GUILTY OH - Steubenville Rape Case, 11 Aug 2012 #1

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What is really scary to me is that I am not reading about this for the first time in national media but here...and almost 3 weeks after it was first reported. Are we really as a society so jaded by violent crime that a horrifying rape like this doesn't make front page news EVERYWHERE??

I know this, if I were a parent trying to bring up a child - male or female - in that town I'd be upping sticks and moving them out PDQ out of fear for their emotional, moral and physical safety should they remain in such a toxic environment governed by the warped priorities that appear to be prevailing there. I don't often believe in tarring an entire community with the same brush but every adult in that town who isn't standing up demanding answers and action on the part of the school(s) and town authorities is part of the problem.

There is no outrage in that city. They are more concerned about winning football games, happy the players are still playing. I've tried to contact national media but have had zero response.
Here ya go, this is a thread on a forum called It is the premiere sports site in the Ohio Valley area. This is a link to the thread about the gang rape. It's free to register of course. The site owner is a personal friend and my brother is a moderator. Like websleuths, ovathletics is an awesome site with some awesome people.
So these hoodlums may be connected to at least one other event much like the one on this thread????? :thud:

and it hasn't even been investigated... Has been covered up???

There was a case much like this one here in So. CA where a drug/rape was video taped... And one of the perps was the son of a civic leader.

after a long process... With many attempts of excusing the perps, they were actually sent to jail.

but it wasn't a slam dunk decision... Even though there was a graphic video depicting much of the crime!
I followed that case very closely. You can blame the 1st jury for that miscarriage of justice.JMHO of course.Haidl Gang Rape Trial <--lots of good info in this thread.
After serving their sentences-=these RSO's tried to have their convictions overturned and/or at a minimum have the RSO label removed. HA! They were not successful. Click here for information

This case is just awful and I thought of Haidl right away also.
I didn't see an update on this case so here we go--a subgroup of the hacker group Anonymous has pretty much outed those involved in the rape and video.

I'm linking to an article that doesn't name anyone to make sure I don't violate TOS here, but if you Google "anonymous steubenville" you will find links with detailed information and links to the actual documents.

A group known for hacking websites has targeted, a Steubenville football site, in regards to an alleged rape case in Jefferson County
I didn't see an update on this case so here we go--a subgroup of the hacker group Anonymous has pretty much outed those involved in the rape and video.

I'm linking to an article that doesn't name anyone to make sure I don't violate TOS here, but if you Google "anonymous steubenville" you will find links with detailed information and links to the actual documents.

Anon (knightsec) is causing quite an uproar, and I'm starting to see it on twitter. They are only giving the participants until January 1 to apologize, before they release the rest of the info they have.

If that's what it takes to stop these situations from happening in the future, more power to 'em!
It seems like there are many involved in illicit actions in Steubenville high school athletics...

I hope perps, and the guilty ones who know, but have not come forward, will help justice prevail..

If not.. It looks like they will be revealed for the cowards they are!
Anon (knightsec) is causing quite an uproar, and I'm starting to see it on twitter. They are only giving the participants until January 1 to apologize, before they release the rest of the info they have.

If that's what it takes to stop these situations from happening in the future, more power to 'em!

I admit to thinking "yeah!" when I saw the info they've put out already. The whole town needs an overhaul.
A fairly in-depth article in the New York Times, from Dec. 16. (Did this article catch the attention of Anonymous?

Saccoccia, pronounced SOCK-otch, told the principal and school superintendent that the players who posted online photographs and comments about the girl the night of the parties said they did not think they had done anything wrong. Because of that, he said, he had no basis for benching those players.

The two players who testified at a hearing in early October to determine if there was enough evidence to continue the case were eventually suspended from the team. That came eight games into the 10-game regular season.

Approached in November to be interviewed about the case, Saccoccia said he did not “do the Internet,” so he had not seen the comments and photographs posted online from that night. When asked again about the players involved and why he chose not to discipline them, he became agitated.

“You made me mad now,” he said, throwing in several expletives as he walked from the high school to his car.

Nearly nose to nose with a reporter, he growled: “You’re going to get yours. And if you don’t get yours, somebody close to you will.”

So, according to the the coach, because the players said they didn't believe they did anything wrong, that he didn't have grounds to discipline them?

And doesn't that sound like the NYT reporter (and family) was threatened?

The coach sounds like a fine, highly moral person, suitable to lead our young people, doesn't he?? :furious:
A fairly in-depth article in the New York Times, from Dec. 16. (Did this article catch the attention of Anonymous?

So, according to the the coach, because the players said they didn't believe they did anything wrong, that he didn't have grounds to discipline them?

And doesn't that sound like the NYT reporter (and family) was threatened?

The coach sounds like a fine, highly moral person, suitable to lead our young people, doesn't he?? :furious:

Oh my gosh....

Bullying taken to the nth degree!

And enabling his "charges" (football players) in aggravated bullying, too!

