OR OR - David 'Dave' Lewis, 46, Ashland, 4 September 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sleuth2010, I am glad that LE no longer thinks DL’s and TC’s death are not at all related. Having to run an investigation where new facts and info discovered in eiher investigation would have to be forced to fit the criteria of both crimes would surely make it almost impossible to solve either one.

As you know from reading TC’s thread here in WS, Troy’s mother (a VI) was told by LE that TC was most likely murdered early am (12 midnight - 2 or 3 am) on the morning of 9/2. Dave was found shot in his burned out cabin in the early morning hours of 9/4. Two (2) days later, and 35 miles away.

The bear creek fire was set on the 14th, nine or ten days after Dave’s cabin burned. Why anybody would wait almost two weeks to try to destroy bear creek evidence is beyond me. Would it have been more urgent? And lastly, the ballistics don’t match, and never have (I can link that article again if you’d like)

Btw, do you know if DL was at the meeting you mentioned that night at Lindsey Ranch, or, do you know if DL had any discussions with the owners of the ranch before the meeting with BMcN took place, perhaps urging them not to sell to BMcN? That might’ve been a straw that broke a camel’s back…

Lastly (going in a different direction..) , do you know if DL was acquainted with Garren Beller (now a missing person) in Ashland, or either of his two cousins (and their friend MK)? Garren lived in Ashland and apparently the two cousins sometimes stayed with him. The cousins are trouble (known not only for drugs and violence, but imo opinion, also arson).

The cousins also at one time lived with their grandmother (a famous landscape artist) who owned a house up on the Greenway before she passed. I don’t know who owns it now.

I don’t know what prompted Garren to move from NW Indiana to Ashland, but I believe all 4 of the men grew up back in the Valparaiso / Hobart / Portage area of NW Indiana. Anyway, I’ll leave it at that, as this is DL’s thread. I’ve just been wondering if there was maybe a connection.

All jmo

Fifteen years ago, my brother Dave Lewis was murdered in Jackson County on the summit of a beautiful mountain, overlooking Ashland. Since then, the Oregon State Medical Examiner’s office has declined all requests for the autopsy report, because the Jackson County District Attorney says releasing it would hinder an active investigation. While the medical examiner’s office was as helpful and kind as could be, they were unable to provide any documentation.

Perhaps our new governor could tackle this lack of transparency and update the procedural norms in these public offices. Since there is no release of files in historic cases they apparently are actively waiting for answers and arrests.


Maybe Bear Creek mini-fire ( 9/11/08) was just a dropped cigarette or something... perhaps not related to the crimes ? Police have photos... would be good to see them.
Now... 16 years later !!!

" Medford, Ore. — September 4, 2008 an Ashland man was killed inside him home that burned down.

Now six years later Jackson County Sheriff’s investigators are still trying to connect the dots.

“It’s an ongoing investigation. It’s a giant puzzle we’re trying. We’ve talked to hundreds if not dozens since we investigated,” said Woodrow Pollock, one of several Sheriff’s Investigators with the Cold Case Unit.

Pollock is trying to find out who killed 46-year-old Dave Lewis that day near Hyatt Lake.

“It’s unusual that we can’t get more people to comment of Dave Lewis’ death.”

Pollock said since Lewis’ death they’ve had no suspects, but they do know someone burned down his house and another cabin nearby minutes later.

“We’re still no closer to solving this case. One of the biggest problems in this case is forensic evidence.”

Forensics, Pollock said do not connect Lewis’ murder with one that was reported the same day. Transient Troy Carney shot to death in Central Point on the greenway.

“The bullet that killed Mr. Carney and the one that killed Mr. Lewis are similar but the forensics don’t match.”

But after six years, Lewis’ death is still a mystery, one Pollock said needs to be solved.

If you have a tip please contact the Jackson County Sheriff’s office at 541-774-8333."


Cold Case Unit​

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Team is responsible for investigating unsolved homicide and missing person cases.

On this page you will find information about unsolved homicide and missing person cases that occurred in Jackson County. If you have any information about any of the cases listed, we strongly encourage you to contact the Jackson County Cold Case Team at (541) 774-6800.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can call the JCSO Tip Line at (541) 774-8333.

( They need help. )

jmo moo omo
Maybe Bear Creek mini-fire ( 9/11/08) was just a dropped cigarette or something... perhaps not related to the crimes ? Police have photos... would be good to see them.
I don’t know. I suspect that LE believes the bear creek “mini fire” was arson / intentionally set. Usually there is evidence of some kind of accelerant. That, and I have not yet read where LE thinks the fire was accidentally set.

