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Isabella disgraced ex-cop Amaral is not the PJ.

Check out the final report!! :)


The disgraced ex cop mantra gets very boring to be honest

If he is disgraced...i hate to think what the British ones involved in the case were. The simple fact is he was removed from the case for critisicing British police...not for his work. And. his accusations have proven to be founded. So he is not disgraced at all...i would say he is honourable in fact.

Show me just one link from any pj where they believe Madeleine was kidnapped. Just one.

Respectfully snipped...

The disgraced ex cop mantra gets very boring to be honest
Isabella to be honest, :) it's the truth regardless of whether or not you find it boring.

And you obviously haven't read the final report because "according to the PJ" abduction is still on the table.
Because they have no idea where to start even?

If this were my child, or your child, I don't think this would be much of a reason, do you? Utah is 82,143.65 square miles, and when one is searching that one square foot at a time, it becomes a big place, yet people continued to search for Elizabeth Smart for 9 months.

Seriously Isabella, would you accept "they have no idea where to look" if this were your child?

In addition with the case being closed...its not down to the pjs to look unfortunately.

Cases grow cold, but they are never closed until they are resolved.

For that matter why arent the parents? Wasting money on thousands of posters of a little girl that are years out of date isnt exactly helpng IMO

Aren't they ready to release some time-progression photos to what Madeline would look like now?
Madeleine was never a missing child in the true sense of the word.

Actually, if she was in the apartment alive and then gone, yes she was a missing person in the true sense of the word.
Respectfully snipped...
Isabella to be honest, :) it's the truth regardless of whether or not you find it boring.

And you obviously haven't read the final report because "according to the PJ" abduction is still on the table.

The fact is it is NOT true. He accused the British police of trying to help the McCanns rather than do as they should have been doing. It has been PROVEN that Amaral was right in what he said. That does NOT make him disgraced..it just disgraces the British cops.

Yes ive read the final report..and ive read lots of statements...and not ONE pj has said he beleives she was kidnapped.

Oh and for the record even when he was removed from the case for trashing the British cops..he was still very much in the thick of the case...so..it says the one who took over doesnt think he was disgraced or wrong in his findings

If this were my child, or your child, I don't think this would be much of a reason, do you? Utah is 82,143.65 square miles, and when one is searching that one square foot at a time, it becomes a big place, yet people continued to search for Elizabeth Smart for 9 months.

Seriously Isabella, would you accept "they have no idea where to look" if this were your child?

Cases grow cold, but they are never closed until they are resolved.

Aren't they ready to release some time-progression photos to what Madeline would look like now?

Seriously...if this was my child..this would never have happened. Its that simple to be honest.

IF...and i say IF my child was kidnapped...i would be looking at my friends..i would be asking them how they claim they was somewhere where others said she wasnt. I would answer all questions. I would not wash cuddlecat when i knew cops were coming. If..i believed my child was kidnapped i wouldnt have vacated the room and left the other children alone. I wouldnt have had every Tom Dick and Harry in the apartment. I wouldnt have been more interested in getting the press involved then looking for my missing daughter. Hell i wouldnt been playing tennis instead of looking for my missing daughter. I would not have hired a bunch of thugs..and..if i was made a arguido...i would have done everything i could to prove to the cops i was innocent. I would not RUN to another country. If i had been allowed to leave Portugal...i would have kept to the promise they made at the time..they would go back every couple of months. When the pjs wanted to question me and my friends..i would have made sure we did it...cos...anything to find my daughter woud be the important thing. I would not make the pjs fight for months just to be able to ask questions to find my child. If they wanted to do a reconstruction i would have made sure we did it...so...i can honestly say that i wouldnt act the way they do.

Regarding these photos...just last month Gerry and other people went to PDL and handed out posters...of a child much younger than Madeleiene was then let alone now. Gerry etc stayed in one of the most expensive hotels..courtesy of the fund ofc..then complains the fund will be empty by Christmas. The pictures that are being released of her looking older are not by the McCanns. Its some American company thats going to b e on Oprah. Any logical person would have waited til they had these photos and THEN did the posters in PDL.

But then..i did say a logical person i guess
Actually, if she was in the apartment alive and then gone, yes she was a missing person in the true sense of the word.

So whose blood was in the apartment then?
Actually, if she was in the apartment alive and then gone, yes she was a missing person in the true sense of the word.

