OR - 6 women found dead near Portland, most in secluded, wooded area, Feb 19 - May 8, 2023 *POI of 4*

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No connection between cases of six women found dead in recent months, most in secluded, wooded areas, police say
No connection between cases of six women found dead in recent months, most in secluded, wooded areas, police say
I’m not sure what to think about the Portland police coming out with this…
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It seems to me just like a boilerplate "don't panic" statement. I dunno, it doesn't seem to me that ALL of them are connected, but I'd be surprised if some of them aren't.

#'s 2, 3 and 5 (JS, CP, and BW) all have such similar circumstances, I do at minimum think those three are related.

I agree with others that #4 (UID) is probably not related, and I don't feel like there's enough info on #1 (KS) to say one way or another. Based on available info that case seems different enough from 2/3/5 that I lean away from it being related.

#6 (AR) to me is the hardest one to nail down. I think the most likely scenario is that she is connected to #2/3/5, but could also be separate from those and instead connected to #1, or could be separate from all of the others.
Portland police provided a statement about online rumors of serial killer. I’m sorry, but why do they not have a manner of death for KS? She was found before all of them. This doesn’t sit right with me. Clark county released cause and manner of death for JS pretty quickly and she was found almost two months after KS.

Also, they state that the UIF death was not suspicious, so I am ruling her out as a victim of a possible SK.


Portland police provided a statement about online rumors of serial killer. I’m sorry, but why do they not have a manner of death for KS? She was found before all of them. This doesn’t sit right with me. Clark county released cause and manner of death for JS pretty quickly and she was found almost two months after KS.

Also, they state that the UIF death was not suspicious, so I am ruling her out as a victim of a possible SK.


I really wish we had dates of disappearance for JS, CP and BW--it could be that KS' manner of death is harder to determine because she had the longest time gap between disappearance and discovery.

If I remember right they put TOD for JS something like 10 days to two weeks prior to discovery, but I could be off on that, and if CP was seen in early March that would make her time gap shorter too. With BW I have no idea.

Side note, if both KS and AR are connected to the other three, the geography of this case becomes pretty strange, and even stranger if it turns out BW went missing after AR did.
Potentially important detail I hadn’t seen before in this article:
Coroner: Woman found near abandoned Ridgefield barn died from head, neck injuries

Apparently JS typically spent her time in Milwaukie and Gladstone, which is the same general area BW frequented.

Milwaukie is pretty big, so it may be nothing, but I’m guessing based on the fact that BW also frequented Oregon City that they are talking about similar areas—Gladstone is in between Milwaukie and Oregon City.
Potentially important detail I hadn’t seen before in this article:
Coroner: Woman found near abandoned Ridgefield barn died from head, neck injuries

Apparently JS typically spent her time in Milwaukie and Gladstone, which is the same general area BW frequented.

Milwaukie is pretty big, so it may be nothing, but I’m guessing based on the fact that BW also frequented Oregon City that they are talking about similar areas—Gladstone is in between Milwaukie and Oregon City.
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A bit more info I've found in digging around:

1. A lot of the searches for KS were concentrated around McLoughlin Blvd due to some potential sightings there, which is a main road that connects Milwaukie and Gladstone. The home base for searching was in Oak Grove, which is in between the two (I consider it to be part of Milwaukie but not sure if it technically is). [See the OP in KS' individual thread for this info/source]

It's not totally clear when these sightings took place relative to her disappearance, or how accurate they are thought to be, but I think it's still worth noting that that was basically their primary search area. So that could be three of the five women with connections to this location.

2. New article on CP: Family of Longview woman found deceased near Ainsworth State Park speaks out

Not a ton of new info, but a big piece is that CP had been struggling with schizophrenia, badly and only in recent months. I had been confused because her residence is listed as Longview (which is in Washington, further north from Ridgefield) but she was seen around downtown Portland a bunch in early March, and the new info brings about a scenario I can wrap my head around.

What this suggests to me is that she was newly arrived to Portland, and the sightings of her were notable because she had NOT been seen there either before or after that period [I need to emphasize that this is just a guess, I have no direct information suggesting this is the case, but it makes sense to me]. So that may help nail down her date of disappearance a bit more closely--it seems likely it was in early to mid March.
A couple similarities I’ve noticed:

1) KS and AR were last seen right off i205, near two transit stations. The UID was found deceased off i205. I still don’t believe she is connected but will include her until LE rules her out publicly. I205 easily connects to the areas where most were found, even Ridgefield as it turns into i5 right before.

2) JS, AR and BW both had connections to Milwaukie and had all lived there at one point. (Also pretty much right off i205)

3) CP had ties to Longview Wa and downtown Portland. So I’m unsure how she ties in, other than she was found in a wooded area off a freeway and she fits the age range. I do believe she is connected.

