Found Deceased OR - Owen Klinger, 18, University of Portland, 6 Oct 2019

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I want to try and nail down some of the timeline for Sunday night (October 6). As is often the case in early reports of missing persons, some of the articles provide incomplete or inaccurate timelines. Here is what seems to be the most accurate, based off articles that quote times straight from the sources and times that are consistent between articles:

7:30 pm Owen leaves Christie Hall, his dorm. This we can be sure of because it was caught on camera as he exited the building.

7:45 pm Owen withdraws a large sum of cash (but not his entire balance) from the ATM on campus. This we can also be fairly sure of because the ATM captured the time. Now what’s interesting is that the only ATM on campus is located right outside of the bookstore. The bookstore is no more than a 5 minute walk from Christie Hall. Why did it take Owen 15 minutes to get there? In my mind there are two likely explanations. Firstly, one of his roommates says that he saw Owen outside of Dundon-Berchtold Hall, which is halfway between Christie Hall and the bookstore/ATM. It’s not clear to me whether this is when he was asked about his lack of lacrosse gear or if that was as he was leaving his dorm room. Either way, the roommate then walked with Owen to the ATM before parting ways to head to another hall. It’s possible they stopped to chat and that’s why it took Owen so long to get from point A to point B. The second possibility is that Owen ate at the Pilot House (a cafe adjacent to the bookstore) before withdrawing the money. His mother has been quoted as saying he ate at the Pilot House that night, although the way she words it makes it sound like it was after the ATM withdrawal. I’m not sure what evidence there is of that, but I’m guessing it has something to do with the ID cards that UP students use to pay for meals on campus. It’s likely that they are able to see where and when students buy food. It’s not a lot of time to sit down and eat a meal, however. He may have grabbed one of the to-go meals offered.

Dozens scour Portland for missing UP student Owen Klinger

7:50 Owen’s phone pings, putting him at the outer edge of campus. This lines up with him walking off campus directly after his ATM withdrawal.

8:30 Owen is captured on video passing a bus stop on the corner of Portsmouth and Lombard. 40 minutes to get from the edge of campus to Portsmouth and Lombard seems like longer than it should have taken (the walk is under a mile), making me wonder if he stopped along the way. However, I have seen a couple reports saying hay this sighting actually occurred at 8, which makes more sense to me. Owen’s phone shuts off soon thereafter.

Do others have a similar sense of the timeline?
Nice job with the timeline. Good sleuthing!
Owen Klinger Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

A family friend described Klinger as athletic to KGW8-TV. “This is so unlike Owen and just so baffling to everyone that we’re just doing what we can to support the family,” said Michelle Kinsella to the television station.

“He’s a great kid, very athletic, played lacrosse for University of Portland, just a real curious, very sincere kid, a real helper, and just the kind of person you want to be growing up in our world,” Kinsella said to KGWB.

Klinger’s disappearance has vexed investigators and left his family distraught. His mother told KPTV that he seemed happy and was getting good grades.

OK really does sound like exactly the type of young person you want to "be growing up in our world."

My hope is that he still can, and does, live to grow up in our world.

With every day that passes, my concern grows that he will not.

LE needs to catch a break here... a surveillance image, a reported sighting, a found item of his, just something, anything for them to go on.

His family needs answers.

