Found Deceased OR - Meighan Cordie, 27, Yamhill County, 18 Aug 2018

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I am sure they looked and tried to find any evidence they possibly could, but I wonder if there is any way at all to know if JW slowed down and then sped up on that curve. If MC fell out of the car, she did not have her seatbelt on. Did she normally wear a seatbelt? If she always wears a seatbelt, could they try to show that the car must have slowed down where she took her seatbelt off ready to get out of the car and then JW slammed on the accelerator as she was getting out of the car?

I have been stewing about this all day and night. I just don't believe it was an accident! Even if MC was very drunk how many people would jump out of a car moving at 40mph with her daughter still in the car? Bah!
I keep thinking about the right, rear car door...if it swung heavily, if someone hit it or the (ugh) effects of a person hitting a stationary object near the car would be apparent.
I am sure they looked and tried to find any evidence they possibly could, but I wonder if there is any way at all to know if JW slowed down and then sped up on that curve. If MC fell out of the car, she did not have her seatbelt on. Did she normally wear a seatbelt? If she always wears a seatbelt, could they try to show that the car must have slowed down where she took her seatbelt off ready to get out of the car and then JW slammed on the accelerator as she was getting out of the car?

I have been stewing about this all day and night. I just don't believe it was an accident! Even if MC was very drunk how many people would jump out of a car moving at 40mph with her daughter still in the car? Bah!

Sitting on my hands. Oops, one broke free.
IMO... going into that turn, if the door was not securely latched then it would have opened. And that could have led to events as supported by the conclusion drawn by the DA.
Sitting on my hands. Oops, one broke free.
IMO... going into that turn, if the door was not securely latched then it would have opened. And that could have led to events as supported by the conclusion drawn by the DA.

But it was 8 miles since she last got out of the car. So the car door was slightly ajar for 8 miles? I don't know about that.

One totally pure accident could be if MC wanted to sit up straight and pulled the latch of the door instead of a handle or the side of the door and it opened accidentally and she fell out. That actually happened once in a childhood friend's mom's minivan - no one fell out because they had seatbelts on but her brother used the interior door handle to pull himself up to ask a question in the front seat and the sliding door flew open! It was surreal.
This story stank from the beginning and still stinks. I rarely make this strong of a statement, but it was clear JW was lying as the information was released. I had hoped that at least she had a higher purpose than covering her own craven actions.

Kudos to LE on a thorough investigation even though charges aren’t being brought.

MOO1: There’s still more to this story. IMO, particularly with the clump of hair and MC’s personal items in the front seat. JW will likely take the truth to her grave.

I hope that little girl is surrounded with love and support and gets to grow up in a sober household with her father, far away from the clutches of her grandmother. She has experienced trauma, and she will grow up knowing that alcoholism runs in her family and that the two women who should prioritize her safety both failed her that terrible night. All the hugs to her.
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Meighan Cordie's mom made a missing person report with glaring omissions
Cordie’s mother, Jennifer Weathers, failed to share everything she knew about the case when she made a missing persons report to a non-emergency dispatcher on Aug. 19, the day after Cordie went missing, according to information provided by Yamhill County District Attorney Brad Berry.

Listen to the non-emergency call here.

In a recording of the call, Weathers told the dispatcher that she was “kind of worried” because she hadn’t seen her daughter since the night before.
Weathers didn't tell the dispatcher that she and her daughter had gotten into an argument and physical fight -- with Cordie pulling out a clump of Weathers' hair.

Weathers came forward about the “physical nature” of the argument only after a sheriff’s detective confronted her with the clump of hair that had been found in Weathers’ car, according to a decline-to-prosecute memo written by Berry.
IMO, MC could've grabbed at mom's hair from the backseat, ripping out a clump that ended up on the passenger seat. Depends what kind of car she drives, but MC could've been pushing at mom with a hand on the door too (maybe she was driving crazy, "Mom if you don't slow down I'm gonna jump out!")

Seriously an unreal situation regardless. Wonder if Gia will ever forgive her grandmother. Wonder how MC's dad is feeling about all this. Crazy.
But it was 8 miles since she last got out of the car. So the car door was slightly ajar for 8 miles? I don't know about that.

One totally pure accident could be if MC wanted to sit up straight and pulled the latch of the door instead of a handle or the side of the door and it opened accidentally and she fell out. That actually happened once in a childhood friend's mom's minivan - no one fell out because they had seatbelts on but her brother used the interior door handle to pull himself up to ask a question in the front seat and the sliding door flew open! It was surreal.
Dang it, I’ve been thinking about this (kind of generally familiar with the area and what it’s like to drive in that area)
But it was 8 miles since she last got out of the car. So the car door was slightly ajar for 8 miles? I don't know about that.