I also want to add that I can’t find any details that KS’s death has been deemed suspicious. If Portland police is handling it, could it be that it’s back logged due to how busy homicide is with shootings? Maybe they aren’t ready to publicly say anything? I do believe it was suspicious. A 22 year old doesn’t just die out there.

Also, I haven’t heard that any of these women had cars, so I believe they were on public transit. Maybe the killer is finding girls at transit centers? The MAX does seem to tie things together a bit.

All of this MOO.

interested to know why you don't believe the UID to be related? thank you
interested to know why you don't believe the UID to be related? thank you
I’m not the OP but I’m in agreement that the UID is unrelated, and that’s my belief because:

1. UID is the only one whose death is outright not considered suspicious (among the others, JS is homicide, BW and AR considered suspicious, KS and CP haven’t been specified either way).

2. UID was found in a tent while all others, with the possible exception of KS, seem to me like clear body dumps.
A couple similarities I’ve noticed:

1) KS and AR were last seen right off i205, near two transit stations. The UID was found deceased off i205. I still don’t believe she is connected but will include her until LE rules her out publicly. I205 easily connects to the areas where most were found, even Ridgefield as it turns into i5 right before.

2) JS, AR and BW both had connections to Milwaukie and had all lived there at one point. (Also pretty much right off i205)

3) CP had ties to Longview Wa and downtown Portland. So I’m unsure how she ties in, other than she was found in a wooded area off a freeway and she fits the age range. I do believe she is connected.

I also want to add that I can’t find any details that KS’s death has been deemed suspicious. If Portland police is handling it, could it be that it’s back logged due to how busy homicide is with shootings? Maybe they aren’t ready to publicly say anything? I do believe it was suspicious. A 22 year old doesn’t just die out there.

Also, I haven’t heard that any of these women had cars, so I believe they were on public transit. Maybe the killer is finding girls at transit centers? The MAX does seem to tie things together a bit.

All of this MOO.
I’m in agreement with pretty much all of this, but mostly here wanted to highlight that AR was also connected to Milwaukie? If so, that’s possibly FOUR of the five connected to there.

(Also interesting for those into geographic profiling, the epicenter of the dump sites, which some believe can point to the area where a killer lives, is pretty much in that area. This is true whether KS and AR are considered related to the others or not.)
A very possible link here is that some of these women may have been drug users and were frequenting rougher areas of PDX with homeless camps. Many of the individuals camping in these area can be very dangerous and threatening due to mental illness and drug use.

If we believe that some or all are linked, it doesn’t seem farfetched that an individual is scoping out these rougher areas, Lents being one possibility, and targeting young vulnerable women who are alone, on foot, and possibly high.

With a car, the 6 different areas where remains were found really aren’t strange or far from each other. They seem to create a radius around the same area in SE PDX.

EAGLE CREEK, Ore. (KGW) — The Portland Police Bureau (PPB), in a response to social media posts and reporting about six women who have been found dead in the past several months in and around Portland, said in a Sunday news release that it “has no reason to believe these 6 cases are connected.”
Portland police said social media posts and news media articles about the women’s deaths “have led to some anxiety and fear in our community, and we want to provide reassurance that the speculation is not supported by the facts available at this point.”
A very possible link here is that some of these women may have been drug users and were frequenting rougher areas of PDX with homeless camps. Many of the individuals camping in these area can be very dangerous and threatening due to mental illness and drug use.

If we believe that some or all are linked, it doesn’t seem farfetched that an individual is scoping out these rougher areas, Lents being one possibility, and targeting young vulnerable women who are alone, on foot, and possibly high.

With a car, the 6 different areas where remains were found really aren’t strange or far from each other. They seem to create a radius around the same area in SE PDX.
For sure. I think it's highly likely that all of them aside from maybe CP used drugs to one degree or another, and even though I don't think every single case is related, I think they are all (again except maybe CP) drug-related in some way.

I think there's a 50/50-ish that KS was an accidental overdose, after which her body was moved away from the location where it occurred, and I think it's possible (though less likely) that this was what happened to AR too.

But BW and CP, no way. If someone overdoses at your place you don't need to move them out of town entirely, just far enough down the road that they wouldn't be easily connected to you.

In any case, it seems clear to me that whatever happened, all of them except possibly KS were moved some distance by car.
Here’s what I’ve gathered about a possible common link of drug use. To be clear, this is not a point to chalk this up about addiction or to suggest that these were just overdoses. It’s clear that steps were taken to conceal some of these women in similar ways. Rather, I think it’s possible that these women frequented similar areas with the intention of using/purchasing drugs and potentially came across someone intentionally scoping those areas out.

