GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #3

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I have been wondering this too. And it's amazing to me that they, the church members, found SO MUCH EVIDENCE. I mean it sounds like they found more than the police did.
In everything I've read LE attributed the success to the shear numbers of volunteers that showed up so quickly and were so organized. I read a quote from one LE where he said something like, "we had 2/3 more in this search effort than we usually do" (I've tried googling but can't locate the quote right now.) As WH's family said in their statement, it's "what we do as an organization." I have no doubt that JW's showed up from many miles around to help. These volunteers were fed and housed. I can say this bc this type of turnout to help in anyway we can, the total cooperation, is something that is repeated during construction or renovation of our buildings (like Amish barn-raisings LOL), during the aftermath of natural disasters, etc.
I've been curious as to how the church members knew where to go and etc. to find everything they did. I just can't help but think they knew a little more information.
It's been said here by others that it seemed during those search days, LE was telling the family more than they were releasing to the press. The family seemed to know more than the general public on that Thurs press conf. LE had all these willing volunteers, it would make sense that they would give them some meaningful direction to search in rather than wander about willy-nilly. So whatever clues LE had, like cell phone pings, vehicle sightings I think it's logical that they analyzed the info and told the search groups, "go here". Maybe they didn't reveal evidence and tell them why they wanted them to search an area, just "go here"

I have no idea how the JW church runs, but with the comment about him getting married in the Hall and the behavior you have to have to be able to do that, and then I saw on the Find Whitney facebook page that JH was inactive at the church and seeing how you can get kicked out of the church I am wondering if that is what happened to him because maybe he got involved in drugs or who knows and seeing how Whitney was so devote just angered him and he took it out on here?
It's very possible that WH was avoiding him if he was leading a sketchy lifestyle, whether he was just "inactive" or as you said, "kicked out" (which wd require a serious offense and no remorse or repentance) I could totally see that angering him.

It's interesting that we are hearing from the news that he was a member of the church but not from church people themselves coming out and saying what shock that he is arrested because they all knew him. It's very very interesting.

I'm not in their congregation, but I am a JW and you bet I'm shocked! But I think it would be the same to find out that they were connected in any way. Like if WH and JH were on the same local softball team or were coworkers. The fact that they were so connected beyond just living in the same apt complex takes it to a higher level IMO.
on Good Morning America.
review of case.
Husband speaking:
married 1 yr 9 mo.
suspect is married also.
He and wife (WH)took care of their plants and cats while suspect and wife were away,
Husband helped suspect fix his motorcycle recently.
Whitney was beautiful person full of life.
reached out to suspect's wife, no reply.
FBI guy - (missed his name).
Appears they have a lot of physical evidence.
It appears there was no relationship between suspect and WH. (romantic)
I don't disagree but often organizations can have a certain image that they want to portray of someone in order to get the publics help.

I totally agree that organizations/the media can and does skew a story for whatever reasons. My mind looks at things with a critical eye, so to speak.
But WH's facebook page existed prior to her becoming a "story". Being an active fb user, I think you can tell a lot about a person by their facebook page. Who they hang with, where they go, what they do, what the insides of the homes of family and friends look like. WH was one who enjoyed posting lots of pix about her life and I feel it to be a collage of what kind of person she was. Many many others have reported looking and her page and seeing a pure, wholesome radiance shining through (just paraphrasing a large number of persons who expressed a similar sentiment). ANYONE can have marital problems. That's a fact. But in the vast majority of cases I think there are signs pointing of some kind of trouble, some distance, some tension, something being "off". WH and CH are shown in many many recent pix on WH's page in an embrace, staring into each other's eyes, playful, loving. No one forced WH to post those pix. I feel she was in love and wanted her fb friends to know it.
But then, I could be all wrong. It wouldn't be the first time LOL

Thanks to Laura08 and MidwestMama for Clint's ABC/GMA interview & link.
Hmm in that GMA video Clint said he helped JH with his motorcycle "in an attempt to be friendly". For some reason those words just rang out at me! Few words say a lot there. I doesn't sound like they had any on-going friendship. Watering plants is a neighborly thing. I've done that for neighbors I am not terribly close with.
I'm wondering if JH was one of those people that others had a gut instinct was "strange" and people just kinda kept away. Ya know? We've all had those odd types of personalities that we rub shoulders with now and then.

PS I reeeealllly need to get off of here and get some things done in this house! This site is captivating for sure!
10 cases are on the schedule for today's circuit court; it lists the district attorney and the defendant's name. JH is not among them; my guess is that it will be in another courtroom and will not be advertised (posted).$FILE/CLA-73548447-PLEA.PDF

807 Main Street Oregon City, Oregon 97045
October 22, 2012 - MONDAY
Hmm in that GMA video Clint said he helped JH with his motorcycle "in an attempt to be friendly". For some reason those words just rang out at me! Few words say a lot there. I doesn't sound like they had any on-going friendship. Watering plants is a neighborly thing. I've done that for neighbors I am not terribly close with.

yeah same here...and i will say, now seeing quotes that JH wasn't an active (or at least not consistently) member of the congregation there, that there are several people who come to our Hall just occasionally that I would only consider "acquaintances" simply because I haven't gotten to know them.
GRESHAM, Ore. – The man accused of killing a 21-year-old woman was a member of her church congregation, a family spokesman said.

Jonathan Holt was “an irregular attendee” of the same Jehovah Witness congregation as Whitney Heichel, a statement released early Monday morning reads.

The statement, released by family spokesman Jim Vaughn, said the family, and congregation, was shocked to find out Holy was arrested and connected to the case.

