OK - Donald 'Joe' Neff, 61, Poteau, 14 May 2009 - #1

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MMD says she and her sister didn't know how much money was in the safe, so it really bugs me who DID know in order to inform LE how much was missing.

It has been stated in Jody's thread that she apparently knew the owners of "The Bar" in Poteau, and supposedly it was sold shortly after Jody went missing on May 5. Wondering if Joe was interested in buying that business, and somebody else didn't want that to happen.

Also, any idea how old Joe's gf is, and what her criminal record is for? She sure has been kept out of the picture for some reason. Gotta wonder who she knows :waitasec:

MMD says she and her sister didn't know how much money was in the safe, so it really bugs me who DID know in order to inform LE how much was missing.

It has been stated in Jody's thread that she apparently knew the owners of "The Bar" in Poteau, and supposedly it was sold shortly after Jody went missing on May 5. Wondering if Joe was interested in buying that business, and somebody else didn't want that to happen.

Also, any idea how old Joe's gf is, and what her criminal record is for?Shesure has been kept out of the picture for some reason. Gotta wonder who she knows :waitasec:

BBM....IMO, she may literally want to be KEPT OUT OF THE PICTURE or any other form of attention that may expose her identity. She might be hiding from somewhere/someone else. In just about any other murder case, the victim's love interest is plastered all over the media, especially with such suspicious circumstances at the bar and her being the one to call 911 to report the crime.

I believe I read the gf's family supposedly lived in the area in the past but the gf lived in several places. It sounds like it's a very small community and somebody would know more about her background or family history.
How can she be ruled out when nobody really even knows anything about her. We can't even verify she is using her real name because nobody knows what name she uses.Frustrating. I want Justice for Joe!!!! (I'm probably going to be banned again for voicing my opinion on the mystery gf.)
Thanks for your input Soul !! I guess so much depends on who the witness is. I was thinking along the lines of someone who maybe drove past Joe's bar that morning and having a recollection of there having been a red truck in the parking lot, or seeing a vehicle driving erratically, or someone close to where Joe's body was discovered having briefly seen a red truck, possibly at a bit of a distance. I'm a country bumpkin, used to seeing lots of trucks, but am not necessarily savvy in that field. If I were the witness and said I'd seen a red truck, and say LE showed me the above 3 pics ... the best I could do would be a colour match (given the variations of "red"), larger or smaller truck, and maybe a year range. Other than that, foreign or domestic, they all look pretty much the same to me. Hopefully they have a better witness than me ;)

If someone did see it and that is their witness I would have to say that in order for it to be mistaken for small it would of had to be backed in or there only view was full frontal and not up close. A side veiw would reveal the size and even the back of it you can tell it is big. So was the truck in question backed in somewhere a witness would only have a full front veiw of the truck?
Would it be possible to hire a private investigator to re-interview some of these people?

Perhaps the police would be more willing to share information with a neutral third party.

I understand it is hard to spend money on a service the policy should be providing, but sometimes the police force just isn't trained to handle this type of investigation. OSBI is headquartered in Edmond, so they probably aren't going to be staff to assist unless absolutely necessary. A PI might be your best bet for answers.
For some reason, that was my first impression too, Slammed (which is kind of weird, because it looks like a new paint job ... maybe it's the contrast between newish paint and older looking wheels ... or very shiny wheels picking up the yellow from the overhead yellow signage)

It almost looks like the wheels are covered in some kind of mud or clay in the pic, but i DO believe that ford offered those wheels in a factory chrome finish iirc.

Was reading about the missing Jamison family in the same general area as Joe and Jody and others. As in Joe's case, there was a large amount of money left behind in their vehicle. They had taken money with them as they were interested in purchasing a property.

Joe was a business man, and I haven't seen any reference to indicate that his demeanour that morning was unusual when he was paying his water bill and buying the part at NAPA. With the "thousands" missing from the safe, am wondering if he was planning on purchasing a property, making a large cash down-payment on something, and had made arrangements to meet with the seller (i.e. possibly through a private listing or a Craigslist ad)?

I think the daughter stated earlier that her father didn't even have a computer but i could be mistaken. What i would like to know is how they determined that "thousands" were "missing" when apparently there was still money left behind. I don't see where they found basis for that assumption
Wonder whether Joe had a Will and whether it was in the safe?
It almost looks like the wheels are covered in some kind of mud or clay in the pic, but i DO believe that ford offered those wheels in a factory chrome finish.

Those wheels do come in chrome. The rail on the side of the truck is chrome shinny silver color but the wheels look gold. If it is mud why is it just on the wheels and not any where else. The bumper is also shinny silver and not mud gold color, I am just saying if that truck was involved in anything those wheels are going to stand out.
It almost looks like the wheels are covered in some kind of mud or clay in the pic, but i DO believe that ford offered those wheels in a factory chrome finish iirc.

