OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #15

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Thanks, matou and others who are delving into the WHY of this aspect of Kyron's case. Are we certain it was released by LE and not a media source? I am not doubting it, just behind in some aspects of this case as it hits the news.

We know that the family has a police captain living with them: "A sheriff’s captain will continue to stay with the family nearly around the clock as a liaison, Gates said Monday."


Did this officer find the artwork in the home, did the family volunteer it, or did it come from a teacher or other school official?

I agree, if LE released his artwork, they have a purpose in doing this. Maybe they want someone, such as the professional that is posting here with us to see it, to come forward and give them their impressions. Maybe, one of Kyron's parents has claimed it is Kyron's artwork, done by himself, and this is not true, and someone in the public may know this. Ties into conflicting stories about who helped Kyron with his project. Also, facts surrounding these pieces of artwork could be clues to the family dynamics and to their honesty.

Who knows, but there has to be a reason the artwork is out there.

More importantly (well, to me, anyway) is the strange fact that this couple has an officer with them at all times, in their home. Are LE worried for the safety of the baby, worried for the other children who visit the home, worried about evidence possibly being hidden or destroyed, or a possible suicide?

Are the Hormans free to ask this officer, or any law enforcement officer, from any agency, to leave their home?

Questions and my OPINIONS.

Of course they'd be free to tell him to leave. And he'd have to do so.

As far as him being there in the first place, Gates stated in press conference that this was standard protocol in this type of case.
Good point, if there was any suspicion by LE of the sm why would art work have anything to do with that, or selecting a soccer picture of him either, or putting replicas of his clothing out there. I am pretty sure the sm who has raised him, loved him, taken him to soccer, taken those pictures, bought and washed those clothes, and framed the artwork was already familiar with all of those things.

Raeann, you are stating your beliefs as facts; such as how the step mom feels about Kyron. We have no idea how she feels about him. We can assume that she loves and cherishes him, is deeply involved in his interests and activities, but we don't know that.

He lives with his father and step-mother. He has his biological mother, who we are told visits him regularly, and he has a step-father who appears to care for him.

It is wrong, in my opinion, to state as fact that this woman framed his artwork, or that she was already familiar with those two pictures, or that she is the main picture-taker in the household. Kyron has been in the primary custody of his biological father, and I would more quickly attribute these attributes to him.

*Edited to add that I read your post again and see that you wrote that you are "pretty sure" concerning these things about the step mom; her feelings and actions and behaviors. I apologize for writing that you stated this as fact.

But, as always, these are my opinions and no more valid than yours.
Divers with the Multnomah County Dive Team search the waters on Sauvie Island Monday as part of the investigation into the disappearance of Kyron Horman.​

Searchers look through a marshy area on Sauvie Island.​

Seems like if there was a sicko in the school that day who decided to act on some sick desire - s/he would have grabbed him and taken him somewhere isolated within the school and done whatever they were going to do, rather than risk hauling him out of school kicking and screaming calling attention to themselves. Since we have not heard about possible evidence of something like this inside the school and no one saw him being taken against his will kicking and screaming, and LE is saying isolated incident and no other children are at risk - then it must be he left willingly with someone known to him, or alone. I don't think he left alone. JMO

ETA: Now WHO would Kyron leave with? Seriously would he leave with a soccer coach, cub scout leader, janitor, teacher - I would not think so. I would think for sure he would leave with Terrie, Kaine, Desiree, Tony - what other family would he think it would be ok to leave school with?

My thought is that he never left the school. He was grabbed and taken wherever in the school. As I stated in an earlier post, I hope they have looked every place possible in the school. Under things, behind things, in things. He could have been put anywhere. I remember someone asking when the trash was picked up. He could have been stuffed under a desk, in a box, under rags in the janitor closet. He could be in the ceiling or heating or air conditioner duct. I firmly believe he was assaulted in the school. I agree with the poster that said if SM had wanted to hurt him she would not do it at school. As many people that must have been there how would she know she would not have been seen. As far as dogs being able to pick up scents when there are a lot of people, if they are trained they can do it. But if Kyron was grabbed lifted off the floor and taken wherever. They would not pick up the scent and if they did LE might think that it was just because he went to school there and dismiss it. They concentrated on him wondering off, giving the perp time to dispose of him. I think they wasted 11 very valuable days. I believe who ever took him is someone no one would ever suspect. I wonder if they have brought cadaver dogs to the school. Also I would check to see who had keys to the school and could have gone in at night or over the weekend.
What do we have to work with that we know for a fact ?

School started late that day due to the science fair (10:00 am) and Kyron was marked absent.

I did not realize this. So...does this mean that classes didn't start till 10, and that attendance wasn't taken till 10? What were the children doing until that time? Were they unaccounted for? Was anyone keeping an eye on them? Were parents supposed to be there? Were they touring classrooms to look at projects?
THANK YOU FOR FINDING THIS AGAIN!!!! Thank you also for bringing up Gates crying in front of the press. What does he know...

If using the well known gauge of an "excited utterance", that statement and behavior says a lot! He didn't just say we're going to find you buddy. He said we are going to bring you HOME. Home is with dad and step mom.

so to this point there is no hard information that has been released correct? Also, can the parents ask the police liasion to leave or is it a requirement?

We know that the family has a police captain living with them: "A sheriff’s captain will continue to stay with the family nearly around the clock as a liaison, Gates said Monday."


More importantly (well, to me, anyway) is the strange fact that this couple has an officer with them at all times, in their home. Are LE worried for the safety of the baby, worried for the other children who visit the home, worried about evidence possibly being hidden or destroyed, or a possible suicide?