  • At the time she disappeared she was in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend, however he was briefly in jail during that time so seems like he has been ruled out as a suspect. With some of the details about the areas her family was searching, the information about the boyfriend and another male friend she was frequently with, it’s very easy to make the inference that drugs were part of her life. Much of SE PDX is beautiful, but the stories one hears about homeless camps, drugs, and human trafficking occur in very specific parts of SE. The numbers and severity of problems really started to accelerate during the Pandemic. The detail about her boyfriend being in jail is also notable in that she was newly by herself possibly frequenting some of these areas.
  • family has already confirmed that she was using again during the period she disappeared. Possibly frequent similar areas to purchase drugs? JS also stands out as the only victim found in Washington, and according to a local, found in an abandoned barn that someone would not pick at random. Perhaps she’s unrelated to the rest, or is a single perp local to Washington and not PDX? Chooses a specific familiar place in Washington, and more random woodsy areas off of main roads in OR?
  • not a lot of information, but the phrasing “she was frequently seen in downtown Portland” seems specific without another qualifier like, “because she was employed at/attended ____.” As a former PDXer familiar with downtown, it suggests she was known to spend time in some of these rougher areas with frequent drug use.
  • unknown, but was found in a camp in Lents with frequent drug use.
  • not much known, just that it’s a suspicious and similar manner and time frame in which she was found.
  • not much known, but found very close to the other victims and was last seen in same general area as KS. With the potential knowledge that she was close friends with KS, one can infer there was overlap in lifestyle, routines, or friends.
Anyone familiar with PDX will know that the locations where the women were found really aren’t too disconnected. KS, UI, AR, all found in SE PDX close to areas with homeless camps. The freeways coming out of Portland take you North to Washington (I used to live about 15 minutes from the border) where JS was found, East towards the Columbia River Gorge where CP was found, and Southwest towards the Coast where BW was found. These are the three common directions where any Portlander goes on a Saturday. One could even consider if there’s a tactic involved in leaving the remains in differing districts.

Were these women victims of random, unrelated bad actors due to the current situation with mental illness/housing/drugs? Or is there one perp intentionally scoping out these areas looking for a particular type of female? I have to admit there’s a world where I can see some organized pattern here.

My final point, there has been a fair amount of contention between opposing groups in PDX for years at this point. Antifa vs. Proud Boys (majority reside in WA), Antifa vs. Police, residents on both the left and right vs. increasing homelessness and drug use problems. It’s not out of the realm that we have someone intentionally targeting these areas with an agenda, or just simply taking out violent rage against vulnerable women who frequent these problematic areas.
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Here’s what I’ve gathered about a possible common link of drug use. To be clear, this is not a point to chalk this up about addiction or to suggest that these were just overdoses. It’s clear that steps were taken to conceal some of these women in similar ways. Rather, I think it’s possible that these women frequented similar areas with the intention of using/purchasing drugs and potentially came across someone intentionally scoping those areas out.

-At the time she disappeared she was in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend, however he was briefly in jail during that time so seems like he has been ruled out as a suspect. With some of the details about the areas her family was searching, the information about the boyfriend and another male friend she was frequently with, it’s very easy to make the inference that drugs were part of her life. Much of SE PDX is beautiful, but the stories one hears about homeless camps, drugs, and human trafficking occur in very specific parts of SE. The detail about her boyfriend being in jail is notable in that she was newly by herself possibly frequenting some of these areas.

-family has already confirmed that she was using again during the period she disappeared. JS also stands out as the only victim found in Washington, and according to a local, found in an abandoned barn that someone would not pick at random. Perhaps she’s unrelated to the rest, or is a single perp local to Washington and not PDX? Chooses a specific familiar place in Washington, and more random woodsy areas off of main roads in OR?

-not a lot of information, but the phrasing “she was frequently seen in downtown Portland” seems specific without another qualifier like, “because she was employed at/attended ____.” As a former PDXer familiar with downtown, it suggests she was known to spend time in some of these rougher areas with frequent drug use.

-unknown, but was found in a camp in Lents with frequent drug use.

-not much known, just that it’s a suspicious and similar manner/ time frame in which she was found.

-not much known, but found very close to the other victims and was last seen in same general area as KS. With the potential knowledge that she was close friends with KS, one can infer there was overlap in lifestyle, routines, or friends.

Anyone familiar with PDX will know that the locations where the women were found really aren’t too disconnected. KS, UI, AR, all found in SE PDX close to areas with homeless camps. The freeways coming out of Portland take you North to Washington (I used to live about 15 minutes from the border) where JS was found, West towards the Columbia River Gorge where CP was found, and Southwest towards the Coast where BW was found. These are the three common directions where any Portlander goes on a Saturday. One could even consider if there’s a tactic involved in leaving the remains in differing districts.

