OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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Just a note on the traveling to time shares around the country..... I don't know how the whole thing works but I have a girl friend that goes to check out time shares for free vacations if you act interested in purchasing a time share they will let you stay free and most of the time kick in for meals, all you have to do it sit in on a two hour meeting that explains how it works and of course they try to sell you on it.
Just curious has anyone taken this over to the Forensic Astrology Forum, is there enough info to do so?

I asked this question earlier, then checked the Astro Forum an didn't see anything. We would need to get together birth dates, places and times, however I'm not sure if anyone can make a request or how that works exactly.
I asked this question earlier, then checked the Astro Forum an didn't see anything. We would need to get together birth dates, places and times, however I'm not sure if anyone can make a request or how that works exactly.

There was a request on the request thread but the astros would need birthdates and an "event" date: last seen, 911 call, or something like that.
There was a request on the request thread but the astros would need birthdates and an "event" date: last seen, 911 call, or something like that.

Thanks for the info pittsburghgirl. I've got so many windows and threads open (this family, Somer, Morgan, Elizabeth, Haleigh) that I'm having trouble remembering what info we have about whom!
Few more cents to add:

I just watched the interview with Connie Kokotan (Sherilynns's mother) her demeanor during the interview is way off for a mother missing her daughter and granddaughter.........

There was a girl on Topix that claimed to be a friend of Sherilynn's she said she was very depressed and recently diagnosed as bipolar. She also said Sherilynn signed over her rights to her son (Colton) to his father and that she was looking to leave Bobby.....she said the day she talked to her Sherilynn was really out of it, and this was not her typical behavior. She also said that Bobby was a wonderful husband and father.
Personally, I don't think we can judge the affect on a demeanor that an interview may produce. We all respond in different ways, from wildly emotional to a very flat acceptance of what, to some, may be an inevitability: the good Lord giveth, and the good Lord taketh away. Still, this is fascinating information about a case growing colder by the day, and which stands a much greater than even chance of NOT being solved, here in Oklahoma.
I'm wondering if the man got some sort of lump sum payout for the car accident injuries he suffered in the past. If so, he could have left "a significant amount of money" in the truck as a ruse, and they could be establishing new identities and living well off the remainder. Just a thought.

I think this might be the case, in fact, I have felt it for some time now and mentioned it a while back. I really wish we could get a firm answer on exactly how much money is involved. Significant varies from person to person. The large the amount the more it looks like it is involuntary.
I think this might be the case, in fact, I have felt it for some time now and mentioned it a while back. I really wish we could get a firm answer on exactly how much money is involved. Significant varies from person to person. The large the amount the more it looks like it is involuntary.

I hate to be a naysayer, particularly in a state in which I love a good many people, but never think that, in Oklahoma, one can get a straight answer to a straight question, no matter how good that question happens to be. So I can't think we'll ever learn what needs to be known about this case. They just will not tell you, in this state, what needs to be known. Why? I have no idea. It's like they're scared somebody else will come up with an answer and make them look bad. That's all I can figure.
Escaped mental patient theory? I doubt that is what happened.
Someone had to have known them, there was no signs of a struggle or trouble the Sheriff said. Whoever did this knew them. Why else would they all get out of the car for a total stranger? Someone knew where they were going that day or saw an attempt to do something to them. Robbery wasn't the motive, it's either personal, a thrill kill, or hunting accident cover up as someone mentioned, imo.

The reason I asked about the psyc. Ward was because someone that claimed to know the missing girls mother said that her daughter had been unstable lately and she thought her daughter killed her husband and her daughter as well as herself. I would think the mother would know her daughter best. Apparently she had been having mental issues since the death of her sister back in 07. I have already posted a link reguarding the court documents from the auto accident, there were 3 people that he sued. It appears that it was settled out of court. As far as the amount of money, the brother of one of the LE said that there was 30,000 and NO suicide note.
I might have mis spoke earlier I re- mapquested it and it does appear to be an hour and a half. Sorry .
Not sure if this pertains to our family but the friend of Sherilyn has this as her status on MS
Posted at 4:10 PM Nov 1
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This is not the post I was reffering to earlier, but has a lot of telling information about mom in it. Post 181.

Thank you for that link. This woman would be the one then that told LE and the FBI about the man they are searching for that lived with the Jamison's over the summer. The one they want to talk to.

She states they had answered an add in the paper and hired him on to help around the house and gave him room and board in return.
The man is a white supremacist , oh lord ! Told Sherilyn that they should die because of their Indian Heritage ! No wonder they want to talk to him.

I hope to god that is not what happened to them, wonder if that is why they had surv. video installed in their home. I hope someone knows who this man is and they can locate him. Maybe a drifter type if he was looking for room and board. Regardless if the man did not have a car he prob. has friends yikes!

This is just bizarre...wonder if this is why the family is being so quiet as to not draw attention to themselves, I just don't know.
I guess I am just floored that in this day and age that these type of people are still around and active...disgusting...sorry if I offended anyone but I can't comprehend that kind of belief.

So the last time they were seen was Oct. 8th and this woman says she talked to Sherilyn Sept 1, and Sherilyn and Bobby had fired this man prior to Sept 1 due to his comments. Sounds like Sherilyn was under alot of stress, just trying to make sense of this...any thoughts here ?
I am very interested in her myspace post. Makes me wonder if they aren't hiding out somewhere .
mtrooper I have not seen the MS page or what friend you are reffering to. I know we can't link the page but perhaps a hint to a name would be helpful.
nevermind Mtrooper figured it out ! lol
This is not the post I was reffering to earlier, but has a lot of telling information about mom in it. Post 181.

Wow, this is bizarre. If the post is reliable, there is a lot of new information, including that Sherilyn gave custody of her son to her ex-husband (which could explain why we haven't heard much about or from him), that the ex-roommate could be violent, and that Sherilyn was bipolar and planning to leave Bobby.

Do you think the bipolar illness is the source of her disability income?

Of course, there is no way to really judge the accuracy of the post. Even if the poster is telling the truth, it could be her own interpretation of the truth. But the part about the roommate would explain LE's interest.

But the roommate sounds like a drifter who couldn't even afford his own car (or maybe has no license/license suspended). It doesn't sound Sherilyn or Bobby would voluntarily meet him. So if he is involved in the disappearance, it would likely mean he ambushed them, right? I guess he could have accomplices who drove him, or he could have borrowed a car. He could have motive, and the timing would fit, if he was fired September 1.

I'd be shocked, though, if the roommate was behind this but didn't take the money......
I hope to god that is not what happened to them, wonder if that is why they had surv. video installed in their home.

That could explain it. I wonder how long the surv. had been installed. I wish we knew more about the tensions between Bobby and his parents, and how incendiary that lawsuit was.

I wonder if Bobby and Sherilyn believed the roommate had the where-with-all to get around on his own and possibly plan an attack or robbery.

Still, the biggest question mark about him is whether he'd leave the cash in the truck.

Was it ever determined whether the cash was out in the open or maybe concealed? I kind of think if it had been hidden somewhere in the truck, that LE might have reported that. Instead, all reports made it sound like everything found was just laying there in the open.
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