One Year Old Loses Fight For Life After Scalding

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Jun 13, 2007
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Honestly I believe this a horrible accident. On the eve of one-year old Trinity Moon's birthday she was in the hospital with 3rd degree burns over half of her body. Trinity's mother was cooking pasta and prepapring for the birthday party when she backtracked in the kitchen and hit the baby's walker. Mom lost her footing and all the boiling pasta water fell on the baby. This is so heartbreaking and I thought I'd post it as a reminder to all of us just how easily an accident could happen. My entire family has a rule that no children were ever allowed in the kitchen when pots were boiling. It's just too dangerous a place and no doubt this woman was so busy and rushing and caught up. Just horrible. Trinity had survived for five days. Poor lil doll.
Honestly I believe this a horrible accident. On the eve of one-year old Trinity Moon's birthday she was in the hospital with 3rd degree burns over half of her body. Trinity's mother was cooking pasta and prepapring for the birthday party when she backtracked in the kitchen and hit the baby's walker. Mom lost her footing and all the boiling pasta water fell on the baby. This is so heartbreaking and I thought I'd post it as a reminder to all of us just how easily an accident could happen. My entire family has a rule that no children were ever allowed in the kitchen when pots were boiling. It's just too dangerous a place and no doubt this woman was so busy and rushing and caught up. Just horrible. Trinity had survived for five days. Poor lil doll.

OMG, how horrible, I feel so sorry for the parents the mom is going to always blame herself. I always kept a baby gate up so the kids couldn't come in the kitchen. We still have one up and DD is 3 but if we let her in the kitchen she keeps getting stuff out of the fridge and feeding it to the dog. She busted about 10 eggs the other day when no one was looking. Prayers for this family.
OMG, how horrible, I feel so sorry for the parents the mom is going to always blame herself. I always kept a baby gate up so the kids couldn't come in the kitchen. We still have one up and DD is 3 but if we let her in the kitchen she keeps getting stuff out of the fridge and feeding it to the dog. She busted about 10 eggs the other day when no one was looking. Prayers for this family.

Eggcellent, ITM. That had to be fun to clean up. Yep, as fast as kids can get in the fridge and all they can hurt. I too feel so bad for this poor mom. I have a friend who actually had a gate, but opened it because she had stuff in a baby fryer. Figured she was right there and her son wasn't going long distances at the time. Well, he got in the kitchen and she heard the walker, and in time sees him pull the cord to the baby fryer. He's doing well after years of operations, but to this day she has not forgiven herself. My ex hubby knew about this rule and was over visiting our DD. She was around 3 I guess. I walk into the kitchen and she's face up UNDER the huge pasta pot boiling away trying to get a super ball that went under the oven. Her dad just carrying about his business. I think I got my second ulcer that day.
How heartbreaking for this family, my prayers go out to them.
Eggcellent, ITM. That had to be fun to clean up. Yep, as fast as kids can get in the fridge and all they can hurt. I too feel so bad for this poor mom. I have a friend who actually had a gate, but opened it because she had stuff in a baby fryer. Figured she was right there and her son wasn't going long distances at the time. Well, he got in the kitchen and she heard the walker, and in time sees him pull the cord to the baby fryer. He's doing well after years of operations, but to this day she has not forgiven herself. My ex hubby knew about this rule and was over visiting our DD. She was around 3 I guess. I walk into the kitchen and she's face up UNDER the huge pasta pot boiling away trying to get a super ball that went under the oven. Her dad just carrying about his business. I think I got my second ulcer that day.

Ugh I would have screamed my head of at him! My cousin pulled a pan of oil on him when he was about 2 luckily it missed his face and went on his shoulder. He had to have some grafts and still has the scar but it could have been way worse if it had went on his face or eyes.
Honestly I believe this a horrible accident. On the eve of one-year old Trinity Moon's birthday she was in the hospital with 3rd degree burns over half of her body. Trinity's mother was cooking pasta and prepapring for the birthday party when she backtracked in the kitchen and hit the baby's walker. Mom lost her footing and all the boiling pasta water fell on the baby. This is so heartbreaking and I thought I'd post it as a reminder to all of us just how easily an accident could happen. My entire family has a rule that no children were ever allowed in the kitchen when pots were boiling. It's just too dangerous a place and no doubt this woman was so busy and rushing and caught up. Just horrible. Trinity had survived for five days. Poor lil doll.

This crushes me. I had/have the same rule in my house about the kitchen, kids and cooking.....but kids don't always listen - a 1-year-old doesn't even know how to. My prayers for this family. (insert weeping icon here)
How horrible. This family is in my thoughts and prayers. That poor baby. :(

You are so right about accidents happening in a split second. You have to be so careful and always on your toes when you have little ones around. :(
This is sad. :(

And I hate to stir things but it is also the reason I despise baby walkers. Kids can get around in them way faster than they should at their age and have a lot more chances to get in trouble through it. This story and what Filly wrote just add to my opinion about these walkers.

I'm *not* saying it is the mom's fault because she had the baby in a walker - not at all. It is a very tragic accident and I hope and pray she will be able to get through this without blaming herself.

