Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #64 ~ the appeal~

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Kiwis would not use a gun at 3am.

The guns are locked and stored safely. There is no intention to use them against humans.

Which is why few people get shot.

Whereas if millions of homeowners start packing heat, inevitably people start getting shot.
.....there was a report on tely just the other day showing women in America going to the supermarket with their sub-machine guns at the ready......!....just in case.....
.....there was a report on tely just the other day showing women in America going to the supermarket with their sub-machine guns at the ready......!....just in case.....

Did they look like this Lethal Lovely:


I personally don't have any issues with women owning or carrying guns. I wish that Reeva had a gun, and I wish this lovely woman had one too:

"All Carol Bowne asked was that she be permitted to exercise her right to protect herself in her own home; instead, she ended up bleeding to death in her driveway."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...equences-draconian-gun-laws-charles-c-w-cooke
Hi Lisa

I used to post a bit at your J13 site back in the pre-verdict days :)

Also read your at least 2 of yr books

Are you considering to do more writing in your J13 register?

I thought your tight analysis of the case was awesome - the best on the net.

I'd really urge you to focus on that - its a highly valuable and rare skill!

Hey mrjitty :seeya: thank you! I really appreciate that.

I do plan to start blogging again more regularly to cover the appeal (October/November time frame). Those posts will be my usual analysis of the current happenings - whether that be Oscar's prison status, bar fights (lol), legal updates, court coverage, etc. So J13 will be back in a larger way very soon :) I also plan to do more blogging in 2016. Looking for some fresh cases to sink my teeth into.

In the meantime, Nick and I have have named our partnership #SHAKEDOWN (you'll notice that name on our books now) and have quite a few things planned moving forward. We really love writing the books and I feel like the last 3 Jodi books, plus this brand new Oscar book, have been the 4 best we've done so far. I think we're really starting to hone in on our formula and our content/writing is improving. Just my honest two cents about our work. #SHAKEDOWN will have it's own website (which is in the planning stages right now.) I'll keep you guys posted on that. It won't replace J13, it will be something separate.

Right now, we're working on our 3rd Amanda Knox book. This will be a looong series since there's a lot to cover. We expect to work on it off/on for the next year. This book should be done at the end of September, so that's occupying my time.

Anyhow, that's the J13 update. I'm definitely keeping my eyes & ears open on all things Oscar and will make that a priority as updates come in.

Oh.. here's a fun little update from my (Los Angeles) neck of the woods... I'm going to the Emmy's on Sept 20. Super excited. I know it's off topic (sorry) but if I have any cool celeb stories, I'll share with you guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend... and for those peeps in America, enjoy your holiday tomorrow! :)
This is quite an old article (May 2015) about the Czech who was in prison with OP and who was moved out. I am posting it as it appears life "inside" SA prisons depends on who one is (as we know). The indications are that there was very little that he couldn't get whilst in prison. It seems OP probably has a TV (allowed) but mobile phones are not, even though a couple (in the article) were retrieved whilst being smuggled in by Krejcir. Maybe none of the 5 of which we recently heard belonged to OP.


Krejcir living in lap of jail luxury
In an exclusive interview with Sunday World, a Correctional Services official, who did not want to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media, said Krejcir has a television set and gym equipment in his cell.

He said warders at Kgosi Mampuru intercepted a container full of fresh milk meant for Krejcir and when they emptied it, they found a cellphone wrapped in a plastic bag.

The official alleges that Krejcir tried again to smuggle a cellphone through a box of pizza.

"This man even brags that he can order a cold can of Coca-Cola any time and get it delivered to his cell," said the official.
But according to the prison official, Krejcir enjoys expensive grub delivered to him daily including "items that are not authorised to be brought from outside".

Another official, based at Zonderwater, said the only thing Krecjir was not enjoying behind bars was conjugal rights.
Bystander, that's an interesting report. Implies again that it's likely he doesn't just spend his days reading the bible. LOL. Well at least he can see his own media coverage on TV too.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has read the JCarlin book Chase your Shadows?

Just because the J13/NvDLeek book "Fugitive" I read repeats media reports on OP's mother's death as a hepatitis misdiagnosis, but looking at a review of the Carlin book, apparently Carlin states that Sheila Pistorius died from liver disease having been an alcoholic. ( It also notes that OP was already a boarder in school in Pretoria whilst his mum lived nearby in Pretoria.)

Obviously these are significantly different causes and tell a very different story of OP's upbringing. Anyone read the Carlin as I haven't bought it?
Bystander, that's an interesting report. Implies again that it's likely he doesn't just spend his days reading the bible. LOL. Well at least he can see his own media coverage on TV too.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has read the JCarlin book Chase your Shadows?

Just because the J13/NvDLeek book "Fugitive" I read repeats media reports on OP's mother's death as a hepatitis misdiagnosis, but looking at a review of the Carlin book, apparently Carlin states that Sheila Pistorius died from liver disease having been an alcoholic. ( It also notes that OP was already a boarder in school in Pretoria whilst his mum lived nearby in Pretoria.)

Obviously these are significantly different causes and tell a very different story of OP's upbringing. Anyone read the Carlin as I haven't bought it?

