OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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respectfully snipped for focus|
Use of black plastic bag & inner tube (attack #1):
1. IMO, does not afford any justification or reason as to why Bill did not see his attackers. Even in situations attacked "from behind". Probably the best way I can demonstrate this is a real life recreation of the event. Since surprise would be a necessary key element, it's hard to recreate. However, hypothetically, if you were riding a bicycle and have two people jump out from a concealed area (say a tree/bush) behind you: First, unless you were riding a bike at a bare crawl (most kids don't), you would be a fair distance ahead of them by the time they jumped out. Most trees wouldn't afford 100% concealment for a very "close up" victim.
But mainly, in the act of anyone attempting to place a bag over your head, even by surprise, there is almost always ample time to react and see that person's face.
Simply put, I place myself in any victim's shoes. I'd feel comfortable challenging anyone to be able to do it successfully to me, and not have me see their face.

It's been asked "Why those two items? Why the need for the bag? Why not just the inner tube for strangulation?"
I'm not a doctor, medical examiner, nor killer, but will provide the following info from what I know.
1. Both items would be needed for maximum asphyxiation in the shortest amount of time, thus reducing "struggle/consciousness" time to a minimum.
2. Quite simply, the bag limits breathable air to virtually close to zero air. The inner tube (or any tying item) seals the enclosure and maintains the seal. It's rather scary just thinking about it, I know. Just trying to explain.
3. But this allows use of the victim's hands (unless they are held/tied) before the point of unconsciousness, to tear off the items
4. The note left said "He was warned". Keyword is "WAS". Not "is". If Bill didn't fake that note, then to me that significantly indicates they intended him NOT to walk away alive.
5. All of these are reasons why I said in my very first post that I believe the intent of #1 attack was to kill on that date, rather than scare. I also can't answer why they used an inner tube, rather than say rope or duct tape, other than 1. possibly handy for the perps to have. 2. Due to the stretchy material, it actually would be the best material to both seal and ADD/maintain compression pressure to the throat/neck once it is tied off.
Excellent post, Methodical. I'm sure I'll have more comments when I've had time to give it more thought. For now, I'd like to note just a couple of points.

1. Your observation of the term "was" as opposed to "is" casts a new light on the circumstances. I've been sitting in this corner with my thoughts, struggling to move forward, and I think this will be a big help. I have the highest regard for all of the ideas and the effort that have come forth so far. The focus has been extraordinary, and I'm sincerely humbled. I think it's fair to say that most of our theories have arisen from the consensus that Bill was in some fashion, or to some degree, a voluntary participant. And from what I can tell -- family excluded -- that has been par for the course since 1980. It's not my intent by any means to persuade or influence "thought". Personally, however, I'd like very much like to give Bill a voice and follow his direction. But you see, I've been trapped in that corner until just now when you lit the way for me to step out. So we'll see where it goes from here, but I did want to share that and to say thanks.

2. So moving on to the first attack, I wasn't going to comment until I'd had a chance to study an historical aerial map and/or photographs from the time. Because as you said, focusing on different views one can assess the possibilities, and envision a scenario as it played out. At any rate, I'll wing it for now, and tweak later. I suspect the first attack was spur of the moment. There might have been previous intent, but when Bill was spotted riding alone across the field, a window of opportunity presented itself, *I think*, and the killers acted in haste to seize on it. Alcohol certainly might have been a factor, and then along comes poor Bill. The killers either are in a car, or they jump in a car, and circle around the field, pulling up pretty close to where they meet his path. The younger (or less dominant) one grabs a plastic bag lying on the back seat, and runs out in front of Bill. Bill might have stopped; I think he recognized him. He at least slowed down enough for the guy to grab him and wrestle him off of his bike. Meanwhile, the other rummages the trunk to select the right weapon. A tire iron would have done the job efficiently, but this perp enjoys contact and a struggle, so he chooses the inner tube.

3. Which brings me to the note. I wish we had photographs. Perhaps Bob or Kat can fill us in on the description of the paper. Was it note size? Letter size? Ripped? Colored, white, ruled? And was this note handwritten, or typed like the ones at school?

