GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #6

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What a beautiful 500th post La Louve. It warms my heart to know that Whitney touched you and Sasquatch enough to plant and maintain this garden in her memory. Although I never knew her, this peaceful place brings me comfort. I hope to visit there when I am in Portland this summer. Many thanks and big hugs.

Thank you! What beautiful and kind words, LaLouve! Thank you Lilibet, Elainera, neverletgo and everyone else for your kind words, as well.

I also came to Websleuths, last year, because of Whitney. I had just seen Whitney at the Starbucks Drive-Thru, a few weeks before she had disappeared. Like LaLouve had mentioned, everyone had hoped for a positive outcome. The terrible events that unfolded during the week of October 16th, 2012 left me and everyone else speechless and looking for answers. It has been a long journey of investigating, gardening and being an advocate for Whitney! We have stood by the family during some of their darkest moments, including being in the courtroom during Jonathan Holt's hearing. We were welcomed into their lives, hearts and into their home.

All of the Webslueth members and admins helped to unfold many answers, that eventually ended up getting submitted to the District Attorney. Everyone came here with a Big Heart, and that made a big difference in helping bring justice for Whitney!

Thank you LaLouve for being such a great friend and co-gardener. It was an honor to help make a beautiful place for Whitney and her loved ones! It definitely brought light into a place that once held so much darkness. The ripples spread to Whitney's friends, family as well as to people in far reaching places. I still keep in touch with Whitney's and Clint's families. They remind me every time, how the garden has helped them as well as other people!

It has been great to be part of such an intelligent and caring team here on Websleuths!

Thank you to everyone who came here, and helped bring justice for Whitney! It has meant the world to me to be here and part of this journey!

Sleep Peacefully Dear Whitney! Your light still shines on all of us!


Here are the purple and pink tulips that I placed out at the garden last week!

A quote that I put on a photo of a butterfly on the Wallflowers, in Whitney's Garden, taken last Summer!

Just thinking about our lovely Whitney so much today and hoping her family and friends are doing well. [emoji182]
I was just out at the garden a couple weekends ago to water and do some weeding and check on things. It's been a bit of a rough summer. Some of our roses did not make it through the winter. The little mini yellow rose that Sasquatch first brought out is still growing. The Blue Girl rose has reverted back to its root stock. It had a bud on it when I was last out there so I need to get back out and see how it bloomed. Most likely it will not be a lovely lavender rose like the original plant. The daisies Whitney's friend planted are doing well. The dogwood tree planted by the family was stolen a couple months ago, as was the ceramic pot with the silk tulips. For that reason, I did not bring the dahlias back out, as I was worried they and their clay pot would be stolen as well. Someone brought a jasmine plant out earlier this summer and it's survived, and I will probably get it into the ground in a few more weeks once it cools down. Sasquatch and I and family and friends have all brought out other plants to fill the garden. The forget-me-nots and the violets and others, are thriving. Because of the drainage ditch, the soil under the garden is very rocky so some things just don't want to grow too well. When we plant something new we have to pull out the rocks as best we can, and amend the soil with compost. It's a challenging place to garden but it is all done with love for Whitney and her family and friends, which makes it all worthwhile.

We're not too far off from the second anniversary of Whitney's passing. I know this will be a hard time for many. I hope the garden will continue to provide smiles and comfort.

La Louve

Below is a photo I took a few weeks ago.

Whitney's Garden August 29 2014 resized.jpg
Thank you so much for the update, La Louve. Her garden brings me comfort and I can only imagine what it does for those who knew her. Her light is still bright though she is no longer with us.
Thank you Kodi for all of your kind words about the garden, and for the wonderful thoughts about Whitney and her family! Thank you La Louve, for all that you have done for Whitney's Garden and for Whitney's family and friends! Even though we have had some theft in the garden, I agree that it does still bring comfort to everyone including Whitney's family and loved ones. I still keep in contact with both sides of the families, and they are always very appreciative of everything. It is also great that Whitney's mom, sisters and friends have all had a chance to go out and plant flowers at the garden too. I still go out to the garden and trim the grass with a hand trimmer and add flowers when I get a chance. Because the soil is real rocky and there isn't a water source nearby, it has been tough to keep the flowers alive. Whitney's garden plaque is still standing and has faded a little bit, but that is to be expected. Some flowers from last years planting, have sprouted in the gravel, along the roadside by the garden. The winds must have blown the seedlings to the edge of the road last year. Some wild daisies have popped up in the grass beside the garden too. I am so happy that the garden has helped so many people!

It is hard to believe that it has been two years. I still remember seeing Whitney's smiling face two years ago at the drive-through. I agree, that Whitney's bright light is still shining! I still see the bright light and ripples in her friends, family as well as in the people with kind hearts that keep her memory alive. Thank you Kodi and La Louve for all of your wonderful words and helping spread the ripples. Thank you La Louve for helping create and maintain the garden, It has been an experience that I will always remember!

“Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning.” ~ Lydia M. Child
I've been thinking about Whitney a lot lately, I often wonder how Clint is doing. I think about JH's wife and wonder how she's been coping. I hope Whitney's mom is holding strongly to the hope her faith provides.
Thinking of Whitney this beautiful spring morning. I often wonder how Clint is doing and hope he has been able to rebuild his life and has found happiness again. I also hope the ache in the hearts of her other family and friends have eased in the years since her passing and that they now smile more when thinking of her and cry less. Love to all of them.
What a beautiful and moving tribute Whitney's garden is. To add such loveliness to a barren, untended spot, and the way it has pulled in family, friends, the community and even complete strangers. Sasquatch and La Louve, thank you so much for doing this. I have so enjoyed watching the progression of the space. In all the horror and depravity that we see on WS, it is a reminder of the true good that is out there in the world!

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I was just out at the garden a couple weekends ago to water and do some weeding and check on things. It's been a bit of a rough summer. Some of our roses did not make it through the winter. The little mini yellow rose that Sasquatch first brought out is still growing. The Blue Girl rose has reverted back to its root stock. It had a bud on it when I was last out there so I need to get back out and see how it bloomed. Most likely it will not be a lovely lavender rose like the original plant. The daisies Whitney's friend planted are doing well. The dogwood tree planted by the family was stolen a couple months ago, as was the ceramic pot with the silk tulips. For that reason, I did not bring the dahlias back out, as I was worried they and their clay pot would be stolen as well. Someone brought a jasmine plant out earlier this summer and it's survived, and I will probably get it into the ground in a few more weeks once it cools down. Sasquatch and I and family and friends have all brought out other plants to fill the garden. The forget-me-nots and the violets and others, are thriving. Because of the drainage ditch, the soil under the garden is very rocky so some things just don't want to grow too well. When we plant something new we have to pull out the rocks as best we can, and amend the soil with compost. It's a challenging place to garden but it is all done with love for Whitney and her family and friends, which makes it all worthwhile.

We're not too far off from the second anniversary of Whitney's passing. I know this will be a hard time for many. I hope the garden will continue to provide smiles and comfort.

La Louve

Below is a photo I took a few weeks ago.

View attachment 58575

It's now 2020 and I still think about our lovely Whitney and how the Heichel and Ritmiller families have rebuilt and moved on with faith in seeing her again.
I see Sasquatch is no longer active on this forum but I wondered if you @LaLouve have visited the beautiful garden you worked so hard in in recent times? I've been rereading all these threads this afternoon so decided to create an account to say thanks, and even though it is so upsetting, it's encouraging to see so many who cared for her. Hope you're all doing well. Rowan :)
It's now 2020 and I still think about our lovely Whitney and how the Heichel and Ritmiller families have rebuilt and moved on with faith in seeing her again.
I see Sasquatch is no longer active on this forum but I wondered if you @LaLouve have visited the beautiful garden you worked so hard in in recent times? I've been rereading all these threads this afternoon so decided to create an account to say thanks, and even though it is so upsetting, it's encouraging to see so many who cared for her. Hope you're all doing well. Rowan :)

Welcome to Websleuths and thank you for your kind words!!!

I think the last time I was out to the garden was summer of 2018. The land on the other side of the road had been cleared of trees for development and was up for sale. Most signs of Whitney's Garden had been removed - even the plaque Sasquatch put up - possibly by the developers or realtors. Maybe they felt it would be bad for business to have the garden so visible. Even the suicide hotline sign I had put up early on was gone. It upset me because that site is county property and the garden should have been left alone. I was quite demoralized when I saw all that and confess I have not been out there since. I will make a point to go out there this Spring once the weather improves.

I still think about Whitney and her family often. And of course my fellow gardener Sasquatch too. It was a unique time in both of our lives, and we both had the free time to devote to the garden.

Rest in Peace, Whitney. :rose:
Welcome to Websleuths and thank you for your kind words!!!

I think the last time I was out to the garden was summer of 2018. The land on the other side of the road had been cleared of trees for development and was up for sale. Most signs of Whitney's Garden had been removed - even the plaque Sasquatch put up - possibly by the developers or realtors. Maybe they felt it would be bad for business to have the garden so visible. Even the suicide hotline sign I had put up early on was gone. It upset me because that site is county property and the garden should have been left alone. I was quite demoralized when I saw all that and confess I have not been out there since. I will make a point to go out there this Spring once the weather improves.

I still think about Whitney and her family often. And of course my fellow gardener Sasquatch too. It was a unique time in both of our lives, and we both had the free time to devote to the garden.

Rest in Peace, Whitney. :rose:

Thank you so much for your reply! That is very upsetting to hear about how they've denigrated such a bright and loving place in this dark world. Her memory still lives on and thank you for the help you provide this community. Kindest regards, Rowan
Something made me think of Whitney tonight. It’s hard to believe that in six months it will be ten years since she died. I just had to come reread this beautiful thread about the garden that brought such comfort to Whitney’s family, friends and total strangers. Thank you again @La Louve and @Sasquatch (wherever you are) for your labor of love honoring Whitney.

I hope you both have weathered the pandemic and are doing well. At the time of the last post by @stolenoxygen, we didn’t know what was about to hit us! It was a different world. But there is still room for us to be helpers, like Whitney, in whatever ways we can. And to let our light shine in this darkened world as Whitney did.

Sending huge hugs and warm wishes to you both and to all who cared about Whitney and participated in the threads. :)

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