OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #2

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I wonder if cadaver dogs were used to search around the store where she was last seen?
Zwie, I think the biggest clue they are going to get from the vehicle is that device that needed to be blown in to start the vehicle. I sure hope DNA was taken from that device. Also tire thread compressions I imagine were made of her tires for future comparisons if needed.

The problem is the same thing Zwei pointed out that if they both used the device, DNA wouldn't be conclusive. :(

I also hope they checked any soil or plant material in the tire tread. I'm not sure it's that helpful, but you never know.
I wonder if cadaver dogs were used to search around the store where she was last seen?

I doubt they considered using cadaver dogs there because it's a very busy area and it was daylight when Ames and Stephanie were there...not a good place to disappear someone. IIRC a cadaver dog was used on her property and at Ames' camp.
Zwie I agree with Lilibet about Stephanie never making it home that night from the parade. I think she was killed on the way home from the parade, thrown out on the side of the road and later someone went back to where she was (after dark) to dispose of her (probably bury her). JMO. But from the little bit of evidence that we know from what Dicentra was able to share I don't think she ever made it home. As far as the poker game anyone who knew her password could have played the game. And as far as the time of the game, I often wondered what time ZONE is used to record the time that the game is played. That could leave a 3 hour difference in when it was actually played. I have never seen the time zone questioned here on WS. I believe the Florida time Zone is 3 hours different than Oregon's. So, she could have possibly been playing it at 3:30 which is the approximated time she was last seen at the store if memory serves me right. Does anyone know what time zone the poker game is recorded under?

We've never nailed down the time info about the poker game. If she never signed out, anyone could have played on her phone or computer. That's an interesting thought that it could be three hours different. They left Ashland around 3:30, so that would work for the 6:30 time if the game is on eastern time. I don't put much stock in the timing of the poker game either way. The fact that Stephanie never called her Mom around 5:00 pm is more significant to me. She would have if she could have. IMO
Slightly OT sarcasm alert...The tattooed wedding bands didn't go to waste after all. A FB relationship status change apparently saves the legal hassle of divorce and getting back together again.

Yes, I see things are "Howling" in Seattle! Great sleuthing Lilibet! :websleuther:
We've never nailed down the time info about the poker game. If she never signed out, anyone could have played on her phone or computer. That's an interesting thought that it could be three hours different. They left Ashland around 3:30, so that would work for the 6:30 time if the game is on eastern time. I don't put much stock in the timing of the poker game either way. The fact that Stephanie never called her Mom around 5:00 pm is more significant to me. She would have if she could have. IMO

Her not calling her Mom & POI not reporting her missing says it all for me! JMO
Yes, I see things are "Howling" in Seattle! Great sleuthing Lilibet! :websleuther:

LOL. Thanks. :blushing: Actually, based on a bunch of new FB friends in January, I say it's Florida, not Seattle. Of course, that may not mean anything, but it seems to me that new friends would be in your new location. JMO
As you happened to mention FL and Florida OC and California OC are an issue that's confused me before - and also I've just noticed in relation to Bob's thread ; Orange County Sheriff's Office in Florida has a great webpage for missing persons. It sets out exactly who a person should call and when.

If there's any notion the person might be in danger, they advise calling 911 in fact. Absolutely no mention of letting things slide and moving into the missing person's home as though nothing's happened. Or waiting a certain amount of time, etc.

Many police websites don't have that information. I guess that they presume worried love ones are just going to call them anyhow, and in the vast majority of cases, I am sure they do. In the cases where the closest people don't even try to report a person missing, it make me wonder...
I'm watching an episode of The Walking Dead where Shane shaves his head and it got me thinking. Didn't son shave his head? When exactly was that? Did he shave his head to hid a clump missing, so it would grow back quickly and evenly? Stephanie was feisty, as we all know. If someone threatened or attacked her she would fight back with everything she had and then some! Hair pulling has definitely been in her repertoire of fight tactics. Maybe this could help answer the question of wether son and dil were with them on that murderous ride. I not able to look into it, those people make me sick!

I also need to say that I have known most of Stephanie's boyfriends and none of them were abusive. Michael was not abusive. Losing her dad and Michael really effected her. She did not have a pattern of abusive men, which makes this so much harder for me. Lonnie was NOT her type! And she realized this and was trying to get out of the relationship. She knew these people were trash but they kept leeching - even after she was gone!
Thanks, for ashley - that's telling. When a family member of mine (also feisty) lost a loved one, their normally good heart exanded to embrace helping people who were (in my opinion) not deserving. To be avoided at all costs, in fact.

