OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would like to know what became of the bag and innertube as well.
I just feel like his classmates Capehart and trudell did it.
They probably told Bill they would stab his Father in the garage if he didn't leave quietly with them.
What became of the innertube and black plastic bag?????
Well here it is February 2020...still no justice for Bill...I've a child and god forbid this happen to her because Ohio Police would dread seeing my face because I'd be knocking on their doors and fighting for justice...I can't imagine what this poor family has been going through...no closure...no peace...
Are the parents still alive? So glad the Sister and brothers haven't stopped...

So what about the DNA testing ? What do they draw victimes names from a damn hat?? Its been years that they told this family they'd do DNA....
Something isn't jiving here...

Where's the bag ect that was used on Bill in the other attempt? There's way to many holes in this case...

Same with the Kelly Ann Prosser case...not to mention. A few other cases.. They done DNA for Jessica Keen and found her killer...after 40 years they found Christie Mullins killer...Whoever this dispicible, Satan's Spawn is hes out there...getting old, maybe killed again or maybe even dead...This family needs closure and Bill needs Justice .....

The Kelly Prosser case in Columbus was just solved due to DNA...took 38 years...
Let's hope its Bills Case next...
What became of the innertube and black plastic bag?????
Well here it is February 2020...still no justice for Bill...I've a child and god forbid this happen to her because Ohio Police would dread seeing my face because I'd be knocking on their doors and fighting for justice...I can't imagine what this poor family has been going through...no closure...no peace...
Are the parents still alive? So glad the Sister and brothers haven't stopped...

So what about the DNA testing ? What do they draw victimes names from a damn hat?? Its been years that they told this family they'd do DNA....
Something isn't jiving here...

Where's the bag ect that was used on Bill in the other attempt? There's way to many holes in this case...

Same with the Kelly Ann Prosser case...not to mention. A few other cases.. They done DNA for Jessica Keen and found her killer...after 40 years they found Christie Mullins killer...Whoever this dispicible, Satan's Spawn is hes out there...getting old, maybe killed again or maybe even dead...This family needs closure and Bill needs Justice .....

The Kelly Prosser case in Columbus was just solved due to DNA...took 38 years...
Let's hope its Bills Case is next...

DNA evidence convicted this man (link below) of the murder of a 15-year old Columbus Ohio boy recently. (John Muncy) The killing of the Columbus boy happened in 1983. Bill Comeans was murdered in 1980. Suspect had a history of violence that some suspect many go back much farther than 1983. Muncy's body was found very close to where another young pre-teen was found stabbed and burned inside a shed in 1971 (Mike Klitch.) Could Bill have been the victim of this perpetrator?

Authorities solve cold-case slaying of dismembered teen boy

The Mike Klitch murder case is discussed here:

OH - OH - Michael Klitch, 12, Grandview Heights, 28 June 1971

There is still my feeling that Bill's murder was done by some gang as a possible hate crime by at least two people, or two failed suicide attempts. A very unhappy man with mental illness seeking attention. The strange part, is how Bill escaped twice from life-threatening situations, but never saw the people whom he claimed attacked him.

Right now, I see a potential for more of a connection to Anderson and the Klitch case, but not the same vibe in the Comeans case. But I am including the link about Anderson above, because it is too coincidental in close proximity to not be taken into serious account in both murder cases.

There is still my feeling that Bill's murder was done by some gang as a possible hate crime by at least two people, or two failed suicide attempts. A very unhappy man with mental illness seeking attention. The strange part, is how Bill escaped twice from life-threatening situations, but never saw the people whom he claimed attacked him.

Right now, I see a potential for more of a connection to Anderson and the Klitch case, but not the same vibe in the Comeans case. But I am including the link about Anderson above, because it is too coincidental in close proximity to not be taken into serious account in both murder cases.

