Found Deceased OK - Tommy Eastep, 30, Lake Eufaula, 7 July 2013

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After reading Websleuths for years, it was Tommy's case that has made me sign up to comment. I don't know why. I suppose it's because I see a handsome man whose situation is being overlooked because he's an addict. I feel like very little information is being released, even by family, likely because they don't want people to not take it seriously, but at the potential risk of not getting that one tip that could solve this mystery. I think about it a lot, and I am usually good at finding one single hypothesis that could answer every question, but I can't with this one. There's always some missing bit, something that doesn't match up.
Anyways, let's keep Tommy and his family, especially his children that are no doubt beyond confused even in their young years, in our thoughts.

Welcome ! and I agree with you that his situation is being overlooked because he's an addict, and a man to a point but it seems getting things solved in OK is an amazing feat in itself.
Welcome ! and I agree with you that his situation is being overlooked because he's an addict, and a man to a point but it seems getting things solved in OK is an amazing feat in itself.

It certainly does seem that way. I could understand coming at it from a more conservative perspective during an investigation to retain the integrity of everyone involved, but when a case goes on for so long, someone "looking bad" should be pushed aside in favor for getting the stinkin' job done, ya know? I feel like cash being on the console of the car (I have read that was the case though most articles don't mention placement) stinks to high heaven of a possible drug deal gone bad, but if you don't make mention of the addiction factor, some fellow addict that might know something out there has very little to go off of. I hope he left by choice because of his failure to control his impulses and everything seemingly crumbling around him, but even then, finding him would take getting through to the right people.
His family seems very loving judging by the Facebook page. I hope they get answers.

Also, can anyone point me in the direction in which I could find information on his possible link to the area? Or help me understand, perhaps?
After reading Websleuths for years, it was Tommy's case that has made me sign up to comment. I don't know why. I suppose it's because I see a handsome man whose situation is being overlooked because he's an addict. I feel like very little information is being released, even by family, likely because they don't want people to not take it seriously, but at the potential risk of not getting that one tip that could solve this mystery. I think about it a lot, and I am usually good at finding one single hypothesis that could answer every question, but I can't with this one. There's always some missing bit, something that doesn't match up.
Anyways, let's keep Tommy and his family, especially his children that are no doubt beyond confused even in their young years, in our thoughts.
Welcome to WS. I understand your confusion with this case. I would like to see some movement forward. It is my opinion they need to concentrate near the area where the truck was found for their answers, but for some reason they are choosing to keep the focus on other places.
Welcome to WS. I understand your confusion with this case. I would like to see some movement forward. It is my opinion they need to concentrate near the area where the truck was found for their answers, but for some reason they are choosing to keep the focus on other places.

You know, it makes my heart sink to think he might be gone but realistically, they need to be searching around there. I get the feeling, though, that the investigating officials just don't see this missing man as any kind of priority. It's that "serves them right" attitude that is given to a lot of addicts that makes them look like they were asking for it all along. No one is hopeless. So sad.
Doesn't sound like it. i haven't seen anything new.

In my opinion, they should start looking at Wetumka connections. The mother of his children has family there. There has to be some sort of connection.
Thanks a million, OkieGranny. Much appreciated. It's interesting that his phone never pinged on the 7th, like it was never on that day.

Maybe the battery had died. Interesting, that the brother denied any health issues and acted like he was just a happy-go-lucky guy after reading the comments by the older brother's bowhunting friend. The link is in post #8 above. I think there are two clear areas where even a family member or amateur sleuth could possibly generate some new leads. JMO

This is one of the few missing facebook pages run by a family member that has ever brought tears to my eyes.
I've been looking into this case for some time so based on what I have discovered, I will pitch a few different theories on what could have potentially happened to Tommy. Please keep in mind that these are just my own theories and they should remain theories until proven fact. These theories are not meant to offend anyone. They are just meant to stimulate thought around the case and potentially give a new perspective on Tommy's disappearance.

1) Tommy got lost deep and the bush and died of dehydration. There is a possibility that this happened, but I have to think its pretty low. Why would he lock the keys and wallet in his truck and then run out into the woods. I wouldn't even think a delusional person would do such a thing, much less Tommy.

Possibility: 5%

2) Tommy took his own life deep in the bush. There is evidence surrounding this theory, such as his emotional distress after being asked to leave his family function and the missing hand gun that he is thought to have owned, but given that several searches have not yielded any results, I don't think this is the answer.

Possibility: 10%

3) Tommy had an altercation with someone he knew in the area near where his truck was found (Holdenville, Wetumka, ect). This hasn't been talked about much, but it should due to several reasons. 1) Wetumka is the closest city/town within proximity to where his truck was found. 2) The mother of his kids has family there and typically goes to family related holidays to that location (think thanksgiving, xmas, and possible 4th of July). 3) The mother of his kids has a few relatives with a criminal history. I cannot mention their names here, but if you dig hard enough, you can find them.

Possibility: 40%

4) Tommy was a victim of the underground drug system. We do know that Tommy was struggling with drugs, but we don't know to what extent. As we have seen with other crimes in this state, the underground drug industry can be very unforgiving. Now he did have sufficient money, given his bank account, debit card, and cash in the truck, so the possibility of owing money to the wrong people is minimal. However, he could have either pissed the wrong people off or he could have been a victim of a drug deal gone bad.