I agree; they look like stock wheels to me. Looking at google images of Ford F150's - I picked 2001 to start; and see the same wheels on other 2001's.

Here's a 2002 F 150, where the wheel color looks a little weird.

I'm unsure of the year of the actual truck at the bar. Usually you can tell by the doors, windows, tail lights & head lights.

As for why the rest of the truck isn't covered in what the rims are it's probably because what's on the rims is from the brakes and not mud. Also probably has to do with the satellite picture

I have another thought on the order of events. Please note, I've read the whole thread, but some of it is contradictory, so I may be mixing apples and oranges! Plus I'm thinking out loud here ...

How about this - GF leaves Joe's, taking her out of the picture (unless she is ultimately one of the 'bad guys'). Joe goes to the auto parts store, comes home and is rummaging around in the office and safe. He has some of his money out, for some unknown reason, but not all of it (this accounts for some money being gone, but some still there). Even though he doesn't use a computer, he does keep ledgers, and has already made a notation about the money he is removing, thus LE knows a large sum of money is missing.

Someone knocks at the door, he leaves the safe open, as he's just going to the door, but closes the room's door and it auto-locks. The 'bad guys' don't know about the home safe, and thus do not attempt to get into it.

There are at least 2 people at the door, and they are up to no good. One rides with Joe to the bar, perhaps at gun-point, with the other following (in the red pick-up perhaps). They are the ones getting (borrowing?) the money Joe has with him. They know it will be less suspicious if Joe's truck is at the bar, thus forcing him to drive there, too. They think the money is at the bar, and they want it, without strings attached. Joe puts up a fight, and since the transaction didn't go smoothly (due to their greed?), Joe is badly injured (thus the blood). They now know that they can't leave him behind to point the finger at them, so they take him, eventually shooting him.

This makes me think it was someone Joe knew certainly by sight, and perhaps quite well; if they were passing through/strangers, they could have left him injured, as well as they wouldn't have known the time frame in which they needed to be at the bar. I'm feeling like the GF and/or her friends deserve a more detailed look-see. Likewise, only a local would know about the strip pit, if it is as isolated/hard to find as stated.
Joe’s Routines
Opened the bar every day Monday-Saturday (not sure about this need to verify). The time he arrived varied. He did lock the door (deadbolt lock) the second he walked in and left keys hanging in it. When employee got there, he would open door, let them in, and lock it right back. Source

If Joe walked in and locked the door behind him with deadbolt also, if there was no sign of forced entry at the bar when police investigated, this would also point to someone Joe knew and trusted. It seems Joe let them in before the bar opened to the public.

If the keys were found still in the door, then what about the exit at the back or side of the bar? Were they found locked or not?

Another possibility is that Joe was going to make a deal with the person(s) responsible for his death and chose the bar as the meeting place.
It has been stated in Jody's thread that she apparently knew the owners of "The Bar" in Poteau, and supposedly it was sold shortly after Jody went missing on May 5. Wondering if Joe was interested in buying that business, and somebody else didn't want that to happen.

Kinda makes the "bar" the common denominator between these two cases.
Was reading about the missing Jamison family in the same general area as Joe and Jody and others. As in Joe's case, there was a large amount of money left behind in their vehicle. They had taken money with them as they were interested in purchasing a property.

Joe was a business man, and I haven't seen any reference to indicate that his demeanour that morning was unusual when he was paying his water bill and buying the part at NAPA. With the "thousands" missing from the safe, am wondering if he was planning on purchasing a property, making a large cash down-payment on something, and had made arrangements to meet with the seller (i.e. possibly through a private listing or a Craigslist ad)?

It wouldn't be the first time that Craigslist was used to commit a crime. Wonder if this has been looked into.
It wouldn't be the first time that Craigslist was used to commit a crime. Wonder if this has been looked into.

I just remembered that MMD said her Dad didn't have a computer. I also just remembered that she said Joe had a few vehicles and was interested in buying a Hummer as his next vehicle. Wonder if he had taken steps towards that purchase, and if so, what auto dealership he would have been dealing with. The Jamison family had just purchased a used truck.
I have not gone back and read all 18 pages of this case, but I have kept up on it. I was wondering what people thought about the idea that, Joe, saw the people commiting the crime against Jody Rilee? The killers also saw him and had to get him out of the way.

Joe could have also over heard the killers talking about Jody, at the bar.

If this has been discussed already, please disregard.
Would there be some reason Joe would have a larger than normal amount of cash in his safe?

Did he use a bank at all? I don't remember if that's been addressed. Strange for businessman not to -- JMO.

Was planning any large cash transactions (buying vehicle, loans to others, paydays, etc.)?

What kind of bar is the Long Branch Saloon?
And there are surveillance cameras in there (did I not read that?). Why is it such a mystery who did this? Did they stay exactly in the right spot(s) to not be taped?

Does that not raise an eyebrow?
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