Anyway, I don't want to run ahead of myself, so that's all for now. It's time to ponder for awhile.
Handwritten note on notebook paper I believe. Bill found facedown, scarf knotted in rear. He was turned faceup, accessed, and scarf was removed to start cpr.

Methodical, and All, I believe you understand where I am at, because most of you have been there in one way or another.

First attack. Why leave a warning note if you believed victim was dead. Who are you warning at that point? Why leave something that could point back at yourself?
Did he speak of anyone bullying him or being mean to him?

What was he warned about? Obviously, he would have known, and he may not have spoken to his family about it, but he may have talked with his best friend or GF about it.
Handwritten note on notebook paper I believe. Bill found facedown,
scarf knotted in rear
. He was turned faceup, accessed, and scarf was removed to start cpr.

Methodical, and All, I believe you understand where I am at, because most of you have been there in one way or another.

First attack. Why leave a warning note if you believed victim was dead. Who are you warning at that point? Why leave something that could point back at yourself?

scarf knotted in rear This would indicate to me that the killer knelt on his back and tied it. So how dare the police even insinuate this was suicide!

He was warned : This message was intended for a) The person/s who found Bill dead and ultimately the Police (Meaning it was infact attempted murder) b) For Bill's family/friends who would have returned to the scene to look for attackers (So, not intended to kill Bill but to give the killers some kind of thrill out of this stalking/hunting campaign)

One thing is obvious, the note wasnt for Bill. If it was, it would have been worded differently i.e You were warned, you have been warned

It now leaves us wondering was this first attack either attempted murder, or some sick attack designed to terrify Bill.

The fact that they would even leave a note there should NOT surprise us that they would also leave the bag and inner tube. The killers wanted notoriety. They wanted some kind of fame for what they were doing. Again, that brings me back to thinking it was a couple of under achieving students relishing in the fear they were causing in the neighborhood. Was this the work of two teenagers? It sounds reckless and disorganized enough to be. They're certainly not worried about forensics and incriminating themselves.

Was it attempted murder or a serious violent assault?

One thing for certain. This attack was pre meditated. They had the note already written and ready and they had the inner tube and bag. Did they hide out in that wooded area waiting for Bill to return? Did one of the killers live by Prairie Lincoln Elementary school? Thus seeing Bill pass, and decided he would have to return back the same route? So they laid in wait in the woods?
Butcher knife was not touched at the murder scene. I specifically remember telling my brother and dad not to touch it. Of course, we touched most everything else, trying to save him.
Welcome back methodical -- I've missed u these last few days. :)

Apologies in advance - I am shortcutting by not quoting - because I an sitting here without power, posting from my phone. I'm in New Jersey and we're in the middle of an ice storm. Got my fingers crossed that I'm gonna write a post and poof! Power will return. But after sandy neither I or my neighbors know what to expect.

First off, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your sister and appreciate you sharing that with us.

Second, I don't *disagree* with anything you said because no one scenario is grounded with evidence yet. I personally find the range of points of view thought-provoking. The span of possibilities is mind-boggling (though for the Cs it must be a never ending nightmare). I say let's just keep at it until we get somewhere.

Third, I will weigh in on one thought about the notes. To me WAS is merely past tense, and how you read it depends on how you position it. Going with the attacker scenario and Bill's story c'all-in,' you are right - if you accept the premise that murder was both the attacker's intent and their misconception of what they had done - then yes, the 'past' could refer to Bill's past.

On the other hand, if you instead assume these attackers meant to scare Bill, WAS could refer to a more recent past such as something that happened at school. For instance, these attackers might be extending an ominous threat to anyone else they also threatened, suggesting that what happened to Bill could happen to them too.

Alternatively, if Bill wrote the note, 'was' could be his way of pointing to something that happened in school. Or it could just be a vague cover for whatever true horror he was dealing with.

I think the same is true of the point I made yesterday (I don't have the technical ability to cite the post now) - that the use of HE rather than YOU suggests that the audience for the notes was not Bill. But it still -- IMO -- doesn't tell us who did this or what they intended. As w the above, if the attackers wrote it, the audience could be others they wished to reign terror on. If Bill did, the audience could be anyone who could help - it might be intended to point generally back to school or to something specific a friend knew about. It could even have been free of specific intent and just been something to throw everyone off the trail.

