OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #13

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Hugs and Welcome! Glad to have you aboard!

I lay some blame at the school. I do not doubt teachers and staff members are all dedicated educators but the fact remains they failed to follow protocol. And they knew they didn't have an automatic dialing system in place for absenteeism. High Schoolers skip all the time, but this is an elementary school. From homeroom teacher (be it substitute or not), to the rest of his classes, none of his teachers notified anybody except just marking him for being absent that day. Lastly they shouldn't even have an automatic dialing system, it should be a real live person calling the parents anyways...

I'm giving the SM the benefit of the doubt. I'm following the 'Forensic Astrology' thread with curiousity. How come there isn't a 'Forensic Psychic' thread???

And where's my official Websleuths welcome anyhoo? I registered because I got sick and tired of personal attacks, posts getting deleted at local newspaper & tv website postings. I need a hug! :eek:
Even the knowledge that this day was coming, when official searching would halt, does not make it easier to accept. I am kind of startled that it ended so abruptly and not continued through the end of today to close out the weekend, but perhaps they knew it was futile and wanted to let volunteers get back home before the new week starts.

The fact that they have been saying for several days that this was a isolated event leads me to believe that this was not a stranger or even a teacher, school employee, etc...as those types of POI's would not have been only a danger to Kyron. I think they are focusing on someone closer to his life circle. And the fact that they have put up a reward tells me that they are hoping to recover Kyron's body, and have not obtained a confession. I think maybe some video surfaced over the weekend that shows Kyron leaving the area in a vehicle-this would cause them to stop searching near the school.

I hope now that this case moves swiftly forward so that the community can gain some sense of peace and comfort. It it draining for us here and must be much more so for those nearby. JMO
It has been very draining..I have noticed people being more cautious and gloomy more so than usual. I have turned into a complete spazz and my kids probably think I am insane. My boys are 13 and 8 and now they have absolutely zero freedom. They are not happy but they are dealing with it and I am sure they know it will pass when all of this does calm down. I am still holding on to hope that Kyron may be with us still. Its all I can do to not break down.
Im catching up so please accept my apologies if already posted. Im looking at the wonderful maps you guys made in a second...I know they had previously asked for video but here are more specific locations. Why so many northwests?? Do they possibly know which way a possible POI may go or are these simple adjacent tot he school?

As part of the investigation, the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office is requesting surveillance video from nearby storefronts, private homes, security cameras or any other surveillance recording from June 3 and June 4. They are specifically looking for video of vehicular traffic from the following locations:

•Northwest Cornelius Pass Road
•Northwest Germantown Road
•Northwest Logie Trail Road
•Northwest Rocky Point Road
•Northwest Skyline Road
•Northwest 185th Avenue
•Northwest West Union Road
•Northwest Springville Road
•Bethany Boulevard
•Northwest Springville Road
•Northwest Newberry Road
•Northwest McNamee Road
•Highway 30 from Northwest Rock Point to Germantown Road
•Northwest Kaiser Road
•Northwest Thompson Road
•Northwest Laidlaw Road
Anyone with video of those areas is asked to contact the sheriff's office tip line at (503) 261-2847. Leave your name, contact information and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.


I know I'm just repeating what many have already said. I just watched today's press conference. I don't need to be an expert in body language or know every obscure detail about this family to see that they are all devastated. The Sheriff is heartbroken over this case. I don't know what happened to Kyron. I have no idea if there has been a confession, if there will ever be an arrest or a body found. (sorry I had to write that) I am sure that life will never be the same for any of these people.

I've lurked on WS for a couple years & only recently joined & commented. This is the first case I've followed since day 1. It is only my opinion, but I'm glad WS is such a well moderated forum. I do know what the statistics say. I just don't know how it helps to show what I will only term as disrespect for the family when none of us knows the truth. No offense intended towards anyone. I think it's time for me to take a break & go back to lurking now. Just had to put in my 2 cents.

Prayers & thanks for all LE & SAR. More prayers for Kryon & his family.
Im catching up so please accept my apologies if already posted. Im looking at the wonderful maps you guys made in a second...I know they had previously asked for video but here are more specific locations. Why so many northwests?? Do they possibly know which way a possible POI may go or are these simple adjacent tot he school?

As part of the investigation, the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office is requesting surveillance video from nearby storefronts, private homes, security cameras or any other surveillance recording from June 3 and June 4. They are specifically looking for video of vehicular traffic from the following locations:

•Northwest Cornelius Pass Road
•Northwest Germantown Road
•Northwest Logie Trail Road
•Northwest Rocky Point Road
•Northwest Skyline Road
•Northwest 185th Avenue
•Northwest West Union Road
•Northwest Springville Road
•Bethany Boulevard
•Northwest Springville Road
•Northwest Newberry Road
•Northwest McNamee Road
•Highway 30 from Northwest Rock Point to Germantown Road
•Northwest Kaiser Road
•Northwest Thompson Road
•Northwest Laidlaw Road
Anyone with video of those areas is asked to contact the sheriff's office tip line at (503) 261-2847. Leave your name, contact information and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.

