OR - Nine killed in Umpqua Community College shooting, Roseburg, 1 Oct 2015 - #1

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I believe you're misinterpreting her use of the word "to". In this case "Southern Calif. = Southern Crime-a-mania" and "Oregon = open carry.". She's not saying she moved to Oregon "TO" open carry (as in . . . to be able to). IMO
I tend to disagree, but that's neither here nor there.

The post is relevant because it explains the presence of the firearms in the home, and confirms that not all were obtained by, or for, the shooter. It also brings to light the question of why a parent who acknowledges her child's mental health problems would allow ready access to guns in the home; and whether or not her own attitude, decisions, and actions were contributory factors in the shooting.

I know bright parents with resources that have two kids with asperger's and it is a challenge to say the least. I'm hesitant to judge a single mom and more than likely one with limited resources. I too wonder where the dad is in all this. Jmo

I have to wonder about the priorities of a single mom who invests so much disposable income in firearms. I was recently in a Cabelas store and was amazed at how expensive the guns were!
I must have incorrectly recalled what he said. I thought he had said he didn't know his son had "many" guns. My apology. Thanks for posting his actual quote.

That's OK .. and you can never be sure with the news anyway, what's true and what's not, IMO.
Not only that, but she brought her Southern Crime-a-mania with her to Oregon. I hope they find something to charge her with, but I doubt they will even try. IMHO she is every bit as responsible for what happened to those people, as her son was. She created the monster. At very least I hope that the bad karma will catch up to her, and every day will be a living hell for her.

It is veryh confusing to me - he was in a clinical s setting at some point in his life - despite his age, if a 26 year old client , with his issues, told me that yesterday I went shooting with mommy - I would call mom and explain to her that I obligated to report this to social services, and would .

Now are they gonna take away parental rights , of course not - he is legally an adulct - but I would hope that a visit would have altered her from continuing to take him out to corral to shoot at stuff

anyone know , what were the doing hunting deers, polar bears (!) or aiming at a bullseye?

does anyone know how often they out to the old corral to play around with bullets

I have never "gotten" guns...............................never exposed to them , know noone who has one etc
Interesting post thank you and others who have explained how it works -- at the end of the day its sad huh?

As a retired teacher in an elementary school, here is how it was. I remember Columbine. We had guest readers in the room reading to the kids and they came and told me the info,

After that, the principal met with the staff as there was a new law that all schools had to have lock down drills at least six times a year.

We were to examine our classrooms and look for a place to put the children where bullet trajectories could not reach the children through a window. We were to not bunch the kids together as bullets can go through them like butter. We were to try to find a wall that bullets could not penetrate, My windows were up above the radiators so I had to climb up and pull the shades .

I do not recall what I told the children as absolute silence had to be expected as well.

We had windows in the doors of our classrooms, but they were all covered now so no one could look in.

We got new schools built and they were all built to the National Standards for school buildings designed to deal with school shooters. Isn't that special!

I retired before the new school I would have worked in was completed so I do not know what the design entails except controlled access.

I was in the generation of kids who hid under their desks for nuclear attacks. We have a sister city with a city in Russia. The people there said they were terrified of us because they learned how horrible we were.

The days I was out on the playground and the lockdown was announced were always fun. No place to hide when out there, The teachers at Sandy Hook had just had a lock down practice, I believe.
It is veryh confusing to me - he was in a clinical s setting - despite his age, if a 26 year old client , with his issues, told me that yesterday I went shooting with mommy - I would call mom and explain to her that I obligated to report this to social services, and would .

Now are they gonna take away parental rights , of course not - he is legally an adulct - but I would hope that a visit would have altered her from continuing to take him out to corral to shot at stuff

anyone know , what were the doing hunting deers, polar bears (!) or aiming at a bullseye?

does anyone know how often they out to the old corral to play around with bullets

I have never "gotten" guns...............................never exposed to them , know noone who has one etc

WHO are you going to call? The 26 yr old did not have a criminal record, nor a mental health diagnosis that prevented him from target practice. I agree that his Mom should have kept him away from guns and should have never bought 14 of them. But WHO can you call and report them to? Social Services has nothing to do with a 26 yr old and his mother, if they are not committing any crimes.
Perhaps one could make a case that he was a danger to himself and report it to Adult Protective Services.
I have to wonder about the priorities of a single mom who invests so much disposable income in firearms. I was recently in a Cabelas store and was amazed at how expensive the guns were!

