OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #7

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I found it interesting to learn that in the Kim case it wasn't the searchers that found the family; it was a couple of engineers who were able to pin point where they were due to their cell phone. (It would be interesting to know if Kyron had a cell phone.)

I don't remember that. I thought there was no cell phone service up there, d/t no cell towers.
I thought a copter spotted the car.
Thanks for the info. :)

Under comments:
Post by Liz in response to Batman on June 9, 2010 @ 6:55 Is very interesting. I wonder if it is acurate or not and I don't know how to varify it.
Saw it, and she's wrong...I know she said 'supposedly' (nice way to cover your rear when insinuating a whole lotta crap about someone), but she's flat out wrong about the date the picture was uploaded to FB.
Very interesting.

Here are two different sentences from the newspaper article that reached out and slapped me:

(i'm including the paragraph and bolding the exact sentence - so you can see it in context)

"All of the 35 have responded," he said. "They're working on organizing their resources. We've utilized ours to search the area that a man could travel. We've reached that phase where we need to expand the search farther out."

The family didn't appear in public to make the plea. They want to keep the focus on Kyron, said Multnomah County sheriff's Capt. Mike Shults.

"They know that it's very important to keep the objective on Kyron and him, not on them," said Shults, who has been with the family since the second-grader went missing.

Why the comment in the frist one about how far a "man" could travel? And WhoTH is "HIM" in the second one?
I think they were referring to Kyron again as him to then say not on them. (keep the focus on him and not on them)
Saw it, and she's wrong...I know she said 'supposedly' (nice way to cover your rear when insinuating a whole lotta crap about someone), but she's flat out wrong about the date the picture was uploaded to FB.

Thank You Very Much! That is all I needed to know. I appreciate your assistance. :blowkiss:
Just a quick correction- his name is Kyron, not Tyron. :) But, I totally agree with you, he reminds me a lot of Ben Ownby as well.

A big thanks for giving me a heads up on my memory lapse.
I know better.
I've gone back and corrected his name on my message.
:waitasec::blushing: I'm confused it that a question in regards to my post, or just saying that there are many that don't make sense? Sorry I feeling lost.

Beg padron Agnel,for the confusion. You had mentioned a comment after the article and then after I looked at your question on the comment you saw, I saw another comment (after the article) made by a poster named duckyou regarding Kyron's backpack and coat, and I wondered if the comment about those items was accurate.

Sorry, I can be bad for that, I'm told. :blush
Son of Intel Employee Missing, AT Reader Help Requested
by Anand L S
A friend of mine who works at Intel emailed me asking for my help in this. Kyron Horman, the son of an Intel employee, has gone missing. The report is vague but seems to imply that the child went missing somewhere in Multnomah County, Oregon.


The e-mail is getting the word out there.
Hi all! This is my first time posting...long time lurker. I have a couple of theories...but I'll refrain from posting due to board rules.

On the other hand...I do believe that LE knows a whole lot more than they are letting on. Hence, the secrecy surrounding every SINGLE thing in regards to this investigation. I believe they know who the purp is and they want to keep that information under raps. Otherwise, as you all remember in other cases, they would be giving any information that could identitfy a suspect. They would let us know on type of car, description etc. By them being SOOO quiet makes me think they know who is involved.
Don't copy blog quotes. :nono: You can link to a media where blog comments are made and refer to them, but please do not quote them.

If you did that, edit your posts. Thanks!
Isn't that odd how they kind've just snuck/stuck that in there in the middle of the article like that, sort of 'matter of fact'-like? hmmm .....
I think that is where this has to go in order to justify the FBI mobile reponse unit. In the second presser he said he wanted to "show the mobile reponse unit" to the media but the minute it was up - it was manned and now no one can go in there with all the confidential stuff. If you aren't going to take the media in there now - then why even mention it? And - that shows they were quite anxious to get that up and running very quickly. When asked about the resoruces that unit brings the first thing he said was "high speed internet" - hhhmmmmmm...........uh, wouldn't a Sheriff's office already have a high speed connection?

I'm thinking it wasn't so much the high speed internet but more the "connections" those FBI computers have to certain databases and confidential info and "hacking and tracking" capabilities.
I think it is entirely possible for a single person to have written both. Kaine Hormon may speak to the legal department in one way (he is a manager and is 'taking charge') and to the general public and search and rescue teams, etc. with a more personable tone simply because he is not in control. Business tone versus how you might speak to friends and aquaintances.

At a major company like Intel, there's no way a management level employee sent out that e-mail without having it vetted -- and quite possibly edited -- by internal PR and/or legal staff. As for speaking to the media (Kaine or any other Intel employee), most large companies have *very* strict policies about employees speaking to the media about anything remotely related to the company (or in some cases about anything at all). Because child disappearances often involve either family members or associates of family members, Intel's name is going appear in any press coverage of anything said about this case by Kaine Horman or any other Intel employee. They can't just up and decide to speak to the media without getting clearance from senior management (PR and legal), unless they want to risk losing their jobs.