I dont know what to think...ive been to the area and by his old house..thought the area has really grew with businesses and isnt the best part of town anymore...the police the were incompitant...whole case is odd...im thinking suicide..or maybe he was gay...even though he did have a gf..only reason i can think be a hate crime...theres a youtube link i will find and send...very good info on this case...i will post it...
Here it is...really good if youve hour to spare to listen...
Presenting reasons of why someone did this to him and also why he might have done this to himself

In both instances for Bill, I think 1-2 people did this to him who were students at his school:

Why Someone Did This to Him

1.) The students had some sick fascination with hurting or killing someone. Bill was a little bit different, nerdy or not liked. A bullying situation.

2.) The students were seniors who had Driver's Ed about two years before, they were determined to know of Bill's whereabouts.

3.) Bill was gay, and these could have been anti-gay supremacists who wanted to hurt him and later kill him.

4.) Bill saw something that he wasn't supposed to see, and the students were hell-bent on hurting him and later killing him.

5.) The students knew Bill's friends and family and wanted to make them suffer with notes and death threats as a way to further hurt Bill and his family.

Why Bill Did This to Himself

1.) A medical condition or conditions, or side effect of the Valium that he was taking, whether it was legally prescribed by a doctor, or Bill was taking drugs on his own for depression or to combat suicidal thoughts.

2.) His descriptions of the first two attacks are very vague, how does one survive an attack two times in the matter in which Bill describes? Something is not adding up here. There are no witnesses to the attack, nor the "aqua-colored car" that Bill describes. It's strange that some 14-year old kid would say "Aqua" for a color.

3.) He was being harassed at school and in his neighborhood. Did not want to name names for fear of hurt to the family. But than why "make up" the attack story? If it was made up? Why not just be silent about the whole thing? But, he saw suicide as the only way out.

4.) Can't see Valium in his system put there by someone else. The side-effects of the drug caused judgment lapses and memory loss.

5.) Who remembers being unconscious for five hours, but yet being able to walk home under his own power? This is a huge red-flag for me!

6.) Little information on the case compared to other murder cases. Yes inept LE is possible, but we have nothing from police or other LE agencies. Just the family on social media. Since LE did so little, or so it seems, did they think suicide due to health issues from the very beginning, and chose not to investigate?


Presenting reasons of why someone did this to him and also why he might have done this to himself

In both instances for Bill, I think 1-2 people did this to him who were students at his school:

Why Someone Did This to Him

1.) The students had some sick fascination with hurting or killing someone. Bill was a little bit different, nerdy or not liked. A bullying situation.

2.) The students were seniors who had Driver's Ed about two years before, they were determined to know of Bill's whereabouts.

3.) Bill was gay, and these could have been anti-gay supremacists who wanted to hurt him and later kill him.

4.) Bill saw something that he wasn't supposed to see, and the students were hell-bent on hurting him and later killing him.

5.) The students knew Bill's friends and family and wanted to make them suffer with notes and death threats as a way to further hurt Bill and his family.

Why Bill Did This to Himself

1.) A medical condition or conditions, or side effect of the Valium that he was taking, whether it was legally prescribed by a doctor, or Bill was taking drugs on his own for depression or to combat suicidal thoughts.

2.) His descriptions of the first two attacks are very vague, how does one survive an attack two times in the matter in which Bill describes? Something is not adding up here. There are no witnesses to the attack, nor the "aqua-colored car" that Bill describes. It's strange that some 14-year old kid would say "Aqua" for a color.

3.) He was being harassed at school and in his neighborhood. Did not want to name names for fear of hurt to the family. But than why "make up" the attack story? If it was made up? Why not just be silent about the whole thing? But, he saw suicide as the only way out.

4.) Can't see Valium in his system put there by someone else. The side-effects of the drug caused judgment lapses and memory loss.

5.) Who remembers being unconscious for five hours, but yet being able to walk home under his own power? This is a huge red-flag for me!

6.) Little information on the case compared to other murder cases. Yes inept LE is possible, but we have nothing from police or other LE agencies. Just the family on social media. Since LE did so little, or so it seems, did they think suicide due to health issues from the very beginning, and chose not to investigate?

