OP Out of the Courtroom, in the Public Eye

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This frustrates me so much if true: (regarding Roux hinting at appeal as a 'number' of witnesses did not testify due to media)

Criminal law experts believe the move is critical to keeping Pistorius out of prison if he is convicted. It tries to show that he has been prejudiced from the beginning of proceedings and prevented from getting a fair trial.

Professor Anthony Minnaar, of the Unisa school of criminology, said the strategy was clear and "transparent".

"It is to keep all options open for appeal . [An] appeal could very well be successful as Pistorius's defence team will be able to show that not all evidence has been heard as certain witnesses were too 'afraid' to testify.

"If they are successful in applying for an appeal, a whole new case will have to be made as the entire case will have to be taken up on review," he said.


BIB - Here's the problem with that IMO:

Prior to the media application ruling, OP's media management team set up the twitter account @OscarHardTruth to share factual information about the trial. Because the public would be receiving secondhand updates and/or tweets from journalists inside the courtroom, they wanted to ensure unbiased facts would be relayed by providing them themselves.

There was public controversy regarding the motives of that twitter account, to which OP's media manager stated:
“It’s not a PR vehicle,” she said, adding that the account’s purpose was not to comment on the case.

“The court case must run its course and we have been very clear about that,” she said.

Then, although the DT opposed it, Judge Mlambo approved the media application referring to SA's constitution in regards to freedom of the press and the principle of open justice which requires that a trial be conducted in open public. He addressed the witnesses' right to privacy by placing certain restrictions on the order (not to be on camera if they opposed) and covered all bases by including the provision that the presiding judge (Masipa) had the right to halt the audio/audio-visual broadcasting if concerns were raised. After the ruling, media reported:
It was not immediately clear if the defence would appeal the ruling, a decision which could delay the start of the trial.

“We are still studying the judgement,” Pistorius’s lawyer Brian Webber told AFP.

The DT did not appeal, and trial began one week later with cameras rolling.

Two weeks into the trial, OP's media manager released a statement on OP's official website:
Two days before the commencement of the trial, the Pistorius family released a statement to the effect that they would not be engaging in public commentary during the court case.

This clearly also applied to commentary via the @OscarHardTruth Twitter account.

Some days after the establishment of the Twitter platform, the public were provided with unexpectedly broad access to the trial through a ruling that allowed the proceedings to be televised, giving the public first-hand access to every detail of the court case.

It was, and remains, the family’s view that further commentary is therefore superfluous, and that the truth must now be allowed to emerge in court.

So, while the DT did publicly oppose the media application to broadcast, they did not appeal the ruling. Further, OP's media management team, who represents and speaks for OP and his family, appeared to be very pleased that the public would not have to rely on secondhand updates, even from OP's own team, as it would be televised live for us all to view and hear for ourselves. And finally, there was a provision in the media order that allowed for milady to restrict broadcasting of certain witnesses, but the DT did not request that she do so.

An appeal of the verdict will undoubtedly include the broadcasting of the trial, but based on the above, I just don't see how it won't be rejected by either Masipa or the Supreme Court of Appeal.

@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius PR confirm he was involved in an argument at a nightclub on Saturday night. BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius an individual "started to aggressively engage him on matters relating to the trial. An argument ensued.” BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius the person involved in the argument tells a different story - that Oscar insulted his friends, poked him in the chest. BB



@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius PR confirm he was involved in an argument at a nightclub on Saturday night. BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius an individual "started to aggressively engage him on matters relating to the trial. An argument ensued.” BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius the person involved in the argument tells a different story - that Oscar insulted his friends, poked him in the chest. BB




That boy just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. :silenced:

Here's is another article regarding this incident Saturday.
I'm not sure how accurate it is...a site called "The Juice" makes me instantly think tabloid type journalism, don't know. But really interesting article about Sat and the confrontation between Oscar and guy named Jared.

Jared states that he was invited into the VIP section by a friend. The friend introduced him to OP and OP recognized him as they had mutual friends. OP (per Jared) started bad mouthing all the friends that did not support OP or "his version" (like Justin & Darren). Then bad mouthed a friend of this Jared guy. OP states how much "dirt" he has on this friend of Jared's, etc etc. Jared also states OP was drunk, aggressive and throwing around how much power & money his family has. OP then stated that his family "owned the SANDF" (S.A. Nat'l Defense Force?) and "Zuma works for us. I pi$$# on Zuma" (Pres S.A.?) .

Not sure what's true...but sounds a lot like the cocky little OP to me. The guy says OP poked him in chest & pulled at neck. So he pushed him down.

