Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #67 *Appeal Verdict*

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Reeva Steenkamp’s father, Barry, reacts to the South African supreme court of appeal’s verdict


Video. Barry weeps. Poor dad, poor mum. :grouphug: for them!


Hope they'll have lots of these :grouphug: and may find some peace of mind now.:rose: This trial must have been a real torture to them. I hope Barry drops the idea of talking fact to face with OP, he will never get the truth.
Barry Bateman Retweeted Anton Katz ‏@AdvAntonKatz 5h5 hours ago
"Oscar's sentence set aside. Convicted of murder. In law he should be in custody pending his sentence. He can apply for bail"
and in reply to others Katz is firm:
@MandyWiener @AlexCrawfordSky "the state may not want to oppose the bail application. But he cannot by law be under house arrest."

(Katz is Advocate, international law, constitutional law, Cape Town)

(In June Mannie Witz said if he doesn't apply for bail alongside an appeal he gets 48 hours to pack his toothbrush. )
A bloody trigger-happy convicted murderer should not be allowed bail when he's just been convicted of murder!! He's had a free month's 'vacation' already. Put the murderer back inside where murderers belong. He's not special.
Pistorius family react to "harsh" judgement
A Pistorius family source said their phones were ringing non-stop and Pistorius was surrounded by his aunt, uncle, siblings and family.
"It was a harsh judgement, harsher than we thought but in terms of the content, we felt it would go this way after hearing what was said at the appeal," the source said.
The source added that Pistorius had been preparing mentally for the likely outcome. "You have to prepare for it."
Pistorius family and his legal team, including barrister Barry Roux and solicitor Brian Webber, are now poring over the judgement and considering their options. It is understood that they have 10 days to lodge an appeal with the Constitutional Court.


:thinking: Yeah, actually not as harsh as the judgement Oscar doled out to Reeva.
Pistorius family react to "harsh" judgement
A Pistorius family source said their phones were ringing non-stop and Pistorius was surrounded by his aunt, uncle, siblings and family.
"It was a harsh judgement, harsher than we thought but in terms of the content, we felt it would go this way after hearing what was said at the appeal," the source said.
The source added that Pistorius had been preparing mentally for the likely outcome. "You have to prepare for it."
Pistorius family and his legal team, including barrister Barry Roux and solicitor Brian Webber, are now poring over the judgement and considering their options. It is understood that they have 10 days to lodge an appeal with the Constitutional Court.

This is me, feeling bad for the murderer and his family..... :shame: + :happydance:
A bloody trigger-happy convicted murderer should not be allowed bail when he's just been convicted of murder!! He's had a free month's 'vacation' already. Put the murderer back inside where murderers belong. He's not special.

He's not special! That's been half his problem hasn't it. Family saying it's "harsh" to have the law applied correctly......

Anyway , Katz is saying he is in a legal limbo.
So the Minister for Justice should be looking at it right now then seeing as he is a stickler for correct procedure.

And/or Defence are submitting their pre-written bail application as we speak. ( It would have been sensible to get it drafted after Nov 4th)
I've been feeling very emotional (but happy) all day and I didn't even know Reeva. Over the past almost 3 years, we've learnt so much about her. Who she was, what she stood for, her love for her family and friends, her kindness towards animals, her sweet gentle nature, her intelligence, and her loyalty towards others. We've also learnt so much about the convicted murderer. His disregard for anyone bar himself; his bad temper, his disloyalty towards others, his propensity to blame others for his own failings, his huge entitlement of himself and his absolute refusal to accept responsibility for what he did to Reeva.

Reeva really seemed to have picked a complete opposite of herself. Anyway, my long-winded point was that if I feel so emotional (and I didn't know Reeva) can you imagine how her family must be feeling after so long? The relief? The acknowledgement? The unbearable sadness that Reeva will always be gone? I so hope they can take a little comfort from this and know that the murderer will only ever be known as a murderer. His career is over. His life as he knew it is over. He's despised by many for what he did, and he's going back to jail.

