OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #15

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Thanks for responding, ketelOne. I'll go back and try and understand what you're telling me. I appreciate your help.

Think of it like a little google on FB. The island's page pulls in posts containing the phrase "Sauvie Island".

Get on a random public group on FB, and post something including the words Sauvie Island. It should pop up on the Sauvie Island page under 'related global posts'.
Thanks for responding, ketelOne. I'll go back and try and understand what you're telling me. I appreciate your help.

OKay so If i understand how this all works now. There is the 'Finding Kyron Horman" page, which somebody deliberately created and posts articles to.

Then there is the 'Sauvie Island" Page which was probably auto-created through trending terms and has the capability to aggregate all posts and articles that include the term 'Sauvie Island' Since the 'Missing Kyron Horman' page Included articles and comments with the Term 'Sauvie Island' those articles became linked to the 'Sauvie Island' page.
I help in our school every week.

Yes we have desks in the hallways. Many times if a student still needs help in multiplications, teacher sends me out on a hallways with the student and I just do flashcards over and over

Othertimes it's words/minute reading. I test a kid, write down the score send the kid back to classroom and tell him who to send next

These are all done in the hallways where the noise level is lower than in the class.

And I am only parent, volunteer. I don't have any education background. Besides growing up and spending my first 30 years in communist Czechoslovakia I have a pretty heavy accent too.

Kudos to everyone who takes the time to help out in schools. If it were up to me though, volunteers (after careful screening) would meet students in the media center where school personnel could supervise.
I thought about some comments that were made yesterday that LE should try to recreate the scene at the school that morning.

I've been trying to recreate it in my mind...

I know many people are suspicious about SM.

So...she drives Kyron to school (with or without her daughter - as far as we know without), goes in to attend the fair, takes some pictures of him and his project. She probably wants to get going since she would want to get back to her daughter.

It appears the project has been set up in Kyron's classroom but we know they weren't in his classroom when they seperated. Maybe they were visiting other classrooms as well.

He starts to head back to his classroom and she heads out.

I don't really see anything unusual until this point. I don't usually walk my kids back to their classrooms when I am in the school. They are walking all over the school every day...it is part of their comfort zone.

If SM wanted to do something to Kyron I don't think this is the easiest place. She could 'lose' him at the mall, at the park etc. Just seems too risky. I do see why some people are suspicious about some things she has done but I just don't see this as a very likely scenerio. What if someone saw her? How would she explain herself? Even if Kyron was driving her nuts for some reason she was about to leave, go home, have time to calm down. No need for a crime in the heat of the moment. She was about to let the teachers worry about the rest of the day with him.

So...she probably left and what happened to Kyron? I don't see him as having walked into the woods himself. Again possible, but doesn't seem to fit in.

I also don't see this as planned...too many pieces had to fall perfectly into place. I don't think anyone would be counting on that.

AHHHH I'm trying to picture a crime of opportunity...someone sees the SM leaving and Kyron alone. But there must of been many other kids and parents in the school. Why risk it at that time??? There are tons of kids out on streets, parks etc much easier to take off with.

Why, why, why??

Can you think of a why??
Dude, I am an old lady with bifocals. This comment was accidently put in the wrong spot for approx 10 seconds and then I fixed it.

Thank you for editing your alteration of my post, I will now go back and delete my request to you.

By the way, I am not now, nor have I ever been a DUDE.
Could be anyone. Our "Officer Friendly" An officer from the police dept assigned to the school to help children understand the safety rules about strangers and how to protect themselves from the "good touch bad touch" situations. He was a full time police officer at the school.
He was caught with a 3rd grader in the boys bathroom. Later we found out he had been involved with at least 2 other young boys while at the school. So it could be anyone, Kyron had good reason to trust.
If my child had been abducted, I would do just about anything to get his picture posted all over Earth. The tabloids and news shows would focus on the case and they would show his photo over and over. If I am:
-completely honest with LE,
-my background is clean,
-my friends and family report that my marriage is healthy
-my friends and family report that we are mentally healthy
-and LE in my town is competent,
LE will know exactly why I danced on the lawn naked and they will focus on the finding my child. Getting your child's photo ingrained in everyone's mind, can help find one's child.
I would do a lot to keep my child front and center, I would work 24/7..but I would not do just about anything. I have my limits and would avoid behaviors that make my actions counterproductive. KWIM? If I were dancing naked people would just think I was a loon and they would be talking more about me than my child.
( not calling you a loon LOL. But if I were dancing nakie on my lawn it would be so counter to me, that everyone would think I flipped)

ETA: Just to be clear, LE would be careless and negligent if they did not look at the parents. I think they should look long and hard at all 4, however, I think the investigation is and should be more than that.
Could be anyone. Our "Officer Friendly" An officer from the police dept assigned to the school to help children understand the safety rules about strangers and how to protect themselves from the "good touch bad touch" situations. He was a full time police officer at the school.
He was caught with a 3rd grader in the boys bathroom. Later we found out he had been involved with at least 2 other young boys while at the school. So it could be anyone, Kyron had good reason to trust.

You are so right! At my child's school, there was a male 3rd grade teacher, one of the most respected and admired teachers ever by both parents and students. He was there for a number of years-- until local police arrested him in a child *advertiser censored* sting. He no longer teaches there obviously.
I would assume that would be because never in any other case has a child been abducted from a school/mall/park/playground and then the abductor returned within days or weeks to pick up another child in the exact same way from the exact same location.
Respectfully shortened
There are many who grabbed victims from the same vicinity. Here are only a few names.

