Deceased/Not Found OH - Tyler Davis, 29, Columbus, 24 Feb 2019 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
3. At 55F, with no coat and intoxicated, Tyler would likely experience confusion within 20 minutes, be hypothermic in as little as 2 hours, and not survive the night if he passed out or stayed in that temp for longer than 5-6 hours. This is just based on averages. He was a hefty guy so I personally don't think he succumbed to cold unless he was trapped somewhere.

4. As for "woods" (any grouping of trees or shrubs that could conceal a person), at the time he disappeared, there was actually a ton of "wooded" areas Tyler could have reached. Here is the map with most of them all highlighted. Most of them have been searched by LE. Tyler Davis - Google My Maps

8. Sure. But don't forget the surveillance cameras in the area would have seen him returning.

9. Except he wasn't intoxicated before. Tyler was clearly extremely drunk and it is suspected he was also on some kind of drug.

Respectfully, I don’t think hypothermia is a factor at 55 F if you’re moving around at all and not in water. Plenty of people work outside all day long in temperatures less than that. I believe that is more of a possibility if he was passed out, as you say, but even then it would be rare for a healthy person in temps above 50 F. 50 F water temperature, of course, would most likely cause hypothermia. I just wanted to make that clarification.
I used to live in Columbus and looking for updates on Joey Labute a few days ago, I found this thread.

I have been thinking about it a lot and there are some points I’d like to mention. They most likely will not be useful, but as long as there is a small chance they are... All of them are of my opinion.

1) Between 3:31 am and 3:52 am, Tyler's walking speed is consistent. About 400 m every 5 minutes, according to the map shared by LE. In my opinion, that is strong evidence that he was not, from 3:31 to 3:52, running away from anyone or engaging in any activity inconsistent with walking at a constant pace.

2) Between 3:21 am and 3:52 am, the path he took is not inconsistent at all with just taking a walk, in my opinion. He was not necessarily in a state of confusion and/or "lost". Consider this:

+His speed was consistent.

+It is not until 3:52 am that we have evidence of his intention to go back, not before, so we cannot say that he was lost.

+ He could have been walking freely, relying on his phone to go back whenever he felt like it. In fact, that is what he did.

+Sure, walking through parking lots looks weird and makes him look lost and disoriented, but in the first parking lot, he could have first thought that it was possible to keep going forward, but then realized he could not and decided to turn to the right. At that point it is a 50/50 or perhaps, if you want to make your walk longer, you turn to the right.

+Tyler was able to operate different apps on his phone, apologize to Britanny according to her account of their conversations (he was able to determine what had recently happened and determine that he had done a mistake) and call her a couple of time to update her on his status.

I have the impression that many have already bought the idea that he was very disoriented and confused, but I don't think we have enough evidence to conclude that, even with a very low degree of confidence.

3) The temperature at that time was around 55 F, not 29 F as I heard in a podcast. You can check that here:

Columbus, OH Weather History | Weather Underground

It may have been somewhat windy, but I wonder how likely, given those weather conditions, a scenario related to hypothermia would be.

4) We know the only "woods" that Tyler has known in the area, up to 3:52 PM, are the ones in the oval.

5) There is a small house (maybe storage?), in the park/woods inside the ovall. I wonder if LE knows what it is, what is stored there, who works there, who has access.

6) The oval seems a secluded place. I would guess that it is a place where many things can happen unnoticed on a Sunday at 4 am. I wonder if people live in the buildings around the oval or it is just offices. Also, I wonder if there is evidence of the oval being used for illegal races late at night?

7) It could be the case that at 3:53 am Tyler's phone went into battery saving mode, turning the GPS off. It would be interesting to know how his phone operates.

8) We should not forget that Tyler could have decided to just go back to the hotel the same way he got to Abbot’s parking lot, especially if his GPS was automatically turned off at 3.52. Again, it would be interesting to know how his phone operates.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 --> I would spend some time investigating around the oval. He may have been crossing the oval when, as claimed by Britanny, he called Britanny and told her he was going through the forest. If that call was placed at 4.10 and Tyler maintained his walking speed going back through the same route he had previously taken, he would be just in the middle of the oval, which I would also call a forest.

