Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #6 *Arrest*

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Greetings. Been reading here since 2nd day. On my little phone with WiFi.
Just sick at it all. My children and I lived on our place several years, just 8 miles from his place.

My grandma is passed but was a real wizard for detective stuff and hooked me lol. We lived down south then. I live in extreme south Michigan now for a number of years.
My view from reading all the info is that yes, there are more victims. <modsnip> JDW fits different profiles and prob experimenting and refining over the years. Info doesn't say hidden room was in or under barn. Prob maybe separate room in barn? SK's will do anything to blame others and get out if responsibility. Arrogant pathological liars though not always very bright. Big game players and control freaks. Most likely chose current atty for the simple reason he knows him and possibly thinks can be manipulated.
Fulton co courts can be a nightmare. <modsnip> Though I have not had any criminal experience with them I have seen a tremendous amt of this in the court there.
I think there never was a motorcycle. MO would dictate a vehicle. And help.
Sorry for long first post!
Notnice and all of you, you rock!
Courage of convictions is not as common these days.
8 minutes I meant not 8 miles. Thank you for welcome! I am retired professional as is one of my sister's, in these areas. She lives way south state but as seen way too much of this.
The roads these incidents happened on are roads I recently took to Toledo and back to reduce traffic and speed. Right down these roads. I lived in these areas for a number of years.
From reading everything, he strikes me as someone who feels persecuted picked on and somewhat powerless, and that society owes him for this. Thus maybe his inclination to begin, or just his excuse. Perps like this always blame everyone and everything else. They enjoy the games and attention as well. Pity and Poor Me abound greatly.
Ok, I think I lost my post...either that or it posted before I finished...anyway, I'm a long time lurker...been here forever and I need a favor. I'm still in thread #5 and have followed the links to the basement/parking lot but I can't for the life of me, find the docs that Notnice obtained. I am following what everyone else is saying about what they've read, but it's not the same unless I read it for myself :(. Can someone please direct me to them, so I can catch up? I would greatly appreciate it. TIA
Any issue with the documents and watermarking, etc. has been brought to the attention of Admin and will be addressed as soon as possible.

Please don't continue discussing it on the thread.

Homesteader said:
Today*10:01 AM
It may have actually been coincidence that he was linked and caught as if he was being watched, it would have happened sooner. Good police work I think.
The way they will link and secure him to everything is evidence through DNA and material evidence, and possibly his confession or that of his family. That is just my humble opinion.
I always stress situational awareness to my children. And I wonder if this poor beautiful young lady had had a large dog with her if she would have been so easy a target?
We all seek to find meaning in some part of tragedies we suffer. I believe Ce did fight and injure him, finally shaking his ego and pointing the finger directly at him. Monster is what he is. There will be a psyche veal and he may try for insanity defense. I will pray it does not happen.
I cried too on that horrible day she was found, though I never knew her, and now I am filled with anger and there must be retribution of a grand scale. Just no other words to describe my heart but a deep love and compassion for this family.
I'm disappointed that they did not find any other victims' bodies on JDW's property. Will they ever find the other victims???? I'm frustrated because I feel like he's guilty of so much more that may never come to light...or be proven.
My humble opinion about the corn being trampled was that she had a scary instinct and he was probably stalking her. Thinking she was so close to home, thought maybe she would hide in corn till he passed and then go home. He stopped his vehicle, disabled her quickly, then came out of corn with her and left. This would have happened very quickly. She would not have been geared to suspect such a thing, confident he would pass and she could then get home quickly.
He didn't expect her to fight, prob left all items there then. He didn't expect the search to begin in earnest so rapidly and had to get rid of evidence quickly. MO dictates he would pick a place he was comfortable with and knew, for reason of control. At this point he had escaped detection for so long, didn't believe he would be caught.
He had organization to a point. But panicked when his control was lost and got sloppy.
Only my opinions please understand.
Had to laugh! Seriously, I have an older country relative who keeps some extra cash in a SOCK! It's just what they do.

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To our knowledge thusfar...this is the ONLY item found hidden under the mattress.
His need to continue and not be caught would urge him to dispose of evidence elsewhere.
ITA with the poster that said scalp wounds bleed like crazy. The scalp is HIGHLY vascular and any wound to the head bleeds like crazy if the skin is split in my experience.