For Carl and Aimee - seems like their wilful tampering with evidence was all for nothing. What a shame!
I've been feeling very emotional (but happy) all day and I didn't even know Reeva. Over the past almost 3 years, we've learnt so much about her. Who she was, what she stood for, her love for her family and friends, her kindness towards animals, her sweet gentle nature, her intelligence, and her loyalty towards others. We've also learnt so much about the convicted murderer. His disregard for anyone bar himself; his bad temper, his disloyalty towards others, his propensity to blame others for his own failings, his huge entitlement of himself and his absolute refusal to accept responsibility for what he did to Reeva.

Reeva really seemed to have picked a complete opposite of herself. Anyway, my long-winded point was that if I feel so emotional (and I didn't know Reeva) can you imagine how her family must be feeling after so long? The relief? The acknowledgement? The unbearable sadness that Reeva will always be gone? I so hope they can take a little comfort from this and know that the murderer will only ever be known as a murderer. His career is over. His life as he knew it is over. He's despised by many for what he did, and he's going back to jail.

For Carl and Aimee - seems like their wilful tampering with evidence was all for nothing. What a shame!

:goodpost: Well summed up, that's pretty much how I feel today too.
I've been feeling very emotional (but happy) all day and I didn't even know Reeva. Over the past almost 3 years, we've learnt so much about her. Who she was, what she stood for, her love for her family and friends, her kindness towards animals, her sweet gentle nature, her intelligence, and her loyalty towards others. We've also learnt so much about the convicted murderer. His disregard for anyone bar himself; his bad temper, his disloyalty towards others, his propensity to blame others for his own failings, his huge entitlement of himself and his absolute refusal to accept responsibility for what he did to Reeva.

Reeva really seemed to have picked a complete opposite of herself. Anyway, my long-winded point was that if I feel so emotional (and I didn't know Reeva) can you imagine how her family must be feeling after so long? The relief? The acknowledgement? The unbearable sadness that Reeva will always be gone? I so hope they can take a little comfort from this and know that the murderer will only ever be known as a murderer. His career is over. His life as he knew it is over. He's despised by many for what he did, and he's going back to jail.

For Carl and Aimee - seems like their wilful tampering with evidence was all for nothing. What a shame!

Well said. I agree with every word.
I've been feeling very emotional (but happy) all day and I didn't even know Reeva. Over the past almost 3 years, we've learnt so much about her. Who she was, what she stood for, her love for her family and friends, her kindness towards animals, her sweet gentle nature, her intelligence, and her loyalty towards others. We've also learnt so much about the convicted murderer. His disregard for anyone bar himself; his bad temper, his disloyalty towards others, his propensity to blame others for his own failings, his huge entitlement of himself and his absolute refusal to accept responsibility for what he did to Reeva.

Reeva really seemed to have picked a complete opposite of herself. Anyway, my long-winded point was that if I feel so emotional (and I didn't know Reeva) can you imagine how her family must be feeling after so long? The relief? The acknowledgement? The unbearable sadness that Reeva will always be gone? I so hope they can take a little comfort from this and know that the murderer will only ever be known as a murderer. His career is over. His life as he knew it is over. He's despised by many for what he did, and he's going back to jail.

For Carl and Aimee - seems like their wilful tampering with evidence was all for nothing. What a shame!

Great post. I think we all feel for Reeva -- she has a beacon of hope for women. Intelligent, oustpoken, class-act. Sadly, her last choice in companion was the worst choice she would ever made. RIP lovely.
Snap - i was just reading the same. Maybe that nonsense will suffice over there as seems to be getting some charitable responses despite 6 months over here mis-interpreting & mis-understanding every legal point then wilfully misquoting and manipulating all the key texts and to top it off correcting posters on typos or missing hyphens.

Like the trial court, an ability to confuse oneself....

Sorry, who are you talking about? What's "over there"?
I do not believe Reeva's family will be able to properly grieve her until the final dust has settled and OP is packed off to prison for the last time. That is when they can go home, sit down, and finally grieve properly. They have had to be so busy with the legal aspects and the trial that even though it has been 3 years, they have not rested in the quest for justice for their beloved Reeva.