There seem to have been so many different "causes" of Sheila's demise. I am sure death certificates must be available for confirmation. However, it is interesting if it was due to alcoholism. If it was sudden, maybe ruptured varices in the stomach was the cause (a consequence of alcoholism and a rapid death). Will we ever know? The Pistorius family feed the public half truths much of the time.

Sorry, I haven't heard of the book. Maybe someone on here has read it.
Bystander, that's an interesting report. Implies again that it's likely he doesn't just spend his days reading the bible. LOL. Well at least he can see his own media coverage on TV too.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has read the JCarlin book Chase your Shadows?

Just because the J13/NvDLeek book "Fugitive" I read repeats media reports on OP's mother's death as a hepatitis misdiagnosis, but looking at a review of the Carlin book, apparently Carlin states that Sheila Pistorius died from liver disease having been an alcoholic. ( It also notes that OP was already a boarder in school in Pretoria whilst his mum lived nearby in Pretoria.)

Obviously these are significantly different causes and tell a very different story of OP's upbringing. Anyone read the Carlin as I haven't bought it?

It looks as though Dr Merryll Vorster spilt the beans about Sheila during the trial. I confess to missing it. I didn’t have much time for Dr Vorster and obviously did not pay enough attention.

Oscar Pistorius was not the first in his family to sleep with a gun close to hand. His parents divorced when he was six, and his mother Sheila – a paranoid alcoholic according to Dr Merryll Vorster, a psychiatrist called as an expert witness at his trial – kept hers under her pillow

Agreed Bystander - how hard can it be if there is an honest death cert.
And yes, so many "half-truths." Appreciate that family would not want to have shared it publicly if it were true. Vaguely remember Dr Vorster mentioning that his mother "liked a drink" but she downplayed it, naturally - but if it was actually alcoholism it sheds yet more light on his development as a child and perhaps on a combustible personality.

Never bought the Carlin book as it was meant to be sympathetic to OP, but as he is an award- winning journalist apparently, I might also give it a go at £2!
We cross- posted Bystander.

On Vorster- I don't remember her using those words "paranoid alcoholic' but bet the Independent reporter simply cut to the chase. LOL.
And, unsurprisingly, I don't remember anything that direct in the Mental Health Eval about Sheila P - will see if I can find the files.

Lawyers for Oscar Pistorius have exactly 10 days to file heads of argument in his appeal.

A spokesperson for the Office of the Chief Justice, Nathi Mncube, said today that the papers must be filed on September 17. The state is appealing against the former paralympic athlete’s culpable homicide conviction, which will be heard in the Bloemfontein Supreme Court of Appeal in November.
I am sure many of us will have read this article but I missed the point noted in red below. August is obviously incorrect for reasons we know.

I thought OP had another 4 years of confinement at Uncle A’s but this article suggests to methat he will be allowed to rejoin society after a relatively short parole. Does anyone know how the SA system works? This statement seems to have come via Roux.


“His solicitor,Barry Roux, who represented him throughout his legal fight, said: “[Oscar] walks free in August and then has ten months on parole.

“The parole conditions will be at their discretion, don’t drink, go to church, no drugs,he’ll have a psychological programme, an anger management course.”

Mr Roux also revealed Pistorius had rejected a string of Hollywood film offers and book deals - despite being broke.

He said: “All Oscar has to his name is the shirt on his back and his underpants.

“Oscar has spent all his money. I was not paid for the last two months, but I just could not ‘walk away’, I couldn’t morally do that.

“Oscar was left with nothing, he is totally and utterly penniless, I mean zero. The shirt on his back and his underpants. That’s all he has.

“The case has cost him at least two million Rand. He sold his brand new Audi, all his art, his watches, even his guns I believe. :tears:

Mr Roux also revealed Pistorius had rejected a string of Hollywood film offers and book deals - despite being broke.
He said: “All Oscar has to his name is the shirt on his back and his underpants.

“Oscar has spent all his money. I was not paid for the last two months, but I just could not ‘walk away’, I couldn’t morally do that.

“Oscar was left with nothing, he is totally and utterly penniless, I mean zero. The shirt on his back and his underpants. That’s all he has.

“The case has cost him at least two million Rand. He sold his brand new Audi, all his art, his watches, even his guns I believe. :tears:
BIB - I wonder if OP signed over some of his assets to his family?? I don't believe for a nano second that all he has is a shirt and underpants. What garbage. Roux is trying to elicit sympathy for his poor broke client :violin: - but I, for one, don't believe a word of it. Maybe some transfers were made when the USB sticks were removed from the safe (before anyone even bothered to inform Reeva's parents that their daughter was dead).
BIB - I wonder if OP signed over some of his assets to his family?? I don't believe for a nano second that all he has is a shirt and underpants. What garbage. Roux is trying to elicit sympathy for his poor broke client :violin: - but I, for one, don't believe a word of it. Maybe some transfers were made when the USB sticks were removed from the safe (before anyone even bothered to inform Reeva's parents that their daughter was dead).

And then there were his numerous trips to the diamond markets. That's a very strange place to be going in the midst of your murder trial.
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