Another point - I don't think this was part of your post - maybe Bob's but can't check. IIRC, a page torn from a notebook? In my experience, something you find in any ordinary kid's backpack, but no JD. I ever knew even owned a notebook or binder (and unfortunately, when I was young and VERY naive, I got close to more than my fair share).

Last point, I just want to clarify something in case I miscommunicated this. Bessie, in your post I think you referred to some of the scenarios we've been discussing painting Bill's involvement as "voluntary." You may have just meant because it could involve his "volition" - as in walking into something or writing the notes. But in nothing I've said do I see Bill's behavior as voluntary - in the 'all-out' scenario I painted in detail, for instance, I see him as potentially lured, trapped, and abused, then using the only things available to a 14-YO to cope with what I see as a living hell. Just wanted to be clear. I think voluntary has been on the table a few times, but I don't see it that way.

Ugh - no power :( and it took me a ridiculously long time to write that - LOL. Cross your fingers for me folks - time to go see what I'm dealing with.
scarf knotted in rear This would indicate to me that the killer knelt on his back and tied it. So how dare the police even insinuate this was suicide!

He was warned : This message was intended for a) The person/s who found Bill dead and ultimately the Police (Meaning it was infact attempted murder) b) For Bill's family/friends who would have returned to the scene to look for attackers (So, not intended to kill Bill but to give the killers some kind of thrill out of this stalking/hunting campaign)

One thing is obvious, the note wasnt for Bill. If it was, it would have been worded differently i.e You were warned, you have been warned

It now leaves us wondering was this first attack either attempted murder, or some sick attack designed to terrify Bill.

The fact that they would even leave a note there should NOT surprise us that they would also leave the bag and inner tube. The killers wanted notoriety. They wanted some kind of fame for what they were doing. Again, that brings me back to thinking it was a couple of under achieving students relishing in the fear they were causing in the neighborhood. Was this the work of two teenagers? It sounds reckless and disorganized enough to be. They're certainly not worried about forensics and incriminating themselves.

Was it attempted murder or a serious violent assault?

One thing for certain. This attack was pre meditated. They had the note already written and ready and they had the inner tube and bag. Did they hide out in that wooded area waiting for Bill to return? Did one of the killers live by Prairie Lincoln Elementary school? Thus seeing Bill pass, and decided he would have to return back the same route? So they laid in wait in the woods?

When I first read through this thread, it made me wonder if Bill had come upon a "bad scene in the woods" something he witnessed, and perhaps he ran from it not realizing that he was seen? Yes, I think he was then staked out in the woods.

Bbm: This connects with the notes in the school lockers and the glare down in choir. Now I wonder if Bill's question to his teacher was an attempt to talk to someone and try to understand something he knew nothing about before?

I agree - totally premeditated. -Bill managed to escape the first time. I wonder what juvenile delinquents were on LE's radar at the time? Could the strangulation method of terror be a smoke screen as well because the attackers knew that LE knows about what auto-asphyxiation "looks like"?

The other question I am wondering about is how many young boys (14 year old) even know about auto-asphyxiation? I asked my S.O. - he said he had no idea about it as a teenager in the late 60's. Whatever happened to Bill was a sudden event, series of events. If he managed to escape the first time -I wonder when the conversation with the teacher happened? Between the 1st & 2nd attacks? Was there anything else in that conversation that could shed some light?
scarf knotted in rear This would indicate to me that the killer knelt on his back and tied it. So how dare the police even insinuate this was suicide!

He was warned : This message was intended for a) The person/s who found Bill dead and ultimately the Police (Meaning it was infact attempted murder) b) For Bill's family/friends who would have returned to the scene to look for attackers (So, not intended to kill Bill but to give the killers some kind of thrill out of this stalking/hunting campaign)

One thing is obvious, the note wasnt for Bill. If it was, it would have been worded differently i.e You were warned, you have been warned

It now leaves us wondering was this first attack either attempted murder, or some sick attack designed to terrify Bill.

