someone who didn't want to risk being attached to the grow op and/or murders? Someone with a warrant?
Didn't Dana's dad say that his son's truck had been left at the property the night before and he wanted it back RIGHT NOW? If I recall from the interview, he was really insistent and panicked about it. Perhaps that truck wasn't left there the night before. Maybe whoever's truck was taken by the police was driven there that morning. Maybe they helped clean up some evidence that would implicate themselves as being part of the grow op, and it's in the truck.
I don't know. Lots of maybes.
I think that car was seized from Dana's house, judging from pictures. This makes sense because Dana's brother found Dana first. IIRC, Dana's brother first went to the other crime scenes on Union Hill Rd. So this car drove from the houses of Chris Sr. and of Frankie to Dana's house . So the car could have been used to take away evidence from the first 2 crime scenes and dumped it elsewhere. At least, it seems the police is thinking that this is a possibility.

ETA: I'm trying to get the hang of this, too, to post in the Media/Timeline thread. I've noticed news sites vary in how they post images. Some are easy to link to, others hard.

Right click - View image - opens it up in another screen
Right click - copy image location
Back to WS, click on insert image, choose URL option, paste URL.

now that looks secluded
EXACTLY. And, I've pulled into people's driveways and smelled the weed getting out of my car because of the ventilation systems. These are FAR less quantity than the Rhoden's were producing. While it may have been in an out building, and likely was, when those plants are budding, it's going to smell around it. LM, maybe didn't know, maybe he never went to these locations, BJM, she had to of known if she was going to CRsr's daily, and based on his outbuilding and living alone, I assume he had the 200 indoors, JUST MY ASSUMPTION.

Again, I see WHY BJM would say she knew nothing, and even other members if they did, like DS and LM, but let's also remember they reported this to MSM, what they told the police could be totally different. I wouldn't want to admit to MSM that I knew anything about it, especially if it turns up it had something to do with it. JMO.
Especially this size of operation, cops can't ignore people involved, we aren't talking 5 plants or less. This is on Federal radar.
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