We are all so focused on how he escaped with her on the motorcycle and I will be shocked if he was actually JUST using a motorcycle and not a motorcycle AND a truck. All the blood, DNA evidence.etc on the bike could also be explained by using the bike to transport her to burial. I mean..just HOW did he get her there? Carry her? I doubt it.
ITA with the poster that said scalp wounds bleed like crazy. The scalp is HIGHLY vascular and any wound to the head bleeds like crazy if the skin is split in my experience.

We are all so focused on how he escaped with her on the motorcycle and I will be shocked if he was actually JUST using a motorcycle and not a motorcycle AND a truck. All the blood, DNA evidence.etc on the bike could also be explained by using the bike to transport her to burial. I mean..just HOW did he get her there? Carry her? I doubt it.

My guess is he abducted her on motorcycle because that's what he had when he spotted her, and he used his truck to take her, and a shovel to dig a shallow grave, to where her body was found.
My guess is he abducted her on motorcycle because that's what he had when he spotted her, and he used his truck to take her, and a shovel to dig a shallow grave, to where her body was found.
Possible but not probable as too much gear to carry and keep track of. Just my HO. Unless there was irrefutable evidence of a motorcycle, I would say he used a vehicle at all times, and prob had help.
I am praying the maps listed on the search warrants and inventory are the answers to where he put his victims.
I don't think he put them on his property at all but did with Them like he did Ce

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Was DNA on motor bike or just helmet? This could have happened at his barn and placed later. ? This takes a lot of planning, and these people mostly just dont have the intelligence mostly to think like this and not under panic. Remember, they are going to do whatever their ritual has come to be, in their places they feel control and are comfortable with. Spur of the moment precise problem solving is rare with these perps.
I think I finally got caught up on all the legal documents. That was a lot to take in :( I just want to say thank you to all the diligent folks that gathered & helped redact & get them up here for all of us to see. That was no small thing, and I know we all appreciate the effort that went into it.

I think the items recovered in the search warrant that disturb me the most are the size S pink underpants with blood, the duct tape with hair on it, the sports bra, and the shoe charm found in the crawl space in the basement. For a single man with no children, none of those items have any business being in that house. I know the authorities are going to eventually reveal what's on the CD, the tapes & cameras, and I think we're all going to he even more horrified.
Possible but not probable as too much gear to carry and keep track of. Just my HO. Unless there was irrefutable evidence of a motorcycle, I would say he used a vehicle at all times, and prob had help.

There were witness reports of a motorcycle in the area at the time she went missing, plus the blood on the motorcyle, and the helmet at the scene. All that is pretty good evidence.
ITA with the poster that said scalp wounds bleed like crazy. The scalp is HIGHLY vascular and any wound to the head bleeds like crazy if the skin is split in my experience.

We are all so focused on how he escaped with her on the motorcycle and I will be shocked if he was actually JUST using a motorcycle and not a motorcycle AND a truck. All the blood, DNA evidence.etc on the bike could also be explained by using the bike to transport her to burial. I mean..just HOW did he get her there? Carry her? I doubt it.
But how would he transport her body to the burial site on a motorcycle? She was found "bound in a shallow grave". Depending on how long she had been dead, rigor mortis, the stiffness that sets in in a corpse after a few hours, may have already started. I just can't see him transporting a bound, stiff corpse with a motorcycle. He would have used his truck. And although he looks like a large man, he doesn't look like he is physically in shape enough to carry approx. 120 lbs of dead a mile or so across the countryside.

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There were witness reports of a motorcycle in the area at the time she went missing, plus the blood on the motorcuyle, and the helmet at the scene. All that is pretty good evidence.
motorcycle was not at scene correct? Was rider of motorcycle ever identified? It was only helmet at scene correct?
But how would he transport her body to the burial site on a motorcycle? She was found "bound in a shallow grave". Depending on how long she had been dead, rigor mortis, the stiffness that sets in in a corpse after a few hours, may have already started. I just can't see him transporting a bound, stiff corpse with a motorcycle. He would have used his truck. And although he looks like a large man, he doesn't look like he is physically in shape enough to carry approx. 120 lbs of dead a mile or so across the countryside.

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Not dead...dead weight is what I wanted to write

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