That family member also went on a search for some greater 'meaning' in life, or 'greater purpose'. And I was frankly amazed at the number of losers willing to present themselves as a guru to someone in the depths of bereavement. Usually for the ego trip, or sometimes for material or financial gain.

I obviously don't know Stephanie so don't know if any of this applies to her, but I do know she ended up missing, so something went very wrong.
I can't really help out with the head shaving thing because I can only think of three reasons;

Head lice
Becoming a neo-nazi
Coming out
Trying to avoid being recognized as that long-haired person police are looking for.
Lol, I can't count. That was four! And I thought of another one - if you are going bald. A shaved head can kind of disguise it?
I'm watching an episode of The Walking Dead where Shane shaves his head and it got me thinking. Didn't son shave his head? When exactly was that? Did he shave his head to hid a clump missing, so it would grow back quickly and evenly? Stephanie was feisty, as we all know. If someone threatened or attacked her she would fight back with everything she had and then some! Hair pulling has definitely been in her repertoire of fight tactics. Maybe this could help answer the question of wether son and dil were with them on that murderous ride. I not able to look into it, those people make me sick!

I also need to say that I have known most of Stephanie's boyfriends and none of them were abusive. Michael was not abusive. Losing her dad and Michael really effected her. She did not have a pattern of abusive men, which makes this so much harder for me. Lonnie was NOT her type! And she realized this and was trying to get out of the relationship. She knew these people were trash but they kept leeching - even after she was gone!

Your post gave me chills. There is a photo posted last July 5 on his FB page with his hair shaved. It appears to have been taken at Stephanie's in front of her red barn wall perhaps. At the parade July 4 it was still longish with what appeared to be a little pony tail. There is no way to determine when it was actually taken. It could have been in the spring when they lived with her, and then it grew back by July 4? But he was shirtless, and it just seemed funny that he would have waited that long to post it. He was definitely shaved when I first saw him on TV July 23. So I think he shaved it July 5, perhaps for the reason you think. I have no words. :(

I would hope LE checked when his photos were taken on his phone.
When I think about what could have happened that day, I always envision a physical fight. I have heard of another fight Stephanie had with them so I know it's completely possible with the people we are dealing with.
Like Dicentra said Stephanie had been working days on the float, wasn't sleeping, I bet not eating much, and then comes the argument. Not a good combination. She had no chance against 3 (if they were all there) and certainly not against one who (may have) had a gun, who was also angry.
So sad! My poor friend! I miss her!
It is very strange to me, to think how this may have panned out - if unplanned. POI just strikes me as a controlling type, who always likes to plan ahead.

But in an unexpected physical altercation involving another adult male - I don't know. Maybe he is not physically brave, and is capable of just standing by, and doing nothing?
I haven't been in in quite some time but wanted to say that Stephanie is never far from my thoughts. As the days turn to weeks and weeks to months, my heart hurts that she is still not home.
I haven't been in in quite some time but wanted to say that Stephanie is never far from my thoughts. As the days turn to weeks and weeks to months, my heart hurts that she is still not home.

Thank you so much, Kodi. :loveyou:

Tomorrow it will be nine months. Surely there must be someone who has a piece of information they can share with LE, no matter how insignificant or far-fetched. At the very least, an update from LE would be nice. :waiting:
Hi, everyone! Lilibet...I havent been around much, I am having trouble finding a link a crimestoppers award I heard about...Do you or anyone know about this?

Also, those links above re Roma Vivavencio(sp?) are encouraging! I have been so busy, I didn't know about them till now. Would one/some of you mind messaging me( I will give you my email if you don't already have it) when media stuff happens that I may not know about.... I want to make sure these links wind up on Fb and Twitter as they happen.

Love to all of you <3
Hi, everyone! Lilibet...I havent been around much, I am having trouble finding a link a crimestoppers award I heard about...Do you or anyone know about this?

Also, those links above re Roma Vivavencio(sp?) are encouraging! I have been so busy, I didn't know about them till now. Would one/some of you mind messaging me( I will give you my email if you don't already have it) when media stuff happens that I may not know about.... I want to make sure these links wind up on Fb and Twitter as they happen.

Love to all of you <3

Hi OUOTP. it's good to see you. :seeya:

I think Zwiebel posted about the Crimestoppers award, but when I followed the link, I couldn't figure out how to get Stephanie's case listed.

I'll do my best to keep you posted about media with a pm on WS. Do you have your WS settings set so you are notified by email when you get a pm? It works great if you aren't on here a lot or don't notice the pm. Thanks for keeping things going on FB!
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