Found Deceased OR - Allyson Joy Watterson, 20, North Plains, 22 Dec 2019

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DNA Solves
I'm worried too much time has passed while she was outside for the ME to get COD?? unless it is something obvious? I was searching for updates and not finding much at all.
Same. :( I think about this case/Allyson almost every day and have ever since she went missing (I’m a local). The fact that we haven’t heard back from LE on the COD makes me think a COD couldn’t be determined. But, they could be keeping the COD under wraps from the public per the investigation? I think? I certainly hope it’s that, and that whoever is responsible is brought to justice. Based on where/how she was found, I think there was certainly foul play.

RIP beautiful Allyson, you will never be forgotten. Your loving family, friends, and strangers that have been touched by your story will never stop fighting for you.
But, they could be keeping the COD under wraps from the public per the investigation? I think?

IMO the medical examiner doesn't work for the LE/Sheriff. Therefore, I don't believe that LE can tell the ME to keep COD under wraps.

Apparently its possible that the state will want to have its say on COD, though. From the source cited below: "Should the circumstances warrant further examination, the State Medical Examiner or Deputy State Medical Examiner/Forensic Pathologist may order an autopsy which is performed at the Oregon State Medical Examiner’s facility located in Clackamas, Oregon." Maybe that is causing additional delays.

Medical Examiner Program

Oregon says the public has no right to the death certificate. "Access to death records is restricted for 50 years to immediate family members and their legal representatives, persons or organizations with a personal or property right, government agencies and persons licensed in Oregon under ORS 703.430." Maybe they are just keeping COD hidden behind the referenced law. If so, IMO that's quite two-faced after all the public commotion they caused looking for Allyson. I don't know if this is what is happening, just noting the possibility.

Death Records

Two notes from the Washington County ME FAQ:
1) Generally, the examination or autopsy is performed the day after the death.
2) Copies of the examination and toxicology reports are available to qualifying parties at no cost. [Qualifying parties isn't defined.]
The first new bit of information I've heard on part 2 is that Allyson lost a slipper at The Pie Guy's house so Ben's mom gave her a pair of wool socks (?!) and dropped Allyson and Ben off at a huge shopping center parking lot (where Ben stashed the stolen truck). Ben's mom (Molly) says that she didn't allow Ben & Allyson to come to her house bc of Ben's drug use - but then hours after Allyson "goes missing", she lets Ben come and shower there. Allyson's mom and aunt talk about how weird Ben's mom's actions are during this event.
This podcast is INFURIATING to listen to... Ben is hiding so much about whatever happened that day. MOO. Ben tells his mom Allyson got arrested when he gets to her house that morning. Wtf.

Thanks for the Vanished link.

Allyson was such a beautiful young woman. Disappearing days before Christmas
is so sad for her family. So unnecessary. Heartbreaking. :(


From the Vanished link
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This podcast is INFURIATING to listen to... Ben is hiding so much about whatever happened that day. MOO. Ben tells his mom Allyson got arrested when he gets to her house that morning. Wtf.

I absolutely agree.

All of this new information given in these episodes has made me feel certain that Ben is responsible for her death. I can’t think of any other possibility considering how much he has lied. An innocent person doesn’t lie about something so serious. An innocent person doesn’t leave someone they know well in the woods like that for any good reason. Where she was, she would have been able to get to a home for help. I can’t imaging she succumbed to the elements (which has been considered a possible COD, at least in internet discussions) now that we know she was actually very close to help.
Some notes from Pt. 1

The woman who found Allyson was clearing some land and came across a shoe, then found Allyson's skull and some bones and called police. This woman knew about Allyson from the start so was devastated to find her there. Misty says the decomp was under her, so it would appear she had not been moved recent to the finding. She was clothed and was wearing the sweatshirt.

Allyson's brother was getting married the day she was found :(

The dogs had hit on the area she was found. She doesn't explain why there wasn't a search on that property (did they ever ask that homeowner? It is right next door)

from Pt 2 timeline, mostly the same but some new details
Refresher, Courtney and Charlie lived in the house adjacent to where Allyson's body was found and were friends of Ben's. They reportedly had a bbq that friday night.

Courtney & Ben pick up Allyson Friday and they go back to the place she shared with Charlie.

Allyson had told Misty she would be home on Saturday. At this point Misty thinks Allyson is with a girlfriend, as she had broken up with Ben the week before.

Saturday Allyson and Misty message back and forth, Allyson says she'd be home that night.
Around 8pm Saturday a girl picks up Allyson and Ben and drives to Allyson's house. The don't go inside. Aunt B describes this witness as weird and guarded about telling her story. They all went to McDonalds then she drops them off at the max station at 11pm that night.

My questions here are, did Ben or Allyson get out of the car when they got to her house? What was the reason they didn't go inside, or did the friends just not go in but Allyson did? (was Allyson locked out etc) How long were they there?

Misty thinks someone did go in and made a sandwich. The friend says she didn't.