Great...now OP will use that in his closing arguments, . . . . another victim incident. Vulnerable due to his disability (not his drunken cockiness, and belligerent mouth)
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius PR confirm he was involved in an argument at a nightclub on Saturday night. BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius an individual "started to aggressively engage him on matters relating to the trial. An argument ensued.” BB
@barrybateman: #OscarPistorius the person involved in the argument tells a different story - that Oscar insulted his friends, poked him in the chest. BB




A little more about this topic:-

That boy just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. :silenced:

Here's is another article regarding this incident Saturday.
I'm not sure how accurate it is...a site called "The Juice" makes me instantly think tabloid type journalism, don't know. But really interesting article about Sat and the confrontation between Oscar and guy named Jared.

Jared states that he was invited into the VIP section by a friend. The friend introduced him to OP and OP recognized him as they had mutual friends. OP (per Jared) started bad mouthing all the friends that did not support OP or "his version" (like Justin & Darren). Then bad mouthed a friend of this Jared guy. OP states how much "dirt" he has on this friend of Jared's, etc etc. Jared also states OP was drunk, aggressive and throwing around how much power & money his family has. OP then stated that his family "owned the SANDF" (S.A. Nat'l Defense Force?) and "Zuma works for us. I pi$$# on Zuma" (Pres S.A.?) .

Not sure what's true...but sounds a lot like the cocky little OP to me. The guy says OP poked him in chest & pulled at neck. So he pushed him down.

Great...now OP will use that in his closing arguments, . . . . another victim incident. Vulnerable due to his disability (not his drunken cockiness, and belligerent mouth)

Wanted to add one more point.....

If OP suffers from AGORPHOBIA .... what's he doing in a crowded nightclub, in South Africa, on a Saturday night?

And based on testimony from Prof. D .....wouldn't OP be "startled" with all that noise and sounds in a busy nightclub? He can't handle fireworks or windows shutting...I would think a noisy nightclub would make him quite anxious (especially combined with his Agoraphobia diagnosis).

This Jared guy is probably lucky OP isn't allowed to carry a gun right now. And whatever you do Jared, don't use the restroom, loo - whatever its called in S.A.
He was in a nightclub??? WTF??? .. dear god .. :facepalm:
He was in a nightclub??? WTF??? .. dear god .. :facepalm:

I'm beginning to think the $10,000 a day (amount I heard, may be inaccurate) that B.Roux charges for handling OP and case is a bargain. :)
He was in a nightclub??? WTF??? .. dear god .. :facepalm:

Quickly followed by Bible quotes on twitter.. Oh dear
Funny how depressed and vulnerable people find a nightclub to be a suitable place to hang out
He was in a nightclub??? WTF??? .. dear god .. :facepalm:


How can we keep up with this dude?! Pistorius tweets bible versus, children's charity work and philosophical Holocaust books while having incidents in clubs...textbook what-not-to-do.

As I'm still writing my analysis of the psychologist's report, this is where I question again Pistorius' test score of high (4) on the 'agoraphobia', higher (5) on the 'social phobia' and very low (0) on the 'alcohol abuse'.

Clubbing on a Saturday night - that's the definition of social and crowded. Bizarre incidents like shootings and altercations just seem to 'happen' around this guy.:thinking:

Correction: looking at BarryBateman's twitter someone tweets it's this club http://www.thevip.co.za
I think I posted this on the forum a very long time ago but it is probably worth reminding ourselves that this was two months after he murdered Reeva. Newer members may find it interesting if they have not seen it.

After last week-end’s story, it does seems he invites trouble wherever he goes.


“Oscar Pistorius parties, flirts, shops”
WERNER SWART 14 April, 2013 08:13
Yah know, it doesn't surprise me one bit. It is ALL ABOUT OSCAR. Always was, always will be. He has no empathy for anyone but himself.
That boy just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. :silenced:

Here's is another article regarding this incident Saturday.
I'm not sure how accurate it is...a site called "The Juice" makes me instantly think tabloid type journalism, don't know. But really interesting article about Sat and the confrontation between Oscar and guy named Jared.

Jared states that he was invited into the VIP section by a friend. The friend introduced him to OP and OP recognized him as they had mutual friends. OP (per Jared) started bad mouthing all the friends that did not support OP or "his version" (like Justin & Darren). Then bad mouthed a friend of this Jared guy. OP states how much "dirt" he has on this friend of Jared's, etc etc. Jared also states OP was drunk, aggressive and throwing around how much power & money his family has. OP then stated that his family "owned the SANDF" (S.A. Nat'l Defense Force?) and "Zuma works for us. I pi$$# on Zuma" (Pres S.A.?) .

Not sure what's true...but sounds a lot like the cocky little OP to me. The guy says OP poked him in chest & pulled at neck. So he pushed him down.

Great...now OP will use that in his closing arguments, . . . . another victim incident. Vulnerable due to his disability (not his drunken cockiness, and belligerent mouth)

Based on other reports we've heard over the months, I find the account given by this Jared chap to be absolutely believable.
My goodness, how could Oscar's friends / cousin, whoever, allow him to get that trashed and then keep him in public? I know OP doesn't get it, but you would think his friends and relatives would.

"...Our client regrets the decision to go into a public place and thereby inviting unwelcome attention.”

