OK OK - Rev. Carol Daniels, 61, Anadarko, 23 Aug 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have been greatly disturbed by this murder.
I have studied it and below are my ideas.
I would appreciate anyone elses thoughts.

The Perp will be ~
Male, who knew the Pastor.
He was incredibly angry at her and probably angry at "her God".
He deliberately staged her body.
He staged it to humiliate her.
(I do not think he cared one iota about staging the body to shock whomever discovered her).
It was about humiliation.

Taking her clothing and spraying cleaning solvent was for trying to rid the scene of evidence.
It use to be said that anyone who did things like spraying disolvant, taking the victims clothing etc... was someone who knew LE tactics. However in today's world, there are so many crime shows on t.v. that the average citizen knows a lot more about the world of crime and how to obstruct LE tactics.

I do not think this creep is a serial killer. A serial killer takes one or 2 things from a victim. They do this so they can relive the sick act they committed. This perp took all the clothes, not as a trophy but as a necessity to get rid of evidence.

I would like to know what sermons the pastor most recently preached. I would be looking for sermons that taught on anything to do with sexual relations. ie: homosexuality, fornication, infidelity, etc........

I would also look at anyone the Pastor may have counseled. Especially anyone she may have counseled involving sexual relationships. Were there any young girls that she had befriended and counseled to leave an abusive boyfriend, an abusive family member?

I would also not assume this perp lives in Anadarko. This Pastor lived in OKC. During the week, while living in the city, where did she work? This perp could very well have driven from the city to commit this crime.

The hair is also an usual twist in this crime. Not many victims take the time to burn someones hair. I would like to know if this were a deliberate act or an accident. Meaning if there were candles burning and there was a scuffle could the victims hair have caught on fire? Did the perp bring the needed supplies to set ignite Ms. Daniels hair?

The cleaning solvent - did the perp use solvent that was already in the church or did he bring his own? If he brought his own, this tells us he planned out this crime. He was methodical in his thinking etc........

Someone was really angry at this victim. Beyond angry ~ they were full of rage and wanted nothing but to act out their hatred during the murder and after the murder.(staging the body).

Having the FBI involved, can only help this case. I wish them the best of luck.
Excellent profiling, Ruf~

I find it difficult to believe that no one saw or heard anything on a Sunday morning around ten until noon in broad daylight. *Pendarvis (the neighbor) claims he didn't hear anything and says there are always homeless people lurking in the alley. (*Put him on the list of possible suspects)

Have they mentioned any signs of a break-in? I don't think this perp came through the front door and certainly could not have left through the front door covered in blood without being noticed.
There was a mention this could be somehow connected to the woman they found awhile back in Elk City. I don't recall where I read it tho.

It is horrible. I feel so sorry for her family and her congregation. :(

I can't imagine the congregation wanting to have service in that church again, but they vow to continue her work. She was trying to revitalize the church and the area according to news reports.

The criminologist said he believes it was a sexual murder. He could be right. This reminds me a little of Sandra Cantu being taken to the church, raped, and murdered. RIP Sandra. They didn't say she was sexually assaulted, but since she was found nude and everything...chances are good it happened.

It also sounds like they fear a serial killer with the way they have handled it with other churches. OSBI do not normally go to those lengths in a murder investigation to warn other people.

She had no congregation. The church was, more or less, abandoned, although she would drive 50 miles each way to minister to anyone who wanted her help. I'm guessing if she was in the church, the front door was open when she was attacked.
Excellent profiling, Ruf~

I find it difficult to believe that no one saw or heard anything on a Sunday morning around ten until noon in broad daylight. *Pendarvis (the neighbor) claims he didn't hear anything and says there are always homeless people lurking in the alley. (*Put him on the list of possible suspects)

Have they mentioned any signs of a break-in? I don't think this perp came through the front door and certainly could not have left through the front door covered in blood without being noticed.

Thanks SS~
LE have removed the back door of the church.
I am betting the perp entered and left in this manner.
Pastor Daniels hair was burned? I don't recall reading that in the articles but could have missed it.

The fact the perp spent a good deal of time in the church and with the body indicates (imo) he/she was comfortable in the surroundings and familar with the location and Carol.

