OK OK, Veronica Butler 27 & Jilian Kelley 39, Vehicle Abandoned, Texas County, 30 Mar 2024 #3 *Arrests*

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Based on the anvil plot I think it is safe to say that the time they should have used checking out Dateline, 48 Hours or Forensic Files was spent watching Looney Tunes instead.


This thread contains more Roadrunner references than any I've seen here on WS, ever. A dubious honour for The Commonsense Crew.

So the Misfits are sitting round the logfire at the Twombly house one winter's eve, discussing Bad Government and Granny Tif's ongoing custody issues, and working out Commonsense solutions to this vexing problem, and a lightbulb goes off, and someone says:

"Hey, folks -- what about we throw an anvil through her windshield?"

And someone else says "Or plant a Free Fud Here sign at the end of a tunnel, with sticks of dynamite ready to go --"

"Or, what about a big bouquet of flowers From a Secret Admirer with maybe I dunno a primed Civil War cannon hidden inside it..."

And the group falls to considering, and maybe has a vote, and the anvil idea's so highly though of that it merits a web search.

And then when VB fails to leave her house and muddle her way into The Anvil Zone (possibly they have left helpful signs, perhaps a painted footprint trail to make it even more enticing), the Misfits get back round that fire and decide on yet another can't fail plan -- and this is it.

I've been thinking more and more that real, cruel, considered evil inevitably is fuelled by hubris.

This case seems like hubris writ large, and all the way down.

There were so many ways to let this go, to share custody, to do what was and is best for the children and families involved. But TA, and her fellow Misfits, knew better.

I have no doubt they'll spend the rest of their lives in jail. And I have no doubt they'll find plenty of fellow Misfits there.
@AugustWest, yes of course on the self representation right in the US but I wondered if any of the defendants chose the self representation path in OK that because we could be looking at a DP or Capital Murder case that the Court has the obligation or perhaps rule based obligation in the State's Rules to provide an attorney to oversee the process of self representation and assist as needed or not?

We saw something similar in WI with Daryl Brooks (pro se Sov Cit iirc) where at one point the Defendant had a State provided attorney for a period of time (attorney didn't stay for the duration of the trial that I could see) and so I was never sure if it had been mandated by the WI Court or not. I recall also in the recent Idaho 4 Murder case that it took awhile to find a defense attorney that was DP certified as the Defendant was reliant on public defender but not representing himself.

Just wondered if OK had any rules for DP or Capital cases requiring attorney support for pro se defendants?

The right to represent oneself without help is absolute. The court would hold what is called a Faretta hearing to determine whether the defendant understood the risks of doing so, and to make sure the defendant was competent/informed to make that decision.

This is a good case on the subject: OCCA
Can someone explain what went "awry" in their plans? What had they intended to happen, as opposed to what did happen? Thank you
IMO, they fought back and Jillian had a gun.
I’m shocked these murderers really thought they would get away with this. Especially relieving the preferred supervisor for a few weeks. Did they think Jillian’s family would not question this?
Did TA lure VB there under the pretense of a freebie visitation? Didn't expect a supervisor at all?

Was she going to force VB to sign away her parental rights, then say she was up and leaving to go live out her days on some other continent? So TA could kill her but no one would come looking for her?

They seem to have operated without a plan.

It was a scheduled visit with a new supervisor in attendance, thanks to TA.
IMO, they fought back and Jillian had a gun.
I’m shocked these murderers really thought they would get away with this. Especially relieving the preferred supervisor for a few weeks. Did they think Jillian’s family would not question this?
I agree...Also, perhaps Grice did not play his assigned role.

For quite awhile, I've thought that TA is the kind of person who would want VB to know she was about to be killed, and that she (TA) was the one behind it. I’ve thought perhaps TA brought her grandkids to the meeting place for an alibi, and to be able to say, "See, your Mom doesn't care enough about you to show up today." To make herself out to be the doting grandma, "I am the only one who truly loves you." Then she perhaps planned to drop off the grandkids somewhere, meet her minions who were merely supposed to kidnap VB and JK, and be present herself to terrorize the women before killing them. Later, perhaps she planned to play clueless and expected local law enforcement to believe her.

Just some ideas swirling around in my head. JMHO
Agreed. I've seen that before in certain personalities. Like their drunk on power.
It was TA telling her preferred Court Observer to "Take a 2 week break" iirc in the AA yesterday that sealed the deal on the premeditation imo.

The only conclusion I can get to easily is that TA firmly believed that she was in control of LE in the area and that there would be no consequences for any of their poorly laid plans. I don't think any of the 4 co-conspirators could have imagined the story getting national and then international attention and so quickly thanks to social media imo.