The fact that they would even leave a note there should NOT surprise us that they would also leave the bag and inner tube. The killers wanted notoriety. They wanted some kind of fame for what they were doing. Again, that brings me back to thinking it was a couple of under achieving students relishing in the fear they were causing in the neighborhood. Was this the work of two teenagers? It sounds reckless and disorganized enough to be. They're certainly not worried about forensics and incriminating themselves.

Was it attempted murder or a serious violent assault?

One thing for certain. This attack was pre meditated. They had the note already written and ready and they had the inner tube and bag. Did they hide out in that wooded area waiting for Bill to return? Did one of the killers live by Prairie Lincoln Elementary school? Thus seeing Bill pass, and decided he would have to return back the same route? So they laid in wait in the woods?

Respectfully murkmanz,, I disagree on being able to identify the position of the perp. One perp could have easily tightened the scarf and tied the knot from behind Bill, while both were standing. It's not known if Bill was standing or laying down before the scarf was tied. If standing, he'd pass out and fall to a lying position.

Actually, in order to asphyxiate (choke) someone to the point of unconsciousness with something like a scarf, one cannot simply tie it tight with a knot and let go, and expect that person to die. The reason is,, nearly all cloth/material items have sufficient "give" to them, even when twisted & tied tight, and will allow some air into the windpipe, to gradually revive that person. One must keep strong tension on the ends of the scarf (or whatever choking tool) until that person loses consciousness (about 3 -5 seconds), then maintain that pressure by hand until the victim reaches the "point of no return", which may be several minutes. There may be exceptions with a specific cloth material, however I've never seen or heard of it yet.

This is very likely the reason why Bill lived thru the first two strangulation attempts (pressure was not maintained by hand long enough after tying off the choking item).

Th coroner/medical examiner should have been able to definitively indicate if hands/fingers were used on Bill's neck. The bruising and internal signs/damage is quite different and obvious, as compared to the indications left from choking by scarf.
I have good reason to believe the perp used his hands for choking prior to using the scarf. A good medical examiner would be able to verify that.

Butcher knife was not touched at the murder scene. I specifically remember telling my brother and dad not to touch it. Of course, we touched most everything else, trying to save him.

BBM (Bold By Me): Completely understandable! I would do no different. The effort to save Bill comes FIRST, as it definitely should.

Bob, you asked earlier (re: note) "Who were they "warning"?
The note said "He was warned".
I believe their words indicated (to me, imo) that they were saying like... Hey, it's not our fault he died. We had warned him not to ________ (fill in the blank). So, in other words, in their sick twisted mind, they were laughingly saying it was all Bill's fault if he died, and not theirs.
Impossible to comprehend a sociopath's twisted & evil way of thinking, but I believe that is what they were saying.
Question: what is meant by 'butcher knife' - cleaver? Chef's knife (long and pointy)? Something else? In terms if the prev list of neighborhood people to think of MB this suggests we should add 'cook' or other restaurant employee to it. Someone who worked at at a place kids hung out - pizza place? Burger joint?
Long cutting knife that probably most of us have in our kitchens. Not a cleaver.
The "Car" (in Bill's case):
Tho I never rule out anything (tho I may keep things below 5% probability), I do not see a vehicle being used, especially for the 3rd attack/death.
1. Use of a vehicle is far more "witness-able" and "cumbersome" in a virtually slightly over 1 block radius attack. (on abduction AND the very open final death scene).
2. Use of a vehicle largest "benefit" would be to carry Bill far from the abduction point. That did not occur, in the least.
3. Use of a vehicle is far more unlikely in "spur of the moment" chances of catching Bill away from family, in front of his own home.
4. Use of a vehicle would also allow Bill to easily/readily notice it either on approach, or parked nearby the house. Or upon exit of the "occupants".
These are my main reasons for placing the use of a vehicle as "unlikely".

Respectfully TBM

Methodical - bbms: Your post makes sense to me and I could suddenly visualize it.

-Something like - the killer (s) staked him out, surprised him, and he was marched to location #3 at knife point, and his killer (s) fled, (unintentionally leaving the knife at the scene), when they heard Bill's father and neighbor calling for him.

