OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #3

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Thank you Matt. What other projects are you now working on?
I still check in from time to time and glad to see the continued interest.
To answer a couple of questions, I had to close down my forum after my webmaster told me it was hacked repeatedly. Not sure by who or why. Could have been pranksters. Have no idea.
And yes, the NCMEC is working to see if Christina Carter is a possible link to Sharon. Will keep you posted.
Thank you Matt for getting back to us and letting us know what's going on... I'm so glad it hasn't fallen through the cracks.

I read your book and it was so well done. You really get invested in Sharon. I hope that someday we can all know who she was. Thank you for writing it!!
I still check in from time to time and glad to see the continued interest.
To answer a couple of questions, I had to close down my forum after my webmaster told me it was hacked repeatedly. Not sure by who or why. Could have been pranksters. Have no idea.
And yes, the NCMEC is working to see if Christina Carter is a possible link to Sharon. Will keep you posted.

Thanks, please keep everyone updated. We all appreciate it so much.
For those who have asked, I have a new book out later this year called "DECONSTRUCTING SAMMY: Music, Money, Madness, and the Mob."
It tells the remarkable true story of the events that transpired following the death of Sammy Davis, Jr., who died in 1990 near bankruptcy with debts that totaled $15 million. Amazing story, with many new revelations about Sammy, Sinatra, the mob, Kennedy and others.
It will be published Sept. 1 by Amistad/Harper Collins. It's available for pre-order on all the usual websites, including Amazon and BN.Com.
The new book sounds fascinating!!!!

No, there will always be interest in Sharon.....there will always be people who care for her :)
Looking forward to reading it!
For those who have asked, I have a new book out later this year called "DECONSTRUCTING SAMMY: Music, Money, Madness, and the Mob."
It tells the remarkable true story of the events that transpired following the death of Sammy Davis, Jr., who died in 1990 near bankruptcy with debts that totaled $15 million. Amazing story, with many new revelations about Sammy, Sinatra, the mob, Kennedy and others.
It will be published Sept. 1 by Amistad/Harper Collins. It's available for pre-order on all the usual websites, including Amazon and BN.Com.
Still Crossing my fingers that there is a match for Christina Lynn Carter!!

I still wonder if they have dna from Tampa General and the other hospital. One could match and the other could be bad. Tampa General is where they have cut off the wrong leg a few times. I had a child there and they had the birth certificate wrong and I broke my ribs and the nurses denied everything. It is a terible hospital with roaches that get into your water glass and nurses that yell at you. They do an awful bookkeeping job. I wish I had sued them.
First off, hello, WS finally let me join. YAY! OK, now moving along. I have been very interseted in the Sharon Marshall case for a very long time. I recently resubmitted the tip about the paint Tarp Jane Doe in CT and the possible connecton to Sharon. I truly apologize if I stepped on anyone's toes. It was just something that I felt needed to be followed up on. :clap:to the person that caught it in the first place. I have gotten all the info that I could about the case off line before asking for help. But I have hit a roadblock, and I need help from anyone that might have more info than I do. Does anyone have a list even a partial list of vehicles that FDF had access to or owned? I am expecially interested in knowing if he ever owned a beige or light colored full size station wagon. Just following a lead and if anything more can be wrung out of it, I swear I'll share, i just don't want to make an arse of myself on the very first post. Although I should get used to it, I make an arse of myself quite regularly. Any info at all would be appreciated. I combed the back forums and couldn't find anything about vehicles.
Just a few questions about the widely publicized photo of Sharon at about 5-6 years old that show both her and Floyd sitting for the camera. First off, is she sitting on a flat surface or on his lap? if we could answer that it would go a long way to figuring out exactly how tall she was. That could help. Secondly, does anyone notice how (same photo) on the side of her head, her bangs don't sit right, they want to fluff away from the side and toward the front. Her ahir is not used to being in that style, I'll bet that Sharon Marshall never had bangs for a day in her life before he got hold of her. Otherwise her hair would sit more naturally in that style. Am I way off base here or does that seem to make sense to anyone else?
http://doenetwork.org/cases/8ufok.html Link to the picture although I know we've all seen it already.
Welcome to Websleuths Not_My_Kids! I have been interested in Sharon for a long time too. While I do not have any answers to your questions I wanted to comment on your observations.
The photo; I always felt that she was sitting on his knee/lap. Judging by the positioning of their bodies I really don't think she is sitting on the chair or bench in front of him. That posture is pretty indicitive of someone sitting on a lap. That is just my opinion of course. We can find out how tall FDF is and get a pretty rough estimate as to Sharon's height.
Her bangs have always bothered me too. There is something unnatural about them. I have spent many of lingering seconds looking at them. I have always gotten the feeling they were freshly cut and you may very well be right that she had never had bangs before and her hair was fighting it natural part. I have toyed with the idea that is a wig she is wearing. She certainly looks uncomfortable.

We know a lot of the aliases FDF used over the years. You may be able to find out what kind of cars he had by looking him up through the DMV under his real and fake names. I think in A Beautiful Child a specific car is mentioned but I will have to look.

Once again welcome and if you need help with anything just let me know.
Would like to get my input to some of the questions asked :
and my observation o the photo:
The book states near the end that when her re:sharon marshall body was arrvested
the lab doing that gave her DNA.....to NCMEC.....
The photo .....I think was superinposed.....look how large te little grils head is....conparied to the mans head....much to large....
blowing that photo to as large as you can then zome in to her eyes....there appers to be some other substance there.....and no space ....indicating her eyes where tapped in that poston....is the only thing I can think of or her eye shap was arranged different and that is what that materal is.....also floyds eyes have been altered....maybe to take out an inperfecton.....????? looking at other photos of floyds....one can see that this photo was altered......so will guess sharons was also.....
Also in photos when she is older doing her own hair.....she has bangs ither brushed back or down on er forehead......conparing those with the setting on lab photo.....someone cut her bangs very short for a reaso......


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Does anyone know how to superimpose photos? Is it possible to superimpose a photo of Sharon with the one of Christina?
Once again I will have to look in the book (if I can find it) but didn't Birkbeck interview the photographer who took that photo of FDF and Sharon? He said Sharon was really quiet and subdued. I never thought about the pic being superimposed before.

Anthro - off topic but are you a Physical Anthropologist? Curious because my mom has her PHD in Anthropology, worked on some sites in Israel, Oman and Yemen and now she teaches. I was an Anthro student when I was in college.
Thanks Gaia. Has anyone considered the possibility of Katherine Lyons even though she was older than Sharon was thought to be. There are a lot of ways to make a child look younger than they are. I know that it would have been difficult to control a 10 year old, but if she watched him kill her sister Sheila, who went missing with her, then that would have traumatized her and possibly even regressed her. Here, pictures of her and her sister and a composite of the suspect that does not look much like FDF at the time, but does look like him as he got older. Go figure.
http://www.doenetwork.org/cases/65dfmd.html This is the page for Katherine Lyons, and it has the suspect sketch at the bottom.
http://www.doenetwork.org/cases/64dfmd.html This is her sister Sheila's page.
I know that there are a lot of things that don't add up in this one, but for some reason this grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
She's more than subdued in that photo, she's...blank. That is a highly traumatized child right there.
Looking at this close up you can see the fine hairs....from cutting hair .....jagged edges...
still the eyes in both look altered some how as always concerned me of the shin to the side of Sharon Marshall eyes.


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