Ok, thinking productively, IF his intent was to go off the grid and live off the money he withdrew from the ATM, let's brainstorm some likely purchases he would have made:
  • Food
  • Motel Room
  • Burner phone
  • Bus ticket
  • Plane(?) ticket
Have we heard whether or not OK would be the type likely to hitchhike cross-country?
Truck stops, maybe?
Has anyone heard if the Portland Police have obtained warrants for his social media accounts? Something led him off campus on Sunday evening. The answer could be found in his SM. It seems like the police aren’t taking his disappearance very seriously. In the Mackenzie Lueck case, the police were giving press conferences and were able to obtain SM and phone warrants after her disappearance. Why hasn’t that been done here?
Has anyone heard if the Portland Police have obtained warrants for his social media accounts? Something led him off campus on Sunday evening. The answer could be found in his SM. It seems like the police aren’t taking his disappearance very seriously. In the Mackenzie Lueck case, the police were giving press conferences and were able to obtain SM and phone warrants after her disappearance. Why hasn’t that been done here?
It actually took a little while for the police in that case too. At first, they said Mackenzie’s could have been voluntary too. It was her friends actually holding their own press conference outside the police department to really grab attention, in my opinion of course. But after that, LE started looking into her SM and phone records. In these types of situations it’s hard because technically they are adults and can choose to go missing of their own volition.
Believe me, it frustrates me too when I think LE should be more proactive. Maybe they are and we just don’t know it yet?? I hope! MOO
It actually took a little while for the police in that case too. At first, they said Mackenzie’s could have been voluntary too. It was her friends actually holding their own press conference outside the police department to really grab attention, in my opinion of course. But after that, LE started looking into her SM and phone records. In these types of situations it’s hard because technically they are adults and can choose to go missing of their own volition.
Believe me, it frustrates me too when I think LE should be more proactive. Maybe they are and we just don’t know it yet?? I hope! MOO
I’ve been hoping that LE has been more proactive than what we have heard, which all I’ve heard is they assigned a detective to the case.? It surprised me in an earlier post that the Dad asked for video at a house to see if Owen may have been seen because I assumed the Police would have done this days ago? It does make me wonder but I am really hoping LE in really on top of this but for whatever reason is remaining in the background.
Lombard is a direct route to the Trimet Max Yellow line. Quite a trek, though. He is an athletic guy so maybe walking seemed natural. The Yellow Line goes almost to the border of Oregon/Washington or (more likely IMO) to down town Portland. I am assuming the police asked Trimet to look at video of the platforms in both directions that night. If not, then I hope the parents push for it. I agree with the previous posters who think Owen was on an simple mission (buy, sell, go to some event?) and may have run in to trouble.
I am so worried for Owen and I agree that he just had plans for the evening and something went wrong somewhere. I don’t think he’s voluntarily missing although at first I was hoping for that.

I think it’s telling that he was being evasive with roommates and didn’t go where he said he was going. He had plans that he didn’t want anyone to know about. The object in his pocket does look like a calculator to me, which makes me think a study date? But why get money out? Perhaps it was just to grab dinner or to replenish his cash stash? Maybe not relevant at all.

Just hoping he shows up and was just needing to get away, but it’s been long enough that I don’t really think that’s the case. Also if his grades were pretty good and his advisor thought he seemed fine, I find it hard to believe the pressure had gotten to him that badly.
first of all I am new to this site so hello. I just happened on the story thru a local TV station and wanted to add my 2 cents. I believe he was off to meet someone, possibly thru a hookup site or a dating app, either male , female , group, etc. because he seemed so evasive to his friends. maybe he planned on staying for a few days , thus the ATM money and the disappearance. maybe he is embarrassed about what he's doing thus no contact. maybe he met someone(s) and is in love and cant think straight , or is in danger or worse. I do believe it was prudent to assign a Det on the case and move it from missing person to suspicious conditions thus allowing police access to all records bypassing citizen privacy laws. every parents worst nightmare , and I hope it was simply an innocent teenage impulsive decision/adventure and he comes home.
Lombard is a direct route to the Trimet Max Yellow line. Quite a trek, though. He is an athletic guy so maybe walking seemed natural. The Yellow Line goes almost to the border of Oregon/Washington or (more likely IMO) to down town Portland. I am assuming the police asked Trimet to look at video of the platforms in both directions that night. If not, then I hope the parents push for it. I agree with the previous posters who think Owen was on an simple mission (buy, sell, go to some event?) and may have run in to trouble.

