OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #1

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thanks for the update on the findagrave link. I wonder why the other was listed in the same cemetary. (the one I found - which originally had no picture of the stone) and then yet the other with the dates. It appears those dates and the same name belong to someone else with the same name.

Does anyone think Floyd will ever fess up with the truth? I can't help but think there is some unknown motivator which no one has found, which would cause him to fess up.
poppypetals said:
I agree, and anyone notice the way the person types, like:

xxxxx......*advertiser censored*.......xxxxxx.....xxxx

I've seen this before somewhere, but I can't remember where. :confused:
This person is making a mockery of child molestation. I found a site where she said she feels love and sees life through the eyes of a little girl, then in her Favorites Lists, two of her favorite movies are Pretty Baby and Lolita. I find that odd since she sounded so sad about her alleged abuse on the Angelfire site. She does look very young and she has pics that could be considered suggestive. She IS fully clothed and lists her age as 18.

This is from Angelfire:
not by just one or two peoples...
there were many many peoples...
i was at that place all my growing-up years
i'm out of there

1 child molester usallys molestes 117 little childrens...

there is NOTHING "seductive" in ANY way bout childrens or babys...
dressed or not...childrens and babys DONT know "seductive"...but if you truly do finds my baby picture taken of me when i didnt even know what molested was or other stuffs...then please get proffessional helps...not on internet...with real doctor...please...
This is a review on Amazon.com written by the same person. I left her name on here because she uses it on all her pages:
OK, remember how her writing style was on the site you just saw (all the s's). Now look at this from the same person:
Reviewer:kimmie "littleone" (Tennesse) - See all my reviewsI take issue with the main opinion. Their use of the word "cra*py", isn't necessary. This game isn't built for you 30 year old "gamers". It never was intended, that way. Not all of us kids, need to "kill" 20,000 "whatevers", to enjoy. Some parents, are concerned about their kids playin' "those type of games", especially, younger players.

I also, think that to assume someone has to be "simple" to enjoy this game, somewhat impolite. Did your mommy ever teach you it's rude and impolite, to call others names?

The 120 score on your I.Q. test, is only an "indicator of your potential", just as my (depending on which test given), 144-155, is an "indicator of my potential". It, in no way means you, or I, will live-up to that potential.

I am quite sure that you can write an objective review, without resorting to being impolite. Maybe, a Thesaurus for Christmas?

As I stated, in my title,
Just my opinion.
kimmie littleone
Some people are just plain friggin crazy.
i dont think anything would get him to fess up unless he was prommised a free ride out of jail which no one would be crazy enugh to let a sicko like floyd out and even then he would fabricate toons of lies to get his way out leading us on a wild goose chase. has a psychologist ever looked at floyd does he see one in jail? do you think dial would say anything im sure he knows everything about sharon and how floyd got her. why does floyd feel he has the need to still keep her secret to himself unless he is hiding more info on sharon such as something he may have done to her mother and that would land him into more hot waters in jail? i know someone tried writing to floyd and i belive the letters she recevied were like strange writings and such nothing specific about sharon.

i clicked on the link i sent with the other grave thingy and i went and did a search on Suzanne Davis and found a grave stone with 3 names ronald suzanne and wanda both ronald and suzanne have a dob dod but wanda only has a dob



[size=+1]Remove the ads from this page![/size][size=+2]Tanya Dawn Hughes[/size]Birth: unknownDeath: Apr. 30, 1990

Note: Age 22 Sex F Born Alabama Burial:
Park Grove Cemetery
Broken Arrow
Tulsa County
Oklahoma, USA
Plot: Section S, Block 25, Lot 2, Space 4
Record added: Jan 5 2005
By: Charlie Crocker
[size=-1]Added by: Anonymous[/size][size=-2] [/size]
Cemetery Photo
[size=-1]Added by: [size=-1]Greg Moore[/size] [/size][size=-2] [/size] [size=-2]Photos may be scaled.
Click on image for full size.[/size]

[size=-2]Added: 3/7/2007[/size] You are not forgotten. There are hundreds if not thousands of people working towards uncovering your true identity. Rest in peace,To read Tanya's story: read A Beautiful Child, or search Sharon Marshall.
- Anonymous
[size=-2]Added: 2/18/2007[/size]
Order Birth and Death certificates for Tanya Hughes

if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {makeMap();}
OOOPS.. Sorry, did not mean to get this soooooo big, LOL, If anyone knows how to delete it, Please do it and I will just post the link. :confused:
I have decided to go to Tulsa tomorrow to visit Sharon's grave. While my husband thinks I am nuts, I feel like this is something I must do. I grew up in Oklahoma and I am the same age (as far as we know) as Sharon. I remember clearly the day that Michael was kidnapped as we lived very close to Choctaw. My father lives in Tulsa, I am on spring break from work and I just feel like I need to place flowers on her grave. Maybe this will bring me some peace.....I know many of us feel so helpless and want so desperately to know who she was......paying respects is the least I can do.....
I'm not sure how much value you hold in psychics, but I just noticed Brian Ladd posted a remote viewing on Sharon Marshall on his website. Here's the link...

So does this Brian guy explain what all the scribbles mean, or does he let others try to decipher it? Pretty weird stuff. Is he trying to say that Michael is still alive and his name is now David Weston, living in New Orleans? The Son of Sam stuff is scary. There might be a thread on David, (Son of Sam)Berkowitz so I won't go into great detail, but he was a serial killer in NY. Some LE believe he had an accomplice in his killings. He supposedly killed his first unidentified female in 1975. Wonder if Brian thinks Floyd & Berkowitz had something to do with each other. Maybe his notes insinuate that Sharon was the daughter of this IDU in NY. Does Floyed have ties to NY in 1975?

