OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just wanted to add, specific term to Google with regard to MK-Ultra - "Project Monarch". But be warned - it's pretty hairy stuff.
That is so interesting and I tend to be on board with IntriquedAmI, I completely understand. My real question to those out there still trying to have the truth exposed is:

How and why would Matt B. string people along if he knows the truth or that things are being covered up??
I wish he would respond to all of this.

I have been following this case and read A Beautiful Child for such a long time, and it is all so frustrating. I believe this case will never be solved without the help from the all appropriate agencies.

All of the appropriate agencies know about this (Rhonda/Melissa) and have done since 2007.
As someone who's been involved in Sharon's case damn near longer than anyone, and had his life turned upside down because of it, I can supply my own view on the whys and wherefores.

1. Credit. People are more worried about being the one who "breaks the case" than working together and sharing info.
2. No happy ending. If and when the truth is known, there will be no tearful memorials closing open wounds, no hugs and fond remembrances. Sharon's story, except for her own strength and beauty, had no happy beginning and, in as much as the closure for a family can be considered such, wont end that way either.

For my part, I also have backed away from investigating. Its now enough for me to know that Sharon is in a far better place, and despite the horrors visited upon her, she rose above. Sharon is a testament to all that is best in a person, and I'm content to remember her that way.
Things that made me go hmmmm...


"This program was called MK-ULTRA and involved confiscating super bright children and naturally occurring high order multiples---especially identicals---from their natural parents and putting the children with persons who would allow abuse and experimentation. The program is still ongoing and now uses and manipulates the Child Protection system to facilitate these activities

"My MK-ULTRA dad threw my baby brother in the incinerator in front of me in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan, after holding my mother captive for months to conceal her pregnancy and forcing her to deliver at home. Another home born child, a sister had her head bashed against the wall at birth by JMP in Hapeville Ga."
Call me crazy, but perhaps LE did not find her story credible for some reason. Something does not dotted line to Sharon and Floyd. JMO. Perhaps they actually found Rhonda and Rhonda does not want to be revealed to her family.

This is my guess, fwiw.
As someone who's been involved in Sharon's case damn near longer than anyone, and had his life turned upside down because of it, I can supply my own view on the whys and wherefores.

1. Credit. People are more worried about being the one who "breaks the case" than working together and sharing info.
2. No happy ending. If and when the truth is known, there will be no tearful memorials closing open wounds, no hugs and fond remembrances. Sharon's story, except for her own strength and beauty, had no happy beginning and, in as much as the closure for a family can be considered such, wont end that way either.

For my part, I also have backed away from investigating. Its now enough for me to know that Sharon is in a far better place, and despite the horrors visited upon her, she rose above. Sharon is a testament to all that is best in a person, and I'm content to remember her that way.

I think these are fair statements. In the short time I have looked at these things, "closure" rarely results in hearts and flowers. None of these cases happen in a vaccuum-and once you reunite someone or people with their loved one, their world is shattered by the truth vs what they fantasized or believed up until the moment they are reunited.

However, fwiw, someone has to pick the side of the victim. Someone has to continue to fight for the dignity of the person who cannot speak for themselves any longer. I like to think that this is what we do here...sure, we have to put it down every so often. But you-all seem to keep on trudging along....
Just wanted to add, specific term to Google with regard to MK-Ultra - "Project Monarch". But be warned - it's pretty hairy stuff.

Things that made me go hmmmm...


"This program was called MK-ULTRA and involved confiscating super bright children and naturally occurring high order multiples---especially identicals---from their natural parents and putting the children with persons who would allow abuse and experimentation. The program is still ongoing and now uses and manipulates the Child Protection system to facilitate these activities

"My MK-ULTRA dad threw my baby brother in the incinerator in front of me in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan, after holding my mother captive for months to conceal her pregnancy and forcing her to deliver at home. Another home born child, a sister had her head bashed against the wall at birth by JMP in Hapeville Ga."

Would you let us know how this applies specifically to Sharon Marshall and her thread?

Would you let us know how this applies specifically to Sharon Marshall and her thread?