That said, I don’t see the logic in connecting the fire to TC’s (or DL’s) murder. I suppose it is possible, but if the perp felt they had left evidence behind at bear creek, I think they would have set the fire much sooner after the murder.

I have always wondered though whether LE was able to identify the accelerant (again, if there was one), and if perhaps they thought it was similar to the accelerant used in DL’s fire, as nothing else (besides the fact that they were both found on the same day - found, not killed) seemed to connect the cases, at all.

Accelerants- yes
Conspiracy- yes
Coincidences- yes
Swept-Under-the-rug- yes. extreme effort.
Circumstantial Evidence- yes

9/4/2008 / small town. Incompetent sheriff.
2 men found killed in the same way. Dave was over-kill, utter destruction. He was concerned about death-threat and talked about it, to friends.

@Dotta, it’s basically “the Wild West” in some rural areas of Northern California and Oregon. Contacting the authorities for something like this isn’t worth the trouble.


Happy Easter... it's always worth the efforts!

Wish Dave were here to enjoy it!

My goodness we are quiet today! @iusedtofloat gave us a lot to think about as did @Rush4087 over the weekend. We’re all probably still chewing on those posts.

I zeroed in on a particular part of one of the posts by @iusedtofloat, quoted and bolded above. I happened to be reading on a totally different subject elsewhere this morning and ran across something that may apply here. It had to do with a political strategy of flooding the media with a lot of irrelevant and/or dubious information, thus distracting people from discerning the truth about an issue. A journalist said about this strategy: “This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.” I think this describes how many of us feel on the thread…disoriented. So much has been posted that just doesn’t make sense to us and leaves us lost.

As many of us have said many times, we want to help. So I would respectfully encourage our VI family member (and all of us) to focus on analyzing what we know, rather than flooding the thread with information and sayings that are disorienting rather than helping us discern the truth.


very interesting point !!!
wonder about why ?

jmo moo omo
Sleuth, what do you mean “no confusion”? There may be confusion in some of your posts..

But there is no confusion re: the timing of TDC’s death. TDC was murdered early am 9/2; DL on 9/4. TDC’s mother Linda, a VI on his thread, has confirmed this. She says gunshots were heard. I believe LE provided that info to her. TDC also stopped answering his phone about this time, something she said he never did when she called him in nearly every morning.

The confusion stems from derivative news accounts taken from that one lousy and inaccurate “staff” article which desperately tries to connect the crimes absent any real facts and without quoting a single LE. Derivative news reporting took “found dead in his sleeping bag on 9/4” to mean “TDC was shot in the head on 9/4”. Two different things. Theres some confusion for you.

TDC was wearing the same clothes he was seen wearing in the truck stop video parking lot earlier that evening. The ballistics don’t match. The crimes occurred 25-30 miles apart. The fire at Bear Creek occurred 9 days after TDC was found.

Why would anybody in their right mind think the Bear Creek fire was set to destroy evidence? If it was set to destroy evidence , don’t you think it would have been set on the 5th or 6th or 7th or 8th or 9th (you get the gist, not a week and a half later) - before LE could come back and find the supposed evidence?

And what do you mean “just ready for answers”. I almost swallowed my gum! You’re the one with the answers! As a VI, you have been asked question after question after question, and your response over and over and over has been to deflect, to speak in riddles and rhymes, riddles, to (mis) quote granny sayings, to offer up accusations of LE racism within their office organization, to a wolf howling at the moon, to suggesting that love always wins, and to overlayi snippets of multiple theories (such as HL, a horse corral, a crooked sheriff, a firewood delivery, a suggestion that TDC’s mother and / or DL’s sister planted red herrings and rabbit holes all over Ashland to confound LE, and more) - all on top of one another, all at the same time - something that imo not only doesn’t provide answers, but it creates confusion. These are the two very things you state above that are so important to you. No offense, but your most recent post is just more of the same

Who knows, if you answer many of the questions that have been posed to you, and offer up some facts )facts only) of your own, it might help to solve the case.

Aa jmo

Any new information?

Although I feel certain I read it somewhere, at this time I cannot find a linkable source for my statement that the weapon used in both DL’s and TDC’s murders was a 9mm. It may have been something I read while researching Garren Beller’s disappearance in Nov. ‘09 - but I can’t find it in his thread either. Perhaps it was not on WS. I apologize to all for not providing a link to begin with.