9) It is somewhat likely that Tyler knew how the hotel looked like at night, because they went to the Hilton at night, before going to the strip club.

10) While likely, I do not believe it should be assumed that the hotel Tyler was trying to get to was the Hilton.

Two important uncertainties:

11) I've seen two versions of when the call was placed where he told B that he was walking through a forest: 4.01 and 4.10. Does anyone know which one it is? I believe this is very important to know with certainty.

12) Why did Tyler try to call 2 minutes later? While the answer will only be known if the case is solved, I believe it makes a scenario where he needed help, more likely.
Many interesting thoughts in your post! As far as the possibility he wasn't tying to get back to the Hilton - in one of the voice navigation requests he specifically asks how to get to the Hilton and even says his room number. It's certainly possible he was trying to go somewhere else, but he was alone with no one listening and stated the hotel name, room number, and city. To me, that indicates he was sincerely intending to go back to his room at the Hilton.

The oval is not really woods as it appears from above. It's a fairly well-manicured area with trees that is right in the middle of a very busy office park. There are walking paths throughout that are used daily by employees, even in winter. It's much less dense than it appears from above. It is frequently maintained by landscapers and there aren't hazards or water or underbrush or anything like that.

I do not believe the entire Abbott campus has been searched adequately.
Respectfully, I don’t think hypothermia is a factor at 55 F if you’re moving around at all and not in water. Plenty of people work outside all day long in temperatures less than that. I believe that is more of a possibility if he was passed out, as you say, but even then it would be rare for a healthy person in temps above 50 F. 50 F water temperature, of course, would most likely cause hypothermia. I just wanted to make that clarification.
50° air temperature (and 10mph winds) plus alcohol intoxication could absolutely result in hypothermia.

If he encountered water and was wet, hypothermia is even more likely.
50° air temperature (and 10mph winds) plus alcohol intoxication could absolutely result in hypothermia.

If he encountered water and was wet, hypothermia is even more likely.

yes, hypothermia *could* happen in the 50’s under the influence but is highly unlikely. I could give a million more examples and data of how unlikely this is...coming from a colder climate it’s just..not a thing that happens, except in extreme cases or if water is involved.
Hypothermia in water is a much different story. So, yes, if water was involved he definitely could have suffered from hypothermia. But my point is, you’re not going to find that a normal, relatively healthy, relatively dry man just “succumbed” to the cold at 50F so I think we can rule that out.
When I think of this case, I still think that maybe he accidentally stepped into an open storm drain while he was looking up, trying to find the hotel sign in the distance.
An accident of this sort is definitely a possibility.

We all know that lawyering up and being uncooperative with police does not necessarily mean a person is guilty of anything - just like being cooperative doesn't mean a person is innocent - but it certainly raises questions.
This video which is posted upthread- Where Did Tyler Davis Go? | The Missing
is incredible and full of details and SO many images I have never seen or knew existed and they definitely altered my perception of the situation that I had once felt were so suspicious. At this point in time I genuinely believe that no foul play is involved and further searches need to be done in the (semi) immediate area to recover Tyler and lay him to rest and give his loved ones the closure they need. moo
Obviously it's been a while since I checked back about Taylor. Thanks to all who posted the link to that video. Sounds like Taylor was definitely trying to find his way back. Can't believe he hasn't been found yet!
I found this statement to be a bit surprising.... Brammer also stresses investigators continue to hold out hope that Davis will be found alive.
I sure hope so, and wouldn't that be something.

I noticed on his official facebook page his best friend says they think he is being trafficked. I wonder if the police told him that since they said they think hes alive? I was really shocked at that statement. There is a rumor going around locally that traffickers are picking up men in Columbus to torture etc. I sure hope its just a rumor.

His friend also says that no way would Tyler have gone into those swampy areas even drunk. He said he hated to get his shoes dirty.

His page also said all the summer searched were cancelled due to Covid.