Some day in the distant future they will be able to smile and laugh again. They just do not know it yet. God, in his infinite wisdom, will make it so. I have lost parents, a son, and a husband. I would have sworn I would never laugh or enjoy life again, but I have now. It takes years, and you never forget, but you learn to remember the funny little things your loved one said or did and smile or laugh.

This needs to be over for Reeva's family. Let them have peace and quiet.

Thanks everyone for all of the updates. I did get to watch the decision just after it was finished. Someone here had the link to the video of it right away!

Pistorius no longer under correctional supervision

Bloemfontein, 3 December 2015 - Defence Lawyer Ulrich Roux says Oscar Pistorius is essentially a free man. That's until the state makes its next move. (Video 6mins)

As LemonMousse said, there's nothing stopping OP making a run for it as he wouldn't strictly be breaking any laws! Maybe we'll see him out and about hitting on Reeva lookalikes now that he can do what he wants. To be honest, I'm a bit surprised provisions weren't already in place for this eventuality.
Pistorius no longer under correctional supervision

Bloemfontein, 3 December 2015 - Defence Lawyer Ulrich Roux says Oscar Pistorius is essentially a free man. That's until the state makes its next move. (Video 6mins)


Indeed , limbo dance to Mozambique - State better get their skates on , and although we know Dept CS is rather disorganised, they must have prepped for this eventuality surely?

Now BWardle may have a little bit of a reputation BUT she is very up with small detail of Crim Law procedure

So he stays at home until he is sentenced for murder is that correct, when will he be sentenced ?
A. No, Bail is only granted pending appeal and on application
no he doesn't stay at home. He is the same position as #Krejcir iro being convicted awaiting sentence with no bail.
The effect of setting aside the section 276 1i means he is no longer on CS
Acc to BW, SCA registrar will have informed all parties of all of this right away

I have to say that in any normal job, if you make a huge error that negatively affects the lives of others - there would be repercussions. Masipa screwed up badly in an area where one would expect her to have knowledge (otherwise, why give her the case?). As a direct result of her screwing up, Reeva's family have had to endure a gruelling year to have the appeal heard and the correct verdict handed down. Reeva's father has been very sick and all the stress and waiting must have really taken its toll. Are judges allowed to make errors (that most legal eagles spotted immediately) and carry on as if nothing happened, even down to being allowed to hand down a new sentence after messing it up in the first place? It doesn't seem like the errors she made were about hugely complicated matters, either. Maybe she'd like to apologise to Reeva's family!
Where in the world is Oscar...on a slow boat to China or a fast plane to Mozambique? Surely savior Uncle has made provisions? :facepalm:

I was very heartened by the extremely well-reasoned decision, Justice Leach covered every flaw I thought Maspia made in her judgement and left no unanswered questions. I only hope she isn't the one to sentence him on this rightful conviction, she has already proven herself to be biased in his favor.
So the convicted murderer could have been found guilty of DD if Nel had put it on the table? I guess it makes little difference now since just about everyone has always thought he knew it was Reeva in the toilet. In his eyes at least, the fact that DD wasn't up for grabs means his shrinking group of adoring fans (weirdos) can continue to live in denial.

One of the great ironies of the case is that if OP had just admitted to direct intent to kill in the trial like he was supposed to, he probably would have got home on a finding of PPD by Masipa and then been bullet proof.
Hi all.. Wow great news! I had stopped following this case because of my disgust with Masipa and her boy. But now her stupid verdict has been squashed! There's a fly in the ointment though: She will be the one re-sentencing Pistorius! Any ideas as to what Masipa might do to muck things up? Fifteen years minus one year for time served will be the absolute minimum, right? Lord please!
One of the great ironies of the case is that if OP had just admitted to direct intent to kill in the trial like he was supposed to, he probably would have got home on a finding of PPD by Masipa and then been bullet proof.

Yes, quite possibly. It certainly gave the State some ammunition going forward.

Although it may still have been held on Appeal that he couldn't possibly have believed he was entitled to fire.

IMO, they were certain that he deliberately killed Reeva and were determined that, as far as their remit permitted it, they weren't going to suck up his lies.
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