LE has stated however that “The bullet that killed Mr. Carney and the one that killed Mr. Lewis are similar, but the ballistics don’t match.”

To me, this statement means three things: 1.) LE found either bullets or casings or both at respective crime scenes, 2.) the caliber of weapon (size of cartridge/bullet) was likely the same, and that 3.) the “type” of weapon (if handgun, which I think is most likely) was probably the same (by this I mean semi-auto vs. revolver - as a revolver would not eject casings).

All jmo

This is really important. Incredibly so...

could you please elaborate?

BACK THE BLUE ... all the responders to Dave's horrific crime scene. No one should have to experience what they did. His burned body, wild land fire, and complete decimation of his cabin, belongings, and anything remotely resembling life.

At the end of the day, they must be held accountable and responsible. It is justice 4 David E. Lewis

WE BACK THE BLUE ... now, forever, and always.

imo moo jmo
Sleuth2010, I am glad that LE no longer thinks DL’s and TC’s death are not at all related. Having to run an investigation where new facts and info discovered in eiher investigation would have to be forced to fit the criteria of both crimes would surely make it almost impossible to solve either one.

As you know from reading TC’s thread here in WS, Troy’s mother (a VI) was told by LE that TC was most likely murdered early am (12 midnight - 2 or 3 am) on the morning of 9/2. Dave was found shot in his burned out cabin in the early morning hours of 9/4. Two (2) days later, and 35 miles away.

The bear creek fire was set on the 14th, nine or ten days after Dave’s cabin burned. Why anybody would wait almost two weeks to try to destroy bear creek evidence is beyond me. Would it have been more urgent? And lastly, the ballistics don’t match, and never have (I can link that article again if you’d like)

Btw, do you know if DL was at the meeting you mentioned that night at Lindsey Ranch, or, do you know if DL had any discussions with the owners of the ranch before the meeting with BMcN took place, perhaps urging them not to sell to BMcN? That might’ve been a straw that broke a camel’s back…

Lastly (going in a different direction..) , do you know if DL was acquainted with Garren Beller (now a missing person) in Ashland, or either of his two cousins (and their friend MK)? Garren lived in Ashland and apparently the two cousins sometimes stayed with him. The cousins are trouble (known not only for drugs and violence, but imo opinion, also arson).

The cousins also at one time lived with their grandmother (a famous landscape artist) who owned a house up on the Greenway before she passed. I don’t know who owns it now.

I don’t know what prompted Garren to move from NW Indiana to Ashland, but I believe all 4 of the men grew up back in the Valparaiso / Hobart / Portage area of NW Indiana. Anyway, I’ll leave it at that, as this is DL’s thread. I’ve just been wondering if there was maybe a connection.

All jmo

Law enforcement released Dave and Troy Carney's murders are connected.

What information that hasn't been released was what caliber weapon was used @Rush4087.

Accelerants were found.

The man who death threatened Dave at Hyatt Lake has died and gone. Devil will be waiting.

jmo moo omo
" The only thing I have to say is that Easter and Spring, is just a further reminder of how long Dave Lewis has been gone, and how many years, and how much he’s been missed. And the only thing that is important are the victims. Nothing else is important today. "

--- from a Friend of Dave Lewis
Sleuth2010, I am glad that LE no longer thinks DL’s and TC’s death are not at all related. Having to run an investigation where new facts and info discovered in eiher investigation would have to be forced to fit the criteria of both crimes would surely make it almost impossible to solve either one.

As you know from reading TC’s thread here in WS, Troy’s mother (a VI) was told by LE that TC was most likely murdered early am (12 midnight - 2 or 3 am) on the morning of 9/2. Dave was found shot in his burned out cabin in the early morning hours of 9/4. Two (2) days later, and 35 miles away.

The bear creek fire was set on the 14th, nine or ten days after Dave’s cabin burned. Why anybody would wait almost two weeks to try to destroy bear creek evidence is beyond me. Would it have been more urgent? And lastly, the ballistics don’t match, and never have (I can link that article again if you’d like)

Btw, do you know if DL was at the meeting you mentioned that night at Lindsey Ranch, or, do you know if DL had any discussions with the owners of the ranch before the meeting with BMcN took place, perhaps urging them not to sell to BMcN? That might’ve been a straw that broke a camel’s back…

Lastly (going in a different direction..) , do you know if DL was acquainted with Garren Beller (now a missing person) in Ashland, or either of his two cousins (and their friend MK)? Garren lived in Ashland and apparently the two cousins sometimes stayed with him. The cousins are trouble (known not only for drugs and violence, but imo opinion, also arson).

