On Charlevoix

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Aug 15, 2003
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Charlevoix is really Hicksville. The one paper in town is not available on line, so I called them and asked them if they have written any stories on the Ramseys since they moved back to town. "The Ramseys moved back to town? They asked. " When?" Gee, the hometown paper isn't very aware. There are only 3,000 people there too.
Thanks, Candy. Could whoever you spoke to at the paper have been pulling your leg about not knowing the Ramseys moved back? Maybe the townspeople don't like the glare of the spotlight.
Hi Candy,

Try the Traverse City Record Eagle. I'm sorry I don't know how

to link it for you.


It's our largest daily paper. I have never heard Charlevoix

described as "Hicksville". Multi-million $$$ homes built on

million $$$ lots. Now, my little town is most definitely "Hicksville"!!

A couple of weeks after JonBenet was murdered I was in

Charlevoix and drove by the Rameys house. I remember a little

swing in the backyard...very sad.
Hi Jaydid,

What do people there think of the crime? Do you ever hear talk about it?
Hi. Nehemiah,

I live about an hour away from Charlevoix. I just remember it

being on our local news because of their house in Charlevoix.

Thats how I knew what their house looked like.
So you never heard the locals discussing their thoughts/beliefs about the Rs?

Don't worry about the newspaper. My town has a population of 3,200 and we don't even have a paper! LOL :dontknow:
"B" says the people in Charlevoix are very protective of the Ramseys---I don't see that changing. Maybe it's those good ol' midwestern values. The population swells to tens of thousands in summertime.
That's what I would have guessed, Makai. Small towns don't usually like others snooping around. It's okay for them to snoop, just don't let someone else do it. LOL
So true; I can picture this w/ Charlevoix. Have never been there but once lived in a different little resort town. Locals can and do hiss at one another but can be quite a united front against 'outsiders.'

Doesn't bother me. Kinda warms my cockles
Now the parents say:
The family had a planned vacation and flight for the next day to Charlevoix, Michigan. John and Patsy Ramsey woke up at about 5:30 a.m. on the morning of Dec. 26 to prepare for the trip.

Why did JonBenet's attacker not wait until they were bedded down in Charlevoix, why did it have to be Boulder, Colorado, is this significant?


It may not have been the location that was of significance, but rather the date. As we know, JB's headstone gives Dec. 25 as her last day, which has to be inaccurate.
If she was murdered on 25th, she would have had to eaten the pineapple at the Fleet's home. Which she didn't.
It may not have been the location that was of significance, but rather the date. As we know, JB's headstone gives Dec. 25 as her last day, which has to be inaccurate.
You could be right, although I reckon the location was more important, has anyone considered that JonBenet might have been assaulted the night before?

if not, does it make the 25th more likely as they were all going on vacation the next day, i.e. new location, different layout, different, if any, opportunity for abuse?

The exact timeline of JonBenet's death is unknown, so she mught actually have been killed on the 25th?

Why the parents would want us all to know this is curious.

Superficially the staging suggests they had little time to adjust a prior staging, so they left most of it in place?

Alternatively the staging is deliberately uncoordinated with the size-12's and long johns added to confuse any investigators looking for a rational plan?

Either way if JonBenet is dead about or before midnight on the 25th just what were the parents doing for the rest of the morning?

For all the JDI folks out there. For the record it was JR's plan to celebrate Christmas in Boulder and not Charlevoix. Most likely a change of plan here?

Which might explain why JonBenet was talking about secret santa, etc?

So a change of plan, I wonder why?


Christmas seems intrinsic to the entire affair. I do not view the timing as coincidental or parallel. Kolar's significant inclusion in FF of the CS photo of the presents with torn wrappings implies something that he cannot state directly. Also, the size 12 Bloomies were purchased by PR as a Christmas gift. I have mentioned before that, in the novel, Lolita dies on Christmas. "If you want her to see 1997" refers to the upcoming New Year's Day. The Holidays are a stressful period for many.

The RN says that the Rs will receive a call from the kidnappers "between 8 and 10 am tomorrow". As has been noted, if the parents are awaiting this call on the 26th, it implies that the RN was written on Christmas, i.e. before midnight. 'Tomorrow' remains ambiguous, since it could also refer to the 27th. If the 27th were actually meant, then the odd suggestion made to supposedly sleeping people "to get a good rest" makes better sense?

Does any one know what PR gave JR for Christmas?
For all the JDI folks out there. For the record it was JR's plan to celebrate Christmas in Boulder and not Charlevoix. Most likely a change of plan here?

Which might explain why JonBenet was talking about secret santa, etc?

So a change of plan, I wonder why?


JR: Yeah, well never seems to be enough, but it’s got to be a fair amount of baggage space.

TT: A couple of small suitcases, throw them and you’re don’t*?

JR: Uh huh.

TT: Okay. How do you think Burke, how did Burke feel about going up to Charlevoix? Did he talk to you about that at all?

JR: Uh, no actually I think, well I don’t remember I guess it was really my idea, I wanted to spend Christmas up there, and I didn’t want to have to haul all the present for the kids up, so we just had Christmas in Boulder and was going up the next day, and uh, Patsy wasn’t real excited about the idea, because the winter can be kind of nasty up there; we’ve never spent Christmas up there, and that was kind of my plan.

TT: Okay . . .


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