This in of itself says volumes to me. This request was made before the presser today IIRC. I think they feel he was abducted. I know LE conducts two types of searches when a kid goes missing, one for a live or lost or abducted person, and one for a deceased. They have to because they can't assume anything from the beginning. But wanting information such as this tells me they are looking now for a particular car of person.
As to the "isolated event" remark; it led me to believe it was not a pedophile as we know they cannot be rehabilitated and will strike again when possible. That's what confuses me.
I lay some blame at the school. I do not doubt teachers and staff members are all dedicated educators but the fact remains they failed to follow protocol. And they knew they didn't have an automatic dialing system in place for absenteeism. High Schoolers skip all the time, but this is an elementary school. From homeroom teacher (be it substitute or not), to the rest of his classes, none of his teachers notified anybody except just marking him for being absent that day. Lastly they shouldn't even have an automatic dialing system, it should be a real live person calling the parents anyways...

I'm giving the SM the benefit of the doubt. I'm following the 'Forensic Astrology' thread with curiousity. How come there isn't a 'Forensic Psychic' thread???

And where's my official Websleuths welcome anyhoo? I registered because I got sick and tired of personal attacks, posts getting deleted at local newspaper & tv website postings. I need a hug! :eek:

They do have an auto dialing system. They used it to alert parents that Kyron was missing and to establish appointments for Sunday interviews. My guess is that the teacher thought that Kyron had disappeared with no explanation, she would have panicked and calls would have ensued.

Let me ask you this... if the person responsible for the child told the teacher that the child had an appointment, then maybe the school would not have done anything wrong, do you think? I don't think calls would be made home for excused absences, or explained absences.

OK I am leanng towards someone that was familiar with the school as a peripheral player or not directly associated with Kyron. By that I mean a groundskeeper or other personnel that may not be a trusted figure, but at least a familiar one. Same with a relative that may not be oncampus often but has been there.

I have not ruled out a total stranger. By virtue of the fact that Kyron was not reported as particularly assertive but rather was shy and friendly coupled with his love of frogs which was telegraphed to the attendees, he could have been an easy mark to trick.
I am feeling more and more as though this was a crime of opportunity and he was simply walked off the grounds.

I would be curious to see attendance records of anyone that works at the school and as someone said a re-creation of the event. Unfortunately, I do not think there would be clear records as to who was in attendance.

JMHO of course.
Wow! thanks for the map momtective. It seems they think he/she (perp??) may have gone north but possibly went through town before traveling to his/her destination.

Ok, according to google maps the northern most point looks like a possible boat landing but I also see some tractor trailers parked nearby. You cannot see down the actual road with the street view feature but it you directly past there...then I see guardrails so I pretty sure it is a boat landing of some sort
I know I'm just repeating what many have already said. I just watched today's press conference. I don't need to be an expert in body language or know every obscure detail about this family to see that they are all devastated. The Sheriff is heartbroken over this case. I don't know what happened to Kyron. I have no idea if there has been a confession, if there will ever be an arrest or a body found. (sorry I had to write that) I am sure that life will never be the same for any of these people.

I've lurked on WS for a couple years & only recently joined & commented. This is the first case I've followed since day 1. It is only my opinion, but I'm glad WS is such a well moderated forum. I do know what the statistics say. I just don't know how it helps to show what I will only term as disrespect for the family when none of us knows the truth. No offense intended towards anyone. I think it's time for me to take a break & go back to lurking now. Just had to put in my 2 cents.

Prayers & thanks for all LE & SAR. More prayers for Kryon & his family.

I'd have to say I agree with you and thank you for the great post. Please don't lurk too much!
I believe LE has been working this as a criminal investigation since the beginning, today is the day they just let everone know.

If they are asking for video and photos of certain geographical localtions in search of a vehicle, then they know what kind of vehicle. Do they know to whom it belongs? I bet they do.

Exactly. If we all step back, look and listen only to what LE has said and done after about 48 hours, it becomes pretty obvious that they knew what happened, they know who the individual is, and they have been building a case, making sure to cover all potential defenses (i.e. SOEDI), while making sure the responsible individual remains within their radar.
Has something changed from the last two days when we were instructed by mods to no longer discuss the RUMOR about the appointment? I have been busy 'visiting' a lot today and may have missed the LE announcement confirming that information.......
I seemed to have missed a whole bunch of info over the past 2 days.
I've tried to skim, but wow, I've missed a lot.