Weeknights in the fall/autumn it's dark out earlier and N. Lombard is full of commuters driving CRAZY. Had Owen vanished on a weeknight i'd wonder if he was struck by a vehicle somewhere in N. Portland.
If Owen was heading East on Lombard toward the max platform at N Interstate. Well it's just an area with tons of muggings, mentally ill, poverty. It is 100% keep an eye over your shoulder territory. Unsure how PPB would handle/release if they did indeed find him in video footage later than the timeline listed in previous posts.
first of all I am new to this site so hello. I just happened on the story thru a local TV station and wanted to add my 2 cents. I believe he was off to meet someone, possibly thru a hookup site or a dating app, either male , female , group, etc. because he seemed so evasive to his friends. maybe he planned on staying for a few days , thus the ATM money and the disappearance. maybe he is embarrassed about what he's doing thus no contact. maybe he met someone(s) and is in love and cant think straight , or is in danger or worse. I do believe it was prudent to assign a Det on the case and move it from missing person to suspicious conditions thus allowing police access to all records bypassing citizen privacy laws. every parents worst nightmare , and I hope it was simply an innocent teenage impulsive decision/adventure and he comes home.
Welcome BigDog!!!

Yes it is every parent’s worst nightmare. My daughter is a freshman in college, in a dorm, far from home, and this scares me. :(
He left with a plan. He had a backpack full of something and took a lot of his money. He had a plan and it's got to be recorded on the texts and social media on his phone. They need to get those warrants served and executed ASAP.
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Knowing the neighborhood relatively well here's what the surroundings are like. There's apartments about a block up from his last whereabouts. There's several parks in the area. Some gang activity both Crip and Latino. It's not likely crip would kidnap anyone. At that hour of the evening it's not likely kidnapping is on the table here at all. At least not in public. He's 18 and a few of the bars may let him in but Sunday nights aren't too busy and bartenders are more attentative. He doesn't look that aged so it's a slim chance he would get in to a pub. There are lots of dope houses in St.Johns much like SE Portland and transients throughout. St. John's is a Black Lives Matter community and Cops have reservation about calls late at night and show up in numbers if you ever need to call them.
Downtown St.Johns in the morning has the rounds of homeless (many addicted) going through town snatching cigarette butts from coffee cans and they frequent 711, Plaid Pantry and the Safeway.
The McDonald's on lombard and Fred Meyer are also homeless and drug hang outs. There are at least 2 dope houses known to locals in that immediate vicinity. Their easy to find. Just look for the pile up of broken down RVs and cars.
There's a guy who works at Plaid Pantry downtown who knows everyone and everything that happens in that town. He's a good guy. His name is Carl. He looks out for a lot of the less fortunate and has been there forever.
It would be worth asking him if he knows anything or has heard anything on the back page of St. Johns. I don't see this young man fitting into this culture unless he crossed over by means of music or other curiosity. Ectacy is a frequent flyer on campus these days. There's plenty of live music on weekends. Slims has it Thursdays - Sundays but are pretty strict on ID.
This feels like an "escape the pressure" disappearance given the current facts. He's not a "rock the boat" type of persona

I wonder if a strongarm/mugger was watching the University Bookstore ATM. Some campuses you could find obviously young students who may have bank cards and may not even speak a lot of english yet. Maybe at dusk a person not in a large group wearing university apparel (freebie drawstring backpack). Perhaps followed from atm on campus and accosted, less risk of privatized security.

Did Owen have an interest in mushrooms? Sept and October is picking season. It's popular in the area, with younger adults too. In fact first time i hunted Chantrelles was in N. Portland near Kelley Point park. Perhaps the Monday morning following his disappearance he was already with another person planning to forrage mushrooms. Could be nearby or even somewhere remote if the other person had a vehicle.