"Now go do some reading on MK-Ultra. I looked at Floyd’s activities and what happened with Sharon, and I reckon the Headleys were involved with MK-ultra and little Melissa was going to be trained up as a sex slave. It all fits in with why Floyd was always able to find her too. Floyd would have most probably been involved with MK-ultra as well, as they experimented on prisoners, orphans and psychiatric patients – he was all of those things.
AS said that he met Sharon at an army base in New Mexico (when she was about 16 I think) – why would Sharon be there? I believe she was used as a sex slave and all that entailed, and Floyd was her handler. I think the stuff she found that was “really, really awful and would affect everyone” was probably some (government?) documentation about the ‘ring’.
This latest news about another toddler in the Floyd house fits in with the whole picture of Floyd being a ‘handler/runner’."

That is how I believe it relates to Sharon and her thread. This is what I believe happened to Sharon and how Floyd got her. Have you done any reading up on MK-Ultra and Project Monarch yet? If so I don't believe you'd be asking me this question.
Would you let us know how this applies specifically to Sharon Marshall and her thread?


Sharon was said to be super bright, Floyd grew up in Hapeville, and he obviously abused her and farmed her out to others too (prostituted her). THAT'S how it fits Sharon's thread.
"Now go do some reading on MK-Ultra. I looked at Floyd’s activities and what happened with Sharon, and I reckon the Headleys were involved with MK-ultra and little Melissa was going to be trained up as a sex slave. It all fits in with why Floyd was always able to find her too. Floyd would have most probably been involved with MK-ultra as well, as they experimented on prisoners, orphans and psychiatric patients – he was all of those things.
AS said that he met Sharon at an army base in New Mexico (when she was about 16 I think) – why would Sharon be there? I believe she was used as a sex slave and all that entailed, and Floyd was her handler. I think the stuff she found that was “really, really awful and would affect everyone” was probably some (government?) documentation about the ‘ring’.
This latest news about another toddler in the Floyd house fits in with the whole picture of Floyd being a ‘handler/runner’."

That is how I believe it relates to Sharon and her thread. This is what I believe happened to Sharon and how Floyd got her. Have you done any reading up on MK-Ultra and Project Monarch yet? If so I don't believe you'd be asking me this question.

Sharon was said to be super bright, Floyd grew up in Hapeville, and he obviously abused her and farmed her out to others too (prostituted her). THAT'S how it fits Sharon's thread.

Thank you for your response. I suppose that one would need to believe in the MK-Ultra and Project Monarch in order to consider the possibility.

Regarding Melissa/Rhonda-I suspect that connection is off the table of possibilities for reasons that are far simpler. Those in the know would be better able to explain, but on the surface at the very least it is no longer considered to be a viable lead.
Thank you for your response. I suppose that one would need to believe in the MK-Ultra and Project Monarch in order to consider the possibility.

Regarding Melissa/Rhonda-I suspect that connection is off the table of possibilities for reasons that are far simpler. Those in the know would be better able to explain, but on the surface at the very least it is no longer considered to be a viable lead.

And that's exactly why I'm throwing in the towel. There will be no ending as people won't look outside the box. WHERE are those MILLIONS of missing children then? In Australia we have maybe a couple of hundred missing people (including adults), and only a handful of unidentifieds. It staggers me the multitude of missing people in the USA. How could MILLIONS of bodies be out there somewhere and no one has found them? It must seem all very normal to you folks, but it certainly isn't. SOMETHING has to be very wrong for there to be so, so, so many.

You are also missing the point about the missing Rhonda/Melissa - where is SHE? And WHY has she not been listed? Why is this always dropped like a hot potato? I have never had satisfactory answers to these questions, and "it's not a viable lead" is just plain bulls**t. I smell a cover up but if the rest of you think it's all hunky-dory then so be it.

As for MK Ultra - the CIA files have been released by FOI request and it is real - not imagined, so if you don't 'beleive', then I suspect you just don't want to believe. But I myself look at every avenue.

Sorry if I come across as snippy, but I've had it with the road blocks.
Intrigued, if Rhonda/Melissa has been found, no one is obligated to tell us. She has a right to her privacy. I believe she has been found, thereby negating the possibility that she is Sharon Marshall. If she wants to maintain her privacy, I suspect that we will never know if she was a victim of Project Monarch.

I wont debate the project Monarch theory as I have expressed my opinion. You have a right to yours, I have a right to mine. The roadblocks are not coming from me. You are free to soldier on as you please-I am looking for more than theory as to how it applies to the Sharon Marshall case before I jump on the bandwagon. That's just me.
Folks, Melissa/Rhonda has never been listed as a missing person. To date we have not seen an official missing persons report or any indication Melissa/Rhonda is in fact missing or was ever missing. NCMEC is not interested in and has closed out the possible lead - for whatever reason, reasons which the general public may not be privy to.