It was such a short window of time and so close by. A car/van would be very risky in front of Bill's home.
Welcome back methodical -- I've missed u these last few days. :) Thanks GBMG! Prior to this, the only ones that ever said they "missed" me... were ones that shot at me. And they weren't happy about it. ;)

Apologies in advance - I am shortcutting by not quoting - because I an sitting here without power, posting from my phone. I'm in New Jersey and we're in the middle of an ice storm. Got my fingers crossed that I'm gonna write a post and poof! Power will return. But after sandy neither I or my neighbors know what to expect. Argh! Hate to hear that. Can relate,, was in 3 hurricanes down south (Katrina included) was w/o power for 6 weeks minimum, possibly 8 weeks, power was out so long I can't remember... argh! Keep safe. Glad your post made it.

First off, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your sister and appreciate you sharing that with us. My mistake. He disappearance investigation was highly botched, but I neglected to include we found her a month later, via Chicago PD. Bad shape, made the papers, but she survived. But she died in 2011.

Second, I don't *disagree* with anything you said because no one scenario is grounded with evidence yet. I personally find the range of points of view thought-provoking. The span of possibilities is mind-boggling (though for the Cs it must be a never ending nightmare). I say let's just keep at it until we get somewhere. It ok for anyone to disagree with my opinion, but I understand fully what you're saying, and I agree. I do have a habit of unintentionally "coming off" as "set in stone", tho in my head I never rule anything out until all things are certain. I agree 100%,, the span of possibilities is TRULY mind-boggling.

Third, I will weigh in on one thought about the notes. To me WAS is merely past tense, and how you read it depends on how you position it. Going with the attacker scenario and Bill's story 'all-in,' you are right - if you accept the premise that murder was both the intent and the attackers misconception of what they had done - then yes, the 'past' could refer to Bill's past.

On the other hand, if you instead assume these attackers meant to scare Bill,it colluded refer to a more recent past such as something that happened at school. For instance, if these attackers might be extending an ominous threat to anyone else they also threatened, that what happened to Bill could happen to them too.

Alternatively, if Bill wrote the note, 'was' could be his way of pointing to something that happened in school. Or it could just be a vague cover for whatever true horror he was dealing with.
On all the above: Totally agree, still far too many missing pieces to "know" what's what, or even close to that.
I think the same is true of the point I made yesterday (I don't have the technical ability to cite the post now) - that the use of HE rather than YOU suggests that the audience for the notes was not Bill. But it still -- IMO -- doesn't tell us who did this or what they intended. As w the above, if the attackers wrote it, the audience could be others they wished to reign terror on. If Bill did, the audience could be anyone who could help - it might be intended to point generally back to school or to something specific a friend knew about. It could even have been free of specific intent and just been something to throw everyone off the trail. Agree with this also. The note's intent is still very foggy, and surrounded by tons of other things that don't provide a clear direction.

Another point - I don't think this was part of your post - maybe Bob's but can't check. IIRC, a page torn from a notebook? In my experience, something you find in any ordinary kid's backpack, but no JD. I ever knew even owned one (and unfortunately, when I was young and VERY naive, I got close to more than my fair share). Not my post, but I'd have to agree it's far more likely to be readily available for a true student, than a problem child JD. But not hard for a JD to pilfer off another student.

Last point, I just want to clarify something in case I miscommunicated this. Bessie, in your post I think you referred to some of the scenarios we've been discussing painting Bill's involvement as "voluntary." You may have just meant because it could involve his "volition" - as in walking into something or writing the notes. But in nothing I've said do I see Bill's behavior as voluntary - in the 'all-out' scenario I painted in detail, for instance, I see him as potentially lured, trapped, and abused, then using the only things available to a 14-YO to cope with what I see as a living hell. Just wanted to be clear. I think voluntary has been on the table a few times, but I don't see it that way.
I'll chime in here too. I fully agree, GBMG. I don't see anything "voluntary" on Bill's part, so far. I do see indications of possible to likely "incidents", sexual rating higher on a probability list, in which he was dominated against his free will. This also would have a huge effect on him, especially emotionally and naturally a whirlwind of directional "stability". These are merely insights and possibilities at this point, and the true reason for the unexplainable things that don't make sense are still "in the fog".
Ugh - no power :( and it took me a ridiculously long time to write that - LOL. Cross your fingers for me folks - time to go see what I'm dealing with.

