Ok, she does/did drugs, allegedly

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I must be missing the drug use as well. I don't see Casey as a habitual drug user at all. I don't see her as doing anything but marijuana less than occasionally, actually, jmo.

I don't care what she told someone about her doing drugs. She's a liar and I think she intentionally told one of her male friends (Jesse?) that she did hard drugs to give her an "alibi" of being "flipped out" for when Caylee is found and everything comes back to bite her in the butt. 'Casey did drugs,' some will say, 'that's why she doesn't know what happened to Caylee,' type of BS.

One of the reasons I feel this way is because she was ticked off that one of her boyfriends smoked (can't remember which boyfriend). That doesn't mean tooooo much, but to me, it says something.

I sure don't think she looks healthy now. She looks the same to me, maybe a fuller face, longer hair, more feminine style hair. Heck, she looks like Hayley Mills now (yeah, dating myself).
i bumped up earlier convo to see what information we have
As far as the lollipops...last year my grandfather was very ill (renal failure, congestive heart failure, and lung cancer)and he was prescribed methadone or morphine...once he couldn't swallow the doctor prescribed liquid and later on methadone/morphine LOLLIPOPS. So maybe this is what KC was into???
gonna go out on a limb here, but in my younger days i used to party aLOT and the lolipop thing is for X, it makes your mouth dry and your teeth chatter and grind. i immediately figured that out back months ago when i saw those party pix, plus the overt sexual behavior in the pix, X makes you very sexual and lovey dovey with anyone around you. also notice all the blown pupils in the party pix - another dead giveaway. also, X has a little speed in it and it will keep you up for a day or so after use before you come down and it kills your appetite. also, it usually will make you vomit when it starts to hit your system and i noticed pix of her vomiting.

BUT there is no way on earth X, pot, cigs, coke, ice, painkillers or beer is gonna make you murder your kid, sorry.
gonna go out on a limb here, but in my younger days i used to party aLOT and the lolipop thing is for X, it makes your mouth dry and your teeth chatter and grind. i immediately figured that out back months ago when i saw those party pix, plus the overt sexual behavior in the pix, X makes you very sexual and lovey dovey with anyone around you. also notice all the blown pupils in the party pix - another dead giveaway. also, X has a little speed in it and it will keep you up for a day or so after use before you come down and it kills your appetite. also, it usually will make you vomit when it starts to hit your system and i noticed pix of her vomiting.

BUT there is no way on earth X, pot, cigs, coke, ice, painkillers or beer is gonna make you murder your kid, sorry.

well that first hand informations sheds light on her behaviour ! Thank you for opening up ((hugs))) and it would appear that is what she was on because she was overtly sexual..and from what Jessie said she in fact did change a LOT
and that is quite possibly due to the drugs..

What a shame she didnt marry him and stay on the straight and clear path..Caylee would very likely be alive today...

I have heard / read that drugs do change people's personality's.
In the statement on that link RM confirms She did Cannabis and he did it with her Once
Then someone has said she did hard drugs (thats not confirmed)

People that do drugs (esp Ice ecstasy heroin - the harder drugs) disintergrate - there are no Fat Drug addicts or even healthy looking ones

It definitely seems that she started mixing with the wrong crowd and got into drugs

MAYBE Caylee swallowed a drug ?

Casey looks immensely healthier in the January 09 photos, she looks like the girl next door compared to the July 08 where she looks like a hard mean gaunt girl

What if she was doing ICE ? Ice is a Mega stressor to making people do Crazy things and act Crazy

Many people have murdered in robberies and so on when on hard drugs

I don't know if KC was doing meth or not, but this sounds like the best defense I've heard so far. My son got caught in its snairs for a while(thank you Jesus-he is off of that poison today) but when he was on it, that person was not my son, its effects are beyond horrifying, and I can see a person doing things they would never dream of doing as themselves on that stuff. Talking gibberish and telling the most unbelievable lies are part of it too. It wouldn't get KC off but that scenario makes her sound a little less evil. MOO
No exercise, high calorie prison food and snacks = weight gain.

Is there a drug that makes you kill your child, put a sticky heart over her duct taped mouth and go to Blockbuster for some flicks? If so, tell me which one.

