You seem to be quoting the law of incapacity? This is a defence - which I agree needs certain facts to be established by the defence
These sorts of defences negate Mens Rea
Mens Rea is what the prosecution proves.
Absence or negation of what Mens Rea is what the defence tries to prove.
Masipa's ruling was based on these elements ?
1. She accepted that he was not responsible for killing because she accepted that he had a history of' Gad ' Whatever ,she cited a mental health condition as evidence of' not- murder'. Yes /no ?
There is only one law for defence of mental illness /insanity , That is the law of responsibility .
Necessarily , responsibility is presumed by the facts ,therefore non -responsibility is the onus of the defendant to prove .
The defence of mental illness or insanity was not even raised as a defence : And in those circumstances the presumption of responsibily remains proven .: The judge is not entitled to impose defence pleas on the court.
2. She ruled out murder on the basis that the prosecution had not proven that Pistorius intended to "kill or cause grievous bodily harm/
severe injury " IE . That is the definition of mens rea in both S.A. and English law .
In serious cases the mens rea , is already proven by FACT of trial ( the EVIDENTIALburden of proof) Eg. The defendant intended to kill his wife he went to the kitchen got a sharp knife and killed her) ON THE FACTS. Like responsibility.
Where the defendant then says that DESPITE the CASE of FACT , he nevertheless wishes to raise a defence of mens rea .IE NO INTENT to kill / seriously harm. The burden of proof , that there is an evidential , prima facie case TO RAISE in court , is on the defendant .
The court must then rule on whether an evidential proof of mens rea has been made and can be raised as defence in court .
IN S.A. as in England , there must be evidentially provable reason on the facts of the case , and must be confined to the incident itself and the time itself : There is no defence on merely speculation, belief , or assertion. And the facts raised must hold up in the context of the entirety of the evidence .
So when was a defence of mens rea even raised by the defence ? As far as I remember the defence was,' having shot the wrong person' ,mainly because pistorius had said so shortly after the event .
Anyway , it seems yet again that Masipa raised a defence of mens rea , without citing the law by name . I think she IMPLIED but didn't cite any laws at all ? Not by name anyway.