We at WS can not be posting information or accusations against persons for which we have no credible MSM documention or police reports. We do not allow it done in other area's of the forum, thus we can not do it here. Until such a time comes when there is an official missing persons report for Melissa/Rhonda the moderators and admin here at WS have decided we will no longer allow discussion regarding the Melissa Rhonda possible match to Sharon.

If you have any questions regarding this please send them via PM to a moderator or admin. Moderating decisions and questions should be addressed off forum. You can find the mods by looking at the bottom of each forum or by scrolling to the bottom of the main forum and clicking group leaders.

Thank you,

hello, I'm a long time lurker but a new member =) Nice too meet everyone!

I was curious if there's been any updates with this case? What transpired regarding Rhonda/Melissa story in comparison to Sharon? I'm not sure how any one feels about remote viewing and or Psychics that help the missing? I'm an avid reader at a site that works alot with missing people/readings. I found Sharons very interesting, but can't seem to post any images of them.... <mod snip>(when I tried posting it; it didn't work so I deleted the post) Sorry, I'm new here and still catching on... =) bare with me, please!

hello, I'm a long time lurker but a new member =) Nice too meet everyone!

I was curious if there's been any updates with this case? What transpired regarding Rhonda/Melissa story in comparison to Sharon? I'm not sure how any one feels about remote viewing and or Psychics that help the missing? I'm an avid reader at a site that works alot with missing people/readings. I found Sharons very interesting, but can't seem to post any images of them.... if any one is interested I can send them and or send the link (when I tried posting it; it didn't work so I deleted the post) Sorry, I'm new here and still catching on... =) bare with me, please!

Welcome Rectenwal!!!

If your link wont post on this site and if you see a series of astericks, it means that the link is not allowed here.

Is that the problem you are having?
I been a member for long time and still have trouble sometimes ...Welcome to our world Rectenwal.. No it not just you I think we all have troubles from time to time on here..
thanks for the welcoming LMax believe09 and wv171!

believe09 ~ thanks for clearing that up for me, I've read the rules now regarding links. I was referring to the 4 picture images of the the actual remote viewings on the contacting, different people decipher things differently than others and different perspectives... =) and it wouldn't let me post images... no worries!
Folks, Melissa/Rhonda has never been listed as a missing person. To date we have not seen an official missing persons report or any indication Melissa/Rhonda is in fact missing or was ever missing. NCMEC is not interested in and has closed out the possible lead - for whatever reason, reasons which the general public may not be privy to.

We at WS can not be posting information or accusations against persons for which we have no credible MSM documention or police reports. We do not allow it done in other area's of the forum, thus we can not do it here. Until such a time comes when there is an official missing persons report for Melissa/Rhonda the moderators and admin here at WS have decided we will no longer allow discussion regarding the Melissa Rhonda possible match to Sharon.

If you have any questions regarding this please send them via PM to a moderator or admin. Moderating decisions and questions should be addressed off forum. You can find the mods by looking at the bottom of each forum or by scrolling to the bottom of the main forum and clicking group leaders.

Thank you,

Does that mean I can't let you know what the results are when they come in? i.e. no further discussion?
Has this girls DNA been checked against Christina Lynn Carter? Little missing girl who was 3 when she disappeared?

From Doenetwork.org

Case File 2528DFAL

Right: Age Progression by NCMEC to age 38

Christina Lynn Carter
Missing since September 17, 1973 from Hueytown, Alabama
Classification: Lost, Injured, Missing


Vital Statistics
•Date Of Birth: May 29, 1970
•Age at Time of Disappearance: 3 years old
•Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 3'2" (97 cm); 30 lbs (14 kg)
•Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blonde hair; blue eyes.
•AKA: Christy
•DNA: Available


Circumstances of Disappearance
Christina was last seen on September 17, 1973.
Janet, Christina's mother and Christina's father had divorced two months before, and Christina's father was seeking custody of the child.
On October 7, Janet's nude, bound body was found inside a duffel bag alongside Clingman's Dome Road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
She had been killed by suffocation the same day she was found.
Her remains were not identified for a month.
It was after the identification that authorities realized Christina was missing.
An extensive search of the park turned up no indication of Christina's whereabouts.


If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

Hueytown Police Department

Agency Case Number: 08030498

NCMEC #: NCMC1084835

Source Information:
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Charley Project

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