The cousins also at one time lived with their grandmother (a famous landscape artist) who owned a house up on the Greenway before she passed. I don’t know who owns it now.

I don’t know what prompted Garren to move from NW Indiana to Ashland, but I believe all 4 of the men grew up back in the Valparaiso / Hobart / Portage area of NW Indiana. Anyway, I’ll leave it at that, as this is DL’s thread. I’ve just been wondering if there was maybe a connection.

All jmo

Because it was in the press, doesn't make it so.
The murders are linked.

The deaths were much closer September 3rd?
and mileage, as the crow flys, isn't much at 35 miles.

As you wrote Rush4087:

" I am glad that LE no longer thinks DL’s and TC’s death are not at all related. Having to run an investigation where new facts and info discovered in eiher investigation would have to be forced to fit the criteria of both crimes would surely make it almost impossible to solve either one.

As you know from reading TC’s thread here in WS, Troy’s mother (a VI) was told by LE that TC was most likely murdered early am (12 midnight - 2 or 3 am) on the morning of 9/2. Dave was found shot in his burned out cabin in the early morning hours of 9/4. Two (2) days later, and 35 miles away.

The bear creek fire was set on the 14th, nine or ten days after Dave’s cabin burned. Why anybody would wait almost two weeks to try to destroy bear creek evidence is beyond me. Would it have been more urgent? And lastly, the ballistics don’t match, and never have (I can link that article again if you’d like"

Good observation on the missing/death of Garren Beller... terribly sad.
I suppose those who have more information, are reading with interest.

Counting on good Sheriff Sickler to work with the new investigator(s)


Fire District 5 were responder's to Dave's cabin arson...
* former sheriff Michael Winters was one of three, who resigned from the Board of Directors
recently. More ?

jmo moo omo
Troy may have been camping in the mountains too. The man who Dave let use the facilities at the Hyatt Lake RV park ( aka: mobile homes, $200k each " RV" ) That ticked-off the husband and wife owners...
Troy was in town for month(s) ? Definitely weeks, in Talent / Medford too.

As for death timeline, yes, there is supposedly law enforcement proof that Dave Lewis and Troy Dean Carney were killed days closer than initially thought.

The calibre gun however, was not publicly released @Rush

The thing is @Sleuth2010, Troy wasn’t sleeping in the mountains. He was sleeping in the Greenway along Interstate 5 in the valley where phone reception is fine. We know he was talking to his Mom in the evening before he was murdered. He seems like he’d be smart enough to keep his phone charged. And besides, the medical examiner would be able to determine the time of his death pretty accurately. So I don’t see a way to come up with a shorter timeline, despite what sloppy reporters have said.


Love ya, Sleuth!

Can you explain to me what the moon, or the location of the moon, or what DL’s tattoo of a wolf (and the moon?) has to do with his murder?

Are you suggesting that the Sheriff was:
a.) taking money from a Mexican cartel?
b.) taking money from a non-Mexican cartel?
c.) taking money from a sex offender who DL had at one time punched?
d.) taking money from somebody who murdered Troy Carney?
e.) taking money from HL/BMcN either because:
- HL/BMcN killed DL, or?
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy a
horse corral?, or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
DL’s property,? or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
Lindsay(sp) Ranch?
f.) taking money from an arsonist?
g.) none of the above
h.) all of the above

Do you think that a firewood delivery had anything to do with Dave’s murder?

Do you think that a Wolverine mask was used in the commission of Dave’s murder?

Why do you think the murder of DL is connected to the murder of TDC? (Pls remember that DL was killed at least one, and possibly two, days after TDC was killed)

Do you think LW was involved in DL’s murder? (If so, please explain)

Do you think the same person who killed Troy on 9/2 killed Dave on 9/3-9/4? If so, why do you think the murders didn’t happen on the same night? <modsnip: snipped at member request to avoid confusion>

Do you think the same person who set the fires on DIMR and BCG early on 9/4 also set the BCG fire on 9/13? If so, why do you think they set the fires 9 days apart?

Can you be more specific about the saying(s) that grandma said / says which moght help LE and those reading this thread figure out who killed Dave?

All jmo, and thanks in advance

Isn't the

The important question is who used a 9M gun?
As you suggested ?


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