Found Deceased OR - Owen Klinger, 18, University of Portland, 6 Oct 2019

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So far the least astute posts on here, people saying "why isn't the lacrosse team releasing statements, or searching?" Gotta remember the team is undergrads, kids 18-21, it's a CLUB team. For all we know the coach(es) and organizers may only be in their 20's. They specialize in throwing balls not speculating on disappearances. So do we really need this group up behind a podium, just stammering uhhh, and then, uhhh? Not very realistic, or even in the same realm as a major athletic program having Coach Urban Meyer or Dabo Sweeney hold a news conference.
Totally par for the course that UofP would only want the Klinger family to be seen in the media, longer this drags on UofP will have legal council and media liasons steer them farther out of liability, or brand name being associated with danger and crime.
When something traumatic happens on a campus the official policy is ALWAYS, students keep at your studies, report what you know but let the adults and LEO handle our on campus crisis. Not speculation, i'm someone who was a COED during the DC sniper crisis, and a really severe active campus shooter incident.
Yes yes and yes to this. Every college club team I’ve been on or have had interactions with minus ice hockey has had very young or even student coaches. They’ve all got school and day jobs to focus on too.
Totally par for the course that UofP would only want the Klinger family to be seen in the media, longer this drags on UofP will have legal council and media liasons steer them farther out of liability, or brand name being associated with danger and crime.
When something traumatic happens on a campus the official policy is ALWAYS, students keep at your studies, report what you know but let the adults and LEO handle our on campus crisis. Not speculation, i'm someone who was a COED during the DC sniper crisis, and a really severe active campus shooter incident.
Well, and there's also this:
  • OK is an adult.
  • College campuses aren't day care centers.
  • There's no evidence whatsoever that anything traumatic or untoward happened to OK on campus; in fact, there's video evidence he was headed off campus, and no evidence of him having returned.
I am new to this, so please forgive if this is out of order. But I must ask, with all due respect: given statistics about missing children and family members versus strangers, have all relatives been cleared? Again, no aspersions whatsoever on this family, just want that possibility out of question. (I think all parents should understand LE is only doing its job by first ruling that out).
Well, and there's also this:
  • OK is an adult.
  • College campuses aren't day care centers.
  • There's no evidence whatsoever that anything traumatic or untoward happened to OK on campus; in fact, there's video evidence he was headed off campus, and no evidence of him having returned.

I think the historically dangerous neighborhoods around campus, and a recent surge in crime/livability issue around Portland are causing a lot of people to view Owen more as a minor, less as an adult. Citizens and media want to speculate/investigate when one of their own tribe goes missing. People pointing out the large amount of media coverage as opposed to a child/adult from a rural area or reservation have rights to their own opinions. If as a legal adult OK wanted to vanish of his own accord it would only take a letter, email or phone call to have his wishes respected.
Lilibet, I am also increasingly worried about self harm because of the timing here. The night before the beginning of midterms. :(

I work in a large high school. Pretty much, all of students are entirely focused on college. Most of what they do (sports, clubs, volunteerism, jobs, etc) are tied to getting into college. They view it as giving them OPTIONS of different colleges they will be able to choose from.
Do your best in high school so you have OPTIONS for your future, so you can go to a college you want.

I regularly see kids with mental health concerns and that are suffering from stress. Most often, they attribute it to school/ grades / getting into college.

After years of this stress, and then finally getting to college, kids might feel deflated, as though it isn’t as wonderful as they had expected, wonder why they worked so hard to get here.

Not to mention, some students may have been stand-out students in their high school but when they get to college, they’re surrounded by students with equally impressive accomplishments and abilities. They may struggle with the feeling that they are “average” in this new environment. These feeling could contribute to self-harm.

all my own opinion. I don’t even know the reputation of the school. Might not apply in this situation.
Totally par for the course that UofP would only want the Klinger family to be seen in the media, longer this drags on UofP will have legal council and media liasons steer them farther out of liability, or brand name being associated with danger and crime.
Don't misconstrue this as pointing fingers at UofP, i'm just familiar with how large institutions handle things of this nature. I also happily support PSU our other local university, i'm just not naive enough to believe its campus is a candy land with unicorns sitting in the middle of a working city.
I work in a large high school. Pretty much, all of students are entirely focused on college. Most of what they do (sports, clubs, volunteerism, jobs, etc) are tied to getting into college. They view it as giving them OPTIONS of different colleges they will be able to choose from.
Do your best in high school so you have OPTIONS for your future, so you can go to a college you want.

I regularly see kids with mental health concerns and that are suffering from stress. Most often, they attribute it to school/ grades / getting into college.

After years of this stress, and then finally getting to college, kids might feel deflated, as though it isn’t as wonderful as they had expected, wonder why they worked so hard to get here.