Full Statement:

"We were completely shocked to find out that Jonathan Holt, an irregular attendee of our meetings, was arrested and would be in any way tied to this case as a suspect. Jehovah's Witness regard life as precious, a gift from God. We had no indications that would lead us, prior to this event that he would be capable of being involved in what is alleged to have happened. We have no knowledge of the events that led up to what took place with the disappearance of Whitney and know none of the details of what took place after her abduction. We will await the authorities' investigation, and fully cooperate with them as they work through this numbing and disturbing case. Our local congregations especially feel the pain. So many families have been severely impacted by this senseless act of violence committed against our daughter, sister, and friend. Jonathans wife is too an innocent victim, and our love and support is as strong for her and her family. It will take a long time for her to heal. With God's help, and assistance from our brothers and sisters, we will recover and use our experience to help others (sic)"
GRESHAM, Ore. – The man accused of killing a 21-year-old woman was a member of her church congregation, a family spokesman said.

Jonathan Holt was “an irregular attendee” of the same Jehovah Witness congregation as Whitney Heichel, a statement released early Monday morning reads.

The statement, released by family spokesman Jim Vaughn, said the family, and congregation, was shocked to find out Holy was arrested and connected to the case.

Full Statement:

"We were completely shocked to find out that Jonathan Holt, an irregular attendee of our meetings, was arrested and would be in any way tied to this case as a suspect. Jehovah's Witness regard life as precious, a gift from God. We had no indications that would lead us, prior to this event that he would be capable of being involved in what is alleged to have happened. We have no knowledge of the events that led up to what took place with the disappearance of Whitney and know none of the details of what took place after her abduction. We will await the authorities' investigation, and fully cooperate with them as they work through this numbing and disturbing case. Our local congregations especially feel the pain. So many families have been severely impacted by this senseless act of violence committed against our daughter, sister, and friend. Jonathans wife is too an innocent victim, and our love and support is as strong for her and her family. It will take a long time for her to heal. With God's help, and assistance from our brothers and sisters, we will recover and use our experience to help others (sic)"

That's a nice statement. Thanks for posting. It was loving that JH's wife was mentioned.
Any chance he joined the church specifically to be nearer to Whitney?
Yesterday there were a couple of comments about JDH's wife having a record, but I'm not sure it was mentioned what the charges were.

Regardless, she looks very wholesome in the wedding photos. Which makes me think that the charges/arrests could be drug related.
If so, and I'm only speculating here, she's no longer using and may now be in recovery.

Maybe they met in recovery, at a rehab, or in a psych hospital.
Both psych hospitals I worked at had both psych and substance abuse on the same units.
Or... they could have met at church. Or anywhere.

I'm just totally baffled by this guy! By the entire case.

And I was sure after the Celia Cass case, I was NOT going to let myself get so involved in another case.
I'm leaving for a 6 week trip next Sunday and I have sooo much to do this week. I doubt a lot of it will get done!!!

I even left the gym and pool earlier than my normal workout today... just to get home to see if there was any new info posted about this case.

it was also mention early on that clint had a record too, cant find the link but im sure easy enough to look up.. ive been thinking alot about this case and nothing would surprise me at this point, so here"s my theory: what if this was about C.H.? what if this was some way to get back at him or hurt him for some reason? take away the one thing that meant the most to him..all this is just MOO and something i"ve been wondering for a while now
I'm not sure I understand the conversation re: JH's childhood home? It looks pretty much like the neighbor's home. What is the big deal? So they were lower income... is there something else significant about that home?

His wife's FB sure did disappear quickly.
I'm not sure I understand the conversation re: JH's childhood home? It looks pretty much like the neighbor's home. What is the big deal? So they were lower income... is there something else significant about that home?

His wife's FB sure did disappear quickly.

MOO, but the other neighbors homes are, hmmm, how to put it..."kept up", cared for, etc. You can be low income and still have 'cared for' and looks like an abandoned home. Not judging them at all, from an income standpoint...but compared to the other homes on that street, by walking the google man, it seems unkempt, uninviting and almost 'empty'.
Does anyone think that Whitney might have been shot?

I'm thinking perhaps she was taken at gunpoint for what ever reason, she eventually tried making a break for it at Dodge park when JH shot her through the passenger side window of her SUV breaking the glass. He then loaded her body into the rear of the vehicle and drove her to Larch Mountain where she was later found. JH then dumped the SUV at Walmart and disposed of the phone on his walk back home.

Does anyone think that Whitney might have been shot?

I'm thinking perhaps she was taken at gunpoint for what ever reason, she eventually tried making a break for it at Dodge park when JH shot her through the passenger side window of her SUV breaking the glass. He then loaded her body into the rear of the vehicle and drove her to Larch Mountain where she was later found. JH then dumped the SUV at Walmart and disposed of the phone on his walk back home.


My daughter does, and she's usually right. I almost hope so, and early on in the morning... I can't stand the thought of Whitney having the spend the morning with JH. :furious:
respectfully snipped and bbm

The statement, released by family spokesman Jim Vaughn, said the family, and congregation, was shocked to find out Holy was arrested and connected to the case.

Funny typo

That's a nice statement. Thanks for posting. It was loving that JH's wife was mentioned.

Yes that was nice of them. She must be hurting very much too, poor woman. I hope she is with supporting friends/family.

what if this was about C.H.? what if this was some way to get back at him or hurt him for some reason? take away the one thing that meant the most to him..all this is just MOO and something i"ve been wondering for a while now

I have also thought that. Revenge killing. Jealousy ...
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