Maybe THAT'S why she moved to Oregon! She could buy her guns without paying any sales tax.

I'm still curious about the laws in both CA and OR regarding possessing and open carrying the guns she listed. It may be looser here. We need a sleuther to do a comparison.
From Wikipedia:

Open carry of firearms [in Oregon] is legal, but for those who do not have a concealed handgun license, cities and counties may regulate the open carry of loaded firearms in public places. Localities that prohibit non-licensed open carry of loaded firearms in public places include: Astoria, Beaverton, Independence, Newport, Oregon City, Portland, Salem, Tigard, and Multnomah County.

[in California] Long guns may be carried in unincorporated rural areas where open carry is permitted by local ordinance. In a county with a population of less than 200,000 residents, a permit to carry a handgun "loaded and exposed" may be issued by the county sheriff.
Can someone explain what purpose it serves to swan about holding a loaded weapon, other than to freak out everyone else around you?
Maybe THAT'S why she moved to Oregon! She could buy her guns without paying any sales tax.

I'm still curious about the laws in both CA and OR regarding possessing and open carrying the guns she listed. It may be looser here. We need a sleuther to do a comparison.

I'm guessing she moved from Southern California to Oregon for cost of living reasons.
Maybe THAT'S why she moved to Oregon! She could buy her guns without paying any sales tax.

I'm still curious about the laws in both CA and OR regarding possessing and open carrying the guns she listed. It may be looser here. We need a sleuther to do a comparison.

She also has two siblings who live in the Portland area, maybe that was why she moved. Maybe still a few hours drive, but shorter than from LA.
It would only make someone appear incredibly insecure in reality ..

But in her online world I bet she thought it made her pretty impressive. That FB post of hers quoted earlier - "when the mood strikes...." - screams of internet bravado to me.
I tend to disagree, but that's neither here nor there.

The post is relevant because it explains the presence of the firearms in the home, and confirms that not all were obtained by, or for, the shooter. It also brings to light the question of why a parent who acknowledges her child's mental health problems would allow ready access to guns in the home; and whether or not her own attitude, decisions, and actions were contributory factors in the shooting.


I don't believe anyone (here) is suggesting that her statement is not relevant. The discussion was regarding whether or not she said, IN this statement, that the reason she chose to move from California to Oregon was BECAUSE Oregon is an "open carry" state. That (clearly, IMO) is NOT what she said. The word "to" (open carry) has been taken out of context and probably will continue to be taken out of context, perhaps even by MSM. That puts incorrect information out there which only causes to muddy the water. Her decision to have the guns in the home, given the circumstances, is impossible to understand, but apparently she HAD them in their home (at least some of them) in California.

I read an article on webMD (I'm sure there are others) that said a fascination with guns is not uncommon with Aspergers, yet I didn't read any warnings about such a fascination. Perhaps she didn't realize she had reason for concern.

All IMO.
What a joke:

Umpqua students and staff will also have access to counselors all week, but classes were not set to start again until Oct. 12.

School board member Vanessa Becker said the goal when students return would be "working towards developing a sense of normalcy."

Clinically that is the worst thing to do. pretend like nothing happened, that it is no big deal. A week of intervention after these folks observed a human being shot point blank in the head??

It minimzes the magntude of the scars - the horrible stuff these folks experienced. Normalcy?

What better place to talk about it then talk about and aftert hat talk about it than in the setting it occured. ?

Sharing each others thought feelings , where they were what they were doing, what they then did, and share what they are experiencing on Oct 12.

Validate each others nightmares, outbursts of tears, hearing a backfire and its impact, being back on campus walking by the room etc etc moo

"The last time Johnson’s mother Tonja Engel saw her son, he was taking a hard won step toward changing his life.

“That morning he was happy and carefree, and 'I love you mom, see you later,' and he never came home, he never will again,” she recalled.

Johnson was taking classes at UCC after earning his high school diploma and getting clean through the Salvation Army's rehab program.

“He got all of his paperwork done to get his grants,” Engel explained. “He was very proud of himself for doing that. He wanted to be in college. And um… he went for three days.”"

Rest in Peace, Jason.
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