Possibility: 25%

5) Tommy was murdered by a group of strangers. Given that the bowhunter site mentioned that he was seen with a possible female with out of state plates, he could have been running around with a bad group. Possibly one that he met at Lake Eufaula after he left the family gathering. There has not been a lot of evidence to support this however, but given the lack of leads and evidence, this could have happened.

Possibility: 10%

6) Tommy ran away. This is pretty unlikely, but given that the bowhunter site mentioned that he was seen with a possible female with out of state plates, he could have decided to start fresh and run away with her. The only other big hole is the cell phone. The cell phone was never recovered and hasn't been active for some time now. In addition, he had a debit card and money in his bank account. If he was going to run away, wouldn't he debit cash out of his account before leaving?

Possibility: 5%

7) Tommy was murdered due to a custody dispute. There is no evidence to support this theory, but it should be mentioned since some custody disputes result in a murder to missing person. He had 2 kids and he wasn't married. I'm not sure if he ever married the mother or not. Given that I am not a legal expert, I don't know if his situation would result in any sort of custody battle, but if it did, it could have resulted in a custody motivated murder.

Possibility: 5%

Feel free to comment on any of these possibilities or add your own theories. I am interested in hearing what other people have come up with.

Thanks all!

I do not wish to speak "ill" of Mr. Eastep or hurt the family in anyway. My little theory would be, he's a charmer, reasonably successful, good-looking, but maybe the "Good-Time Charlie" routine is getting old, drugs/drink may be affecting him in more ways as he ages or becomes more dependent, whether he is a binger or a daily user. He was asked to leave his own family reunion and his kids did not even go with him, which I find odd. There was a mention of him being seen at a hospital for "dehydration." As an RN, my mind changed that to "trying to get prescription pills on the long holiday weekend." Sorry, occupational hazard. No luck there. Hooked up with anybody, maybe a woman, jonesing, desperate and flashing cash for drugs. She sets him up, they go way off road, he is robbed and killed. Maybe they left $70 on the dash to make it not look like a robbery, but he had much more on him. Or he went to the buy site and had an altercation, maybe pulled a gun or vice versa and he was killed and hidden. Perhaps it was even an accident or a suicide? Anyone else?
I do not wish to speak "ill" of Mr. Eastep or hurt the family in anyway. My little theory would be, he's a charmer, reasonably successful, good-looking, but maybe the "Good-Time Charlie" routine is getting old, drugs/drink may be affecting him in more ways as he ages or becomes more dependent, whether he is a binger or a daily user. He was asked to leave his own family reunion and his kids did not even go with him, which I find odd. There was a mention of him being seen at a hospital for "dehydration." As an RN, my mind changed that to "trying to get prescription pills on the long holiday weekend." Sorry, occupational hazard. No luck there. Hooked up with anybody, maybe a woman, jonesing, desperate and flashing cash for drugs. She sets him up, they go way off road, he is robbed and killed. Maybe they left $70 on the dash to make it not look like a robbery, but he had much more on him. Or he went to the buy site and had an altercation, maybe pulled a gun or vice versa and he was killed and hidden. Perhaps it was even an accident or a suicide? Anyone else?

Although I don't know Tommy, this does seem logical. There is a chance he had a lot of cash on him, but I would think that she would have taken contents out of his wallet as well, such as his debit or credit card. Or perhaps a jealous guy came into the picture and got in a fight with Tommy. Just a thought!

Thank you for sharing!
Wendybtn, I like the way you think. I think this is very logical.

I keep coming back to PokeyMeansBusiness' #3. Of all of the towns between Eufaula and Blanchard, the location of his truck is the biggest red flag to me. Thanks for sharing.
I am sticking to the theory he is possibly along the back route from Wetumka Lake area to where the truck was found.
What do we know as far as organized searches?

I know they did a search near where the truck was found back in late September/October of 2013, but I don't know to what extent. They also had planned a search in May/June of 2014, but they had to cancel due to hunting season. I have not seen any notification for a subsequent search.
I agree that the location of the truck is key. If he met with foul play, and someone else had to get rid of the truck, we all know it will likely be in an area familiar to the driver.
I have to say, it's only in the last 6-9 months I have been hearing of these places where 'it is so dangerous, the police won't go.' They appear to be areas where drug use is rampant and law enforcement has just given it over to the criminals. Like parts of Europe and Asia, I am sad to say. It is wrong. But we do not want a lot of dead LE and the people who live there leave or take their chances. Who would have thought it in rural Oklahoma and rural California?
I have never heard of a place in OK where LE said they won't go because it is "too dangerous" crime-wise. However, I did hear mention of the snake population being a problem for searchers. Finding a missing person is worth the risk, imo. I am sure in other places where snakes are a problem, LE has a way to deal with it. Can't they just don rubber hip boots and be safe?
I know they did a search near where the truck was found back in late September/October of 2013, but I don't know to what extent. They also had planned a search in May/June of 2014, but they had to cancel due to hunting season. I have not seen any notification for a subsequent search.
I wish the family would take the lead on volunteer searches or ask for TES to come back when hunting season has ended (haven't looked it up to see when it would be safe for them to search). They could also do a community based approach for landowners to set aside a day to search their own properties and make it something to get his name out in the media again.

Tommy's case is not getting any attention to my knowledge. Things should be going on to keep his face and name out there, but if it is isn't making mainstream media across the state.
I haven't seen anything on local news outlets. I've seen one flier a year or so ago, but don't even recall where that was.

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