Not to mention, some students may have been stand-out students in their high school but when they get to college, they’re surrounded by students with equally impressive accomplishments and abilities. They may struggle with the feeling that they are “average” in this new environment. These feeling could contribute to self-harm.

all my own opinion. I don’t even know the reputation of the school. Might not apply in this situation.
This is a major problem with our system, it's mind boggling what we put our youth through these days, for what?!? It's so wrong. Placing importance on things that ultimately don't matter. I can only imagine many question what all the checking of boxes was worth after they get to college and see it's another version of jumping through hoops.
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I think the historically dangerous neighborhoods around campus, and a recent surge in crime/livability issue around Portland are causing a lot of people to view Owen more as a minor, less as an adult. Citizens and media want to speculate/investigate when one of their own tribe goes missing. People pointing out the large amount of media coverage as opposed to a child/adult from a rural area or reservation have rights to their own opinions. If as a legal adult OK wanted to vanish of his own accord it would only take a letter, email or phone call to have his wishes respected.
The area surrounding U of P is far from dangerous. People keep talking about it like it is, but I'm guessing they've never lived in a truly dangerous place.
After years of this stress, and then finally getting to college, kids might feel deflated, as though it isn’t as wonderful as they had expected, wonder why they worked so hard to get here.

Not to mention, some students may have been stand-out students in their high school but when they get to college, they’re surrounded by students with equally impressive accomplishments and abilities. They may struggle with the feeling that they are “average” in this new environment. These feeling could contribute to self-harm.

all my own opinion. I don’t even know the reputation of the school. Might not apply in this situation.

You make very good points about feeling deflated and feeling “average.” University of Portland has a good reputation and requires a pretty high grade point and SAT scores for acceptance, although it’s not as difficult to get into as some private schools. Tuition, room and board is a little more than $60K/year. I’d really feel an obligation to whoever is paying my way to do well, and a lot of stress if I wasn’t. JMO

University of Portland Admission Requirements
So far the least astute posts on here, people saying "why isn't the lacrosse team releasing statements, or searching?" Gotta remember the team is undergrads, kids 18-21, it's a CLUB team. For all we know the coach(es) and organizers may only be in their 20's. They specialize in throwing balls not speculating on disappearances. So do we really need this group up behind a podium, just stammering uhhh, and then, uhhh? Not very realistic, or even in the same realm as a major athletic program having Coach Urban Meyer or Dabo Sweeney hold a news conference.
Totally par for the course that UofP would only want the Klinger family to be seen in the media, longer this drags on UofP will have legal council and media liasons steer them farther out of liability, or brand name being associated with danger and crime.
When something traumatic happens on a campus the official policy is ALWAYS, students keep at your studies, report what you know but let the adults and LEO handle our on campus crisis. Not speculation, i'm someone who was a COED during the DC sniper crisis, and a really severe active campus shooter incident.

Well, “least astute” seems a bit harsh, don’t you think?

Anyway, I do see the some merit in their opinion.

Please consider that there are a string of texts that included OK around the time of his disappearance. Our understanding is that these people have not come forward. Some speculate that they could be messages from his teammates. (If someone you knew went missing, and you were one of the last people to interact with them, don’t you think you would reach out and mention the conversation, in case it held clues to his location or state of mind?)

Also, for me, I can’t help but think of McKenzie L. When she went missing, her friends (also college age) were very vocal and kept ML’s name, image and story in the media. This may have kept pressure on LE to find McKenzie and arrest the suspect.

With the way LE appears to be handling OK’s disappearance, it would be nice if his teammates seemed to make a more serious effort to keep Owen’s case from falling by the wayside. They would not need to represent the school in an official capacity of course.

And in good spirit, I will add that I think you mean “legal counsel” as opposed to “legal council” but I’m not that astute.
Well, “least astute” seems a bit harsh, don’t you think?

Anyway, I do see the some merit in their opinion.

Please consider that there are a string of texts that included OK around the time of his disappearance. Our understanding is that these people have not come forward. Some speculate that they could be messages from his teammates. (If someone you knew went missing, and you were one of the last people to interact with them, don’t you think you would reach out and mention the conversation, in case it held clues to his location or state of mind?)

Also, for me, I can’t help but think of McKenzie L. When she went missing, her friends (also college age) were very vocal and kept ML’s name, image and story in the media. This may have kept pressure on LE to find McKenzie and arrest the suspect.

With the way LE appears to be handling OK’s disappearance, it would be nice if his teammates seemed to make a more serious effort to keep Owen’s case from falling by the wayside. They would not need to represent the school in an official capacity of course.

And in good spirit, I will add that I think you mean “legal counsel” as opposed to “legal council” but I’m not that astute.
The original poster is correct though, you may not appreciate their pov, but it's accurate.
So far the least astute posts on here, people saying "why isn't the lacrosse team releasing statements, or searching?" Gotta remember the team is undergrads, kids 18-21, it's a CLUB team. For all we know the coach(es) and organizers may only be in their 20's. They specialize in throwing balls not speculating on disappearances. So do we really need this group up behind a podium, just stammering uhhh, and then, uhhh? Not very realistic, or even in the same realm as a major athletic program having Coach Urban Meyer or Dabo Sweeney hold a news conference.
Totally par for the course that UofP would only want the Klinger family to be seen in the media, longer this drags on UofP will have legal council and media liasons steer them farther out of liability, or brand name being associated with danger and crime.
When something traumatic happens on a campus the official policy is ALWAYS, students keep at your studies, report what you know but let the adults and LEO handle our on campus crisis. Not speculation, i'm someone who was a COED during the DC sniper crisis, and a really severe active campus shooter incident.