I don't think people that don't live here realize what a bad area this is. I would never shop there at Easton alone day or night. Lots of gang activity in this area. The area he was walking in is notoriously crime ridden. Which shocks me that his friend let him walk off alone since he is local and has to know the reputation of the area.
I always feel like trafficking it what guilty parties say to deflect attention from themselves. Seems off. And I was under the impression that that are was a new and trendy hotel and shopping center, I need to re-familiarize myself with his disappearance. This case has always stumped me.
I noticed on his official facebook page his best friend says they think he is being trafficked. I wonder if the police told him that since they said they think hes alive? I was really shocked at that statement. There is a rumor going around locally that traffickers are picking up men in Columbus to torture etc. I sure hope its just a rumor.

His friend also says that no way would Tyler have gone into those swampy areas even drunk. He said he hated to get his shoes dirty.

His page also said all the summer searched were cancelled due to Covid.

I don't think people that don't live here realize what a bad area this is. I would never shop there at Easton alone day or night. Lots of gang activity in this area. The area he was walking in is notoriously crime ridden. Which shocks me that his friend let him walk off alone since he is local and has to know the reputation of the area.
I always feel like trafficking it what guilty parties say to deflect attention from themselves. Seems off. And I was under the impression that that are was a new and trendy hotel and shopping center, I need to re-familiarize myself with his disappearance. This case has always stumped me.

I very respectfully disagree with @kaykay543 's description of the area. The Hilton is a luxury hotel, Easton is a high-end suburban shopping center, and the surrounding area is mostly corporate offices. These businesses are heavily patrolled by both private security and Columbus Police. These are not inner city streets and alleyways. There are "bad" neighborhoods several miles away, but the area Tyler was in when his phone last pinged does not have a reputation for violent crime.

The area near the strip club they visited is a different story...but we know from the security footage that he made it back to Easton safely.

I do not believe the entire Abbott campus has been searched adequately.
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I noticed on his official facebook page his best friend says they think he is being trafficked. I wonder if the police told him that since they said they think hes alive? I was really shocked at that statement. There is a rumor going around locally that traffickers are picking up men in Columbus to torture etc. I sure hope its just a rumor.

His friend also says that no way would Tyler have gone into those swampy areas even drunk. He said he hated to get his shoes dirty.

His page also said all the summer searched were cancelled due to Covid.

I don't think people that don't live here realize what a bad area this is. I would never shop there at Easton alone day or night. Lots of gang activity in this area. The area he was walking in is notoriously crime ridden. Which shocks me that his friend let him walk off alone since he is local and has to know the reputation of the area.

That surprises me. I live in the Dayton/Cincinnati area, but I shop at Easton fairly regularly. Especially now that my niece is at OSU. I would have never hesitated to go there.
I can’t wrap my mind around the trafficked/torture scenario. To “steal” a man out in a wooded sort of area in the middle of the night is pretty preposterous. Usually the people put into trafficking situations have been demoralized and manipulated...

I think if someone is near blackout drunk, they can stumble into anything without even understanding where they’re going. Unfortunately so many young men succumb after a night of drinking and getting lost :(
I hope Tyler is found and brought to rest.
Missing people have shown up close to areas that have previously been searched. And I still think it is most probable that Tyler is near to the area.

However, the longer this goes with no sign of Tyler, perhaps something bonkers happened that night. Something like a car full of younger folks pull up and offer him a ride, and then realize he is intoxicated and mess with him. Perhaps they take something too far, IDK. It is such a strange case.
I very respectfully disagree with @kaykay543 's description of the area. The Hilton is a luxury hotel, Easton is a high-end suburban shopping center, and the surrounding area is mostly corporate offices. These businesses are heavily patrolled by both private security and Columbus Police. These are not inner city streets and alleyways. There are "bad" neighborhoods several miles away, but the area Tyler was in when his phone last pinged does not have a reputation for violent crime.

The area near the strip club they visited is a different story...but we know from the security footage that he made it back to Easton safely.

I do not believe the entire Abbott campus has been searched adequately.
I'm from the area and have to agree with Kay partially. Easton Town Center is okay in the day, have only ever felt unsafe once in the daytime there. I have even slept in my car in the parking garage a few times. But at night it is dangerous and there is gang activity. There's homeless people in the area as well. The Walmart north of the mall is probably the worst Walmart in the city... always sketchy characters there. To the south where his phone last pinged is dicey.

