Oprah balks at Hosting Palin

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Well she didn't avoid the newest People Magazine, as she's on the cover of their latest Double Issue. Plus EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS INSIDE!

Lol, that was cute, sweetmop! :D

My opinion is that since Oprah hasn't given air-time to any candidate, she shouldn't have to interview Gov. Palin.

I, however, wish SOMEONE would (or could). I wouldn't vote for Senator McCain either way (although I do have alot of respect for him, as a hero); I would like the rest of the nation to hear from her own lips, how dangerous she would be if we put her within a "72 year old's heartbeat" from the presidency.
My problem with Oprah and other celebrities is that they yield a lot of power over public opinion. Instead of reading what the issues are some of the public relies on celebrity types. This can only lead to a biased opinion. I agree the celebrity types are entitled to their opinion just like we are but to put before the public their own opinions to further their own in a mass media is overpowering. Also, there is some distortion as far as TV, Movies go when real life hits you in the face.

Some of the greatest heroes are your next door neighbors and not the faces on People Magazine etc.

Such as community organizers?
I don't understand though why they said S. Palin wouldn't be doing any interviews. Where did you hear that? It seems to me that they would want to have her out there where the people that aren't familiar with her would get a chance to see what she's all about.
A senior McCain campaign official advises that, despite the gaggle of requests and pressure from the media, Gov. Sarah Palin won't submit to a formal interview anytime soon. She may take some questions from local news entities in Alaska, but until she's ready -- and until she's comfortable -- which might not be for a long while -- the media will have to wait. The campaign believes it can effectively deal with the media's complaints, and their on-the-record response to all this will be: "Sarah Palin needs to spend time with the voters."

It would seem important for the candidate to present herself and her views on a regular basis, but apparently she's not ready to be interviewed. Joe Biden, John McCain, and Barack Obama are all on the Sunday talk shows tomorrow, and Biden and Obama were on 60 Minutes the weekend after the Dem convention. There is apparently some concern that she is not yet informed enough on issues of national importance to be extensively interviewed or questioned by serious journalists. It remains unclear how long it will be before she is ready.
I think Oprah can do what whatever she wants. John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have all been guests on Oprah's show. Barack Obama was there is 2005 and 2006. I feel that Sarah Palin does not need Oprah, there are too many other shows that she can go on.
I agree she doesn't need Oprah. It just seems to me, like I said before, if Oprah is such a staunch supporter of Obama and she thinks he's the man to run the country, then she should have Palin. What better way to prove that he's the best candidate (not that I agree with her)?

Personally, I think she's afraid with her majority of female audience that Sarah Palin may win some over. She definitely doesn't want to be a part of that.
oprah will have palin on when the campaign is over? please! I hope sarah finds herself too busy for the likes of oprah (daytime talk show host).

It would seem important for the candidate to present herself and her views on a regular basis, but apparently she's not ready to be interviewed. Joe Biden, John McCain, and Barack Obama are all on the Sunday talk shows tomorrow, and Biden and Obama were on 60 Minutes the weekend after the Dem convention. There is apparently some concern that she is not yet informed enough on issues of national importance to be extensively interviewed or questioned by serious journalists. It remains unclear how long it will be before she is ready.

Of course Sarah feels it is important to prepare for press appearances. Up until a few weeks ago, she was the Gov. of Alaska, a position she took seriously and did very well -- she has the highest Gov. ranking in the country. Obama, on the other hand, only spent 144 actual days in the senate, voted "present" a record amount of times, and concentrated primarily on his Presidential Campaign. Now his beloved Chicago is floundering, and his his lack of preparation was on display at the Saddleback appearance where he was unable to coherently answer the most basic of questions-- and he's at the TOP of the Dem ticket. I admire the way Mrs. Palin feels it is important to learn, be informed, and be ultimately prepared for her role as VP, perhaps Obama should follow her example.

BTW, Biden has been entrenched in Washington longer than even McCain, so of course he's well practiced at the Sunday Talk Shows. Which party is the true party of Change?

Oprah's not a political show or a talk show. As far as I know, most people don't get the news from her. She promotes what she believes -- and since she's not a journalist, I guess that's okay. Even though I prefer people who at least give the other side a chance to speak (Like Ellen -- who brought on McCain).
So Palin's speech was 'Historic'??
I dont think Oprah is the only one with their bias showing.....
If you are in the entertainment business it is very wrong to influence the political beliefs of your audience. Oprah is doing just that through her support of Obama. It really irritates me when celebrities think they have any right to tell others how to live their lives. If it's not Oprah and others dabbling in politics it's Tom Cruise trying to promote scientology. You don't see dentists telling their patients who to vote for or bus drivers promoting their religion. Celebrities get too full of their own importance.
She was also on the cover of US Weekly and OK Magazine which are both CELEBRITY magazines that focus on celebrity gossip and usually have covers of celebs in their bikinis and grading who has the best beach body by focusing on how much celulite they have on their butt.

Being on the cover of a celebrity gossip magazine does not mean permission was granted.
Who started this rumor? Does anyone have actual proof that Palin wants to go on Oprah? She needs to go on Meet the Press so we can hear directly from her. I mean she is a policitan. An unknown basically until what 10 days ago. Oprah's show is not a political show. What I suggest is let the country judge her on the politics before we make a decision on what Oprah should or should not do with her show.
So Palin's speech was 'Historic'??
I dont think Oprah is the only one with their bias showing.....

So then, what do you consider of historical significance, if not the first major speech of the first Republican female vice presidential candidate? Is it safe, then, to assume that you also believe that Geraldine Ferraro, as the first female Democratic VP nominee, and Hilary Clinton, as the first viable female candidate for president, also gave no speech of any historical significance?

Please, satisfy my curiosity - what, exactly, would a woman have to accomplish for you to find it to be worthy of the designation, "historical significance?"
I have to agree that Oprah is not a news show,so she can invite anyone she wants on her show. Is she making a mistake by not having Palin on? Probably.
I disagree that she would ask Palin tough questions however. Its not that kind of show. She is more inclined to ask personal questions not political.
I think Oprah has made her endorsement of Obamaknown,and doesn't flaunt it on her show. I think no less of her and I'm a McCain/Palin supporter.
That this is even a controversy bothers me. To expand on what I posted earlier, entertainment television is given way too much power in this country, and that it injects itself into politics bothers me (and that the politicians go along with it). Shows such as Oprah, the View, Leno, Letterman, etc. should, IMO, stick with entertainment. If their audience wants to learn about political issues, they can always pick up a newspaper, read legitimate news sites on the internet, or even watch the news on television. The mainstream media reporting about a political candidate going or not going on Oprah's show is disheartening. I still don't get why this is a controversy, or why it's even worthy of media attention.

Thinking about the media always makes me grouchy.
I don't watch Oprah, but I'd like to be an audience member sometime. Who knows? I might get a new car or something. I want a baby blue one.
If you are in the entertainment business it is very wrong to influence the political beliefs of your audience. ....

Hey, Kiki - why is this wrong - what's wrong about it? I mean, I understand that some folks find it irritating, but I don't understand "wrong."

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