OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #12

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I think that today or tomorrow the police are going to have to come clean with the public as to what they believe has happened to Kyron, if indeed they have any clue whatsoever. I am not at all sure that they do. But to go on in this cryptic way...they cannot do this forever while they try to figure it out. Look at all of the rumors and scenarios out there and even here on the boards...LE is fostering this atmosphere of rumors with their carefully-chosen words and "no comments." You can get away with that for a while, but we are in the 2nd week of this child being missing and it is getting ridiculous. If they don't know-they need to admit it. And if they believe this is an abduction, they should say so, even if they do not want to name a POI. They need to give the community a reason to believe that this is a one-off situation, as they have indicated. Right now, there is no reason to believe anything they say, as they have not indicated one way or another what they are investigating.

I honestly think they asked about videos just to add to the kitchen sink of investigative tools. I don't think they know what they are looking for, unless they are trying to trace the movements of one specific person, which could also line up with the reason for searching out on that island. But my fear is, they are just trying to cover everything in the manual of what they should be doing.

I can see why 48% (latest figure) of the people who voted on KOIN's website think this case is getting too much coverage, as they are sick of report after report of LE telling the public absolutely nothing. As soon as the PC opened yesterday, I knew they had no new information as they started off talking about Kyron's likes and dislikes. All nice to know, but obviously just another way to try to divert from the fact that they do not have a direction to go in. And to even talk about the family and their behavior at all when they can't or won't clear them is very uncomfortable, at best.

If LE won't answer any media questions at all-stop the PC's altogether. They are an embarrassment to watch. JMO

BBM. I have to agree w/ you on that. I think it is pointless to continue to hold the pressers if they are going to continue w/ "I can't answer that". How are we supposed to help w/ no information?
Katarina, The scanner threads are located downstairs in the members only forums. (wher the Jury Room and Parking Lot are located) There is a scanner thread for Kyron there and the 'Scantastics' are very helpful. I am sure they can assist you in locating the correct channels. Hope this helps.:twocents:


Matilda, this is not Kyron related
I would like to listen ocassionaly to a scanner that pick up activity in my area
Washington County in Oregon ~ it's a suburb of Portland
Also LE did say a few days ago that all sightings had been checked out and none were viable...so have to assume they included the pick-up trucks and VW...those were early tips. Maybe the owners of those vehicles called in, but of course LE won't say.
I assume this was directed to me and the initial post where I had attempted to link to a blog. I did remove that post because my link was faulty.

That said, I am looking for reference to the WS TOS where it prohibits links to blogs. I know it is not permittable to just list a link and say 'check this out' without explanation. But I am trying to learn if indeed it is a rule violation to post a link to a blog WITH an explanation of what it is about in my post.

Any guidance would be helpful. THANK YOU

Not all blogs are not permissable.

If you try to add a link to a post and this appears ******:
that means it is not approved to link here.
and we ask that you not try to bypass the link by trying to post or hint the site's name and how to find it here at WS.

hope this helps

If LE won't answer any media questions at all-stop the PC's altogether. They are an embarrassment to watch. JMO

snipped by me for space but I disagree about pressers, I think they have a POI and these pressers are adding tremendous stress to that person, stress to make them crack in some way

Just MOO
Matilda, this is not Kyron related
I would like to listen ocassionaly to a scanner that pick up activity in my area
Washington County in Oregon ~ it's a suburb of Portland

Thanx , got it already
I just want to say I am so sorry for what the family is going through. I pray for Kyrons safe return. I also want to add that I received a letter in the mail from my son's high school on Friday. It said they will now be doing calling on the day your child is not at school, not the day after. I live in San Antonio, TX. While this story is so sad to me I also think it will help make changes in our school system. The school failed Kyron.
How do we know the school failed Kyron? Someone certainly did, but we don't have nearly enough information regarding what anyone at the school knew, or was told, regarding Kyron's whereabouts that day. I am sure all of that is, or has been, investigated by the police and the FBI.

my opinion.

I learned there is only one point of access to the island by road, the Sauvies Island Bridge. A new bridge was built in 2007 adjacent to the old bridge which was then demolished:



26,000 acres of farmland and wildlife refuge area.

ETA: I can't find any evidence of a RR on Sauvie Island. I think the RR runs along Hwy 30 adjacent to the river. Need a closer local to find out. lol

Isn't that photo lovely? That's the quarry I posted about (Knife River) yesterday; I made a map showing the routes they want video from .
If you could look up and over that hill, the school is in a direct line with this photo.

The RR tracks run along Hwy 30, between it and the river.

There is only one way on/off the island.
The search on Sauvie has been limited to the area closest to the channel, where all the floating home moorages are.

Won't have time I think, to pick through all of last night's posts. Let me know if there are questions outstanding.
Does anyone have any information on whether the LE in Kyron's case have ever said that Tony Phipps is cleared as a suspect? Tony Phipps is the sex offender who was arrested for trying to grabb a little boy in St. Helens (about half an hour away). I personally don't have reason to believe he's involved, but just wondering why I haven't heard him publicly listed as a NON suspect?
Hi all,

I've been lurking since the beginning of this very sad and tragic case. At this point I'd just like to put in my penny's worth, if I may...