I'm sure Intel wouldn't fire Kaine over speaking to the media, since it's his son that's missing, but they wouldn't be happy about it if he wasn't pre-clearing any media statements with PR/legal. Any other employee could face serious discipline, including termination, for unauthorized communication with media about something they had no personal connection to other than through their employment at Intel.
Hi Jokerswild!!!! Thank you for coming out of Lurksville and joining us! :hug:
Isn't that odd how they kind've just snuck/stuck that in there in the middle of the article like that, sort of 'matter of fact'-like? hmmm .....
I believe that this article was going on the statement by the principal yesterday about it being a 'criminal investigation'. I don't have links off hand, but I recall one article going with what the principal said. If it's the same article I read with that statement, it was originally printed before LE refuted that it was considered a criminal investigation.

IMO, I'd trust only what's been said at PC's. Of course, nothing was said at the last PC, but I'd still stick with what was said at earlier ones and NOT go with anything in the press as they're mistake prone...IMO.
Son of Intel Employee Missing, AT Reader Help Requested
by Anand L S
A friend of mine who works at Intel emailed me asking for my help in this. Kyron Horman, the son of an Intel employee, has gone missing. The report is vague but seems to imply that the child went missing somewhere in Multnomah County, Oregon.


The e-mail is getting the word out there.
About the missing person sign:
I am curious why they do not mention his shirt in description or say that the picture was taken moments before he went missing
I am not into trying to read the meaning behind the wording of the various communications...or how they end up posted on websites. Probably some errors in translation. That statement said basically nothing to me and Dad's statement probably should not have said "dropped off" (IIRC) when that was already an issue in debate at some point, but again, I think it was just an oversight. I just don't see that they are talking to a specific offender, but perhaps taking advice from FBI just in case it is a kidnapping-type scenario. I really think they don't know and hope they are not married to that one search area if they are not working off very specific info. JMO
I had to take a break from the case this evening. But, I've spent the last hour catching up and am now even more confused as ever. However, it seems as though I'm not alone in feeling that way...

I have had the theory that this was, indeed, a kidnapping and ransom case since the beginning. And, as time passes, I'm even more drawn to that conclusion. I have hesitated posting too much on the topic, but it seems like others are now considering the same set of circumstances. There has been something "off" about this case and the way LE has handled it from the beginning. I certainly don't fault them as I strongly believe they have a reason for being as vague and abrupt as they have been. I am not going to mention the family despite having some thoughts and theories about them as well. But, for now, the family and LE deserve the benefit of the doubt and I am supporting them in doing whatever they feel is necessary in order to bring Kyron home.

I don't know how this case will end up. I have speculated and can go a number of different ways. But, none of that is important. For tonight, I am just praying that LE knows more than they are letting on -- Kyron needs to come home.

Little Kyron has stolen my heart. I hope that LE truly is searching for a living Kyron, but I also know that I must prepare myself for the worst. I am praying that tomorrow will bring more answers, but I am not going to rely on the press conferences to provide that information. LE is keeping this close to the vest and I trust their judgement. They are being protective of Kyron's family and I think that is as it should be. Are there inconsistencies? Of course. Am I more uncertain now than I was last Friday? You bet. Am I frustrated by the constant shut down of questions? No comment. But, I'll continue to hold on to my faith for as long as I need to. And, it looks like I'm in good company...
Originally Posted by No More
With all respect I cannot see a ransom in any scenario. They are not a famous family and I doubt they have the funds that would motivate someone to do this for a ransom.

I'm still hoping that Kyron wondered off, realized he was lost and panicked and then ran a bit too far. Very typical reaction for lost people.

No More,
I know how you feel about the wandering off theory... And I see what you mean about them not being famous.But, we really don't know what financial resources the family has access to. To you,or to me it would seem foolish,crazy,even,to do such a thing for money( and that doesn't even cover the moral part of it)..But,most criminals just aren't that smart,they go with impulses.For someone who cuts their grass,or someone who babysits their kids,this family might seem very wealthy. A very good target. KWIM ?

I am not married to this theory,I'm just dating it.... One thing that bothers me : I have not read anywhere,and don't know if anyone asked, was anything different on that morning ? Was Kyron cranky for any reason ? Did he have words with anyone that would lead to him running into the woods ?
Because he seems like such a thoughtful,smart kid, not the type of boy to run off.....

If I may add, if this is a kidnapping/abduction, it may not be for the money but for other nefarious reasons, sadly. I don't think money is always a motivator. Sometimes its just grabbing something precious to any family (what more precious than an innocent child) to 'sock it to them', per se, or to 'get them where it hurts'. A way to 'settle a score' of something/information we are not privy to at this time. jmo of course.
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