OK OK - Lauria Bible, 16, & Ashley Freeman, 16, Welch, 30 December 1999 *ARREST*

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Thanks for posting. He was always high on my list of who committed this awful crime.
Hi wfg! I know you've been skeptical about Jones being the killer in the past - do you still feel that way?

Yes -- timeline too tight and there are a multiplicity of others in NE OK who are better candidates, I'm sure. Just not sure whom.

And great to see you F1!!

(Also re: JJ, I think he worked up to murder after he left the area.)
Yes -- timeline too tight and there are a multiplicity of others in NE OK who are better candidates, I'm sure. Just not sure whom.

And great to see you F1!!

(Also re: JJ, I think he worked up to murder after he left the area.)

Good points. This is just one of the most frustrating cases! So many possible motives, so many different crimes committed, so many mistakes made by LE. :banghead: I have mostly always felt the girls were the primary motive but then, why murder, rob and burn the house down? It's too much if taking the girls was the goal. Then again, if the perp was wigged out on drugs, anything is possible, isn't it?

There's always a chance the girls' remains will be found - even if just by happenstance. But, IMO, the chances of these crimes ever being solved are slim. I'd like to think someone will confess someday, but considering that's been done - twice - and we're still here......so sad.
I'm not a Springsteen fan and OK's miles from Nebraska, but the whys and wherefores boil down to this:

....They wanted to know why I did what I did / Well sir I guess there's just a meanness in this world

I've a suspicion that someday they'll find skulls and bones.
ok two days looking at all the post. my web page has 42 pages listed.....
this is horrible and the poor bible family.
hinky meter is way up concerning LE and knowing about the mess OK has been in the past with their LE.
I have no doubt these girls have been murdered.
The who and why is still blank.
I too agree that hopefully we will find their bones.
Somewhere or somehow.
Just hate these types of cases where the bodies haven't been found.
I have nothing to add really just wanted my love for these girls to be heard.
They are just a year older than me and makes me sad to think Lorene is missing out on graduation, wedding and grandbabies from her little girl.
I'm a little late to the party but I feel that Jeremey Jones did not do it either. Given the fact he was reported arrested and the time of the fire there's no way of getting from Welch Ok (country) to SE Kansas mine shafts. I'm from NE Ok so I can tell you if you are just across the state line in Baxter Springs KS (which is an additional 15 minutes way from the alleged mine shaft where he dropped them in Galena KS) to Miami OK (where Jones was staying with his gf and later arrested. Here are the times tables, given it's been many years since I have driven to Welch but asked a friend who goes there all the time how long it takes)
The fire is reported at 5am, it's a trailer so it's expected to burn fast.
he gets around around 4am.

So starting from Welch to Miami is roughly 20 mins depending on the route the other one is greater.
Miami from the motel he was at to OK/KS state line around 30-35
State line to Galena and mineshafts add around 15-20 more minutes.
that one way trip is 75 minutes, and hour and 15 minutes.
add 45 minutes back to Miami and be able to get drunk and arrested for public drunkenness.

would put the around 2 hrs, give or take some time. There are plenty of back roads that could be taken to put the trip faster.

That would have to have Jones kill the parents take the kids, light the fire on or before 2 am. before getting arrested at 4am.

I have to believe that was the father's friend who killed a lady who and is in prison who has done this. It just doesn't make sense that a known convicted murderer, has a friend who he might have been in an argument with gets murdered and no one connects the dots. And when asked the OSBI said, "oh our bad he's convicted in KS so we didn't know". So it's obvious that when this case went cold they have never really went back and interviewed any associates ect because it's not that hard to track someone down to re-interview them if they need too. And OSBI was given this tip so obviously someone has been quiet about the probable connection for a while.

I used to believe that Jones had a partner in the crime that would Jones's timeline work with the fire. But he's so messed up he would've already rolled over on them for sure.