Were these women victims of random, unrelated bad actors due to the current situation with mental illness/housing/drugs? Or is there one perp intentionally scoping out these areas looking for a particular type of female? I have to admit there’s a world where I can see some organized pattern here.
I know there are camps around where AR was last seen, but there also are in the area that she was found? In the middle of nowhere south of Damascus? I wouldn’t have thought that was the case, but if so then that is helpful.

I grew up in Portland but haven’t lived there in ~15 years (though I’m usually there a couple times a year), so I don’t know where a lot of the camps are. That area that AR was found in is the only one in all of this that I’m not familiar with.

The striking thing to me about the 205 connection is that it will get you to all of the faraway dump sites without passing through downtown. No bodies found to the west, and I suspect that’s why.
interested to know why you don't believe the UID to be related? thank you
The police released a statement and in that statement they have said the UIF was found in a tent and the ME has not deemed it suspicious. I know the area well, it’s right off a freeway where there are homeless camps and lots of people. None of the other women were found in area that were visible like that one. I don’t see the perp placing a body in a tent in a homeless camp.

ETA a link to the press release.

For sure. I think it's highly likely that all of them aside from maybe CP used drugs to one degree or another, and even though I don't think every single case is related, I think they are all (again except maybe CP) drug-related in some way.

I think there's a 50/50-ish that KS was an accidental overdose, after which her body was moved away from the location where it occurred, and I think it's possible (though less likely) that this was what happened to AR too.

But BW and CP, no way. If someone overdoses at your place you don't need to move them out of town entirely, just far enough down the road that they wouldn't be easily connected to you.

In any case, it seems clear to me that whatever happened, all of them except possibly KS were moved some distance by car.
My fiancé and I discussed the overdose theory the other day. We have teams of people on the ground all over Portland with Narcan and small amounts of drugs have been decriminalized. I don’t believe someone would dump the body of someone who had overdosed because I don’t think they would be afraid of criminal charges. At this point, anything is possible, but I just can’t see that happening, personally.
I’m in agreement with pretty much all of this, but mostly here wanted to highlight that AR was also connected to Milwaukie? If so, that’s possibly FOUR of the five connected to there.

(Also interesting for those into geographic profiling, the epicenter of the dump sites, which some believe can point to the area where a killer lives, is pretty much in that area. This is true whether KS and AR are considered related to the others or not.)
I cannot confirm that AR had ties to Milwaukie. I thought I had read that, but I tried to find a link to back it up yesterday and I could not find anything. Sadly, I think I’m getting my wire crossed with so many missing women.

I do believe there are strong links to Milwaukie and the I205 freeway regardless. Taking out the UIF and the fact that AR lived in east Portland.

I know there are camps around where AR was last seen, but there also are in the area that she was found? In the middle of nowhere south of Damascus? I wouldn’t have thought that was the case, but if so then that is helpful.

I grew up in Portland but haven’t lived there in ~15 years (though I’m usually there a couple times a year), so I don’t know where a lot of the camps are. That area that AR was found in is the only one in all of this that I’m not familiar with.

The striking thing to me about the 205 connection is that it will get you to all of the faraway dump sites without passing through downtown. No bodies found to the west, and I suspect that’s why.
There are no homeless camps in the area AR was found that I’m aware of. It’s pretty remote, off 224 on the way to Estacada.

ETA: 205 connects to 224 and the opposite direction of eagle creek on 224 is Milwaukie.
There are no homeless camps in the area AR was found that I’m aware of. It’s pretty remote, off 224 on the way to Estacada.

ETA: 205 connects to 224 and the opposite direction of eagle creek on 224 is Milwaukie.
Okay thanks, that’s what I was thinking.

And I totally missed that 224 runs right by eagle creek, I’m very familiar with 224 in milwaukie but I rarely have a reason to go east of 205 so I didn’t even consider that. Great call.
My fiancé and I discussed the overdose theory the other day. We have teams of people on the ground all over Portland with Narcan and small amounts of drugs have been decriminalized. I don’t believe someone would dump the body of someone who had overdosed because I don’t think they would be afraid of criminal charges. At this point, anything is possible, but I just can’t see that happening, personally.
Fair enough. I think it’s great those measures are in place, and they probably do decrease the likelihood of an OD/body dump, but I still think it’s possible under a number of scenarios.

For example, even if the drugs themselves, and even the OD death, would not bring charges, there could be any number of things in a residence that COULD result in trouble for the occupants. Weapons, packaging/distribution materials, things like that.

Also a lot of people simply do not like to deal with cops if they can avoid it, even if they technically haven’t done anything illegal.

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