My replies above are in RED.
Keep safe/warm the best way possible, and praying that the weather takes a turn for the better so power is quickly restored. If you have a "save text" key... use it after every word typed.;)
Very glad to hear that ur sisters missing case was abbreviated. I'm sure it was a horrible ordeal and am sorry she's gone now.

Thx re the power. Don't think I have a 'save text' key (iPhone) but I sure wish I did! That'd be a keeper :)

Really like the insight about pilfering notebook paper - esp BC we can pretty much bet Bill had some in his backpack.

Thx re the rest as well.
Still thinking it through, but, the more I think about it the more I lean towards 2 or more perps. I do think Bill was telling the truth about being jumped. ETA: This would make sense with no other marks found on his body. If more than one were involved, one may have been holding the knife and another pulling the scarf.

His warning could have been any number of things, but with teens, I would lean toward sexually motivated. Be it about his GF or about his sexuality. It could even be about out performing someone in one of his school musical activities. Still leaning away from adult, so I don't think it was about walking in someone's yard or picking some fruit or veggies type of warning.

More than one perp would make the 3rd attack more plausible for happening so quickly as I think he would have fought back if he could. It also makes the other attacks more plausible, therefore, he would have been telling the truth about being outnumbered. If it was related to dating issues, he may not have wanted to tell his family or the GF who it was, but may have told a best friend.
Regarding the "car theory"...

It's not completely unlikely a car could have been used the night of the murder. You have to remember, everyone has their doors and windows shut (it's 30 degrees outside) and it's dark. How many cars go by your house on a given night while you are inside watching tv, doing laundry, cooking dinner? You don't know, because you are busy. It only takes a moment to "grab and go."

The walk from Bill's house to the area he was found, is about a leisurely 5 minute walk, 20 seconds by car.
I think chances are probably 100% that AJT has some V, but I think probably half the neighbors do too -- doctors at the time needed very little provocation to give it out. You did not need to have the mental health issues she had to get some (and I am leery about the multiple-personality-disorder diagnosis, given how our understanding of that illness has changed over the last 30 years, as well as how shrewd she was about holding back facts that would implicate her). It troubles me that she never offered a reason for writing the notes, though I believe KatCo said earlier -- or mb it was on the Twitter feed -- that in some twisted way AJT believed she was helping to bring attention to the case.

What I get from AJT is that she just wanted attention. She was probably a lonely, bored housewife. Perhaps her life was perked up by Bill's attacks/ death and she wanted that to continue in some way. It was probably the talk of the neighbor for weeks. AJT may have had a slight psychological disorder but I don't think it was severve. Just don't see her notes directly related to Bill's attacks/death. IMHO. :twocents:

I've been out of town for a few days and am very happy to see more posts to catch up on. Everyone is contributing some excellent theories and thoughts.
Respectfully TBM

Methodical - bbms: Your post makes sense to me and I could suddenly visualize it.

-Something like - the killer (s) staked him out, surprised him, and he was marched to location #3 at knife point, and his killer (s) fled, (unintentionally leaving the knife at the scene), when they heard Bill's father and neighbor calling for him.

It was such a short window of time and so close by. A car/van would be very risky in front of Bill's home.

The 3rd and final attack, location, and scene is quite perplexing.
I have yet to talk about it, except briefly, but have given this date intense thought. However, far too many details still are unknown to me/us.

One must ask "Why did it take place *there*??"
Here are some of my thoughts. There are certainly other reasons/possibilities, but this is how I see it at present.

1. It's not at all an ideal concealed location. In fact, after viewing both 1971 and present aerial views, it is unbelievably "out in the open". Night darkness was the "only" aid in concealment. Weather records show clear skies and temp of 27° at 6 PM down to 25° at 9 PM. Very cold, but clear, with light snow on the ground.

2. If I was to guess the age range of the perp(s) based on this final day alone, I'd have to say between the ages of 17 to 19. However, when I consider details of the entire case, from the 1st attack forward, I'd have to expand that age range to also include those much older, possibly up to 30 yrs old. But an age range of 20 to 30 is very unusual for this 3rd crime scene, and the acts on this day leading to Bill's death.
This final crime scene "screams" immaturity, youthful risk taking, and one that is highly likely 17 - 19 years old.