I believe that LE certainly do have a POI and that they're following up on the investigative leads and processes that they have been able to find. They may well still need tips from the public to aid their investigation - because, let's face it, Kyron still has not been found.
But I believe they know exactly what they are doing. I believe they know what / who they're looking for but they are not going to jeopardize any of that by releasing such sensitive info to the public (that's us!) And, as frustrating as it may seem to us, we all want Kyron to be found and for justice to be served upon whoever took him. So, if that means we live with little or no info, so be it.

But I believe they know. I believe they won't tip off any potential POI until they have all the evidence (and preferebly Kyron) safely in their hands. It must be tough for them to play it this way - but I think they know what they're doing. I just hope they can find sweet Kyron very very soon. 1 hour missing was too long. 10 days has been a nightmare.
Also LE did say a few days ago that all sightings had been checked out and none were viable...so have to assume they included the pick-up trucks and VW...those were early tips. Maybe the owners of those vehicles called in, but of course LE won't say.
I'm wondering if the person in that pickup truck, a woman right?, went down that road and dumped something, thought better of it and went back that night to get it/move it.
The school will be open tomorrow, just as usual. I cannot believe that LE would allow this if they suspected,even remotely,that someone from the school is involved.Why would the school be open,possibly risking the lives of other children ? It makes no sense, IMO. If this was a random event by some SO, why choose the school ? When there are so many kids who are surely easier targets ? IE children playing alone in their yards,children walking home alone after school, or children out playing in a park alone ( or even with a friend ). Why would a predator,choose a setting like this school,where most people knew each other,even if only by sight ? They would risk being caught,and possibly very quickly. Strange case....


For them to say that it's an isolated incident means to me that they think that no other children are in danger.

This means that Kyron alone was targeted. The question is who and why?

I know what I believe... I just am not sure of the why yet.
some random thoughts

1. The other day I was at a school. A woman with a child came up to me and asked me if I worked there. I said "Yes", as I did.

She said that she was the child's foster mother and could I bring him to his class as she had other children in the car.

I ran through my mind, "Should I give this woman a lecture?"

The school is really large with multiple stories. Ancient rabbit warren of a school.

We are getting new schools and some of the public is OUTRAGED. The Supt gave a speech last year and said that someone could live in this school for weeks and not get found.

I totally agree.

Anyway, I decided that having kids sit in a car unattended was not safe either, so getting into an argument was not the thing to do .

Poor judgment on my part, probably in all respects. As an adult and knowing about Kyron, even adults who should know better make poor judgment calls.

Think about an 8 year old child. Poor judgment for sure.

2. I don't know how this would be possible, but...

Let us say that Kyron was not targeted, but rather just opportunistic. But with a perp hoping so some planning was done.

The perp knew there could be an opportunity and went "shopping".

The perp sees Kyron alone and gets him to the car and puts him in the trunk ( here's where it gets fuzzy for me)

Chlorofrom-how long does it last.

The perp goes back into the school for awhile and has an "alibi" and then leaves.

Maybe is a group leader until 10.

3. Just being in different schools all of the time shows me how easy it would be to get a child.

However, what does mystify me is at this type of activity, there would be people coming and going all of the time.

I find it hard to believe that the halls or the parking lot would be 100% clear of others.

I can't believe that no one saw "nothing".

But I believe they know exactly what they are doing. I believe they know what / who they're looking for but they are not going to jeopardize any of that by releasing such sensitive info to the public (that's us!) And, as frustrating as it may seem to us, we all want Kyron to be found and for justice to be served upon whoever took him. So, if that means we live with little or no info, so be it.


I am still holding out hope that no crime's been committed, but I also agree with you. The LE are being very disciplined in this case.
How do we know the school failed Kyron? Someone certainly did, but we don't have nearly enough information regarding what anyone at the school knew, or was told, regarding Kyron's whereabouts that day. I am sure all of that is, or has been, investigated by the police and the FBI.

my opinion.

ITA! I can understand the feelings people have towards this school if they do believe the security was lax that day (and i think it was in terms of people coming in and out of the school) but believe me...this happens at almost all schools during the "out of the norm" days. The one good thing about this whole mess is that a whole lot of schools will be reviewing their school security protocols at their end of the year agendas. However...in this case i think there was a reason the teacher marked kyron absent (jmo...but i can't see any teacher randomly marking a student that they had just seen within the last hour absent because he wasnt in the classroom) Everything to do with that morning seems to be under tight wraps
I wonder if this case has anything to do with blood child vs. step child and the belief that the step child was getting in the way?
How do we know the school failed Kyron? Someone certainly did, but we don't have nearly enough information regarding what anyone at the school knew, or was told, regarding Kyron's whereabouts that day. I am sure all of that is, or has been, investigated by the police and the FBI.

my opinion.

Think about it. If Miss Porter had done anything wrong, would she still be in the classroom? Would parents in that school even allow her to be in charge of their children in any way?

She would have been placed on administrative lead pending the conclusion of an internal investigation. But nothing like that happened.

Makes me believe that she had info that she gave LE and her administrator about WHY she didn't panic when Kyron wasn't there.

Why wouldn't she panic? I can only come to one conclusion.
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