OR OR - Samuel Boehlke-Becker, 8, Crater Lake National Park, 14 Oct 2006

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Hinebaughs said:
Samuel wandered away from his father's car late Saturday afternoon at a turnout on Rim Drive in Crater Lake National Park. "The last the father saw of him he ran into a wooded area of the park on the north side of the road, away from the lake," park spokesman Michael Justin said.


This doesn't sound good at all. Searchers have been battling snow and sub zero temperatures. Prayers for this little boy.
SewingDeb said:
This doesn't sound good at all. Searchers have been battling snow and sub zero temperatures. Prayers for this little boy.
No, this doesn't sound good at all. IMO, from the article it doesn't sound as though he was dressed appropriately for the weather. I wonder how he just managed to wander away. I hope the searchers find him soon and that it's turns out to be a good news story, for once, IMO.
I, personally, am suspicious of the fathers story - but that comes from hanging around here too much.
Sadly, I have to agree with you, Carrie. Unless the boy is part beagle, why else would he run into the woods? The article didn't say he wandered away, nor did it mention his mother. It seems strange not to even mention her.
Agreed, why would the kid run into the woods? This isn't passing the smell test.
Oh man, this makes me so sad! We were just at Crater Lake the last week in August as part of our vacation. The weather was very different then- hot and forest fires. Crater Lake is surrounded by wooded areas, it wouldn't be hard to get lost.
yeah, first thought after reading this.. mentally normal kids at his age don't just tear off into the woods and get lost for no reason, right under their dad's nose. unless, they fall into a hole. either the dad is lying about the timeline... or something. if he ran off, didn't the dad call out to him or yell 'come back', anything? my other thought is that there was some reason the boy was upset and he ran away to get as far as he could and hide (from his dad). that's the only thing that could account for this, that i can think of.
I was suspicious immediately when I read the article this morning too, but held back my opinion until I read your thoughts. I would have NEVER allowed my 9 year old son to run towards "woods" and would have YELLED at him to get back with me. I just can't help but wonder... if the father was so close, how could the boy get so far away as to get lost so quickly? If the father was yelling for him for 2 hours in the woods how could his son get that far away so quick that he could not hear his dad's calls? Why did he search for him for 2 hours before seeking help?

I wonder where the mother is. My heart aches for her and how she must be suffering.

My prayers are in abundance for you Samuel.
I agree that Dad's a little off on this one. What caught my eye was the father's statement that he ran off towards the north of the park AWAY from the lake. IMO, if I was with SAR, the first place I'd look would be the lake. Why would you let a kid that's barely dressed appropriately run around in the late afternoon with snowy/cloudy/cold weather conditions? JMHO.
barry9120 said:
I agree that Dad's a little off on this one. What caught my eye was the father's statement that he ran off towards the north of the park AWAY from the lake. IMO, if I was with SAR, the first place I'd look would be the lake. Why would you let a kid that's barely dressed appropriately run around in the late afternoon with snowy/cloudy/cold weather conditions? JMHO.
The lake is 1,000 feet down over the edge of the rim. If the kid went into the lake, he's a goner... They even strictly warned us not to let our dog off-leash for that very reason, they've lost a few pets that way.:(
My youngest grandson is 8 and he wonders all over the place. Absolutely no sense of direction at all. He's just so curious about everything. They are very careful with whom he's allowed to go off with because of his wondering. He's bright and intelligent, just wonders.

I hope they find this little guy soon.
I understand the curiosity of a child and wanting to explore. We're not talking about a 3 yr old here who's a little hard to reason w/ at times. This little boy would be old enough to hear the father yell to him, if the father did in fact call to him. Reading that Samuel was last seen around 4:30 p.m., after his dad stopped their car, makes me wonder why the dad was stopping. According to the article, they had already been hiking, and 4:30 p.m. would be about the time to be getting back home, so why did the dad stop and Samuel run off?

Just my opinion, but something tells me there's more to this story. I hope I'm wrong and that Samuel is found safe.
I agree there must be more to this story. I hope it does not end the way we fear it will.
If he has met with foul play, whoever did this to him could end up on death row. Crater Lake is a Federal park, so it would be a federal case and not a regional one.

Pretty darn cold out there. I haven't heard any news about him tonight. I'm simply freezing sitting here in my living room tonight. Image how cold it is outside in the wilderness. God Bless him.

Sniffy my 8yr old son has Autism and I can assure you at any wooded area given the chance my little boy would run into them. I wonder if this little boy has any problems like that such as Autism or something else?

Sniffy38 said:
Sadly, I have to agree with you, Carrie. Unless the boy is part beagle, why else would he run into the woods? The article didn't say he wandered away, nor did it mention his mother. It seems strange not to even mention her.
barry9120 said:
No, this doesn't sound good at all. IMO, from the article it doesn't sound as though he was dressed appropriately for the weather. I wonder how he just managed to wander away. I hope the searchers find him soon and that it's turns out to be a good news story, for once, IMO.

A later article says he was dressed for the weather. It has been four days now....prayers continuing for this little boy.
SewingDeb said:
A later article says he was dressed for the weather. It has been four days now....prayers continuing for this little boy.
Thanks, Deb. That provides a little more hope knowing he was dressed for the cold. But four days, reallly, that's just too much without food and proper shelter from the elements, IMO. Even for a child with camping experience. He must be frightened. Anything on his mom, yet? I don't recall seeing anything mentioned, I probably missed it.


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