Are the Hormans free to ask this officer, or any law enforcement officer, from any agency, to leave their home?

Considering the extremes some people are going to in their vehement, nebulously founded accusations against Kyron's stepmother, I am not at all surprised LE is providing an LE officer with the family - for protection. If I were a family member, I would insist on it, or hire security guards.
I wish we could find the textbooks used in 2nd grade curriculum at the school, including art, music,etc. I feel very strong that I have seen that drawing of the sun on a textbook cover but just can't quite put my finger on it.

I think the drawings selected could be a subtle form of a plea to someone to come forward. Or LE could have released them to humanize Kyron by picking some of his best drawings.

All MOO!


It looks familiar to me too but I have no idea where I would have seen it before.
okay nevermind.....i got the hint.....lol....sorry
*All bolding is by me, and may be snipped respectfully...

Anyone? They don't have to be qualified teachers?

No, at our school, parents and others can work with the kids, doing things like flash cards, listening to them reading, many small things, sometimes with a single child, sometimes with a small group. I do want to say, if you want to work with kids at our school and you are not a parent, you must be fingerprinted and fill out background paperwork for a check (even grandparents, aunts, uncles, so on, anyone who is a non custodial parent or similar roll).

But why would only custodians wear them? In that case, everyone should be in uniform - teachers, principal, administrative staff, cafeteria workers, and the students!

I have approached this subject at our school because the kids wear uniforms and have very strict guidelines, but the staff, including all those you mentioned wear flip flops, shorts, tank tops etc, if they were going to enforce this, everyone should just dress according to the dress code, I think this (in most instances) would also make outsiders stand out.

Exactly. Why would LE release photos of a missing child`s artwork when there is so little released info about this case in general. There must be a specific reason why. Typically if there is a missing child, the public needs photos of the child and as much information about them as possible, such as what they were wearing that day. Was there any other missing child case where LE did this, I mean publish a missing child`s school work or artwork:waitasec:

It made me think that maybe they were releasing his artwork to make him "human" to a possible abductor? To remind someone who may have taken him, (and then seeing him as an object, or "theirs") that he has a life, parents, friends teachers and others that love him and want him back? I don't know, just a thought.
I think there may be a lot of frogs in the marshy area at Sauvie Island. I hope he just wandered away to look for frogs, but I think this place is about 4-6 miles from the school and this is pretty far to walk for a little boy.
The absolute last thing that I would be worried about if my child was missing would be top Intel officials' impression of me . Who cares about gossip at this terrible time!!! Bring as much attention as possible to the case so somebody might recognize your "abducted" child. Dance naked on your lawn every day to bring more media to your home to post your child's photo all over Earth.

IMO, if I was a wife beater, child beater, heroin junkie, rapist, or possessed other really awful personality characteristics, I would worry that the media would expose my dark secrets.....but I would still want the media involved because my child's life is more important that mine.

(I have no knowledge that the family has any dark secrets.)

I agree, but some people do worry about loosing their job even in a time of crisis- he could have a personality type that is very logical, non-emotional. Do we know his job title? Is he a programmer?
Considering the extremes some people are going to in their vehement, nebulously founded accusations against Kyron's stepmother, I am not at all surprised LE is providing an LE officer with the family - for protection. If I were a family member, I would insist on it, or hire security guards.

Kyron's step-dad may have even suggested it...

Kyron and his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, had come to school that morning to attend a science fair. Around 8:45 a.m., Kyron left his stepmom and headed to class. But police say the second-grader never made it.

Police now believe Kyron was seen by someone on school grounds as late as 9 a.m. They have not specified the nature of the source

I'll bet the Portland Chamber of Commerce is hoping LE makes an arrest very soon...a lot of revenue is generated from zoo, parks, campgrounds, etc...with summer officially beginning today, if school is out all over Portland. I don't have any kids, but if I did, I think I would take them out of Portland if I was considering day or weekend trips, and not stay in the area...JMO. That is, if I believed there was a random offender on the loose. JMO.

I was thinking similar. And wondering why our perp acted when/where they did. Why not wait a couple of weeks where there would be multiple opportunities to mix with children.

So for whatever reason, the perp chose that place, at that time. Why?
Of course they'd be free to tell him to leave. And he'd have to do so.

As far as him being there in the first place, Gates stated in press conference that this was standard protocol in this type of case.
Calliope, I've been searching all over for information about this type of situation. Can you share with me, if you've found some documentation, where it is stated that they have the right to have officers leave their house? I mean, the Hormans, in particular, not the basic premise that police cannot camp out in our homes without our permission.

Thanks for responding, and for any information on the Hormans having the right to ask LE to leave their home at this point.
I agree, if LE released his artwork, they have a purpose in doing this. Maybe they want someone, such as the professional that is posting here with us to see it, to come forward and give them their impressions. Maybe, one of Kyron's parents has claimed it is Kyron's artwork, done by himself, and this is not true, and someone in the public may know this. Ties into conflicting stories about who helped Kyron with his project. Also, facts surrounding these pieces of artwork could be clues to the family dynamics and to their honesty.

Who knows, but there has to be a reason the artwork is out there..[/FONT]

IMO if LE thought that this artwork was somehow an important clue and very significant as in revealing the family's deepest secrets they likely wouldn't have released it for the public. Not to say that his artwork can't contain clues to something that was going on in his life but LE was convinced that these two paintings are important clues they'd have kept it close to their vest to avoid jeopardizing the investigation. If they wanted an art therapist's expert opinion about them they don't need to release the pictures for the general public to view, they could just have called a bunch of experts and asked them to give statements.
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