OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

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Yes, I agree w/ you about FL. So many missing kids, so many RSO's, and so many violent kids!! I don't think I would even feel comfortable vacationing there at this point.

It's not that bad all over Florida. Just in certain areas. I live near the space center, my dad was the police chief up until just recently. It's safe here, but that's mostly due to a very special man who was excellent at his job. Of course, I'm biased... but we have never had any of those types of things happen here.

It still seems like Florida would be up there statistic-wise though... if not #1. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

ETA: Sorry for getting off track! Just saw Kimster's post. I'm done! :)
Rather than risk taking this thread off track, here's a new thread to discuss crime areas in general: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thanks for the link to the thread where peeps can chat about crime stats in various states!

Look everyone! There is a thread for discussing crime stats in various states! The link is in Kimster's post, which I quoted above!
I had to go back and re read my post. No where does it say "odd" about Oregon.
WOW! I have a lot of time on my hands for reading WS, I probably do 5 hours a day on average (slightly boring job lol) but I only got to thread 9 Friday afternoon. 6 threads later, would anyone be able to point me in the direction of a post summing up rumours, what we know and don't know for sure? TIA if such a post exists ;)
Good Lord please bring Kyron home!
It came to me last night that I haven't seen any pix of Kyron as a baby.

IIRC, the youngest age is about 3 yrs old..I never got on any FB pages of relatives but for those who had (& viewed family photo albums) did you see any? If so, & you saved them, can you please post a few? TIA!

I didn't see any but I would love to see if someone has some.
Someone on here posted that Oregon has an odd history of having alot of criminals/missing persons. That I have no opinion on because I just don't live there or haven't heard cases from there over the years...

THis is TOTALLY my opinion and not based on stats, but does anyone else feel like FLORIDA has a terrible rep for having lots of child abductions/murders and a high count of sex offenders??

I'm not bashing Florida or anything, I'm just making a statement based on media cases, etc...

I grew up in LA and always felt that way about that City.
Hello Amysmom,


If the above is possible (I can't rule it out) the same goes for SM & Bio-Mom. It could be that someone from the gym had a thing for SM & she rebuffed him..What better way to punish her then taking her son? This male would have to be off his rocker (helped by steriods? or not) to stoop to something so evil but some sick ppl will do anything when they feel they've been wronged.
--- clip ---

True enough... Thanks for commenting.
I, too, was away from the computer for the weekend (training walks for the 3-Day) and would love a synopsis of what has transpired over the weekend...
I guess the only thing that keeps going through my head is why would a perp pick a school to take a victim. I realize there are lots of kids, easy targets, etc...but why INSIDE the school? It seems to make very little sense.

Most stranger abductions are crimes of opportunity. This would have to have been planned (IMO). If it was planned ahead of time, why pick that venue? Why not wait until the kids were outside? at recess? walking home? I mean, most schools have adults popping in and out of hallways all the time: teachers, custodians, secretaries. It's not the "safest" place to snatch a child. You could get caught at any moment.

I'm just trying to get in the head of someone who would do this kind of thing....would they really pick the inside of school??? I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around that.
Things have gone so fast on this thread and I am checking in for news. Can someone give me a quick update? I am seeing something about a possible POI? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
Hey Kimster, thanks so much for that link--sorry for switching topics....this is my last post on the FL matter on this thread, and then back to Kyron--promise!

Here are some stats on # of REPORTED missing kids in each state.

Remember, this is what was reported. How awful to think of those that have gone unreported. Also, this is just for MISSING children.

Looking through all of those states, the top 3 with the highest amount of missing kids are:
1. CA-376
2.FL- 314
3. VA-309

You also have to remember that many of those might be runaways rather than abductions---but still--who knows what happened to them, and runaways are important too, they need help, that's why they ran away.

And finally, here is a map showing the amount of REGISTERED sex offenders in each state---which is frankly, SICKENING.

1. CA- 118,000
2. TX- 59,000
3. FL- 52,000

Now, some of these offenders may not be classified as "violent", say it was an 18 yr old male having consensual sex with a 16 yr old female, vice versa, so we have to keep that in mind... And of course these are only the registered ones! G-d help us all.

Why does FL seem to have such issues regarding these matters? And look at CA! YIKES.

We shouldn't even HAVE to talk about stats because if these MONSTERS were off of our streets forever, there would be no maps, or registries, or stats, or databases...UGH!!!!!

Back to KYRON-----let's hope there are more details today.
Things have gone so fast on this thread and I am checking in for news. Can someone give me a quick update? I am seeing something about a possible POI? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.

don't think there is a named poi...i think it was someone's opinion that they have one in mind...that's all. However, they have now classified the case as a criminal investigation
I grew up in LA and always felt that way about that City.

I am in Oregon and I remember when we had Ashley Pond missing, the guy from Hawaii, some kind of dog ( not a snoop dog) ~ guy who goes around and investigates, he has his own TV show

Anyway they brought him here, and first thing he noticed that we have above average number of abducted kids and too many sex offenders on the lose

The local news in central Oregon is that the search is ending and there is a reward. Kyron's case has been reclassified as a criminal investigation. There will be a presser at 11AM PST.

For more details, I suggest reading the first few posts in the thread. BeanE gave some great links to keep everyone up to speed. :)
Kyron Horman - Raw Press Conferences - Videos, Audios, Transcripts:


June 12 - Two o'clock - Capt. Shults answers for Kyron's parents

June 13 - noon


I, too, was away from the computer for the weekend (training walks for the 3-Day) and would love a synopsis of what has transpired over the weekend...
condensed by me.
These links would give you the best picture of what went on over the weekend, IMO et all. And Thanks to BeanE for posting such a helpful listing.
Have they even established that little Kyron left the school? They never said where his scent ended, using the sniffer dogs. I know they searched the school completely, but how complete is complete?
The Search for Kyron Horman


Search and rescue team members from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office searched railroad tracks along highway 30 between Cornelius Pass and Sauvie Island on June 12, 2010​


Janet Shamlian waits to report live from Skyline School for the Today Show, on NBC, at 4:32AM PST, as the story of Kyron Horman hit national news.​

Fox News doing a report....LE won't say why it is now a criminal matter....yet to hear from mom or stepmom....candlelight vigil tomorrow and it will be interesting to see if the family attends...

That's all
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