I just hate those danged walkers. Kids are unpredictable enough without them.
Oh my! That poor mom must being going through he!! after this tragic accident. I hope the family is strong and pulls together for comfort and strength to move on. In a split second, their life is forever changed. How sad that the baby was right underfoot. I never liked baby walkers either.
This is sad. :(

And I hate to stir things but it is also the reason I despise baby walkers. Kids can get around in them way faster than they should at their age and have a lot more chances to get in trouble through it. This story and what Filly wrote just add to my opinion about these walkers.

I'm *not* saying it is the mom's fault because she had the baby in a walker - not at all. It is a very tragic accident and I hope and pray she will be able to get through this without blaming herself.

I just hate those danged walkers. Kids are unpredictable enough without them.

JE, you're not stirring anything. I never had a walker myself. They have those little chairs out now that don't move. They didn't have them back when my daughter was a baby. It's just such a sin for this poor mom. I can't even begin to fathom her pain. I still harbor guilt my daughter got stiches and I was right there as were my parents and my brother. Right there and she smacked her head on a marble coffee table. The more mobile she got my mom kept saying "We have to move that. That's an accident waiting to happen". The guilt I tell ya. Prayers for this poor family. Little girls first birthday. How, how can a person ever, ever deal with that?
JE, you're not stirring anything. I never had a walker myself. They have those little chairs out now that don't move. They didn't have them back when my daughter was a baby. It's just such a sin for this poor mom. I can't even begin to fathom her pain. I still harbor guilt my daughter got stiches and I was right there as were my parents and my brother. Right there and she smacked her head on a marble coffee table. The more mobile she got my mom kept saying "We have to move that. That's an accident waiting to happen". The guilt I tell ya. Prayers for this poor family. Little girls first birthday. How, how can a person ever, ever deal with that?

You know, about a year ago I hit my daughter straight in the eye with my hand. She walked up behind me when I was turning around and I don't even know how it happened, but my hand flew in her eye - you could see a tiny scratch from my fingernail on the white. She wasn't hurt bad *at all* but still, thinking about it makes me cringe with guilt. I felt so bad for her because it did hurt like crazy. One time she punctured her tongue because she fell with her chin on the leg of on upside down child's table that she was playing boat with. It bled like crazy and I get nauseous even remembering that. These are minor minor incidents compared to this story of course. My point is, I cannot even begon to fathom what this poor mom is going through. I feel so extremely sorry for her. It just turns my stomach thinking about that. :(
This really hits home with me. Mr. Texana pulled hot grease down on himself when he was close to the same age--and has the scars to this day. His mother felt so badly, she was a young mother with her first child and she was traumatized from it.

Prayers for the baby and the mother.
How horrible. This family is in my thoughts and prayers. That poor baby. :(

You are so right about accidents happening in a split second. You have to be so careful and always on your toes when you have little ones around. :(

And sometimes that isn't enough to prevent accidents.
baby walkers are bad news. but it could have happened baby walker or not. kids are always underfoot. poor little angel.
my friends baby was at my house in a walker and she got in my kitchen and touched my oven which for some reason would get hot on the outside too and she got a pretty good burn from it. I got a new oven but I still felt bad. I am so sorry for this poor mother
my friends baby was at my house in a walker and she got in my kitchen and touched my oven which for some reason would get hot on the outside too and she got a pretty good burn from it. I got a new oven but I still felt bad. I am so sorry for this poor mother

Amanda did she touch like the glass part? An old neighbor of mine her son did that very thing. Again they had a gate and the kid was maybe two. He got past the gate and their height is like right at the glass part. That can get way hot. He put both his hands on it. They questioned this little boys mom quite a few times which even she said was a good thing. Again, her guilt was awful. He's fine, but that's a close call.
This really hits home with me. Mr. Texana pulled hot grease down on himself when he was close to the same age--and has the scars to this day. His mother felt so badly, she was a young mother with her first child and she was traumatized from it.

Prayers for the baby and the mother.

Oh, Texana I am so sorry. His poor mom. That's something that I guess us mom's just can't live with. Accidents happen, yes, but we carry it forever as mom's.
This might sound dramatic, but I have such a terror of burns and burning that if I scalded my child or they were scalded on my watch, I really don't know how I could live with that. It's truly one of the worst tortures I can imagine for myself or another human being.
Kitchen accidents are among my biggest fears in regards to kids. I screamed hard at DD once for coming into the kitchen when I had the oven open. My rule is that she stays behind "the line" (where the dining room ends and kitchen begins...visibly goes from wood floor to tile) when I tell her I'm opening the oven (even if it's cold), then I watch to make sure she's there. That time, everything was fine, I opened the oven and started pulling the tray out, and there she was beside me. I scared her badly by screaming, but I honestly would rather her be afraid than burnt :(
I am truly sorry for this baby but who the heck has a walker in the year 2008???

I mean the things were deemed dangerous when my now 16 yo was a baby.

My two youngest never even had them (now 13 and 12) They had the saucer/bouncy thingy.

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