OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #2

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Is this another alias for FDF? I've never heard this one before.

Also, when did FDF live in VA? Could this be where he was around 1979ish? The unaccounted for years between the Suzanne Davis and Sharon Marshall eras? Maybe he went by Tcheidera between being Trenton Davis and Warren Marshall?

I once read that FDF used 30 aliases. Do we have all of them?
Matt's Book indicated some that are not listed as I can find on this site and it is Blankenship the first name I will have to look up or if someone has a book handy this name used to check into a hotel while on the run from Oklahoma! This PROSCOLLA C TCHEIDERA �AKA:�WARREN J MARSHALL is the first time I have seen a site list (AKA) the sites usually just list a name if its different .....I will see what else I can find tracing each address comes different names maybe I will luck on to something....
Question about the third child who was adopted out--do we know who the father was? I know Sharon had some boyfriends after Greg Higgs (the father of Michael) including the one she bought the flowers for when she and Floyd fled Florida shortly after Cheryl was murdered, but I thought she met that guy when she was already pregnant.
Correct me I know you guys will (SMILE) was not Sharon Marshall pregnant in 1989 ??? Matts book I recall said " A very pregnant Sharon "and the girl that Matt was supposed contacted by in Louisiana?
To answer your questions:

1. Bill Blankenship was the name he used to check into the hotel he stayed at in September 1994 where he may have drowned Michael.

2. Sharon was pregnant in 1989, which is when she gave birth to the third child. Her other pregnancies were in 1986 and 1988.
I lived in OKC, OK from April 1977-May 1982 (I think). During that time, I had a neighbor directly across from me with a daughter I came to know bit by bit because she was always left alone. As I recall, she was about 11 years old in '77. I won't go into full detail here, but her arrangement wasn't "normal". She had long, red hair and I can't recall her name. Her "father" supposedly owned a strip club in OKC at the time or at least...is what she said. Could this have been Sharon Marshall?! Would she have been about that age in OKC?

There is so much more I could add, but hesitate because I don't want to confuse things here. The story I have about this girl is quite troubling.
Seriously Searching,
please give us as much detail as you can about the other girl. It would be better to check it out and be wrong than to ignore the possibilities.
even if its not sharon, it could be someone else who was missing.....
I do not know if it is because DNa tests were already done?
I would ask that DNA be done before ruling her out...

As far as I know, with the exception of Anna Waters (who has been ruled out by other means), all the other possible matches were eliminated via DNA.
Found this in the archives...have there been any followups from Matt on this? I would love to see pics of Sharon from "the missing years".

7.[/SIZE] Is there any new info to fill in the missing years in the timeline?[/SIZE]


Sorry Gina read that wrong about Elem.Photos of Sharon Marshall! I know of several people that have asked Matt about these photos and received no response from him on any question do you know whats going on with him ?
Unfortunately, personality clashes have taken over the search for Sharon's identity. Matt and a former poster here are in a battle (who "started" it and who is to blame are irrelevant). Both have contributed greatly to advancing the search, but are at odds with each other.

The sad part of this is that the answer is at hand. If the rumors that have heard are correct, we will have an identity for Sharon in the next couple of months. Both people will have played a part in the solution, but neither will likely acknowledge the other's contribution. It is unfortunate, because both researchers deserve our admiration for what they have accomplished.
Unfortunately, personality clashes have taken over the search for Sharon's identity. Matt and a former poster here are in a battle (who "started" it and who is to blame are irrelevant). Both have contributed greatly to advancing the search, but are at odds with each other.

The sad part of this is that the answer is at hand. If the rumors that have heard are correct, we will have an identity for Sharon in the next couple of months. Both people will have played a part in the solution, but neither will likely acknowledge the other's contribution. It is unfortunate, because both researchers deserve our admiration for what they have accomplished.

Very well said and very sad! I am thrilled to hear that an identity for Sharon may very well be forthcomming soon. I am sad to hear that the two people so responsible for bringing Sharon back to her home are so at odds. This is a time when These people should be commended and those of us who have been involved or following Sharons oddessy brought togehter. How sad for such a good turn of events to be shadowed by such unnecessary negativity.

Unfortunately, personality clashes have taken over the search for Sharon's identity. Matt and a former poster here are in a battle (who "started" it and who is to blame are irrelevant). Both have contributed greatly to advancing the search, but are at odds with each other.

The sad part of this is that the answer is at hand. If the rumors that have heard are correct, we will have an identity for Sharon in the next couple of months. Both people will have played a part in the solution, but neither will likely acknowledge the other's contribution. It is unfortunate, because both researchers deserve our admiration for what they have accomplished.

Doogie, Come again?

We might know who Sharon really was soon? Is that what I heard?

That is just too exciting!!!!

Yes, the pi$$ing match on her other thread was ugly and I left for good. Sad to see egos get in the way of such noble pursuits.

Thanks for your update!!!
I think its a shame that it matters who discovers her identity. I couldnt care less, I just want her identity uncovered so Sharon can be known for who she really was/is.
Unfortunately, personality clashes have taken over the search for Sharon's identity. Matt and a former poster here are in a battle (who "started" it and who is to blame are irrelevant). Both have contributed greatly to advancing the search, but are at odds with each other.

The sad part of this is that the answer is at hand. If the rumors that have heard are correct, we will have an identity for Sharon in the next couple of months. Both people will have played a part in the solution, but neither will likely acknowledge the other's contribution. It is unfortunate, because both researchers deserve our admiration for what they have accomplished.

Dr. Doogie, FWIW, I soooooooooo admire you. JMHO.
Please understand that I have no direct knowledge of what is happening behind the scenes with LE and the family of who Sharon might be. I have heard from people that are much closer to the search that a preliminary DNA match had occured between Sharon's DNA and a distant family member of a known missing girl. Unfortunately, the relationship between the family member and the missing girl was distant enough to make this match inconclusive. A sample of a closer relative has been obtained and is being tested against Sharon to provide a definitive answer. Understand that the results may still come back negative, so please do not get your hopes too high. But the possibility also exists that it will confirm the earlier match. This test represents the closest that we all have come to identifying Sharon and results should be known in the next few months.

I will keep my ears open for any results among the numerous factions in the search for Sharon's identity - if any of you hear anything first, please post that info here. I do not have member access at "the other site" (a long story that is best not spoken of), so if any of the members of both sites hear anything that can be shared without breaking any confidentiality agreements, please do so.
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