Sunday morning 5am they show up at the fire station. Sunday morning comes and Allyson hadn't come home so Misty tries to call her. Misty confirms there is body cam of Allyson looking normal. Aunt B expands by saying they told the firemen the supposed robbing occurred on 15th ave. Ben had a phone that only had wifi. Ben's mom knew he had a warrant when she picked them up and was being confronted by police. According to Courtney, when Ben's mom picked them up Ben told her Charlie was the one that robbed them. Ben's mom knows Charlie so suggested they drive up to the house to prove he didn't do it (the car being there etc). She allegedly drives them to North Plains, Charlie isn't there, and Ben gets out to collect his belongings. At this point Allyson is only wearing slippers (I didn't get whether these were like bedroom slippers or ballet flats) and she 'dropped one of the slippers out of the car'. Then Molly takes them to the Pie Guy to get pies. (The Pie Guy is a dude in north plains with a bakery cart. ) Misty says the Pie Guy could not confirm this happened, he does not remember Molly coming to the door. After this, Molly takes them back to Hillsboro and Ben asked if they could go home and she said no. She drops them off at Winco and this is when Allyson realises she doesn't have a slipper. She gave Allyson her wool socks and dropped them off there. Molly did not disclose this until after Allyson's body was found. They were looking for Allyson's boots for no reason. It isn't until Sally sees them that it was confirmed Allyson was wearing Ben's shoes.

After the farm stop, they ditch the truck at The Shack (just a small property near Ben's grandparents). They make the calls at Sally's (two to grandparents, one to someone else suspected as his mom).

Monday morning, Misty began contacting friends via Allyson's facebook messenger which is how she discovered and met Molly who she texted all day about Allyson. She confirms that Molly was lying to her at this point.

Why didn't you simply tell Misty so she could report her own daughter?
Why did you lie all day and then wait till Tuesday morning?

The dog and story changes
Ben changes his story about their separation several times.

A. they lost each other around 3pm Sunday.
B. they had a fight and he left her there
C. she walked away from Ben saying "I dont want to live anyway"
there was a dog on Bill's property near where he said they parted that was scaring Allyson and she left him and got arrested.

During the jail phone call with Misty and Ben, Ben told Misty he was very very sorry. He told her he left her in Blackberry bushes and struggled with blackberry bushes for hours.

According to Ralph, Ben told him they were having a bonfire the night before and his friends left them there so he was just seeking shelter.

Ben shows up at home looking torn up and rough, he tells his mom Allyson got arrested so she allegedly called LE to confirm. She said Ben peed himself he was so messed up, so she made him food and he took a shower. He tells his dad he left her in some blackberry bushes. Then Ben, his sister, he friend and Ben's dad all go to North plains to look for Allyson. When Misty contacts Molly, this is where she says she doesn't know anything and doesn't tell Misty until after 5pm that day.

Then Ben's sister takes Misty and Aunt B to the Blackberry bush area she was supposedly left (unclear where this was in relation to where she was found)

When asked for an interview for the Vanished Molly said its a little late now and she only grants interviews to LE and the family's private investigator.

We can safely conclude that Ben is lying or holding information, which also seems to be the opinion of Det. Monk. But how did Allyson die?

Ben was so messed up he peed his pants according to his mom. Can we believe anything she says? Was she being literal or just figurative? To be that messed up you have to be severely intoxicated. Did they take some bad X? That can explain the 8-12 hours of incoherence and odd behavior and a potential death when put together with stress and hypothermia. One thing is certain, no one shelters in blackberry bushes. No one fights through thorns and dense shrubs in rainy weather to sleep when you have huge pine and oak trees everywhere, shacks, old cars, the cabin of your stolen truck, or your friend's house right there.

I want to know what Charlie says about the last time he saw Allyson. Did they have an altercation and he kicked them out? Did they rob him or did he rob them? I think we not only are missing Ben's story, but the friends and however nice they are or consistent their story, we're still not getting it all.
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I'm concerned about how silent this case has gone. I'm not finding any info on Allyson's cause of death, if there is still an ongoing investigation, or if there are charges in the works?
Her cause of death couldn’t be determined, as there was almost no soft tissue left when she was found. :( (info source: her aunt Billy in The Vanished podcast)
I too hope this case doesn’t go cold and that a lack of COD let’s the culprit(s) stay free. Now that they have her remains, I’m hopeful they’re building a strong enough circumstantial case to bring JUSTICE FOR ALLYSON!!!
This is the kind of case that will never be solved. These type of social groups are habitually deceptive with police to avoid arrest for drugs and then when something happens in the midst of a drug trip, not only might the victims and witnesses/persons of interest have irrationally but their memories later of what occurred might be inaccurate.

It's not altogether unimaginable for people to become inextricably entangled in blackberry bushes while very intoxicated on hallucinogens - you basically have to treat them like children or even toddlers or babies at high enough doses.

These people are usually harmless but it seems like Ben was engaging in increasingly serious criminal activity with robbery and grand theft auto being tossed around but those kind of things can come up when a communal mentality starts breaking down.

The breakup also feels like it might have played a role but it could have been as simple as "why am I tearing myself up on these blackberry brambles when she's not even my girlfriend anymore?"

Were the remains found in blackberry brambles?
From the article:


Last year, it was a Christmastime, community-wide effort, with "missing person" flyers plastered nearly everywhere around town. The Washington County Sheriff's Office told KATU News those flyers drove them to keep looking.

"That kind of outpouring of love and support just shows how much that she was cared for by her family, her friends, and her community. That spurs us along, too," said Washington County sheriff's Sgt. Robert Rookhuyzen.

But Rookhuyzen said they're still waiting for test results from the state's medical examiner and still waiting for tips from the community.


"The investigation still needs to determine whether this is a homicide, a tragic accident, or something else. And so, we've got to be very open and objective to all those possibilities still," Rookhuyzen said.


“I’m sure Washington County has done the job they feel like they deemed necessary and all the right protocols -- I’m not here to say whether they have or not -- but we are on our own over here," she told KATU News. “Until some of those gaps are filled in, we are sitting here thinking the worst.”

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