While it is unsafe I don't know if I believe he actually encountered anyone. I think he just wandered into a wooded area and hasn't been found yet. Most of the buildings in the area kind of look similar, especially in the dark and being drunk. I think he could've saw the Courtyard by Marriott (opposite side of where the Hilton was) in the distance and thought that was the Hilton. He got close enough and saw it wasn't and kept walking... where from there? I don't know. I hope he is found soon, this case really bothers me.
I'm from the area and have to agree with Kay partially. Easton Town Center is okay in the day, have only ever felt unsafe once in the daytime there. I have even slept in my car in the parking garage a few times. But at night it is dangerous and there is gang activity. There's homeless people in the area as well. The Walmart north of the mall is probably the worst Walmart in the city... always sketchy characters there. To the south where his phone last pinged is dicey.

While it is unsafe I don't know if I believe he actually encountered anyone. I think he just wandered into a wooded area and hasn't been found yet. Most of the buildings in the area kind of look similar, especially in the dark and being drunk. I think he could've saw the Courtyard by Marriott (opposite side of where the Hilton was) in the distance and thought that was the Hilton. He got close enough and saw it wasn't and kept walking... where from there? I don't know. I hope he is found soon, this case really bothers me.
I agree with you 1000%. I'm at Easton frequently and my daughter works in the town center. I'm a worry-wart when it comes to her and always encourage her to have a security guard escort her to her car after dark. It's a nice place to shop the vast majority of the time but there are robberies, shootings and gang activity at times as well. I've said before a few threads back that I truly believe he did get turned around and mistake the Marriott for the Hilton. The swampy area on Sunbury Rd between Morse and Easton Way gives me the creeps. I've never heard of a search there and its always full of standing water. This is right down the hill from the Marriott.
Wonder if LE checked camera footage at the Marriott or other hotels in the area???

Trafficking men to torture?

This is not at all how trafficking works. What a surprisingly odd allegation.

Columbus is one of the nations highest for human trafficking. There have been several men his age go missing. Also LE states that they believe he is alive. But they don't think he deliberately left. So what does that leave? Human trafficking of men does happen. Some say torture, some say labor, some say sex.

I agree with you 1000%. I'm at Easton frequently and my daughter works in the town center. I'm a worry-wart when it comes to her and always encourage her to have a security guard escort her to her car after dark. It's a nice place to shop the vast majority of the time but there are robberies, shootings and gang activity at times as well. I've said before a few threads back that I truly believe he did get turned around and mistake the Marriott for the Hilton. The swampy area on Sunbury Rd between Morse and Easton Way gives me the creeps. I've never heard of a search there and its always full of standing water. This is right down the hill from the Marriott.

I don't think that people from other areas understand that this mall/area is known to have gang activity, gang fights, shootings etc. I get you guys think its safe during the day. Myself I would never shop there ALONE day or night. For sure night time is more dangerous. Just because a mall has high end shops/hotels doesn't mean its safe.
so, I think it’s highly unlikely that he was trafficked, but I think you bring up a really good point about the shoes. Yes, he was clearly kind of drunk...but walking through a a very commercialized area when there is absolutely zero need or reason to do so has always struck me as almost completely implausible. I just don’t see it. I can see certain people doing something like that, even people I know, but Tyler just does not seem the type, no matter how drunk he was. He’s clearly not a nature boy or “rugged” by any stretch of the imagination according to those who knew him.

I noticed on his official facebook page his best friend says they think he is being trafficked. I wonder if the police told him that since they said they think hes alive? I was really shocked at that statement. There is a rumor going around locally that traffickers are picking up men in Columbus to torture etc. I sure hope its just a rumor.

His friend also says that no way would Tyler have gone into those swampy areas even drunk. He said he hated to get his shoes dirty.

His page also said all the summer searched were cancelled due to Covid.

I don't think people that don't live here realize what a bad area this is. I would never shop there at Easton alone day or night. Lots of gang activity in this area. The area he was walking in is notoriously crime ridden. Which shocks me that his friend let him walk off alone since he is local and has to know the reputation of the area.

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