One totally pure accident could be if MC wanted to sit up straight and pulled the latch of the door instead of a handle or the side of the door and it opened accidentally and she fell out. That actually happened once in a childhood friend's mom's minivan - no one fell out because they had seatbelts on but her brother used the interior door handle to pull himself up to ask a question in the front seat and the sliding door flew open! It was surreal.
Dang it, there are so many variables. And the door situation was my first thought, so I’ll speak to that and then stop. IMO, if I picture myself, pulling myself up, the motion of my body would act to pull the car door inward...UNLESS it is a sliding door, whereby it is engineered to move forward when the interior door handle is engaged/pulled. The next sentences I could write all start with “and if” I’ll just stop here.

ETA: just realized I did a double dang it. Ha.
Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.

Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.
I have been thinking the exact same thing!

What has been really interesting to me is that they were heading north (I believe MC lived in Clackamas which is north of that area) but MC was thrown from an on ramp that would have put them south bound heading back toward the wedding or towards Jw’s home. Didn’t JW live near Salem? This makes me think that maybe JW was going to take MC home but changed her mind and maybe that’s when things really got heated? Pure speculation and just my thoughts.
I hope MC’s father files a lawsuit against JW for the wrongful death of MC. JW was driving intoxicated per those in attendance at the wedding and a death resulted from it. She has already stated MC got out of the car, not that she fell out or jumped. A lawsuit will force JW to go up on the stand to be questioned.
Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.
This makes so much sense. There isn't a single hole I can find in this theory.
I can so see this happening!
Sorry for so many posts but MC’s daughter stated her mom was in the back seat. I’ve wondered too if maybe when they started heading in the opposite direction, maybe MC grabbed onto JWs hair and demanded she stop to let them out. Maybe as JW slowed down MC let go and then grabbed onto the front seat (leaving the hair clump) to ready herself to exit but then JW started accelerating causing MC to lose grip.
Thanks to everyone for all your posts - I just read the whole thread because the story made the national feed today.

Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it. As the car entered the curve, MC was clinging to anything to stay in the car, but centrifugal force on the curve threw the door wide open and her unsecured own weight was flinging her out.

I think MC clutched her mother's hair to try to stop JW the wild drunk driver, and that was about the last thing MC grabbed at before she was thrown out.

I think this is a really good idea. I hope the DA tested something like this using a dummy in the back seat. The only sticking point I can think of is wouldn't MC have the hair still in her hand if she flew out the door while gripping her mother's hair? I guess she could have pulled it earlier in the altercation angering her mother to do this. Have to stew on it a little more.
Severed vertebrae and ruptured aorta when Meighan's BACK hit the guardrail indicates that she did not jump (a leap would have been face forward) but rather was flung out the door backwards at a fairly high rate of speed. She flew through the air and the whole impact was to her spine, after which she fell over the rail resulting in other injuries in the high speed sequence such as head trauma.

JMO I think MC wanted to get herself and her daughter out of the car. JW agreed and stopped. MC unhooked her seatbelt, opened the door, and at some point JW floored it.
RSABBM for focus.

RE: the part I bolded: Thank you for pointing that out. It makes so much sense: Even more than the theory the investigators came up with (the following quote comes from an article abeaman02 posted upthread; thank you, abeaman02):

“Berry said investigators believe Cordie opened her car door while Weathers was accelerating onto the Highway 18 on-ramp. He said officials do not know whether she lost her balance and fell out or purposely jumped out.“ (BBM)

I find it interesting that LE, too, believe that Weathers accelerated as Meighan exited the car. I wonder if they found any physical evidence to indicate that, and if so, what. Perhaps something they found on Meighan’s body?

Weathers has already proven herself to be an incredibly cold-hearted individual, IMO. Is it possible she did what she did, thinking, “I am going to teach her a lesson”? It doesn’t seem entirely impossible, IMO.
Regarding lawsuit, I wondered about host liability. Was this a professional bar tending service with its own liability insurance? Or the venue. I’m so mad I hope he sues everyone, and I hope JW is held accountable every step of the way. Civil threshold is WAY lower than criminal. I’d like to see a lawsuit on behalf of G.
I can’t stop thinking about this case. What a horrible tragedy for everyone concerned. And all due to a series of what seemed like smallish decisions (taking the little one to the reception, not driving separately, no designated driver/s, somehow the rear door is loose/open at just the wrong time...) that compounded into a mess that will impact so many people for their lifetimes. The ‘holes in the Swiss cheese’ unfortunately lined up for these folks, with devastating results.
I hope MC’s father files a lawsuit against JW for the wrongful death of MC. JW was driving intoxicated per those in attendance at the wedding and a death resulted from it. She has already stated MC got out of the car, not that she fell out or jumped. A lawsuit will force JW to go up on the stand to be questioned.
I’d like to see a wrongful death suit on behalf of the child.

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