OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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Hi Bessie-

Thanks for clarifying. I think I see where this got confusing (last night). We were in conversation about AJT (note writer) who died in 2012 – when Gemmie asked for clarification.

-And, this is where the convo was going when we were talking about a potential posthumous suspect. Hope this helps.
Hi Bessie-

Thanks for clarifying. I think I see where this got confusing (last night). We were in conversation about AJT (note writer) who died in 2012 – when Gemmie asked for clarification.

-And, this is where the convo was going when we were talking about a potential posthumous suspect. Hope this helps.
And I walked right smack into the middle of it. LOL! :bricks:

Thanks, Rose. I get it now. :)
Thanks for the support. They chose to ignore my email requesting to refer Bill's case. It will be a little harder to ignore 230+ emails requesting the same thing.

Just looking for answers, the same as every other family with questions.
I had asked in a prior post if you had contacted Cold Justice so I am very happy to see this. I guess it makes sense that the police have to request this, because if they are not willing to work with the show, then the Cold Justice team can't do all that much.

I have signed the petition. I hope they do contact Cold Justice and that this case gets chosen. I really believe that if someone interviews former students of the school and neighborhood kids that you will find some answers. I did see one episode recently where they mentioned interviewing 90 people.

Do you or any of your siblings still live in town? It would also be helpful to have them get as many current residents to sign the petition as well. Having voters want this AND having this case be on the radar of people all around the country will likely light a fire under somebody's rear.
Hi Bessie-

Thanks for clarifying. I think I see where this got confusing (last night). We were in conversation about AJT (note writer) who died in 2012 – when Gemmie asked for clarification.

-And, this is where the convo was going when we were talking about a potential posthumous suspect. Hope this helps.

Actually, the convo was about AJT's dead husband. I said: 2005 must have been a rough year for AJT. She lost her husband a few months later in November. It was my comment about her husband passing that made me ask the question because I can see her covering for her husband. Hence me asking if it's OK to sleuth deceased family members.

The TOS isn't clear about that ([*]Sleuthing family members that are not suspect is not allowed.). Bessie's comment yesterday was clearer: "Her surviving family members, however, are off limits". I'd add that to the TOS because I wasn't the only one that didn't know the answer. :)

Then I guess I got confused because AJT's obit link was posted after your TOS question.

Thanks for clarifying....
Actually, the convo was about AJT's dead husband. I said: 2005 must have been a rough year for AJT. She lost her husband a few months later in November. It was my comment about her husband passing that made me ask the question because I can see her covering for her husband. Hence me asking if it's OK to sleuth deceased family members.

The TOS isn't clear about that ([*]Sleuthing family members that are not suspect is not allowed.). Bessie's comment yesterday was clearer: "Her surviving family members, however, are off limits". I'd add that to the TOS because I wasn't the only one that didn't know the answer. :)


Did you PM Bessie, Gemmie? I thought you might have meant WT -- I thought maybe you were thinking of posting his obit. I'm not sure we got an answer (I don't think I would have made that connection if I were Bessie), and I still think it's a good Q. JMO
I had asked in a prior post if you had contacted Cold Justice so I am very happy to see this. I guess it makes sense that the police have to request this, because if they are not willing to work with the show, then the Cold Justice team can't do all that much.

I have signed the petition. I hope they do contact Cold Justice and that this case gets chosen. I really believe that if someone interviews former students of the school and neighborhood kids that you will find some answers. I did see one episode recently where they mentioned interviewing 90 people.

Do you or any of your siblings still live in town? It would also be helpful to have them get as many current residents to sign the petition as well. Having voters want this AND having this case be on the radar of people all around the country will likely light a fire under somebody's rear.


Over 500 signatures today, friends from school and neighbors among them....
Can I quote some 'reasons' here?
Just read for yourself

BC has over 3000 followers on Twitter, so this is just the beginning.

We have had some dialogue with Cold Justice. CJ is hoping the case is submitted by Franklin County Sheriff. We have asked LE multiple times to submit case to CJ. No guarantees from anyone.
We have had some dialogue with Cold Justice. CJ is hoping the case is submitted by Franklin County Sheriff. We have asked LE multiple times to submit case to CJ. No guarantees from anyone.

Fingers crossed for you, Bob. If FCSO's number one priority is getting justice for Bill, there's only two things for them to do: Get on it, or give it away.
We have had some dialogue with Cold Justice. CJ is hoping the case is submitted by Franklin County Sheriff. We have asked LE multiple times to submit case to CJ. No guarantees from anyone.

It won't happen until it happens, Bob. Keep on going!
Like GBMG says: there is only two things for them to do: Get on it, or give it away.
Or else be clear and state that they don't want justice for Bill after all, but the more people you mobilise, the more difficult this will be.

