OK OK - Logan Tucker, 6, Woodward, 23 June 2002 *K. Rutan guilty*

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I agree. It is so sad no one can find Logan tho and she isn't telling. It is the reason I keep looking.
This is so very sad. I do wonder why the grandparents didn't take the boys since "mom" kept asking them too. Of course, it's not their fault that this happened but still. They called DHS a number of times so they were concerned about the children. Poor Logan and his brother. I can't even imagine what either of them went through. I hope that Logan can be found and given a proper burial.
For Justin to have the memory of Mummy going to bury Logan, thats just heart wrenching.
OKlahoma's DHS system is like every other system in this nation designed to protect children...they are broken and beyond repair.

First and foremost, Department of Human Services should be placed under the umbrella of LE, IMO. Instead of having to go through LE...they should be a part of it to cut out the time wasted.

Second, they need to ACT on complaints immediately. A child should be taken out of the home as soon as a complaint can be verified. Again, LE can get this done in a timely manner. Judges need to be aware of the dangers facing children in abusive situations and strive not to return a child into that environment.

Third, this child would still be alive today if someone of authority had listened to the Grandparents or others. It is disgusting how many of these children fall through the bureaucratic cracks to their deaths. There have been several in Oklahoma. (ie. Logan, Kelsey, etc.) It is sickening.

Our DHS isn't able to handle the load and complain constantly of not having enough staff. They need to stop whining while kids are dying and revamp the darn system!!
For Justin to have the memory of Mummy going to bury Logan, thats just heart wrenching.

I just saw this thread for the first time this morning, and when I read that part about his poor brother, I broke down and cried...the waterworks came when it was reported that when Logan would tell his mother he loved her, she would send him out to play...I mean, what a cold hearted snake. Does she know how lucky she was to have had a child who COULD say I love you? I hate her.
I just saw this thread for the first time this morning, and when I read that part about his poor brother, I broke down and cried...the waterworks came when it was reported that when Logan would tell his mother he loved her, she would send him out to play...I mean, what a cold hearted snake. Does she know how lucky she was to have had a child who COULD say I love you? I hate her.

I don't why I read these horrific stories. I have a 20 year old daughter & a 3 year old son and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH there are no words to describe it. Sure, they are both ornry at times, but they are kids and they are suppose to be ornry.

This will burn in HELL with the rest of the child murders and molesters.
She told so many lies to so many people. There is no telling what the actual truth is anymore.
The only one who knows the truth is her.

Did you see her picture at the link? She looks happy enough.
She is a cold-hearted Witch! She smirks and smiles because she thinks without Logan's body...she can beat this rap. WRONG!

Oklahoma juries are NOT forgiving when it comes to children. I believe there is sufficient evidence for her to receive the worst penalty they can give her. (This is where it gets iffy with our jurors and judges tho...but they will find her guilty)
ALVA — Jurors in the murder trial of a Woodward woman accused of killing her son heard testimony Thursday from an investigator in the case as well as audiotaped interviews of the missing boy's brother.

The state rested its case against Katherine Rutan, who faces one count of first-degree murder in the death of her son Logan Tucker.
The 6-year-old was last seen June 23, 2002, and prosecutors say Rutan killed the boy and dumped his body in the Woodward area.
At 6:15 p.m., Judge Ray Dean Linder recessed the trial for the day.
Jury instructions and closing arguments in the trial will begin at 9:30 a.m. today.
Despite a number of searches, Logan's body has never been found.
Prosecutors believe, however, they have enough circumstantial evidence to convict Rutan.
Defense witnesses
The defense presented four witnesses, including three who thought they had seen Logan after his photograph was broadcast statewide during news broadcasts.

Patricia Meyer, Laverne, a Woodward convenience store employee; Amber York, Bixby, a mother whose children met a young boy at a lake on July 14, 2002; and Jennifer Conn Jones who lived in Claremore in 2002 and reported seeing Logan at an adult concert hall on July 13, 2002, testified for the defense.
The final witness for the defense was Bart Trentham, a psychologist in private practice in Tulsa. The defense called him as an expert witness on interview techniques of children.
Trentham said he had not listened to any tapes of interviews of this trial, so he could not make a judgment on the evidence in this case.
When asked under cross-examination if the vast majority of children's testimony is not tainted, he said yes. One witness, Detective Teresa Sterling of the Oklahoma City police, was called by the state as a rebuttal witness. Sterling testified it is common to get reports of sightings in missing-person cases that turn out to be homicides. http://www.newsok.com/article/keyword/3114254/
more @ link.
Here's an article we haven't seen:

Rutan's biological mother, Connie Henson, testified that she had received a call from Rutan when her youngest son was less than a year old, asking her to pick up Logan and his younger brother, Justin, because she was afraid she was going to harm them.

Henson said she and her husband drove from Tulsa to the Kansas City, Mo., area to pick up the boys. The Hensons kept Logan and Justin for two or three months before Rutan picked them up.

On another occasion later that year, Rutan and her children came and stayed with the family for about six months.

"Kathie would take off for days at a time,” Henson said. "She finally showed back up with Brady — the guy she finally married — and took them.”

Don Henson testified that Rutan, "asked her mom to come get the boys because she was about to kill them.”
As Marquardt left the witness stand, he asked the judge, "You mean I can stay and watch? I just want to see her get hanged.”

I remind you...this is coming from her own brother! Wow! Now that is some powerful statement. Was the jury present? Even tho they were probably instructed to disregard the comment...you know they caught it just the same.
As Marquardt left the witness stand, he asked the judge, "You mean I can stay and watch? I just want to see her get hanged.”

I remind you...this is coming from her own brother! Wow! Now that is some powerful statement. Was the jury present? Even tho they were probably instructed to disregard the comment...you know they caught it just the same.

I think they were and there was a sidebar about it. I don't remember what was decided during the sidebar but I'm sure the jury will not forget those words.
What's really sad is that 4 days before he disappeared, she was willing to sign away her parental rights. Family services said they needed a few days to make arrangements for them. It's too bad they did not immediately come to get the boys.
From link in the above post:

In another videotaped interview, made in Oklahoma City with a forensic interrogator, Justin wanted to change the subject or leave the room.

When asked why he didn't want to talk about Logan, he said, "I don't want to tell you. You keep hurting my heart."
What's really sad is that 4 days before he disappeared, she was willing to sign away her parental rights. Family services said they needed a few days to make arrangements for them. It's too bad they did not immediately come to get the boys.
There were so many chances to save Logan and his brother. Everyone from the Judges on down thru DHS blew it!

As a grandparent, I would have risked it all to keep the kids away from her. I would have taken them and run as far away as I could possibly get until the court decided she was NOT fit as a parent. Cases like this make me rethink parental abduction cases here, especially with the grandparents involved. Sometimes there truly IS just cause.

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