Westley Allen Dodd
Albert Fish
Wayne Williams
Jeffrey Dahmer
I am on the fence as to you it could be. I am starting to lean in one direction, but when I see what is on that side I am trying very hard not to let myself fall.
Hey, I've been out for the past few days- does anyone have a link to the latest press release with the family? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks!
I think this CB person is full of crap. S/he made a whole bunch of comments insinuating the SM was involved and how we should all see what happens in a few days and remember what s/he said. How does that jive with being terrified to let ones child sleep at night? I wouldn't be any more terrified than usual if I had inside info telling me it was a parent who'd done something to their own child. JMO, but CB sounds like a stick shirrer to me.

That is exactly what I thought when I read that. Why would she be afraid for her own child if she even remotely believed what she was saying about sm was true? Typical of the lack of logic.....but whatever....
“This is not a search-and-rescue operation anymore,” Gates said.

Also, towards the end of the article:

"At the same time, Gates said this is an isolated case and “there’s no reason to believe that kids are in any danger.”

And, further down in the same article:

"Their next time in the spotlight, the family was silent in the background. A sheriff’s captain will continue to stay with the family nearly around the clock as a liaison, Gates said Monday."


Are we now allowed to discuss the possibility that Kyron's step-mother is being looked at? I ask, because LE said they are NOT looking a this man who has been extensively sleuthed (criminal record posted) and discussed here this morning, yet LE has NOT said that the parents are innocent of the crime, nor that they are not persons of interest? They seem to be saying the exact opposite, but in terms cloaked with discretion.

My question and my OPINIONS.
BBM Maybe he didn't have yellow or a light blue?

Perhaps I am terribly ignorant, but as a mother of 7 children who have collectively drawn at least 1000 pictures (times 10, LOL), I guess I don't understand how people are reading so much into 2 pictures. So he drew a picture of a squirrel holding an acorn with a few other acorns at the top of the page and a feather? How does that mean that the squirrel is sad and all alone and whatnot? Isn't that people projecting their feelings onto a picture? I looked at the pictures and thought they were really well-drawn for a 7 year old. My 8 year old daughter is a good artist and loves to draw ~ many of her pictures are of solitary animals. Does that mean she's sad and sending some unconscious message to the world? Seriously? I'm not being sarcastic here... I truly don't understand how anyone is getting such deep interpretations of a drawing. Most 7 year olds aren't deep thinkers and I guess I just have trouble believing that Kyron was drawing a solitary squirrel as a cryptic message about how his step-mother was doing something wrong and making him feel horrible about it (or whatever).

I do know that children who have been abused will draw pictures for LE when they can't articulate what happened. I believe that is legit. But does anyone know the circumstances under which those 2 pictures shown were drawn? Isn't it possible that Kyron was sitting at home or at school, happy as can be, and engaging in an activity he enjoyed? Could he have drawn a chipmunk because he recently saw one and liked it? Could it be as simple as that or are there truly hidden meanings in every single drawing a child does? Because honestly, if there are, I'd sure be interested in knowing the significance of my autistic boys' artwork!

It's difficult for children to hide their emotions when they draw.
It' s good to pay attention to their art. It is a road map to their soul. I've studied art for over 20 years, along with abnormal psychology, art therapy etc...
It's poignant to look at his art because he has been possibly abducted or has been previously abused.
His art has red flags to me. It could be as simple as he feels left out in the family because he is suffering the middle-child syndrome or feels ignored.
To he is afraid of an overwhelming, intimidating figure in his life. The Sun.
I wouldn't discount his drawings.
I am so frustrated !!!

So am I.

I would love to see the floor plan of this school. I would like to see where the room was he was going to.

I feel he was approached by someone he knew and maybe trusted or felt comfortable to be with. I wonder if there is a large closet where he could have been taken to on that floor? Brought in there, was killed and suspect hid his body in a garbage pail. But then again the building was searched 3x I believe and there was no searches in landfills.

Yes Im frustrated to. LE waited a week to show his clothes and waited a week to ask the public/businesses to check their surveillance cameras. WHY?
Could be anyone. Our "Officer Friendly" An officer from the police dept assigned to the school to help children understand the safety rules about strangers and how to protect themselves from the "good touch bad touch" situations. He was a full time police officer at the school.
He was caught with a 3rd grader in the boys bathroom. Later we found out he had been involved with at least 2 other young boys while at the school. So it could be anyone, Kyron had good reason to trust.

how awful :(
Respectfully shortened
There are many who grabbed victims from the same vicinity. Here are only a few names.

Westley Allen Dodd
Albert Fish
Wayne Williams
Jeffrey Dahmer

Same vicinity...but never once the same exact location within a few days time. AND in not one of those cases were there LE on the scene of the exact location of the missing person standing watch. Most of those cases it was unknown exactly when, where, or who was taken until a body was located. There are no parallels at all to this case.

JMO of course
It's difficult for children to hide their emotions when they draw.
It' s good to pay attention to their art. It is a road map to their soul. I've studied art for over 20 years, along with abnormal psychology, art therapy etc...
It's poignant to look at his art because he has been possibly abducted or has been previously abused.His art has red flags to me. It could be as simple as he feels left out in the family because he is suffering the middle-child syndrome or feels ignored.
To he is afraid of an overwhelming, intimidating figure in his life. The Sun.
I wouldn't discount his drawings.

BBM. I have never heard anything regarding this.
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