I read this thread back in January, and have never read the book, so I'm not 100% up on the case. A pro should look at Brains notes and see if there is anything significant, (that wasn't written about in A Beautiful Child).
Generally he does write out what his scribbles say. Right before he posted the photos of his remote viewing results, he stated "I'm not sure about this RV, and it might have nothing to do with this case." So either there is no connection, or there is but he (and I'm sure anyone else following the Sharon Marshall case) doesn't think there is. He says he doesn't look up information on what he does remote viewings on. If he really doesn't, then it's interesting that he wrote Michael -no, David Weston is alive. Especially since Michael hasn't been found, and Floyd has said he's still alive. I don't know much about Son of Sam, so there very well could be a Michael tied to that case as well. With as many twists and turns as there are in the Sharon Marshall case, I can't imagine how confusing it would get if there was a connection to Son of Sam.
i asked him to do one on janice pockett i have to email him to see if he was able to ge working on it id like to see what he comes up with. so brian thinks michael is alive and son of sam has a connection in the case of sharon weird
Generally he does write out what his scribbles say. Right before he posted the photos of his remote viewing results, he stated "I'm not sure about this RV, and it might have nothing to do with this case." So either there is no connection, or there is <snip>.

Okay, I see that now. He doesn't know if this particular Remote Viewing really is for Sharon. It could be for anyone....Well, guess that's a bust. Darn! :waitasec:
Hi All,

I had the opportunity to visit Sharon's grave this past weekend. It was such a surreal experience because she was my age, I lived in Oklahoma when Sharon was killed, lived very close to where Michael was kidnapped, and have always wondered about this whole story, but standing there before her grave really brought it all home to me. I stood there in the cemetery and said a prayer for Sharon and Michael and now, more than ever, I want to know who she was. I know that all of us have a true desire to know and to help, I just wish I knew what else to do. I am glad I went, even though no questions were answered. I feel a sort of peace knowing that nobody can ever hurt her again. My husband thinks I need a new hobby (he can't figure out why I would put flowers on a grave of someone I don't even know), and you guys are probably the only ones who understand, but Sharon was special and so deserves to have her identity known.

I do have one question. Did Matt ever say which Oklahoma City Public School Floyd worked at?
No Mattt never said! thou Matt did state he had the name of the school in his notes......I have thought it had to be Putnam City School Dist. as it is the largest and is near two of the places he resided.....
that comes from Matts book,I looked up the name of the Apartments in the book that gave me the school Dist.in a web search
I was hopeing that you would post when you returned from your trip....
I would like to know what kind of flowers you placed on her grave....and did it look distubed in anyway? Forgive me for asking I know the empthy you must feel for Sharon.Its those kind of feelings that or Human and divides us from the criminils that have no conpassion for anyone......
I have changed my webpage I do often .......
Hi Tuffy,

I placed dasies and chrysanthmums on Sharon's grave. And, no, it was not disturbed at all. The cemetery is not huge, but is good sized and the bradford pear trees were blooming. All in all, it was very peaceful. I thought that Matt had said Floyd worked in the Oklahoma City Public School system. Putnam City Schools are in Oklahoma City, but the OKC School System is much larger. I don't even know what I care so much, but for some reason I really want to know which school! I, too, remember Matt saying it was in his notes.

I did my student teaching in OKC public schools in the early 1990's....maybe that is why I want to know so badly!
Hi All,

I had the opportunity to visit Sharon's grave this past weekend. It was such a surreal experience because she was my age, I lived in Oklahoma when Sharon was killed, lived very close to where Michael was kidnapped, and have always wondered about this whole story, but standing there before her grave really brought it all home to me. I stood there in the cemetery and said a prayer for Sharon and Michael and now, more than ever, I want to know who she was. I know that all of us have a true desire to know and to help, I just wish I knew what else to do. I am glad I went, even though no questions were answered. I feel a sort of peace knowing that nobody can ever hurt her again. My husband thinks I need a new hobby (he can't figure out why I would put flowers on a grave of someone I don't even know), and you guys are probably the only ones who understand, but Sharon was special and so deserves to have her identity known.

I do have one question. Did Matt ever say which Oklahoma City Public School Floyd worked at?
I don't think he ever said.
Former Websleuths member Hollow spoke to someone about this in the Oklahoma City School System. Franklin did not work at any particular school, but was working for the Oklahoma City School system in general, painting and doing general maintenance.

This person remembered "Suzanne Davis", said she was adorable, always wearing the cutest little dresses and shoes, very blonde-haired and blue eyed. Would often come looking for her daddy while he was working. Said she was smart as a whip.
Former Websleuths member Hollow spoke to someone about this in the Oklahoma City School System. Franklin did not work at any particular school, but was working for the Oklahoma City School system in general, painting and doing general maintenance.

This person remembered "Suzanne Davis", said she was adorable, always wearing the cutest little dresses and shoes, very blonde-haired and blue eyed. Would often come looking for her daddy while he was working. Said she was smart as a whip.

Thanks Poppy!
wow - its a shame this person doesn't have any pics of young suzanne - i'd love to know more aabout her as a child...so she came looking for her "daddy"? hmmmmm
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