Found Deceased OR - Gwen Brunelle, 27, from Boise ID, Last Seen in Jordan Valley, 27 June 2023 *Car Found*

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DNA Solves
Information from: The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)


Missing Person / NamUs #MP105451

Gwendolyn Margaret Brunelle, Female, White / Caucasian

Date of Last Contact:
June 26, 2023
Missing From:
Jordan Valley, Oregon

Age: 27-years-old
Height: 5' 7" (67 Inches)
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Clothing: Blue jeans and a dark colored t-shirt
Footwear: White sneakers

Circumstances of Disappearance:
Gwendolyn left Boise, ID on 06/26/2023 on a road trip. She was last seen at noon on 06/27/2023 at the Sinclair gas station in Jordan Valley, OR and her vehicle was found abandoned on 06/30/2023 on Succor Creek Road, just west of Highway 95 in Malheur County, OR.

I hope she will be located safe very soon.
Where her car was found would seem to indicate she was traveling back towards her home in Boise and then turned off for some reason. There is (after many miles) a campground down the road she was on, but very little else, and the road is unpaved. It is rough, extremely sparsely populated, and just super rugged country. Great for outdoor adventures, but we carry everything but the kitchen sink with us when we go, because you have to be self-sufficient out there - help is going to be a long time coming, if at all. It's very concerning that her car was found there with no sign of her. JMO.
My daughter is missing. Please share across southern Idaho, eastern Oregon and northern Nevada.

What excellent reporting. There were so few details initially, and this reporter has done a great job.
Yes, that article had a great deal of information that we don't usually get on a missing persons case. Fabulous journalism!

Without those details, I was certain something nefarious had happened to Gwen unexpectedly, but her movements and timing of locations she was seen lead me to believe she was at least initially voluntarily missing. What she was really up to is anyone's guess. I didn't know anything about her rabbits before reading that article. Such a sad outcome.
The clothes such as the knee high dress boots make me think she met someone. The rabbits left to die makes me think she was taken. So much time has gone by, I wish this had gotten more media attention…

Oregon police plan to search this week for a woman who vanished in June after her shirt was reportedly found a mile from her abandoned car.

An investigation was suspended on July 11, as authorities determined there was no evidence of foul play. However, Malheur County police plan to conduct another search for Brunelle on September 23 — nearly two weeks after her shirt was reportedly discovered on some barbed wire a mile from her abandoned car.

“This confirms that she’s most likely up that way rather than considering her being abducted,” Sheriff Travis Johnson told the Malheur Enterprise, who reported the news of the latest discovery.


“We walked areas that had not been searched on foot,” the father said in an email. “For example, the Jeep trail south from Gwen’s car had been driven when taking people to different places to search on foot, but we determined that no one or very few people had actually been on foot along the jeep trail, methodically looking for clues such as clothing or items (e.g., cell phone, aviator sunglasses) that Gwen may have been carrying and might have dropped — and that could have been missed by a vehicle driver or passenger.” “We also had three people on horseback in the area of Succor Creek Road and Mahogany Gap Road,” his email said. “Three ATVs explored several miles of road and trails in that area as well as east of Highway 95. Two of the four dogs were dispatched to Succor Creek downstream of the confluence with Dog Creek to check an area that had only been searched by kayak.” He said he was orchestrating searchers at the gravel outlook that day. “I received a phone call that a T-shirt had been found and it was described to me, a photo texted, and I confirmed it was one of her T-shirts that we knew was not at home or in the car,” the father wrote. “My immediate thought was finally some new information.”

Read more at:
Malheur County Undersheriff David Kesey said Wednesday that authorities are set to relaunch search efforts Saturday, Sept. 23. The latest search will focus on the surrounding area of where the shirt was found.

Since Brunelle went missing in June, a family member has shared updates on Facebook, adding that the family is trying to “keep hope alive” she’ll be found safe.
I get the impression that the shirt that was found wasn't the shirt she was wearing. The comment I read was something along the lines of that its a shirt they knew wasn't at her home. Anyone read that differently or have more info?
On Friday, a search helicopter spotted boots belonging to the woman who has been missing since June. A t-shirt was also found earlier this week a mile away from where Brunelle's car was abandoned in the east Oregon county.

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