I have a general question. I have seen several posts that say the poster thinks a confession is coming soon and we will all be shocked by who did this.
Is this coming from info that has been learned recently? Is there some knowledge by a few members that that rest of us don't know?

Or, are these just general statements of theories or opinions?

Can any of those who think there will be a confession and we will be shocked let us know what their theories are?

From previous thread:


From Pensfan: Entrapment is when LE encourages someone to commit a crime in which that person would have not otherwise participated in doing. The FBI
 encouraged them to “go about their activities of daily living” but didn’t force them to do anything. They were watching their behavior to make necessary assessments. Many times in filicide cases, there has been abuse in the home. Many times there has been long-term marital conflict and impending divorce which could cause retaliation. They needed to assess for undiagnosed mental illness in the parents. The FBI needed to make assessments so they can determine what happened to Kyron. If the family is told they must all sit on the couch for 24 hours/day until the child is found, they can’t make the necessary accurate assessments.

Here are other research articles about filicide in case you want to read through them.






Filicide is interesting to read about. I posted a number of documents on it over in Caylee's thread some time ago.

But that's off-topic for this thread, no?
And where's my official Websleuths welcome anyhoo? I registered because I got sick and tired of personal attacks, posts getting deleted at local newspaper & tv website postings. I need a hug! :eek:

*hugs* for ralph!

I have been reading all of the posts to Kyron's threads, but I haven't written much over the last couple of days. This sweet child has touched my heart and I've needed to take a step back in order to continue being functional in my own life. The sorrow that this case brings me is gut-wrenching at times and I have found myself crying over Kyron and his family's situation many, many times. But, even so, this isn't about me. This is about the fact that Kyron has been missing for far too long. He needs to be found and returned to those who love him. He needs to.

I know we all have differing opinions about what happened on June 4th, where Kyron is, the well-being of Kyron, as well as lists a mile long of who the possible "perp(s)" may be. But, something we can all agree upon is that we all hold Kyron and those who love him in our hearts.

This case has been frustrating in the lack of information, the rumors, and the redundancy and retractions. If we feel that here, I'm certain others close to the case feel it even more severely. I don't doubt that LE is doing all that they can in order to bring Kyron home. There was a time I questioned their abilities, the family, and everyone everywhere. There was a time I blamed the school, the family, LE, the FBI, SAR, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry. But, the reality is that the blame ONLY falls with the indivudual(s) who took Kyron. And, yes, I do believe he was abducted or lured. The rest of the community is just doing whatever they can in order to have Kyron returned to them...alive and well.

I can speculate on what I think happened from now until eternity. In fact, I've stated my opinions on this case on these threads a number of times. And, so, it's not important that I do so right now. Instead, I will offer this post as a prayer and a thank you.

Wherever Kyron is, I hope he is in no pain -- be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. I hope he is being cared for. I realize we may never know where Kyron is, but I pray that answers will soon come. I believe LE has many already. When it is our turn to know, I am certain they will share that with us. I pray that if Kyron is in pain that he can look up to the sky above and to his heart -- that way he will be given faith, courage, and strength. I hope Kyron knows he is loved and that there are many, many, MANY people in this world who care about him. I pray that this sweet boy is still with us, but that if he isn't, he is watching down on the world not with resentment, but with awe that there are so many people, so many walks of life, who are fighting with all they have to bring him home and bring justice for what has happened. I will always keep up hope that Kyron is alive and well. But, even in those bleak moments of uncertainty, I too can look all around me and see the good that has come from a terrible situation. Kyron has shown me gratitude, grace, compassion, and faith. He has helped a community come together. Perhaps, he has helped a family come together. I believe he will come home. And, when he does, I hope we all remember the lessons Kyron has taught us. As I said earlier, this sweet child has touched my heart. And, for now and forever more, he will hold a place in it as well.

My heart continues to go out to his family, LE, SAR, and the community. I cannot put in words how truly amazing everyone has been. They, too, deserve much gratitude and thanks. While I do believe LE knows more than they are letting on, I also believe that they are doing everything possible to bring Kyron back to those who love him and who he, in return, loves. This case is heartbreakingly sad -- no one can deny that. But, the way LE has handled this investigation (sometimes much to my chagrin) and the way a community has come together is hauntingly beautiful.

I will stick to my favorite words spoken about this case: Kyron, we're going to bring you home, buddy.
Has something changed from the last two days when we were instructed by mods to no longer discuss the RUMOR about the appointment? I have been busy 'visiting' a lot today and may have missed the LE announcement confirming that information.......
Nothing has changed. the appointment has no basis in fact and was just a rumor perpetuated by comments posted by heaven knows who.
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