Do we know what she was doing at the church that day? From what I understand she did not have her own congregation anymore but would offer services upon requests. Surely LE is checking her phone records to see if anyone contacted her asking to see her for counsel. As careful as this killer seems to have been - removing the clothes, using sanitizer, etc - if he/she did call i would assume they would have been smart enough to call from a payphone or something.

Whoever did this had an incredible amount of rage directed at Paster Daniels and I think it is likely they knew eachother.

I hate to be the one to bring this up but oh well I will - I wonder if her race has anything to do with it? A small town in Oklahoma - I could see some people having an issue with an African-American pastor and a female at that.
The hair burning thing was being discussed over on Topix. I don't remember it reading it elsewhere.
Pastor Daniels hair was burned? I don't recall reading that in the articles but could have missed it.

Here is the link w/ the info on the hair being burnt.


ANADARKO — Police found the mutilated body of the Rev. Carol Daniels in a "crucifix position” behind her church altar last Sunday, The Oklahoman learned from sources close to the investigation.

Sources confirmed that Daniels’ bloodied corpse appeared to have been left in the form of a cross with both arms outstretched to the sides. Sources also said investigators were disturbed by two other facts at the crime scene:

• The killer took Daniels’ clothes, perhaps to hide evidence or as a grisly trophy.

• The killer methodically took time to spray a dissolving chemical around the body in an apparent effort to destroy any DNA evidence.

Severe lacerations were also found on her left breast, back, stomach and hands — the latter a sign that the 61-year-old Oklahoma City woman likely tried to fight her attacker.

Daniels’ hair was also burned.
That hair burning might have been another attempt to destroy evidence, getting rid of fibers or dna left behind. This crime sounds premediatated. He brought along a spray to use on the body to destroy evidence, brought a knife and who knows what else.
That hair burning might have been another attempt to destroy evidence, getting rid of fibers or dna left behind. This crime sounds premediatated. He brought along a spray to use on the body to destroy evidence, brought a knife and who knows what else.

Do we know for certain this creep brought the cleaning solvent w/ him?
I wondered if he might have used something that he found w/in the church.
In profiling, I would say this creep is a mixed organized / disorganized offender.
I grew up in Anadarko, Ok, but no longer live there.

I don't think that the racial motivation for such a crime would be too strong in this particular town. The town is made up of African Americans, Native Americans, and Caucasians. The people there grow up together and those that stay work with one another. It's the south but this town isn't a hotbed of kkk type activity.

The murder site is located on the edge of an area that is predominantly African American. It's also a block away from the police station.

The area does have it's share of foot traffic but Anadarko is also the kind of town where everyone is mostly identifiable and people get up and look out the window to see who is walking by their homes.

This is what makes the lack of suspects so baffling.
Do we know for certain this creep brought the cleaning solvent w/ him?
I wondered if he might have used something that he found w/in the church.
In profiling, I would say this creep is a mixed organized / disorganized offender.

We don't really know if the killer brought the cleaning solvent, but I'm thinking he did. Carol might have had some cleaning products but why would she have a "solvent" for the church that didn't have a large congregation? Enough solvent to poor around her body. Maybe he wanted to set fire to the body and only the hair burned.. that would be a "disorganized/organized" act.

Organic Solvents - Acetone, Denatured Alcohol, Petroleum Distillates including kerosene, mineral spirits, naphtha, dry cleaning fluid, and turpentine.
We don't really know if the killer brought the cleaning solvent, but I'm thinking he did. Carol might have had some cleaning products but why would she have a "solvent" for the church that didn't have a large congregation? Enough solvent to poor around her body. Maybe he wanted to set fire to the body and only the hair burned.. that would be a "disorganized/organized" act.

Organic Solvents - Acetone, Denatured Alcohol, Petroleum Distillates including kerosene, mineral spirits, naphtha, dry cleaning fluid, and turpentine.

Thanks for listing the Solvents. I honestly hadn't given much thought as to what the list would entail.

Has anyone read an official profile from the FBI?
I grew up in Anadarko, Ok, but no longer live there.