Still wonder if the group had done something similar in the past and it was smooth sailing and so they felt emboldened to simply remove the source of TA ire regarding her grandchildren?


The person who TA told to take a couple weeks off was not JK.
It was TA’s preferred supervisor and then if that person wasn’t available then the responsibility of arranging supervision fell upon TA, according to the AA. Obviously the 9am phonecall with VB supposedly cancelling the visitation was a total lie on the part of TA. But considering what we know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if during that same phonecall TA suggested to VB that she could come alone. JMO
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I forsee an attempt to turn the trial into a referendum on sovereign rights and free speech.

Thankfully, with OSBI and FBI that should not happen.

Wonder who is gonna be a quadruple DP murder judge? Anyone else expect a change of venue?
They could be tried separately. I foresee a couple guilty pleas to avoid the DP.
The mind boggling stupidly, plus the casual brutality. That friends were involved, and casually murdered someone not connected to the dispute is just wild.

I understand it differently, they all were connected to the dispute through their belonging in the same group ("God's Misfits"), a group that was anti-government (which would include CPS) and they believed that what they were doing was saving the children, it was their "mission."
The person who TA told to take a couple weeks off was not JK.
It was TA’s preferred supervisor and then if that person wasn’t available then the responsibility of arranging supervision fell upon TA, according to the AA. Obviously the 9am phonecall with VB supposedly cancelling the visitation was not a lie. But considering what we know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if during that same phonecall TA suggested to VB that she could come alone. JMO
Actually I thought that if the 'preferred" supervisor was not available that TA was to advise VB and then VB was to arrange and pay for one of the remaining 3 supervisors on the list. There were various notification timeframes in the document to provide for advance notice and planning etc.

It was imo an odd arrangement as usually I've seen the cost associated with supervisors be split between the parties. Here iirc TA was responsible for paying the 'preferred' supervisor and VB was responsible for paying in the event that the other 3 supervisors might be used.

Makes sense to me. Because if someone could be prosecuted for merely being aware another person talked/thought about committing a murder, enter the Orwellian era of ‘thought police’. Until those thoughts materialize into illegal actions, the perpetrator has not committed a crime, so no crime to report.

It’s impossible to say how serious Wrangler perceived his mother’s threats to be, especially if she was inclined to often use threatening language. JMO
Could've given a head's up. Good morals.
Tifany Adams is wealthy? May I ask how?

p.s. Who did the children live with? Mom didn't have custody and is now deceased, Dad was in a detox facility - what happened to them?
Speaking from personal knowledge of the area and experience. Tifany Adam’s has generational wealth, family has been in that area since probably statehood. She owns lots of farming land along with the mineral rights that go with land ownership. Oklahoma is covered in oil wells. I’m guessing she owned her share as well. My extended family owns hundreds & hundreds of acres south of where this all took place. They are wheat farmers, but have become millionaires from their oil wells. When you inherit land from previous generations, you can become wealthy.
We may never know but no doubt VB smelled a rat. Felt there was a set up -- that if she didn't go, TA would use it against her. If she did go, she didn't have a supervisor (the regular one). Could she have arranged for JK to accompany her, to protect herself from whatever game TA was trying to play?

Who would've thunk the play was vicious murder?

The terror they must have felt once they realized what was happening.

At least two. The 16-yr-old and a brother are referenced in the Cole Earl Twombley affidavit.

Who is 16-yr-old daughter's bio dad?

I just realized I don't know the exact relationship between Cole Earle Twombley and TA. Is Cole Twombley Wrangler Cole Rickman's uncle and TA's brother?
According to the AA, the 16 year old’s father is Coby White.
After going through the affidavits, I just can't fathom how any of these people thought they could get away with this horrible crime.
I mean they actually believed that throwing an anvil would work. Even Wile E. Coyote knows better - even if he orders it from ACME!
I hope it's clear that I am not and would never try to make a joke about this vile, disgusting crime - I am, however, saying these people were sincerely deluded if they believed they wouldn't get caught!
I think their evil plan was fouled up by Veronica’s relatives (per the affidavit)
Melissa and Joey Padilla found the abandoned car and alerted police to
the crime scene.
This was really quickly.
I thought it may have been Jillian’s husband (who wasn’t far behind police)
but he wasn’t mentioned - the Padillas were.
The criminals didn’t have time to get rid of the car and fulfill their whole horrific plan.
There had been ongoing death threats to Veronica by TA. Many were aware of these threats.
I still can’t believe how brazen and untouchable TA thought she was.
Sounds like she was literally terrorizing Veronica. Shouldn't that be against the law?
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