I have thought ALL these same things months ago when i first came across this Bill Comeans murder...it IS bizzare how a 14 yr old uses the word "aqua"...
Im still wondering is Bill was gay..or maybe he was molested or raped by another student at the school or maymaybe he was mixed up and just thought hed try the whole gay thing and decided he wasnt gay and the other student or " students" got mad..( sorry im not good at wording things)
All i know is somethings very fishy about the entire story...this is one sad situation that just doesnt add up...that little area of the West Side had theye own police dept at that time which they were like part time...and were basicly just good at giving a trafffic ticket...so i dont think those "Barney Phiff" cops knew what they were doing...was Bill dabbling in drugs? My gutt says no...i think the Valium was given by a dr because of Bills stories...back then Valium wasnt the drug of choice for teens...i find it odd too the sister doesnt really say things or the one brother much and the other brother u hear nothing out of...
I visited Bills grave..i like to put flowers on cold case graves so theyre not forgotten...i really wish theyd test that DNA but Columbus says its such a small amount of DNA they dont have enough to test numerous times or something like that...

I also agree with u about "2" comitting the murder...Bill was big kid for 14...
I just dont think a boy of his size was kidnapped or grabbed off his property with his family around and dad in the garage...whole think just stinks...something is way off....
I feel like his 2 upperclassmen Trudell and Capehart are responsible.
I'm sure Bill knew exactly who his attackers were but was probably two scared to "rat"them out.
Bill's Dad was in the detached garage working on the car when he went missing from the house.
I think they found him in his front yard and possibly threatened to use the knife found at the scene on his Dad if he didn't leave with them quietly.
I have thought ALL these same things months ago when i first came across this Bill Comeans murder...it IS bizzare how a 14 yr old uses the word "aqua"...
Im still wondering is Bill was gay..or maybe he was molested or raped by another student at the school or maymaybe he was mixed up and just thought hed try the whole gay thing and decided he wasnt gay and the other student or " students" got mad..( sorry im not good at wording things)
All i know is somethings very fishy about the entire story...this is one sad situation that just doesnt add up...that little area of the West Side had theye own police dept at that time which they were like part time...and were basicly just good at giving a trafffic ticket...so i dont think those "Barney Phiff" cops knew what they were doing...was Bill dabbling in drugs? My gutt says no...i think the Valium was given by a dr because of Bills stories...back then Valium wasnt the drug of choice for teens...i find it odd too the sister doesnt really say things or the one brother much and the other brother u hear nothing out of...
I visited Bills grave..i like to put flowers on cold case graves so theyre not forgotten...i really wish theyd test that DNA but Columbus says its such a small amount of DNA they dont have enough to test numerous times or something like that...

I also agree with u about "2" comitting the murder...Bill was big kid for 14...
I just dont think a boy of his size was kidnapped or grabbed off his property with his family around and dad in the garage...whole think just stinks...something is way off....

Unless Capeheart and Trudell(my guess) threatened to use that knife on Bill's father if he didn't go with them quietly.
They were upperclassmen at his school
New Rome was eventually disbanded due to massive corruption (mainly people siphoning off money it seems). I doubt New Rome law enforcement had any investigative powers in this case.

. Legal Affairs
Thanks for the clarification. Living in the southern Hilliard area for several years locals just called the entire area New Rome out of habit probably. It appears according to this old map that the actual area in question was part of Lincoln Village, which I always thought was the next neighborhood east, but you learn something new everyday!
View attachment 277300
Thanks for the clarification. Living in the southern Hilliard area for several years locals just called the entire area New Rome out of habit probably. It appears according to this old map that the actual area in question was part of Lincoln Village, which I always thought was the next neighborhood east, but you learn something new everyday!
And I'm pretty sure the law enforcement agency that covered Lincoln Village would have been the Franklin County Sheriff's department. I don't think Lincoln Village ever had their own police agency.
This is an active case about a little boy from an elementary school who allegedly was bullied since the first grade and the school district supposedly took no action a day or so after he was beaten and knocked unconscious. The student committed suicide by hanging himself. A court has ruled parents can sue the district for wrongful death. Very similar to the Comeans case:

Court: Parents of child who killed himself can sue educators


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