Maybe Owen left to go trim cannabis? It's harvest season and workers are needed all over the PNW. No i'm not saying it brought him to nefarious people but maybe he is just in an area or environment not getting media coverage of his disappearance. Flyers all over town, but perhaps if he is in a barn in a remote rural area working. God i hope this is the case. It makes sense to me, because i may have done the same thing and certainly avoided parental input.
Ok, thinking productively, IF his intent was to go off the grid and live off the money he withdrew from the ATM, let's brainstorm some likely purchases he would have made:
  • Food
  • Motel Room
  • Burner phone
  • Bus ticket
  • Plane(?) ticket
Have we heard whether or not OK would be the type likely to hitchhike cross-country?
Truck stops, maybe?
Ok, thinking productively, IF his intent was to go off the grid and live off the money he withdrew from the ATM, let's brainstorm some likely purchases he would have made:
  • Food
  • Motel Room
  • Burner phone
  • Bus ticket
  • Plane(?) ticket
Have we heard whether or not OK would be the type likely to hitchhike cross-country?
Truck stops, maybe?
Train ticket? I hope they’ve gone down to Union Station in downtown Portland to canvas and check surveillance video if there is any. Trains going through Portland can take you up to Canada or down to California. I wonder if Owen had a passport. Even though my hunch is that Owen didn’t mean to disappear for this long, there is the possibility that he feels he has gotten himself in “too deep” and has now decided to stay away long-term. 18 year olds unfortunately have an ability to believe small mistakes are much more catastrophic than they actually need to be.
He left with a plan. He had a backpack full of something and took a lot of his money. He had a plan and it's got to be recorded on the texts and social media on his phone. They need to get those warrants served and executed ASAP.
I agree that getting access to his phone data/social media/email is going to be key in figuring out where Owen is, or at the very least, whether or not he is away on his own accord. He definitely had a plan that night, but whether that plan was something as simple as a Craigslist sale meetup or as elaborate as a plan to go off the grid we can’t know. I think it’s important to note that the backpack he brought was a small drawstring model, not likely something one would pack if they meant to sustain themselves for any real period of time. If it were his school backpack or a hiking/backpacking model I would be feeling differently about the case.
Pretty common to have uneasy encounters using outdoor Bank ATM's in Portland. Generally aggressive panhandlers that private security seem unable to deter. When they closed a N. Portland BOA branch few years back i heard it was because of frequent stick ups and the associated costs of having rent a cop there all business hours.
Pretty common to have uneasy encounters using outdoor Bank ATM's in Portland. Generally aggressive panhandlers that private security seem unable to deter. When they closed a N. Portland BOA branch few years back i heard it was because of frequent stick ups and the associated costs of having rent a cop there all business hours.
This is true. That said, UP is a bubble within the larger N. Portland and panhandlers are not welcome on the small, private, heavily patrolled campus. The ATM is in a highly populated area on campus so if someone did see him take out the money/decide to follow and mess with him, he would have had to be the type who could blend in on a campus of well-kept students and faculty. In my experience as a student some years ago, those who do not blend in on campus are swiftly identified and removed.
Train ticket? I hope they’ve gone down to Union Station in downtown Portland to canvas and check surveillance video if there is any. Trains going through Portland can take you up to Canada or down to California. I wonder if Owen had a passport. Even though my hunch is that Owen didn’t mean to disappear for this long, there is the possibility that he feels he has gotten himself in “too deep” and has now decided to stay away long-term. 18 year olds unfortunately have an ability to believe small mistakes are much more catastrophic than they actually need to be.
The 5 and 95 corridors have low cost "chinatown busses". If you mention Amtrak around college kids, they love to tell you how to save $40 and take Chinabus.
Pretty common to have uneasy encounters using outdoor Bank ATM's in Portland. Generally aggressive panhandlers that private security seem unable to deter. When they closed a N. Portland BOA branch few years back i heard it was because of frequent stick ups and the associated costs of having rent a cop there all business hours.
But then they would have had to follow him quite a ways off campus before trying to get his money since he was seen on camera by that bus station. Would robbers be that patient? And if they did steal his money and it went wrong, where is he? I doubt ATM robbers would spend much time thoroughly concealing a body.

Just playing devil’s advocate—I don’t know!

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