I realize that we have limited info, other than what the media is reporting. BUT, if she didnt know what had happened to her, she was too drunk for consent. This isnt hard. My heart does not bleed at all for these young men-they made a choice. Knowingly, unlike this young woman. jmvho.
If you have information about this crime, please contact the Chief:

William A. McCafferty, Chief of Police

115 South Third Street, Steubenville, OH 43952
Phone: (740) 283-6000 Ext. 2300


For some reason this made me think of this (alleged) victim:

A fairly in-depth article in the New York Times, from Dec. 16. (Did this article catch the attention of Anonymous?

So, according to the the coach, because the players said they didn't believe they did anything wrong, that he didn't have grounds to discipline them?

And doesn't that sound like the NYT reporter (and family) was threatened?

The coach sounds like a fine, highly moral person, suitable to lead our young people, doesn't he?? :furious:

This coach is these young men's mentor so what can you expect when the coach is acting in this way. No surprise to me that the football players think that they are untouchable; they have been told that they are.
This community has a serious problem if they're willing to overlook and cover up rape crimes, while protecting the local athletes.

I'm not so sure anyone from the Ohio AG's office will do any better. Many of our top elected officials in Ohio these days are "old fashioned family values types" who scoff at crimes like rape. :moo:

Let's hope this story makes national news, it may be the only hope for justice.

Unfortunately it happens all too often - especially in smaller towns. We might hope it's a thing of the past, but it's not. There was a case where some State-Champ wrestlers were accused of sexually abusing a teammate in the locker room repeatedly - the victim was mentally disabled - and those kids got a slap on the wrist. Not even any true sexual abuse charges filed when there definitely should have been!
I honestly couldn't believe it when the parents in the town were complaining about the kids not being able to wrestle because of the team being suspended -- no outrage in regard to the kids who abused the other boy -- just outrage their golden children were suspended. I feel so bad for the victims of these people because the community protects the monsters!!!

[PS - not sure what the comment about "traditional family values" and scoffing at rape were about... It's been my experience that these terms usually are used to apply to "conservatives", and in many cases the most lenient judges and prosecutors in these cases are decidedly not "conservative". Let's not let politics and the media distract us with BS charges that one side doesn't appreciate the horror of a crime, and the other side does... Rape is rape... End of story.]
Big Football States ( Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Texas, Florida, etc...) where football is the be-all-end-all for many of the coaches/students/community are a big problem. I've had many coaches for teachers in my life and they treat us as useless tools for their own amusement. They had no problem humiliating the girls in their classrooms for their own amusement. Simply asking for a bathroom pass would turn into a larger-than-life bash session about a girls most private parts/issues. It came to a point where no girl, no matter an emergency, would even request a bathroom pass. I had never been so miserable in my life when I had a coach for a teacher. I wouldn't wish it on any young girl. There is no reporting it because no one cares. They live in the mindset that "Boys will be Boys" and if you even think to question their precious players, then there is something wrong with you and you will be a target of not only the players, but the staff and even your entire community.

Sounds like a cheesy Lifetime Movie, but it is all too real.
This pisses me right off:

Even without much official public information about the night, some people in town are skeptical of the police account, like Nate Hubbard, a Big Red volunteer coach.

As he stood in the shadow of Harding Stadium, where he once dazzled the crowd with his runs, Hubbard gave voice to some of the popular, if harsh, suspicions.

“The rape was just an excuse, I think,” said the 27-year-old Hubbard, who is No. 2 on the Big Red’s career rushing list.

“What else are you going to tell your parents when you come home drunk like that and after a night like that?” said Hubbard, who is one of the team’s 19 coaches. “She had to make up something. Now people are trying to blow up our football program because of it.”

This volunteer coach needs to be dropped yesterday. And needs a schooling in what the word 'consent' means. Because if she was drunk, like he says, then she couldn't consent!!! :furious:

This is rape culture, right here. This whole attitude of his.
A fairly in-depth article in the New York Times, from Dec. 16. (Did this article catch the attention of Anonymous?

So, according to the the coach, because the players said they didn't believe they did anything wrong, that he didn't have grounds to discipline them?

And doesn't that sound like the NYT reporter (and family) was threatened?

The coach sounds like a fine, highly moral person, suitable to lead our young people, doesn't he?? :furious:

Sounds like another Joe Paterno. :crazy:
This pisses me right off:

This volunteer coach needs to be dropped yesterday. And needs a schooling in what the word 'consent' means. Because if she was drunk, like he says, then she couldn't consent!!! :furious:

This is rape culture, right here. This whole attitude of his.

I wonder if he would be so quick to question the motives of the victim if that were his own daughter? Sad to say, I believe he would. He makes me sick!

To think that any girl is safe when you have this type of thinking going on in a school setting is crazy. Where are all the female teachers? Coaches? Don't they have anything to say? Oh, they've probably been threatened with termination if they even dare speak out to the media. This type of thinking did not just happen over night. This type of thinking has been circulated for generations and there are probably endless victims that have kept silent for generations. :furious:
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