Missing = no-one knew where to find her, but her parents knew.
They reported her 'abducted', but that doesn't make it so.
No evidence of an abduction or abductor was ever found.

The PJ say the child died in the apartment on May 3rd, but that doesn't make it so.

Evidence of cadaver dogs, blood spatter, decomposition and hair in the back of a rental car, added to the bahaviour of the parents and their friends.

I'll go with the evidence.
Respectfully snipped...
Isabella to be honest, :) it's the truth regardless of whether or not you find it boring.

And you obviously haven't read the final report because "according to the PJ" abduction is still on the table.

Regarding Amaral criticising the British police and therefore getting replaced..

The statement here was given in May 2007 by two very concerned Doctors. It was EIGHT MONTHS before this statement was given to the PJS. Due to the content of the statements i think it was DISGUSTING that the British Police withheld this vital information from the Pjs especially in light of the fact that David Payne was (accordng to the McCanns statements ) one of the last people to see Madeleiene that night. The fact he wouldnt answer a lot of questions i also find unsettling..also the fact that one of the McCanns said he was there a few seconds and the other for half an hour. I also would like to know just how that Social Services woman recognized him. Furthermore i would like to know..when being questioned and asked if there was anything else he would like to say about the case he said yes but not right now. What was it he couldnt say in an interview?

Finally i would like to know...why isnt he threatening to sue anyone with all the allegations currently out about him?
The McCanns are really going to be on the Oprah show.


It was actually confirmed some time ago. Its funny though...Kate was " too frail" to go to Portugal and "help to find her daughter" and yet shes just fine to fly to America and go on Oprah.

Oh well..i guess most of us always knew what she considered most important :rolleyes:

Poor Madeleine...she deserved so much better ;(
On that we can agree! Madeleine did deserve better!

Do you know the McCanns personally?
On that we can agree! Madeleine did deserve better!

Do you know the McCanns personally?

Do you?

As if it mattered who knows the McCanns or not.

There's an old saying in the United States, reputation is what people say you are, character is what you do.

So in the end, anyone can indeed judge us fairly...based on what we do.
It was a valid question.

How would I know them? I am stuck right in the middle of our lousy state. If I had enough money to go very far, I would be searching for some of these children myself.
Missing = no-one knew where to find her, but her parents knew.

And you have proof of this?

They reported her 'abducted', but that doesn't make it so.

And it doesn't make it not so!

No evidence of an abduction or abductor was ever found.

Every evidence of an abduction. Child was there, child was gone.

The PJ say the child died in the apartment on May 3rd, but that doesn't make it so.

I agree, but since that is a positive statement, I'm not sure if you meant it.

Evidence of cadaver dogs, blood spatter, decomposition and hair in the back of a rental car, added to the bahaviour of the parents and their friends.

I don't see how any of this "added to the bahaviour of the parents and their friends. That statement makes no sense. The dog searches were laughable at best, although the dogs seems to be pretty good dogs. Bet there is a hair in your car too!

I'll go with the evidence.

Well actually, who would have that evidence? Obviously not the Pj's or they would never have released the McCanns from being suspects.
Coming to America. To beg for money. But Oprah wants to talk about Madeleine.

McCanns: Who is Madeleine?

She is the one who keeps them in money and gives them the attention they or at least Gerry craves.

Funny thing is...Gerry claims he hates the attention and the stories about him and yet when Sir Christopher Meyer offered to make sure the stories stopped...Gerry said no...and as Meyer said..how do you go against the wishes of the parents?

He also advised Gerry to go to the Press complaints committee. Instead Gerry chose to sue for money :rolleyes:

Funny thing is...the Pjs got the blame for releasing so much stuff to the press but who knows...maybe the McCanns or someone on there behalf did it just so they could sue the papers...and ofc say well it has to be the Pjs doing this.

It was noted that even while being questioned at the Portimao Pj place McGuiness was texting to outside people what was happening in the interview room
Funny thing is...Gerry claims he hates the attention and the stories about him and yet when Sir Christopher Meyer offered to make sure the stories stopped...Gerry said no...and as Meyer said..how do you go against the wishes of the parents?

To stop the publicity and the stories about the family would also stop the attention to Madeline, which is why parents of missing children put up with all the crap. To stop it would detract the focus from the missing child.
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