I don't think that the racial motivation for such a crime would be too strong in this particular town. The town is made up of African Americans, Native Americans, and Caucasians. The people there grow up together and those that stay work with one another. It's the south but this town isn't a hotbed of kkk type activity.

The murder site is located on the edge of an area that is predominantly African American. It's also a block away from the police station.

The area does have it's share of foot traffic but Anadarko is also the kind of town where everyone is mostly identifiable and people get up and look out the window to see who is walking by their homes.

This is what makes the lack of suspects so baffling.

I really appreciate hearing from someone who use to live in Anadarko. I am an Oklahoma girl and I use to spend some time in Anadarko. Although it has been years ago.
I really appreciate hearing from someone who use to live in Anadarko. I am an Oklahoma girl and I use to spend some time in Anadarko. Although it has been years ago.

Pleased to meet you.

The rumors there are really flying around in Anadarko. Some people have been named as discovered victims, only to show up alive and well and other people have been identified as having confessed--only to turn up at home with no idea why people are claiming they are in jail for the murder.

What I can't get over is how no one saw anything or anybody in that area. As I said, Anadarko is one of those little towns that, for better or worse, everyone seems to know each others business.

If I hear anything reliable, I'll be sure to post it.
Pleased to meet you.

What I can't get over is how no one saw anything or anybody in that area. As I said, Anadarko is one of those little towns that, for better or worse, everyone seems to know each others business.

If I hear anything reliable, I'll be sure to post it.

Your statement of "why didn't someone see someone or something in that area" is something to ponder. If no one saw anything out of the ordinary, then it leads me to believe ~
1) It was a local
2) Someone who was not a local but blended into the local environment

The murder happened between 10:00 a.m. and noon. Would you consider the area near the church busy at that time of day? Also, I have heard the street view of the church described but, have heard nothing of the back view. (Other than the door has been removed) What is the environment behind the church? Alley, Vacant lot, etc............

thulsalive ~ Thanks for the offer of help.
And, it is nice to meet you also.
I do not physically live in Oklahoma anymore but, my heart still lives there.

Your statement of "why didn't someone see someone or something in that area" is something to ponder. If no one saw anything out of the ordinary, then it leads me to believe ~
1) It was a local
2) Someone who was not a local but blended into the local environment

The murder happened between 10:00 a.m. and noon. Would you consider the area near the church busy at that time of day? Also, I have heard the street view of the church described but, have heard nothing of the back view. (Other than the door has been removed) What is the environment behind the church? Alley, Vacant lot, etc............

thulsalive ~ Thanks for the offer of help.
And, it is nice to meet you also.
I do not physically live in Oklahoma anymore but, my heart still lives there.


I think the road directly in front of the church would have pretty consistent traffic at that time of the day. The road in front of the church turns into highway 281. It is also the only north/south road in Anadarko with traffic lights. A block to the south, along that road, sits the police station. The area separating the church from the police station is an empty lot about 300-400 ft across.

Behind the church, on the same block are some houses and a little alleyway. But that residential turns into countryside about 6 blocks behind and it turns into countryside about 2 blocks to the north. There is another residential area but one would have to cross the street (highway 281) to walk into it.

I can embed an arial photo and mark the locations if that is helpful
I think the road directly in front of the church would have pretty consistent traffic at that time of the day. The road in front of the church turns into highway 281. It is also the only north/south road in Anadarko with traffic lights. A block to the south, along that road, sits the police station. The area separating the church from the police station is an empty lot about 300-400 ft across.

Behind the church, on the same block are some houses and a little alleyway. But that residential turns into countryside about 6 blocks behind and it turns into countryside about 2 blocks to the north. There is another residential area but one would have to cross the street (highway 281) to walk into it.

I can embed an arial photo and mark the locations if that is helpful

Yes please, an arial photo would be very helpful.
Officers' Incident Report for Slain Anadarko Pastor Released

OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has released an incident report from police officers who initially found a pastor dead in an Anadarko church.

This first photo is of the town.

The Red Circle is the block of the crime

The Green Square is of downtown


This second photo is a closer shot

The Red Circle is of the Church

The Store directly on the south side is marked in Orange

The Police Station is marked with a Green Circle


Hope this is helpful

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