3. How many perps?
Was it one perp on this date or two,, or three. I believe two, because one person alone faced far too many obstacles in so short a timeframe.
a.) Bill had to be either overpowered (or dominated) to be led away from right at his home. One is insufficient, two is needed. Three perps = too "noticeable", plus we never heard of 3 prior, according to Bill's statements.
b.) Two perps can keep a secret. Three perps never.

4. Why "THERE"?? (cont'd)
Besides immaturity and risk taking in excess, my thoughts are glued to those railroad tracks, but more in particular, the area both on the other side of the RR tracks and especially what seemingly is a semi-wooded area just to the east, where it appears (from 1971 aerials) that 5 sets of tracks makes a split (3 turn to the north, 2 continue to the east). This V-shaped semi-wooded area is the land between the split RR tracks, just east of the crime scene.

Everything in the area has always been entirely residential, hence many potential witnesses. The only area secluded and free of witnesses is across the tracks, especially the wooded area just down the tracks to the east.
When I was that age range, we also had similar RR track setups like this.
The perps, with Bill, headed in that direction from the get-go, and they already just crossed the outer-most residential line. Now WHY kill Bill within sight of those 3 houses on the outer-edge of the Park & Buena Vista Blvd in plain sight, when you are now at the start of the "no-witness" zone across the tracks?

I believe their original intention was to go across the tracks, likely to the wooded area just east. I believe "something" abruptly stopped that plan (possibly some resistance from Bill?).

The following goes "beyond" the scope of this case, but I added my thoughts:
If they had made it to the wooded area, it's quite likely, due to the family's relatively quick search for Bill, that it would have ended as assuming Bill was forcefully taken away by vehicle. It is also highly doubtful anyone would search that wooded area until much later, as most ppl probably would have assumed Bill was abducted by vehicle if Bill could not be found by foot searching around the nearby neighboring homes, due to short time frame in which he vanished. Likely, in that case, he would not have been found until 1 to "?" days later.

5. The knife left at crime scene:
I saw it in the YouTube video, but it only showed a small portion of the blade and riveted wood handle. It appeared to be a common looking large kitchen "chef's" knife, very similar to those manufactured by Chicago Cutlery brand.
One that's not easily toted in a pocket, but can be slid in a belt for very temporary carry. I hate to ask this of Bob, but must: Was there any missing knife of this sort from the family home? I would surely think LE had already asked that of the family, back then.
To leave it at a crime scene is either:
a). Dropped in a rush to get away fast.
b). Dropped by someone so unknowing how much evidence it could possibly provide.
c). Dropped intentionally, to deceive direction in the investigation.

6). Beer bottle at crime scene:
Originally, due to location, I felt it highly unlikely it to be unrelated to the perp(s) or the murder. Typically RR track areas and areas at the outside edge of neighborhoods are common for discarded bottles and various litter.
However, after I saw it briefly in the video, I saw it looked clean/clear (no dirty film) and also had absolutely no snow or ice on it's surface. I believe it snowed lightly within that past 24 hrs, so therefore it is highly likely this was in fact left by the killers. That bottle is typically a "fingerprint haven". Was there any word they got prints off that or anything? IIRC, you may have said no or IDK, before?
I have not seen the video yet that shows the knife and beer. Will look for it when I get home.

Since this is still an "open" homicide case, I guess we will never see the police reports, interviews, etc..? Sometimes news stations can get a lot of info, then redact personal names, addresses, ss numbers, etc..

We really do need more info about the 3 attacks, the last night, Bill's life in general, any interviews, evidence taken/tested. I would guess since a DNA test is to happen, we are not going to be able to get any of that?
The bottle and knife are with LE. No word on any evidence taken off these objects. LE asked if the knife came from our house. I don't think so. We had no knife sets at the house or anything matching what was left at scene.

By the third attack when Bill went missing, the family was out and immediately searching. Amazing what you get used to, and not in a good way. Dad and neighbor went one way. Two brothers went the other way. Brothers crossed paths with a patrolling LE and he stated they thought someone was walking other way. We headed back to house, got my car, and headed toward tracks. Parked car, walked out to tracks and found Bill, Dad, and neighbor.
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