Bingo. KC was a runner. Lack of exercise accounts for the moderate weight gain.
It may only be my opinion but you watch the defense come up with this.
They will potray her as the young naive girl, who got pregnant too young and was heartbroken over not marrying Jesse and starting mixing with the wrong crowd who did drugs and she started doing them and her personality changed dramactically
I mean its all set up already isnt it ? Jessies been on national TV stating similar, how she isn't the casey HE knew...

Then someone else saying she is doing drugs and intimating maybe hard drugs

The WILD pictures....

Yup this is going to be a defense line... IMO

(unless of course there is any OTHER Bombshells to use ! not saying this is but just saying if there was other things ) but this is as good as any a defense
I don't know if KC was doing meth or not, but this sounds like the best defense I've heard so far. My son got caught in its snairs for a while(thank you Jesus-he is off of that poison today) but when he was on it, that person was not my son, its effects are beyond horrifying, and I can see a person doing things they would never dream of doing as themselves on that stuff. Talking gibberish and telling the most unbelievable lies are part of it too. It wouldn't get KC off but that scenario makes her sound a little less evil. MOO

I watched intervention this week about a meth addict her behavior fit Caseys to a "t". The contempt for her parents, the overly sexual behavior, total disreguard for anyone in her life. This girl did not look like a "meth addict" either. The lies Casey told, the money she stole. The twisted way she explains herself. Nothing about meth addicts thinking make sense. It steals their souls. She tried to change after she got pregnant and hooked up with Jesse. She could not stay away from her drug crowd. This started her addiction cycles again. Cindy and George have been dealing with this since High school. Look at all the calls to their house.

I remember Lee asking Casey is this like the last time. They knew Casey dragged Caylee around with her as this got more and more out of control. They just did not want to deal with it. It was easier to stay in denial. Sorry so long but this is my first post and have been holding back. I do think Casey went through withdrawals when she was first arrested. She really looked like he**.
I posted a question about the A's subtance abuse a few days ago. Got no response. I even tried to post a thread about this and got deleted.... My experience (as a former substance abuse RN) has been that there is no dysfunctional family without substance abuse....usually alcohol and cigarettes first....then pot...then precripted pills...such as tranquilizers and pain pills ( valium, xanax, oxycontin, etc) then illicet street drugs... coke, meth, ecstacy, date-rape drugs...etc.

This HAS to be a factor with one or more of the A's. All of them...imo... to one degree or another. And furthermore, I believer LE knows this and has tested this to the best of their ability...hence, why some members of the family refuse to turn over their DNA and take lie detector tests.
I don't know anything about drugs, maybe why I don't recognize anything drug related from the pictures. What I do see from the pictures is a scared little girl in July 08 having thoughts of electric chairs and lethal injections, and a cocky little girl in Jan 09 comforted by her attorney's assurances that she may skate free and be rich to boot.
I have no doubt that she probably did drugs and not just smoking some pot. I think the scene she was in really promotes that kind of lifestyle and I would be surprised if she and most of her friends did NOT do drugs.
I have a feeling that KC just went through the last several years doing whatever was "fun" and gave her pleasure for the moment. That could include drugs, alcohol and sex without necessarilly resulting in an addiction; just another past-time. Right now, about the ONLY pleasure available to her is food; thus the weight gain.
She may have been using drugs but I doubt it was meth or anything that causes instant addiction. We have heard nothing about her withdrawing which she would if she was addicted or using crack/meth/heroin.
Her teeth (KC's) look healthy. Ever seen the mouth of a chronic meth user. Not pretty.
Her teeth (KC's) look healthy. Ever seen the mouth of a chronic meth user. Not pretty.

Coke can do that too. Maybe not as quickly, but most coke users rub coke on their gums and it does damage down the road.

Wow. Why do so many of them have sores/scabs on their faces?

My guess is because they pick their face - much like a coke user constantly looks out the window. I've never done meth - it wasn't around in my drug days.

KC was not doing drugs. Pot, yes. A pill here and there, probably. I'm an alcoholic and former drug user and I can spot someone a mile away - generally down to what they're using. I tended bar both sober and drunk for years and I knew exactly what my customers were on. I had to.
No exercise, high calorie prison food and snacks = weight gain.

Is there a drug that makes you kill your child, put a sticky heart over her duct taped mouth and go to Blockbuster for some flicks? If so, tell me which one.

I don't always agree with you Dots, but this post is right on!:)

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