I have been reading the 'reasons' that are mentioned with the signatures. There are friends, friends of friends and their family, people who lived in the neighborhood ... This is not over for so many people, far more than one might think. Imagine they would all shout out at once..... they'd move that mountain.
It won't happen until it happens, Bob. Keep on going!
Like GBMG says: there is only two things for them to do: Get on it, or give it away.
Or else be clear and state that they don't want justice for Bill after all, but the more people you mobilise, the more difficult this will be.

I have been reading the 'reasons' that are mentioned with the signatures. There are friends, friends of friends and their family, people who lived in the neighborhood ... This is not over for so many people, far more than one might think. Imagine they would all shout out at once..... they'd move that mountain.

Bill was a well liked person, his kindness and good natured personality had an effect on anyone who knew him. It's nice to know that so many people care about him, I hope he knew how much he was cared about when he was alive.
We have had some dialogue with Cold Justice. CJ is hoping the case is submitted by Franklin County Sheriff. We have asked LE multiple times to submit case to CJ. No guarantees from anyone.

Bill was a well liked person, his kindness and good natured personality had an effect on anyone who knew him. It's nice to know that so many people care about him, I hope he knew how much he was cared about when he was alive.

One thing is for sure, he has a loving and courageous family! God Bless, and praying that answers are forthcoming....even after all these years.
Actually, the convo was about AJT's dead husband. I said: 2005 must have been a rough year for AJT. She lost her husband a few months later in November. It was my comment about her husband passing that made me ask the question because I can see her covering for her husband. Hence me asking if it's OK to sleuth deceased family members.

The TOS isn't clear about that ([*]Sleuthing family members that are not suspect is not allowed.). Bessie's comment yesterday was clearer: "Her surviving family members, however, are off limits". I'd add that to the TOS because I wasn't the only one that didn't know the answer. :)


Gemmie, I should probably start over. The line you quoted, bolded above, is from a section of the rules that addresses victims and their families and friends. So that doesn't apply to your question. In regard to AJT, I should've omitted the word "surviving". I had dates reversed, and I was thinking that she passed away before her husband. So, let's just scratch that word, please.

Here's the bottom line: we can't "sleuth", i.e., post personal information about, cast suspicion upon, any individual without justification. Generally that means, according to TOS, that a person must be named by LE as a person of interest/suspect. Occasionally other circumstances exist which make a person "sleuthable". In this case, however, I'm not aware of any facts that would allow us to bring AJT's family into the discussion.

I'm sorry if I confused you earlier, and I hope this will clear up any misunderstanding. :)
Cold Justice Show

I have a bit of a wild card idea....I leave it to those in authority to determine whether it is possible.

We are on this thread because we are interested in helping. While we certainly aren't (in most cases) professional sleuthers, we often come up with some excellent research. In many cases, Websleuthers have actually contributed significantly to solving cases!

Would the people who produce Cold Justice want to leverage those of us on this thread to do some research for them? What I'm thinking is that they could participate on this thread and give us specific tasks to chase down?

This just seems like a big win all around to me. More resources helping Bob/Katco, more eyeballs getting exposed to Cold Justice (I've never seen the show), and more eyeballs to Websleuths. In other words an Omni-channel marketing play. Katco could extend the reach with her twitter efforts. Sounds like a winner to me.

Just a thought.....
Hi Rosesfromangels,

I've taken a look at the website of Cold Justice and this sure looks good.
Wikipedia says: The show follows a former prosecutor and a former crime scene investigator who investigate unsolved murders. They only reopen cases with the consent of local law enforcement.
Their first season investigations resulted in at least one guilty plea and three indictments for murder.

Unless we manage to dig up strikingly similar cases, there is not much that can be done for BC at WS at this moment.

KatCo's petition Refer Bill Comeans' murder case to Cold Justice is up to over 600 signatures. Well done, KatCo!

Please, please, everybody who is reading this thread, sign this petiton!
If you are from the Columbus region, SIGN ! and ask you family and friends to do the same, ask your school, ask your church.
This petition needs to go viral! 10.000 signatures should be the least and it can be done.
All KatCo and her family ask is that LE agrees with Cold Justice taking a fresh look at Bill's case. This is a simple request. It is modest. It won't cost the taxpayer a dime and it will get one burden off the workload of LE.

For this case to move forward, all surviving witnesses need to be interviewed, and the scarf, the knife and the bottle need to be tested for DNA with the latest methods. Cold Justice can pull this off, if and when LE agrees.

Make it happen. Do it NOW. Thank you.


Sad message from the Twitter-account of Bill Comeans:

Bill Comeans ‏@BillComeans Mar 7

We are getting nowhere.

Makes me want to weep! :crying:

KatCo's petition is still being signed, but it is going slowly, very very slowly.
If you haven't signed the petition yet, please sign!
If you have shared this with your family and friends, please share again!


34 Years is enough!
We need ideas to move this petition forward !

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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