You sound a bit defensive and actually dismissive toward college athletes. Like all college students, they are capable of helping out in a search, and of papering Portland with posters. It isn't rocket science. Indeed, all it takes is energy. There are hundreds of examples of CLUB sports getting involved in this way when one of their own goes missing or has some other issue that can be addressed through collective action.

I happen to have gone to a (major) university that did and still does take a middle road - not the jaded, liability-driven approach that you attribute to UoP. I've seen both kinds of universities and everything in between. And yes, we did have four homicides on campus in my freshman year; one of which has made it into the news several times. The campus has had other crimes and issues, but still urged all of us to organize and help in any way that we could. LE was only one prong of the approach. I actually worked for the public relations department for 3 years, and part of our job was to address safety and other issues in a straightforward (and personal) manner. Suicide on and off campus was talked about. Many of us staffed suicide hotlines (and rape hotlines - some of the first college volunteer rape hotlines in the US). Many of us were interested in helping.

The students are adults, they can organize themselves if they wish and if they think one of their own is in trouble. Perhaps Owen was not solidly a member of Lacrosse yet (school had just started). It sounds like his roommates were quite responsible and concerned, they may have been his only constant contacts on campus.

You seem to be missing the point that I, at least, was making. UoP could do something; but the people who knew Owen can also continue to help out, of their own accord. UoP need not encourage them one way or another or tell them to just stick their nose back in the books. Indeed, that would be a strange thing to do now that we know that avoiding difficult realities is not the path to mastering life's difficulties.

Still, I'm guessing that Owen's very very brief time on campus was so short that almost no one knew who he was or understood that they had met the guy who has gone missing. I wonder if there are on campus updated posters every couple of days, mentioning that he's still missing (that's been very useful on other campuses at getting leads - and finding missing people).
Well, “least astute” seems a bit harsh, don’t you think?

With the way LE appears to be handling OK’s disappearance, it would be nice if his teammates seemed to make a more serious effort to keep Owen’s case from falling by the wayside. They would not need to represent the school in an official capacity of course.

And in good spirit, I will add that I think you mean “legal counsel” as opposed to “legal council” but I’m not that astute.

Oh i was harsh, i'm not here to slam doors on other peoples theories. And i'm sure lots of UP students have great big hearts, helping search and canvas. Seems like multiple websleuths desire to see student athletes on the news or searching that is just fine and dandy.
Since the guiding spirit of this message board is to post gently as if the family is reading every post, i'll probably dial back my posting here. It's a shame when online conversation devolves into some public whizzing contest about what Portland neighborhoods people consider safe. Ruffling feathers, i'll see myself out.
The original poster is correct though, you may not appreciate their pov, but it's accurate.

I see both sides of the issue. I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. I don’t think I made the comments @88GalvineRC was referring to. I was just trying to convey why some people are commenting about not hearing from the team.

To be fair, I see the other side too — especially considering he is a freshman and may not have built up a relationship with his teammates; PLUS it was exam week, then they were on break, etc
I see both sides of the issue. I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. I don’t think I made the comments @88GalvineRC was referring to. I was just trying to convey why some people are commenting about not hearing from the team.

To be fair, I see the other side too — especially considering he is a freshman and may not have built up a relationship with his teammates; PLUS it was exam week, then they were on break, etc
I don’t think you have anything to be sorry about, PajamaSleuth. We can have different opinions on here as long as posters are respectful and don’t put down other posters’ posts and ideas. I think you were rightly just pointing that out. :)
I see both sides of the issue. I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. I don’t think I made the comments @88GalvineRC was referring to. I was just trying to convey why some people are commenting about not hearing from the team.

To be fair, I see the other side too — especially considering he is a freshman and may not have built up a relationship with his teammates; PLUS it was exam week, then they were on break, etc
Maybe you aren't aware, it sounded condescending (or is it passive aggressive sarcasm?), especially this part: "And in good spirit, I will add that I think you mean “legal counsel” as opposed to “legal council” but I’m not that astute." Or was that supposed to be funny? Sometimes it's hard to tell in this format.
I am new to this, so please forgive if this is out of order. But I must ask, with all due respect: given statistics about missing children and family members versus strangers, have all relatives been cleared? Again, no aspersions whatsoever on this family, just want that possibility out of question. (I think all parents should understand LE is only doing its job by first ruling that out).
Welcome to WS @AOK - valid questions given statistics - glad you're here for Owen!

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