I also think it's strange that not too much detail on their last evening alive, besides the times that the BF went home has ever been made public. When did the other relatives leave? Who were they? As the previous person mentioned I cannot find too much about the BF besides the conflicting times that he left.

I do agree with the person who said the NE OK area is a methville. Case in point : a 16 yr old girl had her 39 boyfriend rob her own brother to buy meth and the guy actually shot him, so she set up a robbery that went to murder for 13 or so dollars to buy meth.

when I was researching this case I thought perhaps Freeman had walked up to a pop-up meth lab and the people freaked out. They said he was rumored to be a drug dealer and that's what got them killed. I do not know the area they lived, but with 40 acres of land perhaps he was in a grow business.

This case doesn't get a lot of press like should. 2 missing girls, 3 other family members murdered,a maybe corrupt sheriffs departments who shot the Freeman's son, threats of a civil suit, the nurse who helped the Freemans on the night of their son's death goes on a unaired pilot about what really happened to the Freemans, then the nurse gets shot, then the nurse's murderer gets killed by the same sheriffs departments who shot the Freeman's son, a convicted murderer friends with the dead family, a known serial killer in the same area and was said to have known them?
there's just too many twists for it not to be have interests.

And all this time the Bible's doesn't know what happen to her child and it's just so sad to see her posting about Ashley and Lauria.
Names would help in terms of crimes committed and victims thereof; locations, too. I lived in Miami at the time of the crimes and I know much but not all of that to which you refer.

Good post though, and welcome.
Can't believe I'm just now hearing about this case. Stumbled across it today and have spent hours reading this thread, the links that still work, etc. Way too many coincidences, IMO. There almost HAS to be LE involvement. I'm not a "point the finger at LE" kinda person at all, but nothing else can explain all the little coincidences. The brother, the nurse, the dad's body being found by the other dad. At BEST, it was terrible police work. At worst, the whole PD is corrupt. I doubt this will ever be solved, unfortunately.
Just finished reading this thread, and still amazed at the lack of evidence to surface after all this time.
I worked LE in NE Oklahoma most of my adult life and remember being in Vinita the day the news and alerts came out about the girls. Who would have ever thought it would be like this stil
Just finished reading this thread, and still amazed at the lack of evidence to surface after all this time.
I worked LE in NE Oklahoma most of my adult life and remember being in Vinita the day the news and alerts came out about the girls. Who would have ever thought it would be like this stil
Were you in Vinita that day in an official capacity?
I had recently changed jobs a little bit before then (I don't recall exactly when) I had been working for the town of Disney ok. As Chief of Police, and went to work for the dept. of corrections for the benefits, I worked for the state for about 5 years until I was injured..

I was working shift at the prison when the word came out, if I recall it was maybe a couple of hours before the TV news broke the story, we would sometimes get a notice from Craig county sheriffs dept or Vinita PD to be on the watch for something, as we had a roving patrol that went a few miles around the prison. It sticks with me pretty well, I remember one off my fellow officers that day was from Welch, and knew of the family and where they lived, I remember him even calling home to check on his family.
So now that I have found this place, what can I do to help out around here, with this case or any other? Surely there is a use for a former officer who sidelines as a photographer? Anyone have any unchased ideas on this case?
So now that I have found this place, what can I do to help out around here, with this case or any other? Surely there is a use for a former officer who sidelines as a photographer? Anyone have any unchased ideas on this case?
Sure -- give us your thoughts on LE's investigation of this crime. Was it sufficient? Also, as a one-time long-term northeast Oklahoma guy, I have heard many say they believe there was direct involvement by law enforcement in the commission of this crime. Thoughts?
Were any or all of the weapons found in the trailer ? Or were they missing with the cash ?


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from FB Find Lauria Bible page, with Lorene Bible:

A new billboard has gone up. A new book is being written. Our story is being told around the world. The exposure is great, but honestly, I still feel like the person with the key is so close. Maybe they are watching our every move, wanting to come forward but still too afraid.
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