Wasn't he hassled before when he went out shortly after his bail restrictions were lifted? Did he really think he would be sitting in the VIP section unnoticed? The unbelievable hubris of this man just baffles me.

He mentioned being backstabbed Jared's friends and mentioned Darren Fresco and Justin Divaris. The article wasn't written well enough to figure out if OP was saying that DF and JD were the friends who backstabbed him. I can see Darren Fresco since he testified for the Prosecution. Justin refused to testify...I wonder if that is because he had nothing nice to say about OP?

There have to be witnesses to this or video from the club, this should be able to be confirmed.
My goodness, how could Oscar's friends / cousin, whoever, allow him to get that trashed and then keep him in public? I know OP doesn't get it, but you would think his friends and relatives would.

"...Our client regrets the decision to go into a public place and thereby inviting unwelcome attention.”

Wasn't he hassled before when he went out shortly after his bail restrictions were lifted? Did he really think he would be sitting in the VIP section unnoticed? The unbelievable hubris of this man just baffles me.

He mentioned being backstabbed Jared's friends and mentioned Darren Fresco and Justin Divaris. The article wasn't written well enough to figure out if OP was saying that DF and JD were the friends who backstabbed him. I can see Darren Fresco since he testified for the Prosecution. Justin refused to testify...I wonder if that is because he had nothing nice to say about OP?

There have to be witnesses to this or video from the club, this should be able to be confirmed.

BIB - lol, yes! And afterwards his media manager issued a statement from his uncle denying what the media reported happened that night.


Pretoria, 14 April 2013

In response to the articles in the Sunday Times and Rapport newspapers in South Africa today, Arnold Pistorius, uncle of Oscar, wishes to state the following:

As indicated to both publications, we confirm that Oscar did go out with some of his friends last weekend. It was the first time in the past two months that he left the house with anyone other than close family.

We deny in the strongest possible terms the version of events as portrayed in the reports today.

What was portrayed in these reports is in no way an accurate reflection of Oscar’s state of mind and the manner in which this outing was sensationlised is very disappointing.

These reports are however, a rude reminder that Oscar’s every move is under intense scrutiny by the media and, as a family, we have advised him to find other ways of coping with his sense of isolation.


I wonder if they're tired of making excuses for his poor judgement. :rolleyes:
Refresh me please-OP doesn't have to be sober while out during the trial? No urine testing and the like?

The tweeting and the drunk-in-club...is he acting out, partying because he knows he is going to jail or simply epically stupid?

I wonder if this is his version of "no one puts Baby in a corner..."

Pretoria, 14 April 2013

In response to the articles in the Sunday Times and Rapport newspapers in South Africa today, Arnold Pistorius, uncle of Oscar, wishes to state the following:

As indicated to both publications, we confirm that Oscar did go out with some of his friends last weekend. It was the first time in the past two months that he left the house with anyone other than close family.

We deny in the strongest possible terms the version of events as portrayed in the reports today.

What was portrayed in these reports is in no way an accurate reflection of Oscar’s state of mind and the manner in which this outing was sensationlised is very disappointing.

These reports are however, a rude reminder that Oscar’s every move is under intense scrutiny by the media and, as a family, we have advised him to find other ways of coping with his sense of isolation.


I thought his experts all told us he liked being in isolation rather than going out at late nights to dark dimly lit rooms with lots of strangers (very close to you) and with very loud music and full of smoke? :D Haha

Oh I forgot he suppose to have PTSD as well. Clubbing and PTSD doesn't go well OP :D
I think I posted this on the forum a very long time ago but it is probably worth reminding ourselves that this was two months after he murdered Reeva. Newer members may find it interesting if they have not seen it.

After last week-end’s story, it does seems he invites trouble wherever he goes.


“Oscar Pistorius parties, flirts, shops”
WERNER SWART 14 April, 2013 08:13

I wish My Lady would come forth and issue a new ruling that OP could no longer drink alcohol while out on bail. He is an 'accident' just waiting to happen. I m sure he still has access to some loaded weapons stashed somewhere. He should NOT be drinking out in clubs. He could easily be triggered to start shooting a place up.
I could not believe my eyes when this broke all over the web. I kept blinking, thinking I was seeing things.

I'm really beginning to think Oscar Pistorius may be a danger to society at large now.

This kind of behaviour doesn't really sit well with the twitter campaign of biblical and holocaust survivor quotes. I also thought it was a little thoughtless to plaster that collage with all those children on his twitter - little amputees don't need to have their faces all over social media, next to a man on trial for murder.
Refresh me please-OP doesn't have to be sober while out during the trial? No urine testing and the like?

The tweeting and the drunk-in-club...is he acting out, partying because he knows he is going to jail or simply epically stupid?

I wonder if this is his version of "no one puts Baby in a corner..."

The 'no alcohol' bail conditions were lifted - perhaps misguidedly, it seems now. OP seems to be conflicted; wanting to be the center of attention, whilst at the same time it seems to stress him out no end.

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